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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Oooh! It looks nice. I like the sparly lightning. By the way, who's the dude in the picture? I alway seem to be clueless when it comes to the characters you place on sigs....


    Heh, the guy's name is Bison. He's from Street Fighter. Big boss dude with crazy powers to light up and hurt people. :D


    EDIT: Oh, and I'm glad you like it n such. :unsure:

  2. One of your best? I'd say so. I think the blue should be a bit darker though...but it's probably just me again...I like the darker colors of the spectrum..bright colors gimme headaches >.<


    Heh, thanks, and sorry, I love bright colors. In the shows/movies he usually has bright purple "Psycho power", which I had on there originally, but that was too bright, so I lowered the brightness and changed it to blue. O.o

  3. I've quoted all things i would like to see a tutorial on. The ones i didnt put i already know how to do.


    As for brushing, will it include cg, digital art?

    As for "glass effect", will it include "cracked" glass (ie, bullet holes)?


    I meant brushing as in sig brushing. Grunge, abstract, tech, that kinda stuff.


    The glass effect was more along the lines of that highlight I have in my sig...cracked glass and bullet holes I might be able to do eventually, but I'd have to figure it out myself first. But that doesn't seem too hard. ^-^


    well i need the first 4




    i think the order is actually pretty good how it is. maybe start with the easier ones and then move more advanced. whatever people you think would use more go with first. i think render effects might be good to move up as most sigs include some sort of render, but keep the first four where they are.


    Alright, duly noted.


    Err.....displacement maps are kind of hard to explain...but don't worry about it, I've already figured it out :lol:


    Example: You can make a wavy picture, or a picture of a flag waving and fluttering in the air, and you want to put some text on it and have the text look like it is part of the flag. By using a displacement map, you basically [i guess] 'map' the text onto an uneven surface.


    Hm...still kinda not getting it, but sorta. But I guess you have it figured out, so I don't have to worry about it. :D


    Keep the votes coming. A day or two more and I'll get started.

    (GAWD, I've got so much WORK to do lately... :rolleyes: )

  4. As they said, it's much improved. I still see a lot of cut-off and abruptly ending brushes though. The text needs to be worked on still, and the border could be improved. Try playing around with the blending options and such for both the border and the text.


    [agree]. Lots of improvement there, just a few things that still need to be tweaked. Good job though Pete.

  5. You have some very good points there, well done! Congratulations on posting it too. There's so many of these message things out to guys, it's only fair there should be some for girls too. I think the first point is kinda hard though since girls can find it difficult to express their feelings and "making the first move" too. Still, you did a good job!


    Oh, and umm...I'm a girl... :rolleyes:


    Heh, alrighty. And I know it's hard for girls to make that first move. All I ask is that they show a little interest. :lol:

  6. Okay guys, as per my previous topic, I'm gonna be starting on tutorials sometime soon, but first, I want to give you guys a little more choice on which ones, and which ones I do first. I'm gonna post up a few of the basic ideas, and I'll get to more advanced stuff at a later time. Please look at the choices and rank your favorites. I'll take it from there and in a few days I'll get to starting on them.Coloring(which to use, how to use them.)Brushing(using them effectively, when to use which.)Text(when to use which, effects to use, positioning.)Borders(different types, how to use them.)These are a little advanced, but I'll throw them up there anyway.VectorsBlast Effects(laser beams, weapons fire, stuff like that.)"Glass effect"Pixel StretchSplit textEffective Pixel textRender effects(lighting, blending, placement)Displacement Maps(if Phyre can explain what that is.)And you guys can add to it, and I'll see about getting to it sometime.Have fun.

  7. I'm A LADYYYYYYYYY Let's Partyyyyyyyyy!!!




    I think you have very intersting points there....I know you have good intentions with this, but If a girl acts the way she does, I don't think she'll change just because of this...but hey, it's just a advice i know!


    you said:



    6. Don't flaunt -- Oh dear god, don't flaunt it. Yes, guys like hot girls. This is a fact. We like them very much. But we DON'T LIKE BIMBOS. Don't dress or act whorey just because you think it's sexy. Act yourself. Dress yourself. BE yourself. It's much more attractive. TRUST ME.



    I agree there ARE some girls who think boys will actually will be able to love her if she dresses like a *****. Now, I KNOW y'all don't like whores, and I hope some of those girls will see this thru cause a guy like you was so honest to actually admit boys only think those sexy girls are attractive for 1 night in their bed (but a girl like that asks for it).


