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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Woohoo! New comments! ^-^


    They're all very good, and better than I can do, I think they're almost perfect, but here are some comments on each one.


    1 - The grunge look is great, I love how the render is blended so well with the whole signature. The shapes are well rendered, too, did you use the shape tools for those?


    2 - It's not the best of the ones I see out here, but it's still mighty fine. I think spiderman is just a little too bright and discolored, and the background is kind of iffy.


    3 - The blurred effect is great, but the text is too opaque. I can barely see it, and at first I thought it said Whyme lol.


    4 - Awesome. The color looks so great with this whole signature. The render blends perfectly into the background and I love the whole faded blue color. The txt looks very good here, the "Psycho" looks likes it's trying to cling to the ball.


    5 - Very original one, the eye looks pretty good in comparison to the signature, and I like the simple look, things don't always have to be advanced.


    6 - There's something that just doesn't look right and I can't figure it out. Maybe it's the blank space? I really like that font, may I ask what the name of it is?


    7 - I think you've shown us this one before, I like the little face render inext to your name, and the confetti strigs hanging around or whatever they are >.<


    8 - The grunge backgorund looks great on this!! The render doesn't really compliment it though, the edges are just a little too shiny. I don't think I really like those lines going through the signature and right  under the text either.


    9 - Very nice effect! I think you should do a tutorial on how to create one of those.


    10 - The moment I saw this I laughed. America...bleep yeah, come again to save the mother bleepin' day yeah... I enjoy how the border changes colors while going across, and the background is good (maybe the same concept as signature 9?)


    Very very good Johnny, keep them coming.


    1. Nothing but elliptical marquee and the paint bucket. ^-^


    2. Meh. Started out as an idea of him swinging in front of a brick wall, but somehow I got the idea to add graffiti Spidey to the wall. :D


    3. Thankies. How'd you manage whyme though? :D


    4. The ball would be a planet, but thanks. :unsure:


    5. Thanks. Simplistic is good every now and then. :D


    6. It probably is the blank space...that's what people've said on other sites...the font is called Babylon 5. (Yes, the same font from the show. :D)


    7. Ah. I think I showed you the yellow one...it was a bit different and upside down, but basically the same thing.


    8. Hm...thanks for pointing that stuff out.


    9. Heh, I might be able to, if I can figure out how exactly I did it in the first place. I think it was like grunge brushing, then zoomed radial blur, then coloring... don't remember though, it was a quickie. :P


    10. Thanks, and the backgrounds a little different...this one's just grunge brushing, basically, and the other one was a zoomy blur. Same effect though, really.


    Anyways, thanks. I appreciate the all the comments. ^-^

  2. My favorite one out of all of those is #4. In #1, i like the way the hair blends into the background. #5 isnt spiced up like the others, unless you were going for that. For #3, i can barely see the text "johnny".


    Heh, thankies. For #5 I was just going for a simplistic sig...nothing too fancy that time. And #3, well, for some odd reason I like hiding my text. I dunno if you guys can notice but on #2, on the graffiti, the "spider sense" is actually my name. I thought that was nifty. :unsure:


    1,4,6,8,9 awesome. I love the whole 'grunge' kind of texture thing going on. I'm not so keen on some of the others, because they look blocky.


    and HEY! "wow, that's better than anything i can do" is MY thing.. Lol.. I say it all the time. man.. the shame.. the shame.


    You are really good in actually matching the text, theme, colour and the elements go together. It actually all suits and goes well.


    number 10 is kind of scary and freaking me out. Is it something from that weird doll film that's out? because they scare me real bad.


    the best one has to be 8 because i love the texure and the sort  glow on the image. i like the color aswell its 'golden'


    Lol, thank you, but I don't really think I'm great at matching stuff...it just seems to piece together...


    #10 is from Team America. It's really funny, you should see it. :D


    #8 is one that I actually rushed...I dunno how it came out good, but I like it as well.


    Anyway, thanks to both of you. I appreciate every comment I get. ^-^

  3. I wore mine for only like a week the screws fell out and I lost the lens.. I haven't been to the opticians for over 5 years probably... I don't even know if I need them or not..


    love sucks... *sighs* why was the whole thing invented...I know there's bound to be someone out there nerdy and answer me back.. but oh well..


    Love was invented to be the greatest thing in the world. Unfortunately for us it has quite a few negative side effects. :unsure:

  4. u gotta have confidence man, when ur talking to a girl or getting ready to ask her out dont really think to much...who cares what ur friends might say or if she might turn u down or something, even if something bad happens it will blow over in no time...and also the comedy factor is extremly important(forgot who brought it up) but if ur good at making people laugh it can come in handy...lets say shes really sad some day if u can make her laugh and briten her day it will make her like u a lott more...


    Heh, true, and I guess I'm not really that lacking in confidence..I mean, I'm usually pretty forward with girls about my feelings for them. O.o


    And yeah, comedy's a biggy for me. ^-^

  5. Here's some new sigs. I don't think you've seen any of them, or at least most of them, but there may be a few you've already seen.



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    10. (My 4th of July sig)

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    Rate/comment/criticize, and try to comment on them individually, instead of "oh, they're all doodie", or "I like 1, 2 and 7, the best.", or "wow, that's better than anything I can do."

  6. I like this guy and I've only known him like since secondary school started.

    I really hated him before but as the years progressed I'm getting more and more attracted to him and well my friend likes him too and I'm suppose to 'set them up' and I just feel so guilty and I don't know why. I've tried to help her and done everything she wanted me to do but it feels like a lie. heh. And I even like them both so much that if he does like her I will seriously try to help them just to see em happy.

    He's not even good looking.One of those O.K looking typical geeks.


    Um....can't help you here...that's one of those sticky situations....I don't do sticky situations. :P


    I say go with whatever you feel is right, Becca.


