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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. I would've thought Johnny would be on there for sure, what with the whole..."menace to life, the universe, and everything"...thing, he's got going on...
  2. Weapons Training - You are born with the natural ability to accurately fire/proficiently wield any weapon you receive ingame.
  3. Oh...I didn't know there was a name for that. I'm more of a "folded-sticky-note" kinda guy. Not a problem friend. Just avoid those lame ones...some people think they're hot stuff when they find out how to make a circle without using the ellipse tool. Sure it's different...doesn't mean it's better/faster/easier though. And yeah...I know how it is. I get sick of Photoshop really quickly...I think you have to be a photographer to enjoy messing with photoshop for hours and hours on end. I don't get photographers. o_o Mike, you do know that most people usually don't run around holding flames to paper, right? <3
  4. [Let's slide this back on topic. No worries though Yume, you're good. Or evil, whatever floats your boat.] Everybody but you knows you're gonna save the world - Why is it that everyone and their momma is somehow equipped to help you in some way shape or form? And not only that, you usually have to do one [or several] of the aforementioned Over-complicated Sidequests in order to receive whatever item/ability/service you need from them. "Yeah, I know the world is going to blow up if I don't give you this packet of ex-lax, but could you run over to my grandma's and feed her chickens first? I mean...I'm against dying as much as the next guy, but she'll be kinda pissed at me if the chickens don't get fed." Like your grandma won't be seriously peeved when she finds out she and her chickens are dead because you didn't fork over a packet of laxatives.
  5. Gotcha. I don't know an exact place to find the right tutorial for you, but I'd suggest searching around http://www.pixel2life.com/ (first choice) or http://www.good-tutorials.com/, they have a large amount of photoshop tuts to look through, and if there's a tutorial you need, they'd probably have it first. Not sure what you mean by dog-eared... o_o? Anyway, good luck, hope you find what you're looking for. (And by the way. Welcome to T17. I'm sure it's really similar to Xisto, so you should feel somewhat at home here, but if you need anything, feel free to pm the best staff member in town. Actually that'd be BuffaloHELP or OpaQue. But they're busy guys, so feel free to pm the next best thing. Actually that'd be jlhaslip or Saint_Michael. Just pm me if you need anything. )
  6. That's pretty good paper actually. Doesn't have to be perfect unless that's all that's going to be in the "picture", which I doubt is the case, because paper's pretty boring by itself.Only thing I would point out is that the paper seems to be transparent...when I think of old paper I wouldn't imagine it being see through at all. More solid with a yellowy tinge on the edges, I'd say.Nice job, btw.
  7. Cliches, not glitches. Although I can see the misconception. True, true, true, and lol, true. There are some exceptions to that. The most popular I s'pose would be Vincent Valentine. He wears black [and red], and being a [vampire?] I'm sure he loves the night. Someone from Grandia 2 comes to mind as well, can't think of who though. LOL. Silly wolves. I prefer those types of systems as well...crafting gives me something to do when I'm bored with chopping up aforementioned wolves. But then again...it's also not very realistic to be tailoring leather jackets in the midst of saving the world. Although a good set of equipment would help. lol @ the last statement too. Another one: Identical monsters -- It's just not very convincing when every third villager in Resident Evil 4 is Farmer Juan's identical twin. I'm sure inbreeding is a viable option in small mind-controlled villages in western Europe, but that's taking it a bit too far, no?
  8. Well, I think the toughest boss of anything would have to be in a MMORPG, since most of them have bosses that require whole raids to beat.Toughest boss for a single player game though -- Nick Bruiser from Super Punchout.
