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Everything posted by varalu

  1. please reset my password.Thanks. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Sent new password.
  2. Great, I am rally happy that i went through this thread.I was under the assumption that there was some problem from my side and i was souble checking my passwords and stuffs. I even typed it very slowly once to make sure i am typing the right thing. But still no luck.I am not able to access the site space via ftp also. It spits some error - I mean authentication failed. So...Now i am happy that this is global and nothing has to be done from my side. It would be great, if something comes up so soon to get this resolved. ;)Thanks all.
  3. I basically have some problems in accessing xWindow applications(SAS and nedit in particular) in the server. i get "Cannot open display" when i try to access nedit and other applications. I did some findings on this and thought this might be of some help to you. But I was not able to zero in on the problem yet. The problem I guess, is the remote not able to enable the display to the server. The display settings has to be set properly in the remote machine. Commands I tried setenv DISPLAY <server-name:display port> xhost + DISPLAY=gl5705rk02:10.0 But nothing worked out. Some of the workarounds also need root access. So was not able to try them. It would be great, if someone can help me out. Links http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://hints.macworld.com/ http://fixunix.com/xwindows/92020-exceed-cant-open-display.html http://help.ece.gatech.edu/ Thanks.
  4. this is quite funny. I do not understand exactly what you mean by free food. If i take the meaning literally, i should say free food is not possible. Its always what you want is what you get and free food is definitely not in that list. Everything gets reciprocated sir. So free food is out of question.
  5. Ya.. this is very interesting. But its not as easy as it seems t0 be.Subscribers are not so easy to find unless and you upload some very good videos on a regular basis. Also, there must be lots of terms and conditions which you will have to follow. Else they will terminate it so easily. So do spend some time on that.If you are very sure of what you are doing.. go ahead and experiment it.
  6. This is so bad. This culture is spreading in so many parts of the world. I am in India and the number of cases where this is happening is lot more than the past decade. Definitely this is very bad in all senses. Governments and institutions should take responsibility in preventing this. Values has to be inculcated to students.
  7. Addiction is something where you want to do something and you do the opposite. You are not in control of what you do. This is applicable in your case. The more you try to become something else you become the opposite... But still its possible to come out of addiction with some effort...
  8. Yes it is. There are so many performance issues that has been resolved and it supports so many tabs. I am telling you this because, previously i firefox used to crash so many times when the number of tabs grows beyond a limit... Now thats not happening.
  9. It depends on your requirements... If you want a kids website up and running in a day or 2, frontpage will be the best option. Do not look for dreamweaver since it requires some sort of expertise knowledge to work on.... But if it is a professional website that you are building, Dreamweaver and related things should be your choice. So as i was telling you, it depends upon your requirements...
  10. I have seen people using it.. But exploring a computer is the assumption i take from you when you mean using the system. It was a windows 2000.. Pretty advanced OS i should say. I have a special liking towards that OS. Now i have hands on experience on the new and very old operating systems...
  11. Cool... favorite question i should say... I tend to get excited when people talk about games and Basketball in particular. :DI play Basketball. I have been playing this for some 10 years now.... i have been missing it for the past few weeks though... I am in bad shape now... . Planning to start playing soon. In search of people.I do play other games occasionally... from football, badminton and i run a lot. Occasional swimming too..
  12. Well you should stop worrying and start thinking about the plans as to what you are going to do about it... That will help you better than anything else. Its always possible that you will pass this hurdle... My only piece of advice (replace this with something else... I know it sounds weird.. I hate to advice people...) is not to put urself into such a situation in the future... You might never have to vent such things out in the future if you dont have one. Best wishes for things to turn out in favor of you...
  13. Funny question man.... I know a girl who likes men very short. I also know a girl who likes men who are like skyscrapers. I know few more girls who do not like men... Come on people... There is no one characteristics that makes you something... So... I am not an expert.. But if at all girls get attracted to tall men... Hell. i will go and push myself into a surgery and make myself taller.. LOL.
