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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Okay, instead of doing those tutorials, I've been being kinda lazy lately (playing a lot of dreamcast)...but somehow I still managed to make a bunch of new sigs...X.x Some I'm not too proud of...been in somewhat of a block lately. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. So, rate/comment/criticize. And I'm sorry I've been lazy with the tutorials...I keep forgetting...I'm gonna try to get to them tomorrow. Remind me.
  2. Fixed that problem for you, and the sig looks good, but the image looks a little disproportioned. O.o
  3. [agree]And the render looks pretty low-quality. Sorry dude. Keep at it.
  4. Haha, I always like your replies jzy. They always seem to be exactly right.
  5. The way you see it as an "object", seems a little odd, but here's my standpoint.... I, personally, feel responsible for most things in my relationships. In pretty much every relationship I've been in, a lot of the problems seem to come from something I did. So now, I just naturally assume everything's my fault. That's foolish, of course, because I could be doing everything right, and she could do something to mess things up, but I just feel if I take all the responsibility, there's nobody to blame but myself. And..gr...lost my train of thought...got old school rap playing...kinda distracted me. Basically, what I'm saying is, if I blame myself for everything, I never wrongly accuse someone, I never hurt anyone but myself, and it never really seems to cause conflicts. It's like back when you were little, and a bully would pick on you. If you just let him do it, you won't stir up EXTRA trouble. Bah...not good at explaining everything that flies around in my head...I'll just leave it there. You guys can discuss or help me find where I'm going with this or whatever.
  6. Meh...I'm currently atheist...a few friends of mine are trying to help me become christian again, but meh...that's another story. But...eh...I dunno. I resent that too. I find myself to be quite hot. (Actually, no, no I don't. O.o) I don't think being 17 (senior in HS) is "quite young"...is it? He also has the gift of stealing all the reported posts before I can get to them. Makes me feel useless as a mod around here. X.x I actually don't NEED mine at all, they just help a bit. O.o I prefer BEING a geeky guy. It has it's benefits in lots of places...other than being social and in relationships and such.
  7. Yeah...um....rip down the banner and make a new one...it doesn't really flow with the rest of the template like, at all. (Which, btw, needs a smoother gradient on lotsa places.) =/Also, that pixel text looks way wrong...it shouldn't be blurry at all.Contact and staff look um....odd too.But, the rest of it looks nice. Sorry to rip you up like that.
  8. Looks good to me...I actually like the warning stripes. Nice brushing, and it looks pretty good overall. Does it have a border? O.o
  9. Yeah, I don't like the white outline on....well, everything. O.o
  10. Nguyen, (yes, I'm gonna refer to you by your last name FOREVER), you never ever say to a woman "you're much older than me". Ever. You will die bro. And it's okay, I don't have friends either. I have people I talk to on occasion, but no true friends. You're not alone bro.
  11. Use the [quote] and [/quote] tags around whatever you're quoting. If you use [quote=] and put a name after the = sign, it'll show who the quote is from. Theres also options for date and time, but meh...whatever. And don't feel insulted. Nguyen's odd sometimes. ^-^
  12. Hm...guess Buffalo didn't like it too much. Alrighty, guess I'll know what to do next time.
  13. There's now a hotline for people worried about relatives in England:"The number is 0870 1566 344."The US also raised it's terror and alerrt levels on rails and subways but not the airlines...which is stupid. -.-
  14. Alrighty... I think the order's pretty set...I'll move render effects up a bit, and move some of the less popular (pixel stretch, split text) ones down a bit. I'm gonna go back to sleep for a few hours, cause I have a killer headache, but when I get back up I should be starting on them.Unless I'm being lazy. =/IM me later or something to remind me.
  15. There's been a report of over 40 deaths and 300 injuries. Supposedly this was a threat to the G8 meetings in Scotland, where 8 world leaders, including Bush, are having peace talks.Apparently it was caused by a previously known group called the "Secret Organization Group of al Qaeda of Jihad in Europe".Oh, and it happened at about 10AM London (GMT) time, which is about 2AM here (Pacific). I just woke up like 10 minutes ago, so this is all news to me as well.
  16. Okay, I asked some other staffies, and they said it should be fine as it shows fair warning beforehand and it's linked offsite. The question is still open to admins, so if they feel it needs to be removed, they may do so.Sorry if any of the members are offended, but there was fair warning, so you yourself did it.
  17. [agree] And Mike, what the freak is Xcitem?
  18. Hm...the blood on the cloth looks very realistic, but the blood on the wall seems odd...something about the lighting, I think.Anyway, nice job, although I'm not quite sure if this is allowed...I'll have to ask some of the other staffies.
  19. I highly doubt I could ever get bored with this girl...she's nothing short of everything. I don't get the joke story thing though...it was a joke, right?
  20. Work it out. That's a VERY VERY VERY small problem. If he can't work that out, he's not worth the relationship, IMO. Nothing that trivial should cause that much hassle.
  21. Mike, that's what I'm talking about bro. That's one of your best so far. The flow/text/blending/render/etc etc. is all nice, except the color. It's a bit monotone.Otherwise, great job. Keep that up. ^-^
  22. Man Mike, that sig would be way rad, if the focus was on the Punisher and not his logo on the side. I mean, it looks cool, but he's small and blurry while the logo is BIG, bright, opaque, and orange.Also, the text could use work... =/But, other than that, nice job. Nice background.
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