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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. If you're making company logos, you have to keep in mind that they will appear not just on a website, but on printed material too. For that reason, multi-tonal, blended backgrounds like you've got there don't really work (ie it's not gonna look very good as a letterhead). Think about all the most well-known company logos and they're almost always made up of areas of single, continuous colour; not so much blends or gradients.


    Well, I think he's not really starting a -company-, per se, but more of just a graphics site, maybe for a profit here and there. I highly doubt he's ready for an actual big business...


    No offense Hmmz.

  2. ive got sbc too. its okay. i had some major problems when i first got it and was making a serious search to switch to something else but the problems have gone away and im sticking with it for a bit longer.




    What! There's flood control now. (Or maybe there was before and never noticed).


    Anway, I'm posting twice cos I've just noticed with the board's new skin that you can't tell a link's a link unless you rollover it like I made CoolArchive above. ^


    I don't think us mods get flood control. I haven't seen it in a long time...that skin is gone, btw. The links show up on this one (which I happen to like a ton more.)

  3. i like the second one better. i like how it has more color. i dont usually like just plain black/white/grey backgrounds. on the color one i dont really like the curved thing on the top (the thing that is not in the one with the non-colored background). the text looks nice and it goes well with the picture. overall it looks pretty good. nice job.


    Thanks for the detailed comments. Like Phyre said, the white thing is supposed to be a glass effect.


    The curved thing is a glossy highlight. And I have no clue what saint_mike was talking about either...I was waiting for one of you guys to translate it...


    Psh, translate Saint Mike? You've gotta be kidding. :P

  4. Nice logo and very little to complain about it. All i would say is make the words a little easier to see by either reducing the light in the top right corner and or reducing the light coming out of the S. Besides that, its awesome and needs little improvement


    What he said. And good luck with that company. There's BILLIONS of people out there trying to do the same thing. It's tough, believe me.

  5. There's a few problems that I see.


    1) You can see some of the edges of the white and red bars, and I think thats sort of annoying.

    Posted Image


    2) You're really starting to like that highlight thing huh? I saw make it a bit bigger so that it goes a little bit lower. maybe down to his ear. I think it looks better that way.

    Posted Image


    And maybe a bit more feathering on the render itself? Other then that, looks great. :P


    Hrmph. Thanks for pointing some stuff out. (I'm probably too lazy to fix it though. O.o)



    yeah i just posted my sig i should get my butt ream from then if im lucky enough to get a response but since i have those 1600+ screw them HAHAHAHAHA


    What the heck are you talking about?

  6. I'm not a fan of anime (probably because it's my brother's favorite  :P ) but I like it! 


    P.S. I sort of got jealous with all of you out there who show off your sigs so here's my first signature creation (this should probably be in another post but... :P )  Do you see it?  The render is from an Alias website and the brushes from deviantart.com.  So? ...  :(


    @leiaah -- yupyup. Like CF said, needs a few minor touches here and there, but overall, awesome start.

  7. If you're gonna go for DSL, I say try out http://www.dslextreme.com/ cheapest prices i've seen.


    As for tutorials, I prefer Good-Tutorials for photoshop, because it mainly focuses on Adobe products and updates more often. Pixel2Life is good for 3D modelling and such as well.


    Lookie there...what's Terry Bogart doing here? King of Fighters > Street Fighter :P


    Yeah, GT is good for Photoshop, but P2L is better for the whole package.


    (New sig. I'll post a topic about it in a sec.)

  8. Johnny, how many fonts do you have?? I see you use a different font for each sig each time. It's crazy. :P


    Where do you go for tutorials? Good Tutorials and pixel2life?

    Too bad I can't look at all tutorials...espcially not those that use extensive images to document their every move. Takes forever to load on 56K. :P


    Yes. I have lots and lots of fonts. But often times I use the same ones, just with different styles (lower caps, for example, or outline, or whatever.)


    Yeah, I go to GT, P2L, and Gamerenders. (Gamerenders has freakin' everything man. :()


    You should get cable/dsl. It's teh sex.

  9. Looks pretty nice, the only things I could point out is the font for Phyre, like you said, and fixing the render up a bit. Otherwise, looks pretty nice to me.Oh, if his right shoulder stuck out it might look a little better as well...maybe.Good sig though. 8/10 on what you have now.(That's kinda funny, because at lunch today a friend was talking about Appleseed, it's funny that just after I heard about it I'd see a sig for it. :P)

  10. Don't think we've seen any of these apart from the first one Johnny. Certainly are getting better, though I don't know whether they're all in "order" :P


    Anyway, I personally liked were 1,2,3,9 (Similar to your faves)..

    1 - Think I've commented before, only thing is the font, which could be changed, and pixel text size isn't quite right.


    2 - I'm a Gundam Fan, so yeah :( - I like how the text is like on a tag, and the brushing is quite good. Maybe showing a bit more of the render, and a bit more of it's colour would be good.


    3 - Anime renders tend to sometimes look not very sharp. Apart from that, good use of the Chinese character, and cherry blossom? Background is good too - complex enough, but not overwhelming the render/character.


    9 - Nice colours, the red stands out. Text font is well chosen, well coloured, well placed. The brushing works, but the edges of the render look a bit rough. I guess the light patch up top works too (keep forgetting what it's called).


    I felt 4 and 5 were a bit too monotone, and 6/7, the brushing contrasted too much, giving a bit of a pixellated effect. 8... is interesting - I think with a bit more work (brushing perhaps?), it could look better :P.


    WOOHOO! I love your comments Cool Freaker. Thanks. GO GUNDAMMM! (I'll keep that in mind for when I get around to making your gift sig... ^-^)


    Oooh...whats that font you're using in 6 and 7?


    My favorites are 1, 2, and 9. As Freaker said, you went a little overboard on the brushing on 6 and 7, so it looks a bit pixellated. 8 is just...ugh...doesn't look too good...5 and 4 are indeed monotone and boring, but the brushing is really good on 9.


    6 and 7 have the font Broken74, I'm pretty sure. Thanks for the comments.


    (It's funny, cause you guys give really different suggestions than the guys at GameRenders sometimes, but it's still useful. Kudos. ^-^)

  11. Have to agree with you Johnny, the gift sigs look better, and Frozen's is the best :P

    I think it's because the orange and blue make a good contrast, the render is very suitable - with the hair being a soft grey, and the render itself is not too sharp and not too blurred. The orange abstract feature seems to work well with the clear bubble on top, and gives it a bit of a tech look. Maybe a more contemporary background - ie something more bold/defined, may work better?


    Flipn0tic - brushing is alright, like the text, but not the subtext. Grunge probably just isn't my thing.


    Girly - I don't really go for the diagonal scanlines, and I don't like the text particuarly, perhaps get rid of the shadow, or change font.


    Sephiroth - bit too monotone for my tastes, don't really go for the text, nor the bit of brushing in the background.


    Leprechaun - a lot of stars :(, good use of pixel stretch. I like the text on it - nice semi reflection.


    Eternity - don't go for the contrast bar, it stands out a little too much. The sides of the sig are a bit boring also.


    Beaverel - looks good, maybe make the text more visible/not so opaque, maybe just a little too much tech brushing.


    But dang, these are good Johnny :P


    Wow, thanks for the detailed response. Definitely stuff to keep in mind next time.


    i like that beaverelfeater the best and the girly one isn't the bad either. i liekt hose 2 the best.




    Like wow! Those are awesome! I like Flips one because I dunno, first one I saw I guess.

    HOw do you get a kinda i dunno sand paper texture freaker in your sig? I have a texture but I over use it and need something new


    Thanks Becca! ^-^
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