    I think there are many lists about what a guy should do, and don't do, what girls hate or would like to see different about em. Very good you made one for us...hope those girlies you talk about and like to change listends to you advice (if you told her) okay....


    im out ::


    Haha, erm...thanks. :lol:


    If only girls would follow those! Life would be 60% easier on me if they did even half of those, it's too bad hardly anyone will read this or even follow it. If anyone follows this, great on you! If any of my ex's would've done these we'd have been together for a lot longer, but that didn't happen >.<


    Very good tips. :rolleyes:


    Heh, I know the feeling. Maybe we wouldn't get REJECTED so much if girls did this. :D


    (Sorry, had to do it. ^-^)

  8. snil is jealous cuz we didn't invite him to join in on the project  you want to help us next snil when and if we do one?


    yeah i like to keep it that way cuz due to my super powers of running really fast i would knock on his door and then hide :lol:


    I swear you sound like an 8 year old sometimes... :rolleyes: And don't say cuz. It's lame.


    nicely done

    nicely done

    wish i could make sigs like that


    Thanks, and you can. Just keep working at it.

  9. umm.. LADIES! Are you listening..


    As for as me, I agree with JhonnY. Clearly explains perfectly about the likes and dislikes of a guy. Well, A topic about girls in such a manner would be highly appreciated. And I would be much more interested :rolleyes:


    Hey, check that out. It's Opa. ^-^

    Anyway, don't think I can help you with the girl one, since, of course, I'm not a girl. I have no freakin clue what they want...if I did, the world would be a better place. :lol:


    I agree with you 100% Johnny (is that a first??? :D)

    But..... did anyone notice only guys have read and replied to this?


    It probably is a first, and yes, I noticed.


    That's because it's a fact of life. Girls, or at least good-looking ones, generally don't want anything to do with internet for some weird reason. Maybe they think it's a geek world, and they don't think geeks can please them. Who knows.


    And as for Johnny's advice...girls definately need to follow that, but too bad Xisto is not well known for dating, and not a lot of girls visit Xisto, so it's pretty much useless now.


    And Michael, how old are you?


    I'd like to make it clear that I've met some of the greatest girls in my life through the internet, thank you. Hot girls use the internet, trust me. They're just rare. The reason we don't have many girls here could be due to the fact that we didn't have a dating board until now. :(


    well im not telling you my age it would spoil the surprise snil. 


    but im going to let you all on a little secret watch the movies called revenge of the nerds and you will see my point.


    but would it go more deeper like hot looking rich girls don't like the internet unless they pop out a video ***cough*** paris ***cough***  hilton ***cough***


    ooh a comment on #4 instead of leaving, it should be more like taken him to court and taken all his money and stuff or getting the new jock boyfriend and beating the snot out of him B) B).


    hmm i did notice that its mostly guys on this topic and i know about 20-30 people that are girls on this site. meh im still working out my problems with my currently girlfriend.


    ***waits for the surprised reaction***


    no ok


    another golden rule if you going to yell and scream and se every known word in the english dictionary keep it down cuz im trying to sleep B).


    Saint Mike, what are you talking about!? I swear I don't understand a single one of your posts.... X.x

  10. Quite nice, but why combine both of your names? you can make uniques ones for both...


    It was a collaboration project. We both worked on it, so we both put our names on it.


    its an okay sig but not the best ive seen. the brushes coming out from the bottom center look pretty good with the render. but i do not really like the background as much. i dont think the colors blend very well with the render. the text is okay but im not sure i completely like the crescent things by the text.


    Meh. Didn't want a monotone sig. I think the green and purple contrast nicely anyway. But yeah, I don't really like the crescents either...I have no idea why I added them. :rolleyes:


    Ralphie's right, the colors of  the background and the colors of the render don't match. Maybe try a purplish-blue to green gradient on the render, from top to bottom


    Gradient? EW. :lol:


    Johnny came to your house, and you both worked on it???


    Wait. Or did you come to Johnny's house, and you both worked on it? Because you're using the first person plural "us"....


    No, I did parts, then uploaded it to my site, then he did some more then uploaded, then I finished it up. I have no idea where Saint Michael lives and he has no idea where I live. And I'd like to keep it that way. :D

  11. You're totally right, everyone has a different opinion on how people look, what they like. That was a little stereotypical and I kinda-sorta regret saying it now that I look over it.


    Yeah, but the "essence" of that thought is still there. Regardless of if people admit it, physical attraction does play a role. It just plays a bigger role for some people than others, and some people are physically attracted to different things.

  12. hey johnny stop looking at my girlfriend with that drolling look on your face.