  14. i normally do not read big books. I stick to small stories, small books and lots and lots of newspapers and magazines. I do read some books after recommendations from lots of my friends. So... thats how things work till now..
  15. I do not believe it in as such.. But some of them are scientific... which even if i do not believe, i think its nice to have these things and so some things based on these. So, most of the time i tend to ignore all of them, but in cases where they are insisted by my family, i do not resists, but do it for the sake of doing it.
  16. Cool... I am sure Firefox 3 is going to be the next generation in the world of browsers. It is already !!!
  17. Paypal do not issue you email addresses, unless you are an employee of Paypal. So...its the email ID you use to register which you can pass on to others to pay you via paypal.
  18. Ya... Agreed.BUt Yahoo cannot be easily avoided with the big presence it has and the span of services it has...Guess what the biggest dis-advantage is?They come up with all the best things online... but they tend to lose control and provide continous upgrades and features and in the long run the product is lost.. Yahoo Photos (they were the firstto come up with this... but they did not add features), Briefcase (one of the best in online storage... but its still the same as was released in the beginning), Mail are few examples...Ok.. Now its in a bad state.. with all the fuzz happening around it. Lets see... I personally do not want the Internet Giant vanish so badly.
  19. NIce tutuorial. But the persion who wants to know about a website and start developing it will be deceived by your tutorial.. Possiblity.You should have taken some time to explain more about the basics and need for a website... Even doing it now will not harm though...
  20. I have been using Firefox in Vista for quite some time now... I know its not one of the best wortking softwares in Vista... It used to crash every few hours and before crashing the performance would degrade a lot.... Then i would know its time to close the browser and open it.But i also see this... Its not the case only with Firefox, Its the same case with every other software in Vista... I have used quite a lot of softwares in Vista... And i have seen performance degradationa and freq2uent crashes... So i think there will be some time you have to wait for all the glitches to get resolved and all of it to work properly in Vista.. May be few service packs or so...I also see this..1. The booting and shut down process in vista is very very bugging.. It consumes so much time...2. And i also noticed this... When the system resumes from a sleep, all softwares tend to behave so bad.. i mean very slow... I am not sure if this is a problem with my systems or some other stuff...
  21. Too much of anything is good for nothing... So... Its applicable to what your friends tells you...but i have never heard of this Hyper presence of Vitamin C will harm you.. You might have tio look for some proofs and consider...by the way... I see Oranges are very good for health. And i have never seen anyone complain about Oranges... Atleast i will not do... I am an Orange addict.
  22. Hi Guys.. I am not sure what is happening here... Do you still nedd invites?It has been a long time since Gmail has been opened for public and any one can open an account as easily as possible,,,So...no point in having so many invites... So if someone wants to open an account they are ready to go in the Gmail home page... So...Anyways... if you still want to be invited... let me know.. I will be very much hapy to send you an invite...
  23. yep.. it was good. I watched it yesterday... the second day it released in India... though the ticket was so costly. Pros 1. Picture 2. Graphics 3. storyline 4. the night view in the first few mins of the film were just awesome.. I like it... Cons 1. It was short.. . I wish i could have spent a few more hrs in the theater... 2. You will not understand if you have not watched the first part... or you have not read C S Lewis book... Which is not the case in Lord of the rings, which used to give you a small gist of what happened previously... Overall.. a very good movie and had some entertainment for the weekend. In a hurry... will post more on this later.
  24. water - nutrient?I doubt. I do not thing water has any essential nutrients... It does not have any energy giving particles in it.The only important thing that water does, is to facilitate all the metabolic activities that is taking place inside the body. If not for water every essential activity in the body will come to a standstill and will lead to death. so at any point of time, there should be a minimum amount of water that has to be present in the body...Keep in mind, blood is also half water.. so body is constituted with water in various forms... So water is indeed an essential part but that does not mean, it gives energy...oxygen from water? Possible.
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