  9. Interesting topic. Well, "my" site has been a LOT of different things, from a pokemon info site to a phantasy star online clan, but I guess I can just start from when I joined t17. When I joined I originally planned to make a gaming forum [hence the name plusone.trap17.com, sort of like 1up] but I got bored with that because nobody was interested. Then I turned it into a blog, to talk about random stuff in my life. Then I got into graphics design [one of the major reasons I am staff/was admin here on Xisto] and wanted to do a graphics forum, but that idea quickly died out. So I then added a sort of gallery to my blog to show off all my sigs and such. I bought a domain [and got 5 .info for free with it] somewhere during that time, so the new address is brooksrockett.com [brooks rockett being my name] Just recently, three or four days ago, I remodeled my site, and now the main section is still a blog [although I haven't had time to post anything substantial] with some contact information, and there's a new flash-based portfolio section behind that to serve as a gallery and a potential "resume". I think this is the way it's going to stay for a while [aside from a few visual changes], unless I find something a little more fitting. Personally I'd rather still have the portfolio as a part of the blog, but the flash-based portfolio looks and feels much nicer, has better effects, and music that stays on while you're looking through the images.
  10. Nothing is a wasted effort, as far as graphics goes.
  11. Biskie! <3[Jimmy, if Biskie makes one, you're in good hands. She's pro as far as templating goes. ]
  12. By the forum above, do you mean the Xisto banner? o_o
  13. Notice from Johnny: Topic closed, requests for warez and other illegal software is not allowed at Xisto.
  14. It's been out for almost 2 years now, I think. I was pretty good at one point, then I got bored and quit. Anybody wanna buy my account?
  15. Post the original so we can see what you did. <3
  16. Johnny

    Kidnapped Domain?

    I'm seeing the same thing, and judging by the domain name, I'm guessing that's what your original site is supposed to be? o.o
  17. Okay, here's the deal. My new portfolio system has my sigs located in a really deep directory: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/<signame.jpg> I want to set up a subdirectory [sigs] so that I can just go to: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/<signame.jpg> And be able to view the same image. I'm sure that it's somehow possible through cPanel, but I'm having a tough time figuring it out. Also, the domain brooksrockett.com is one that's parked on my Xisto site, and my cPanel actually shows plusone.trap17.com. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. If anyone can tell me what I can do, it'd be greatly appreciated.
  18. Okay, seems it needs to go down just a little, and the performance is okay. Sounds good.Side notes:-I'll check out dialup-Yes, Forget it is a cool song.-Did anyone get to the next song (or others), if so, do any of those seem louder? I'm not sure if it's just that song or the whole system.Also, does anyone have any other suggestions for good songs to use? I just have kind of random stuff there right now (testing purposes), but if there's something better you could suggest, that'd be great. Keep in mind that it is a graphics portfolio, and the song should suit it.
  19. Well, for one, "Navigation" is spelled wrong on that one.But as for the actual design, I think it's a bit too blocky. No offense to anyone, but it seems like a plain geocities-style template, which won't exactly appeal to potential "clients" or what have you.The text is kind of plain, and it looks like it varies slightly between the three headers (SecondLife, Navigation, News) Also, the copyright at the bottom looks like a button, which doesn't exactly flow with the rest of the page, which is flat (not in a bad way, flat sites are great)The edges of the "template area" should have a border or something if the background is going to be non-white, since currently it kind of cuts straight from greyish to white.ANYWAY, I'll stop there since I feel like I might be cutting some people down, which I really don't mean to do.If I have time I might make a [very] rough outline later on, but I'm kinda busy all day, so still no guarantees.
  20. Interesting topic. I agree with what JaVe, serverph and Cool Freaker have said. There are a lot of emotional reasons why you would dislike being frozen, and very few for wanting to be.Sure, there would be new stuff, but I mean, what difference is that? Instead of Pentium 4 processors we have Pentium 444. Sure, it's faster, but in that time period I'm sure it's just part of the everyday routine.The other reason would be to live longer, but what's the point in that? For all that time that you're frozen, it would be as if you were dead anyway, and you'll still have the same life span when you unfreeze, unless of course medicine has advanced to full on regeneration, or even reincarnation. But none of your other friends would be alive at that point, so there's not much point in thatAnd then there's the issue of what if something goes wrong? You're a goner. Sure, you'll go in your sleep, but that's not very reassuring.I just see a lot of cons and not many pros. I personally wouldn't do it.
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