    Saint Mike, WHAT girlfriend? :rolleyes:


    OMG i totally agree with u...if that was wat would happen....it would be muchhhhhhh better then not saying anything..


    That's what I'M saying...jeezus.


    I'm detecting a little frustration here, Johnny. Lady troubles?


    NO, THANK YOU! (Actually, yeah, kinda. X.x)


    hi Johnny,


    you just spoke my heart.... totally agree to all the points...

    lets c what is the reaction of the gals around here.... anyone listening..(oops.. i mean reading...).




    ^-^ 'ndeed.

  13. Don't really need an explanation, do I? Here's my advice to women.1. Take initiative -- Don't wait for guys to make the first move. A "real" guy WILL resist temptations (hugging, kissing, asking out for a date, even sex) unless he's fairly sure it's okay with you. If you don't show a little interest, and let him know you feel the same way, you'll most likely always be stuck in stalemate, and never know what could have been.2. Be open -- Share your feelings. You may think guys don't care about what women feel, but we do. Believe me, it pisses us off more when you lock us out. If you're feeling bad, don't be afraid to show it, or talk to a guy about it. Guys would rather have someone to love and take care of than someone who bottles up emotions and feelings. It's fake.3. Give back -- Sure, guys should do most of the giving in a relationship. It's only natural. But the girl should also do a few things here and there to show that they care. Give him an extra kiss for no reason. Ask HIM on a date. My personal favorite, bring him his favorite food sometime (Jack in the box is mine, all you would-be Johnny's girls. :rolleyes:) He'll appreciate it a lot more than you might imagine.4. Relax -- Don't stress. If you're having problems with the relationship, talk it out. A "real" guy will be willing to discuss matters and come to a compromise. He'll have nothing to *BLEEP* about if you just tell him what the problem is. Don't just stew in your own anger and just finally decide to leave one day.5. Be you -- Don't be fake. No real guy wants another blonde-haired blue-eyed clone. A guy wants a special girl. One that's different from every other. A unique girl. The most appealing girls are the ones who act themselves and speak their mind.6. Don't flaunt -- Oh dear god, don't flaunt it. Yes, guys like hot girls. This is a fact. We like them very much. But we DON'T LIKE BIMBOS. Don't dress or act whorey just because you think it's sexy. Act yourself. Dress yourself. BE yourself. It's much more attractive. TRUST ME.7. Look around -- Sometimes you may not notice it, but there could be a really great guy under your nose, but he's being masked by the superfluous filters you build up. Don't be afraid to be with a guy just because he's not the best looking, or the most athletic, or can eat the most Peeps on Easter. Take a look. One guy you overlooked before, could actually be really into you, and you never gave him the benefit of the doubt. Worst case scenario is that you at least try to give him a chance, and if he's not up to the task, let him know. Nobody's perfect.And that's it, for the most part.*deep, thunderous voice* DISCUSS!

  14. I agree with almost everything you said especially the rejection comment but there was one of the four tip to ask out a girl i completely disagree with.

    I thought this was very cliche and is not necessary true since every girl has their own taste. Some girls like nerdy guys and glasses are not necessarily a bad thing. Finally, the four ways to tell if a girl likes you is kinda only if you are in high school. At college you can tell if they want to hang out after a party, if they put their hand on your leg, etc. Overall good tips


    Perfect. ^-^


    Those are pretty basic, as there's a HELLUVA LOT more to dating, but meh. :rolleyes:

  15. It's mighty fine, but there are some things that you could change to make it better.


    1. Find a new font, Base02 is wayyyy overused.


    2. Those lines seem out of place; maybe make it more opaque and jagid?


    3. Why is the box there? It kind of messes up the whole thing if it's just a darkened box.


    4. And finally, the little circles on the bottom are messed up, it would look better with 100% circularity and renderization (is that a word?)


    Have fun with my constructive critisicm!


    Basically what he said. My biggest problems are the plain white lines and the vast blank space. Also, you may want to move the box/text down a little more toward the center.


    The box is for info on the links, Phyre said.


    (BTW -- Neither of those are words.)

  16. I have never had a girlfriend but I have been rejected. And I felt bad for that cause I really liked her. Never try to really like a girl a lot if you ain't going out. Cause if she rejects you it is prolly just as bad as her breaking up with you. I know it is but eventually I got over it.


    Well, that really falls back to "use common sense- don't get your hopes up." You should never become too "into" a girl, if you're not sure about how she feels about you. If she's not feeling you the same way, chances are your heart's gonna get stomped on.
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