    I totally agree... Imma girl so I do understand these... Very nice and informative! Hehe! This is gonna be handy for all the girls *couhgLADIEScough* like me! :D


    Notice from Becca:
    Sorted out the posts for you :D Smile!


    Dirka dirka. Mmmk. Sounds good. ^-^


    hey, john..

    yap your tips look good :D .. but till now i never have a success in dating any girls.. too bad! perhaps, i have met as such you metioned but my bad that i couldnt realize that "what was going on?" :D have you got any tips for guys? :D

    anyway, your tips are more toward to girls.. so i will use it to quote in my related community.. i hope you will allow me.. again..nice tip thks..


    Not quite sure what you mean there, but about tips for guys, I really don't know what girls want, so I can't tell guys what they should do. If I did know what girls wanted, I'd be much better off in my relationships. :D


    Usually when I read advice I think its crap because it seems like that's the crap that happens in movies. But, Johnny, you hit everything right on the nail with this advice. In all the good advice, I would have to say number two stuck out the most for me. Before we dated I turned my current boyfriend down more times then the fingers on my hands, I finally told him why I wouldn't date him, he was too childish. :unsure:  Now I can't say he's 100% mature now but he has been working on it.  :D


    Hehe, see? We do try. ^-^

  7. O.o well, for the past two months or so I've been hanging out with this girl (Who's totally amazing. I'm talking greatest girl in the world, and not just in looks.) and supposedly we're best friends and all this stuff, and we've gone on a few dates here and there but um....yeah, I just found out she's had a boyfriend for a couple weeks now.I mean, isn't that the kind of stuff that happens in like...third grade? JEEZ. :unsure: So yeah, I'm kinda torn up about that, and she's been avoiding me for like a week now...just about to call it quits. :D

  8. This is quite incorrect. Just because the majority of people have bad aftermath, doesn't mean that everybody does. I'm still friends with one of my Ex's. all we did was work out what went wrong, forgot that anything ever happened, and stayed as friends.


    But can you honestly say it's the same as before though? I mean, I don't think I could just pretend like a relationship, good or bad, never happened. O.o

  9. First of all I cracked up about the geek thing. And yeah popular pretty girls do not want ANYTHING to do with the internet besides those cruddy cyber chat rooms and MSN. PFT What a life. Most have never even heard of the world wide web outside of the MSN world.

    It doesn't just go for girls but for boys aswell. If they aren't on msn their on those dirty websites looking at you know whatsits.


    I don't know if you would classify me as a girl, I've got all the bits and bobs but I'm worse than a boy. I'm more rough I burp louder fart louder.. speak my mind wayyyy too much for my own good. It isn't really my fault I mean my mum's so freaky.. she doesn't even shave her armpits, I mean for heavens sake nearly all the women in the world (who have the access) shave or wax their armpits..sorry for sharing that minging info with you lot btw...


    Anyways I swear quite a few girls visit here?


    I'd consider you a girl. O.o


    That mom thing is a bit weird though. :unsure:

  10. I remember once this guy asked me out. I guess I gave out the wrong messages or something because I certainly was not interesting in that annoying thing. He text me twice asking me out, whilst I was having fun on holiday, not to mention it was at 4am and woke me up.

    I got to school and he came towards me and I was like oh *BLEEP* and ran into the toilet and wouldn't come out.


    Can I just say there is nothing wrong with guys wearing glasses. I think it's kind of cute. And just because you look geeky doesn't mean people don't like you and you wont get girls.


    I laugh at everyone's dafts jokes as much as they laugh at mine. And well I laugh at my friend's crap jokes, their girls, not like I fancy them or anything.. I guess it's kind of polite.


    I remmeber once when I was in year 4 these two boys gave me valentines cards and I ripped it up right infront of their faces..lol. they were so thick they get the message and kept trying to grab me and kiss me. It was terrible you know. I ended up crying at the end. I was like only like 7 or 8.


    =/ That sucks...sorry to hear that Becca.


    (I'm guessing year 4 is around 3rd grade for Americans? O.o)


    I think girls look hotter with glasses than without...I dunno why.


    I also think I look hotter with mine, but maybe I'm a little biased there. :unsure:

  11. the best way to flirt is to BE FUNNY.  Nothing is sexier than someone who is funny.  Sense of humour is always the best thing a person can have because it will mean you are a fun person to hang around with.


    You can be the best looking person around but with no sense of humor, I'll be people will be bored with you after a while.


    I have a sense of humor...a good one...or at least, most people seem to think so. But I never get dates...so I dunno...that one seems to fall a little short. :unsure:


    Flirting comes naturally anyways. Unless you don't talk, then there's nothing being said to actually be flirty.

    I don't know if I give the wrong vibes.. because I treat all the guys the same but some, being stupid and all, think I fancy them heh.


    Becca, I just can't get over how you're in England, and you say things like "fancy." It's just funny. ^-^ Anyway, you're right. Flirting comes naturally, and you can't flirt if you don't talk.


    Very true, but I thought that some women thinks that the sexiest characteristic is confidence. I don't know, but I read it somewhere online....


    I'm a little lacking in that department...maybe that's my downfall. O.o

  12. Alrighty commented on them at NOS, and I'm too lazy to retype it, so I'll just copy it.


    "Sorry bro...it looks like you rushed them, and they came out pretty sad...some are pretty good, but just not inter material. Why's my name on one of them though?



    Posted Image


    That would have to be the best of all of them. Best of ALL your stuff, actually. Text and underline need work though."


    BTW, to all you non-designer people, NOS is a new graphics forum we're on, and inter is short for intermediate, the middle of the three graphics ranks. I'm not even called intermediate material there, so you can kinda tell what level of designing it is.

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