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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. @Mike -- O.o you can create brushes with any PS...and I think the price for 7 and CS(8) are the same. Dunno specifics though...@Mystic -- Hm...you must not be too familiar with PS huh? I've met quite a few people who preferred PSP over PS, but after showing them how to use a lot of the features of PS, they were instantly in love with it. I used to be the same too. I used to have Fireworks and Photoshop, but use solely Fireworks. But eventually I taught myself to use Photoshop and I shudder at the thought of going back to simplistic Fireworks. :PAnyway, renders are just images...you can use them anywhere. You can use even them in MSPaint, if you want.
  2. @Nguyen -- Heh, that's the secret to sigs. Well, one of them. The whole bg doesn't have to be filled. ^-^@biscuitrat -- Saint Mike? Classy? Same sentence?Might wanna rephrase that. :Pj/k Mike.
  3. That guy would be Carnage. He's from Spiderman...he like...transforms. Well, not really transforms, he just...I dunno...he's like...goop. XDAnd he's red...so, I can see how you'd think he looks like lava. ^-^
  4. No. B)Get your own. It wouldn't be hard. Just find a picture of the moon, and go to elliptical marquee and cut out the circle.
  5. Haha, no, I didn't mean more brushing, I meant like...less render. Smaller, I mean.
  6. Lol. You're only 13 Mike. 13. Remember that. 13.Not 23. XD
  7. Heh...I'll try one sometime B)EDIT: Nvm, that's a sorry render in the first place. I won't bother.
  8. Heh, it's not really altering...some people just happen to rerender old stuff, or redo an old one with a better cut.
  9. It's a little dropdown box...set it to none.(At least it is in PSCS...dunno about other versions though.)
  10. Haha, you made too many sigs at once.Trust me, just start a sig one day, then finish it the next day when your brains functioning differently and you have new ideas. Just do it over long periods of time, so you can accumulate ideas, instead of doing the sig all at once, because then your brain doesn't get a chance to "reset". Get me?
  11. O.o No, at the top there's an antialiasing menu, it says none, (forgot the second one), crisp, strong, smooth. They basically blend the edges of the font so they don't look so choppy, but for pixel font, anti-aliasing ruins the "crispness". If you get what I mean.
  12. That text font could still be better though. But the color of it would look great, if the car were above the grid and the same color as the text. That'd be hot. :PSee, it's not really about making just a sig. It's about making something that'll make people say WOW.
  13. Very good grammar for no opposable thumbs. :PYeah, 17 may be fairly young, but there's nothing wrong with that, is there? I'd rather be fairly young, than a "fossil", as you put it Milovoriel. ^-^I think "friends" are defined differently between or ages though. A friend to me is someone to hang out with and talk to, share things with, have a shoulder to "cry on" (But I don't cry. Like ever. Seriously. ).I think for you it's more of "I've known you forever and a half, and we're like brothers/sisters."I dunno though. The ways of old(er) people are a mystery to me.
  14. Hm...good question. I think if I have a perfect girl, I haven't met her yet. I think it's more of a "people lower their expectations, and it SEEMS like they end up with the perfect one" type deal. Dunno though.
  15. If he is trying a sig race, I could beat him easily, and with better sigs. B)This one's pretty sweet, nice choice of font, but make the text less gray and more red. (As a side note, Mike, have you noticed you have 70% warning? )
  16. Oh jeez, Mike, that would look so cool if the render were above the grids and the text were better. The color stands out way too much and the font doesn't fit.But very nice job on the rest of it.
  17. Pixel Font = No antialiasing. Or it turns out blurry like that. X.xOtherwise, nice job, just don't put the text in wolvie's mouth. >.<
  18. The new one is a little too dark, and the color choice could be better. Not sure about that font etiher. =/
  19. Oh, whoops, I meant "or it has anti-aliasing on". Thanks for that CF.
  20. And occasionally there are two of the same render, rendered by different people. That would be slightly difficult to explain.
  21. Haha, suggesting that Mike has no life?(I agree.)
  22. Bro, you can make a render fit with any color. Trust me.
  23. Yeah, I was wondering about that hilt there...that's the only odd part I see.
  24. Haha, trust me, I've seen that folder Mike. Some interesting ones in there.
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