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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. And yet if someone goes into relationships expecting nothing serious to come from it are they really even looking for a serious relationship to begin with? 


    And it may be that there could've been a serious relationship but it never stood a chance because it was instantly treated as a commonplace thing.  It's like abortion, the baby might've been a wonderful person but was never even given the chance to grow. 


    Another thing, if you're not expecting a relationship to be serious in the first place why are you messing around with it?  I guess that's at the core of all this.  What is the purpose of seeking non-serious relationships and what does it say about a person's motives in dating?


    Haha, I always like your replies jzy. They always seem to be exactly right. :unsure:

  2. I was reading threw the words you posted, and some of the questions popped in to my head

    Why is it so difficult to accept the truth that you are the owner of a relationship? After all, you initially saw something that you wanted, took steps to obtain it, and then made a decision to keep it in your life. Sounds like a possession to me. But theres something inherently more complex about a marriage or long-term committed relationship that makes it harder to quantify. Perhaps its because there is no definite point when you actually "buy" a relationship. Maybe it has something to do with the notion of love and romance, as most of us get caught up in the notion that we "share" a special relationship and it would appear greedy to claim ownership. But whatever the reason, I have run across few people who enthusiastically embrace the idea of seeing themselves as an owner. Its easier to just let it happen and hope for a good result. Avoiding the thought that you are responsible for the relationship also lets you avoid accepting the blame when something goes seriously wrong.

    Being an owner also carries with it the responsibility of learning about your product. Unfortunately, you probably have never read a set of instructions that accompany your life relationships. The reason is simple there is no instructional manual that covers all of the various situations that you will encounter as you put together your own relationship!

    If you are lucky, you and your partner basically agree on the same set of instructions and the relationship works for many years. If you are not so lucky, you both attempt to construct the relationship in very different ways, and it breaks down. It then either has to be fixed or thrown on the scrap pile as unusable.


    The way you see it as an "object", seems a little odd, but here's my standpoint....


    I, personally, feel responsible for most things in my relationships. In pretty much every relationship I've been in, a lot of the problems seem to come from something I did. So now, I just naturally assume everything's my fault. That's foolish, of course, because I could be doing everything right, and she could do something to mess things up, but I just feel if I take all the responsibility, there's nobody to blame but myself.


    And..gr...lost my train of thought...got old school rap playing...kinda distracted me. :unsure:


    Basically, what I'm saying is, if I blame myself for everything, I never wrongly accuse someone, I never hurt anyone but myself, and it never really seems to cause conflicts.


    It's like back when you were little, and a bully would pick on you. If you just let him do it, you won't stir up EXTRA trouble.


    Bah...not good at explaining everything that flies around in my head...I'll just leave it there. You guys can discuss or help me find where I'm going with this or whatever.

  3. Aside from the question of whether it is right or wrong, I agree with you CK, love itself is a guideline here.  Love does not harm others, and how can someone say they love someone if they knowingly do that which they know within will hurt that person? 


    Do they really think that the other person won't mind a special bond or what bond could be there being broken by bringing others into it?  And if you do act like that is there really any level of commitment or bond there to be broken anyway?


    What I'm saying is, if the other person doesn't care how their partner acts with others, is there really any commitment or devotion there of which they can be jealous about?  If they are nonchalant about the whole thing how much do you think they really care about you?  Do you really think they find you irreplaceable or just an "item" which brings them pleasure just as some other "item" is nothing more then a pleasure-bringer as well?


    DINGDINGDING! We have a winner!


    You hit it perfectly. :unsure:

  4. No friends?  You should find yourself a good Bible study or youth group  :D


    Oh, and I think very young children can probably get away with calling women older than them without fear of death or dismemberment  :P


    As for SN, do you think Sunkist already got to him or is he on the lam?  :D


    Meh...I'm currently atheist...a few friends of mine are trying to help me become christian again, but meh...that's another story. But...eh...I dunno.


    and the majority of guys who use the internet are hot ?? .... LOL ... well my "experience" would suggest otherwise

    I suspect you're quite young in which case I wouldn't worry too much about having "true" friends just now


    Posted Image


    I resent that too. I find myself to be quite hot. (Actually, no, no I don't. O.o)


    I don't think being 17 (senior in HS) is "quite young"...is it?


    And yes, one of my gifts is making girls laugh.


    He also has the gift of stealing all the reported posts before I can get to them. Makes me feel useless as a mod around here. X.x


    I'd say the guys who go online mainly wear glasses, not because they are geeky.. but because of computer.


    I actually don't NEED mine at all, they just help a bit. O.o


    HAHAHA x'D! ur so mean! but well thanks for the advice Johny =D i was forever thinking guys don't care of what a girl feels

    i totally love guys with glasses :P and i rather prefer a geeky guy (well.. maybe a 30-40% geek =S) than the typicall popullar, athletic guy who has lot's of girls, and his attitude s0x!


    hmm and speaking of the ages im almost "fairly" young :D


    I prefer BEING a geeky guy. :D

    It has it's benefits in lots of places...other than being social and in relationships and such. :unsure:

  5. Alrighty... I think the order's pretty set...I'll move render effects up a bit, and move some of the less popular (pixel stretch, split text) ones down a bit. I'm gonna go back to sleep for a few hours, cause I have a killer headache, but when I get back up I should be starting on them.Unless I'm being lazy. =/IM me later or something to remind me.

  6. There's been a report of over 40 deaths and 300 injuries. Supposedly this was a threat to the G8 meetings in Scotland, where 8 world leaders, including Bush, are having peace talks.Apparently it was caused by a previously known group called the "Secret Organization Group of al Qaeda of Jihad in Europe".Oh, and it happened at about 10AM London (GMT) time, which is about 2AM here (Pacific). I just woke up like 10 minutes ago, so this is all news to me as well.

  7. dont rush.. ull ezly get bored. lol

    AA is walking on a road, an angel came and told him this: (walk down this road without turning around, pick up the largest rock u can see, you can onli pick up 1 rock once and i will give u gold according to the size of the rock). As AA was walking down the road, he sees a big rock, but he figured he will get a bigger one later, so he kept on walking, utill the end, the angel came bak, and in AA's hand, was a little rock. Angel doesnt know why, so AA said: "This is the last rock i see...i saw a big rock but i past it...." So angel smiled and say: (THIS IS LOVE)


    I highly doubt I could ever get bored with this girl...she's nothing short of everything. :D


    I don't get the joke story thing though...it was a joke, right? :unsure:

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