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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. My favorite brushes are Jashin's (Jashykins is my idol in sigs :unsure:)
    His brushes can be found here:

    Those are probably the best you can get for grunge and abstract. For tech the best is wurklash:

    Another good brush designer is Destiny952...Destiny has like 67 brushsets now...which is a LOT:

    Also, you can look up Metal-CX and DOOM. Those are good brushes as well, but I'm not sure where exactly they're located. Metal has some sweet sparkle brushes, and DOOM has a lot of great grunge brushes, but they're pretty much all around. Most brush designers are. ^-^

    For renders, Mike's pack is REALLY good. Nicely categorized, and lots to choose from. Probably the easiest way out there to get nice renders.

    I'm also gonna be trying to make my own renders(I have a few already) and brushes soon, so keep a lookout for those. I'll try to make them top notch. I just have to learn HOW to make my own brushes though. =/

    Also, when I get some free time, those tutorials will be coming, and that should help a lot of you guys get on the right track for sig design.

  2. Ooh, very nice. The only problem I can find is the pixel font looks the wrong size, or has anti-aliasing on, which makes it look blurry or whatever.Anyway, nice color, blending, render, bg, and I'm loving that font you used for Mat's name. One of your best, no doubt.And I have the strongest urge to throw one of my vector moon shapes on there. X.x

  3. Hm...yeah...SM got much of it...I think Sonic is like, transparent, so you can see the bg through his head...that's a bit of a nono. Not sure what happened with the white spots on him, but that should be fixed as well.One of your better ones, but still needs work. Keep trying buddy.

  4. A 1px around the font would look too cheap and it wouldn't suit unless it''s in that bricky colour your using.

    btw whats wrong with stripes? I love stripes.


    This is a good sig, and you don't really need to change anything because whats there is mean to be, right? It looks perfect to me and it all pieces together well.


    Actually, I'm pretty sure they meant around the sig itself. Makes it look more clean cut. But apparently it already has one, so all's well. ^-^


    I would like a batman begins signature. Will it have my name on it so people can know that it is my signature?


    It's not very polite to just assume someone will make you a sig. Ask nicely, and you may get one.


    Just for a gift from johnny he is always giving out sigs for free.  Also I think that Saint Michael is also starting to give them out.  So jus ask one of the two, and I am sure taht they would be willing to give you one when they have the time.


    Meh. I don't give sigs to people if they ask me...I've been reducing my gifts lately anyway. I do have a few more additions to my list though...should be getting those out sometime soon.

  5. Well, here's what I can tell you...


    First off, I may be the only current college student to reply to this thread so far, so you'll get a new viewpoint on your debate.


    I'm now a junior in college, and I remember those days back in highschool like it was yesterday, yet it's been so long.  The thing that really gets me though is this, and I don't want to offend all of the highschoolers here because this won't apply to everyone, but I look at the kids in highschool today and I wonder, (Darn, was I that freakin' immature back then???).  You ask if the girls will be different in college, and the answer is yes.  But, in fact, you as well will be different, and you won't even notice it at first.


    Trust me, the highschool years are special times, and actually, I would do just about anything to go back in time and live the experience again for a day or two.  That's just it though, a DAY OR TWO.  The best years are ahead of you my friend.


    I don't think I got to my main point in replying to this.  I think I should maybe make it just a little clearer for all of you - enjoy life.  Take it one day at a time.  Don't stress out about things so much.  I had many friends who were girls, but I never had a girlfriend in high school.  In fact, I never wanted a girlfriend in highschool.  The only mature part about me back then was the fact that I realized that having a girl during those years was a waste of time and money, because in the end we all move on to college and whatnot, and from there you begin a new life.  So I say to you now don't worry about getting a girl, don't worry about everyone else having one.  Be yourself and things will turn for the better, and if not, everything changes when you go to college.  Everyone is new and looking for a friend, and the girls realize their new long distance relationship isn't worth it, so BANG!, lots of women will be there for the taking...but for now develop a likeable personality and get some confidence, geez, girls don't want guys who call themselves a "loser", so delete that from your vocabulary.


    Cherish the moments you have at this point in your life.  You're in the beginning stage of what I think are the best years of one's life.  Live life, be what you want to be, do what you want to do, and enjoy the ride...


    Hm...puts things in a new light. Good points in there. I'll keep that advice in mind. Guess you should do the same Zach.


    Also, previously mentioned girl shed some new light on my situation as well. Changed things up a bit.


    Basically she told me I need to stop being so quiet and lonely all the time. Share my feelings, thoughts, problems. Be more open and social.


    So I think I'll work on my own life for now, instead of flipping out over a girl that'll still be around for a few more years...


    And if it's meant to be, it'll happen eventually, right? :unsure:


    So yeah, I'm feeling a lot better today. Renewed confidence and direction, I s'pose. ^-^

  6. Haha, Mike, there's such a thing as "splashes". You had one yourself, member? :unsure:Anyway, looks pretty nice, but maybe throw an all black layer set on overlay on top, so it darkens it up a bit. Could use a border, as they said, and the text looks good, just not too sure about the placement.Anyway, nice job. The bg looks pretty good.

  7. Okay, instead of doing those tutorials, I've been being kinda lazy lately (playing a lot of dreamcast)...but somehow I still managed to make a bunch of new sigs...X.x


    Some I'm not too proud of...been in somewhat of a block lately.



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    So, rate/comment/criticize. And I'm sorry I've been lazy with the tutorials...I keep forgetting...I'm gonna try to get to them tomorrow. Remind me.

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