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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Haha, wow...this topic was kinda dead..now 4 posts in a day...


    It looks really cool!

    just 10 minutes? wow, I wouldn't make it so fast  :P


    Do you have some intentions to make some other things with this space ship, like a trailler or a short movie?


    Yup, 10 minutes. It's more simple than you might think.


    Actually, I'm still just playing around with C4d, and I haven't done anything with animation yet...I doubt I'll be doing anything like that anytime soon, unfortunately. That would be kinda cool though.


    not bad now work on the detail and it will look cooler


    Heh, yeah, I know it's a little plain for a spaceship...was mainly just testing out different stuff.


    Do you think Blender is good? I think making a 3D Model is difficult... And what's your computer specs in making that kind of graphic?


    Um...I've never used Blender, but 3d models can be difficult, depending on what you want to make and how much detail you want to put in it.


    My specs are really crappy at the moment, (hence the long render time on most of my stuff...):

    Pentium II 350MHz

    384 RAM

    64MB Radeon 9100

    Windows XP Pro


    And I guess that's all that matters for graphics, right?

  2. HmmZ, took me a while to see the animation :P - I was just looking and saw the eyes move or something - creepy, until I realised it was a tear.


    As you said the leg just looks a bit funny there, although if you think about it, it's infact quite feasible, and in terms of width, I don't think it's too large. Try to get some different colours in there though, it's seeming a bit monotone. Make the text more of a feature, this sig could do with some fancy font, making it more of a feature, rather than just being there. The border isn't sitting too tight with me either - it's probably just me, but I like to try and have borders somewhat even on all sides.


    All in all though, it's getting there :P


    Yeah...all that...the animation, although a good idea, is kinda weird...and the text needs to be a little more detailed...also, I don't really like how the sig goes from bright brushing to dark so suddenly...looks weird...

  3. Problem with PNG is that IE can't (or at least used to) see the transperancies. I have a feeling it may have been updated...

    But I have to agree, the settings are much easier, and don't have the screwy edges you sometimes get with GIFs. I do know some people who are great with their GIF matte settings though, and you'd swear it was a PNG - just goes to show it can be done.


    Another reason for the long list of why IE sucks hardcore. :P

  4. hi there..well your images looks great..well i have a question though..what is image ready used for??i mean i think photoshop can basically take care of everything right??i have image ready and i never really used it...can you tell me the purpose of the software so maybe im missing something out really good out of it.. thanks :P


    Imageready is an animation studio, which works alongside Photoshop.

  5. Wow, big improvement...well done. But there are still a few minor flaws with the renders. You can still see part of the white box of the render. You were supposed to delete that before you dragged the render onto the sig. And it still looks like you are dragging your brushes. You should try clicking here and there instead. And a border is a must have. Look for a tutorial on pixel borders


    Phyre got most of it. Try better colors, or more of them, as well.

  6. i like that last one but i don't like how the picture is stickingout of the sig. ad second one is awesome to. wish i could make those kind of bakgrounds :P


    Heh, I only made the first two, the rest are gifts to me.


    The secret, my friend, is good brushing technique. Not using too much, not using too little, not using the wrong kind, so on... I still have flaws now and then though, believe me.

  7. Quite nice Johnny. I don't particuarly go for the text, somehow, hard to pinpoint what, maybe the font.


    I like how the background looks like some sort of land mass, and the abstract feature in the middle really works with the render. Great stuff.


    Thanks. I know about the text...for some reason very few of my fonts would "fit", and that one seemed best...I still see it as kinda iffy too though. Thanks again for your detailed comments though CF. Now if everyone would do that... :P

  8. Not too bad in general. One big tip - don't bevel everything in your graphics, it generally gives a cheap/n00bish impression. The font you chose, generally doesn't look too good with that kind of bevel, though some do. Same with outer glows. Don't have it on default on everything; play around with the colours and size.


    Try some brushing as well - DeviantArt has a good range :P


    Also play with text "effects", like italics, lower caps, underline, etc etc. and the warps as well...those sometimes give some flavor to my sigs...

  9. I'm guessing that thing in the middle is a glare? Though it looks cool, its an odd shape :P Nothing for me to complain about, so  i'd say it looks good... And of course......YAY FOR BLUE!


    Actually, that thing in the middle is just a glowy vector thingy. I thought it looked cool. :P


    Thanks though. I appreciate the comments.




    Try to avoid short responses.

    I specifically asked to avoid short replies because one, it helps nobody, really, and two, a one word post is really unacceptable here at T17 anyway.


    But thank you, for your interest.

  10. Well I did a search here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acthighlite=render

    and found this link: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23293-some-websites-that-have-free-and-great-renders-right-thur/


    I suggest you do a search before asking especially for something as popular as render's


    Thank you Klass.


    Peter, make sure you search for topics already made about things before you make a new one, otherwise we end up with multiple topics for the same thing, which is really unnecessary.

  11. bow down to the sig god well at least on this site MUHAHAHAHA

    hey johnny question the light effect the sigs i see on gamerenders got some kickning lighting effects how would i pull it off


    Heh, keep trying, you guys will beat me eventually...(Which brings up something...we should have battles, or maybe a tournament! That'd be fun... Not to brag, but I think me and Cool Freaker might make a nice championship match. He knows a lot more about sigs than I do...)


    About the light effect, do you mean how it looks glassy?


    it looks good i liek the glare effect you've used on the sig and the background looks really good with the render you've used, i'd give it eight out of ten also



  12. yeah...looks nice as before from your professional works.

    i donot know who he is or from which cartoon show, :P

    but i know your present sig which is Terry who comes from the famouse NEOGEO game King of Fighters made by SNK.


    good works,give you 8 of 10.


    Heh, thanks. (I dunno where he's from either...:P)
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