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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. I'm using PSCS. Some people prefer PS7 better, but I have no idea why. I like CS just fine though. I'd suggest avoiding custom filters...most are useless, and you can do tons of stuff with just defaults. The only thing I recommend getting are brushes and renders.
  2. Guess you got that figured out, but no you don't. B)Not bad Mike. The bg isn't showing very much, but at least it's not monotone. :PNice job.
  3. Lol, rejected, thanks for the advice, but my name has two n's, not two h's. :unsure:Where in Texas did you move?
  4. Hm...forgot j-erk gets bleeped out here.Whipping boy? >.<
  5. My favorite brushes are Jashin's (Jashykins is my idol in sigs ) His brushes can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Those are probably the best you can get for grunge and abstract. For tech the best is wurklash: http://wurklash.deviantart.com/ Another good brush designer is Destiny952...Destiny has like 67 brushsets now...which is a LOT: http://destiny952.deviantart.com/ Also, you can look up Metal-CX and DOOM. Those are good brushes as well, but I'm not sure where exactly they're located. Metal has some sweet sparkle brushes, and DOOM has a lot of great grunge brushes, but they're pretty much all around. Most brush designers are. ^-^ For renders, Mike's pack is REALLY good. Nicely categorized, and lots to choose from. Probably the easiest way out there to get nice renders. I'm also gonna be trying to make my own renders(I have a few already) and brushes soon, so keep a lookout for those. I'll try to make them top notch. I just have to learn HOW to make my own brushes though. =/ Also, when I get some free time, those tutorials will be coming, and that should help a lot of you guys get on the right track for sig design.
  6. Lol, it's very doubtful that that one's appropriate for T17, but nice job on the sig Mike.
  7. Hm...pixel font's the wrong size, or has anti-aliasing off. Otherwise, not bad buddy. And yeah, that one part of the border's odd though.
  8. Oooh, nice job Mike. I can see improvements that could be made, but definitely not bad. Another one of your better ones, by far.The text fits VERY well on this one, btw.But darnit, I have Becca on my gift sig list...I wanted to give her one first.
  9. Ooh, very nice. The only problem I can find is the pixel font looks the wrong size, or has anti-aliasing on, which makes it look blurry or whatever.Anyway, nice color, blending, render, bg, and I'm loving that font you used for Mat's name. One of your best, no doubt.And I have the strongest urge to throw one of my vector moon shapes on there. X.x
  10. Um...yeah...SM, this is one of your least impressive ones bro. Don't like the text, color(s), render(s), or bg. I wouldn't expect BH to wear it.Sorry bro. You can do a lot better.
  11. Hm...yeah...SM got much of it...I think Sonic is like, transparent, so you can see the bg through his head...that's a bit of a nono. Not sure what happened with the white spots on him, but that should be fixed as well.One of your better ones, but still needs work. Keep trying buddy.
  12. Freaky much. The lightning looks a little pixellated and the text doesn't seem to fit (needs a better font and a smaller stroke), but otherwise nice.(Man, I'm starting to sound like a *BLEEP* with all these comments bro...I think being around all the pros at NOS has me more critical about sigs.)
  13. The graffiti font doesn't fit, and the color's a bit monotone, but otherwise, very nice Mike. The bg looks good.
  14. Heh, nice job Mike. I'll be grabbing that soon.@Phyre -- Mike keeps the "rendered by" tags on the renders that have them. So most of the renders have jesse_boi, or blood, or whatever on them. If not, nobody bothered to tag them in the first place. All mine are tagged though. ^-^
  15. Actually, I'm pretty sure they meant around the sig itself. Makes it look more clean cut. But apparently it already has one, so all's well. ^-^ It's not very polite to just assume someone will make you a sig. Ask nicely, and you may get one. Meh. I don't give sigs to people if they ask me...I've been reducing my gifts lately anyway. I do have a few more additions to my list though...should be getting those out sometime soon.
  16. Hm...now that I look a little more closely, the lighting of the pill seems a little off. Like if a light were shining at that angle, it would produce a different-looking highlight. But it's not that obvious. Nothing to worry about.@Cerb -- "How deep the rabbit hole goes". Lol. Not sure if anyone else caught that, but I thought it was hilarious.
  17. Lol, I see it. The color's monotone, and the font doesn't fit. Very nice otherwise though SM. Just fix his name.
  18. Ermm....don't like the text, and the patterns are way too repetitive. The color's pretty monotone as well.Also, people like simplistic wallpapers. There's a little too much going on in that one.Nice try, but honestly, I wouldn't use it as my wallpaper.But, that's not saying much, because all I use for wallpapers is my own material. Usually my 3d renders.
  19. Wow, Mike, the color on that is like, bad... and there's way too many points of interest. It has me looking ALL over the place.And I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be "Like Rock?":unsure:Sorry alexia, I'm out on this one.
  20. Hm...the scanlines/border could be better, different, or nonexistant (well, the scanlines), but it's alright. The color/text are okay. Don't like that stroke thing going on with the render though.Not bad though SM. One of your better ones.
  21. Hm...puts things in a new light. Good points in there. I'll keep that advice in mind. Guess you should do the same Zach. Also, previously mentioned girl shed some new light on my situation as well. Changed things up a bit. Basically she told me I need to stop being so quiet and lonely all the time. Share my feelings, thoughts, problems. Be more open and social. So I think I'll work on my own life for now, instead of flipping out over a girl that'll still be around for a few more years... And if it's meant to be, it'll happen eventually, right? So yeah, I'm feeling a lot better today. Renewed confidence and direction, I s'pose. ^-^
  22. Haha, Mike, there's such a thing as "splashes". You had one yourself, member? :unsure:Anyway, looks pretty nice, but maybe throw an all black layer set on overlay on top, so it darkens it up a bit. Could use a border, as they said, and the text looks good, just not too sure about the placement.Anyway, nice job. The bg looks pretty good.
  23. Hm...other than the lettering, I can't find anything wrong with it. ^-^Might wanna use a transparent BG though.
  24. Hey, check that out....I'm always getting a hard time. I guess I'm doing a good job then.
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