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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Info abt Batch files Run Internet Explorer From Command Prompt Hi This is kiran, I am just wonder whether I can get some info abt how to create batch files wll I know bit about DOS but I am not familiar how to create batch files with the commands. Could you Please help me out? -reply by Kiran
  2. Death Practices Can There Be More Than One Universe? There can be more than One Universe, and when Humans on Earth use their High Tech Science fo Life instead of Death, we can make spaceships that can escape the Death of their Universe. Ever since Adam and Eve Sinned, and Human Death resulted, many religious, and non religious Death Practices, have been passed down, through all the Races, Countries and Religions. From cremation of a person on a bier, still practiced, to Cremation today, is the best Way to do away with a Dead Physical Body. Humans have used many good acres of land for the Dead, that 'do' return to GODs Elements After Death, whether on, or in the ground, or in water, in Urns, and today in space capsules rocketed from a High Flying Jet. No matter how Humans are disposed of, there are different rituals and memories for the Dead, and many memorial icons and Cemetery buildings erected, that take up Land area, that should be used for the Living. Do we really need these grave reminders, to remember the Dead? Why? What about all the people that burn up, or are drowned, and have no remains? Memorials are usually erected for them also. How does it make the Poor feel, when they cannot afford such a magnificent ceremony? There are many roadside memorials. Why? To remind us we are mortals searching for immorality? Immorality for Humans can only happen, when Humans reproduce Perfect Humans in a High Tech Womb, and with High Tech Regeneration, keep their Bodies and Minds Alive, in Perfect Human Bodies. Jesus is one example of this, and there may have been others in religious writings, 'taken to Heaven, Alive', like Jesus. We do have Regeneration High Tech Science, today. I have been put in a deep sleep like Adam, and have new parts or corrections to help me Live longer, so High Tech Regeneration, is already a part of our High Tech Society. Eternal Human Life, 'is' for High Tech Science Human Beings, on Planets and in Spaceships. The Dead return to GODs Elements. -reply by Dolores Lear
  3. How to control Sleep in night shift jobs Sleep Control Hi this is karthik 24 male . I got Job in night shift job. But iam getting sleep daily in working hours of night shift. I was sleeping morning 9.30 Am to 3.30pm. So Please give some tips to control my sleeping in my working hours of night shifts -reply by G Karthik
  4. The Pill Can There Be More Than One Universe? Many families are smaller because of the Pill. Since the Pill, and, not having sex during the females fertile period, the population of the World, went from 1 billion in 1900, to 7 billion in 2011. Females had found ways to use preventives for pregnancy, use abortion, and males withdrew. But in the last 100 years, with the Pill and all our ways to prevent pregnancy, Body Birth has resulted in 7-1 ratio of more humans. China put the limit of one child per family to try to control the population explosion, and Singapore has less than 2 children per couple, because the female uses abortion, instead of protection. Pro-Life Proponents of no premarital sex, and marital chastity to prevent so many children, does not seem to work, and neither does the Pill or male withdrawal. So what are Humans to do to control a Pleasure Sexual Revolution Population Explosion? Nuclear War? Our High Tech Ancestors, became Asexual, and Reproduced in a High Tech Lab, a Male and Female Asexual Clone Helpmeet, that Take Control and Care of the Life reproduced on their Planet. Is that the Way we are heading in our High Tech today? We do reproduce a fetus in the lab, without the sex act, and Know how to Clone Copies. Humans need to accepted that Earth was Colonized by Human Male and Female Asexual Clones, that reproduced Male and Female Clones, Adam and Eve, not Reproduced by Body Birth. We need to accept and understand about a High Tech Science Human Society, that has Eternal Physical Life After Birth. They do not do the sex act for pleasure or reproduction. This is what is called in religion, Life After Death in Heaven, where there is no marriage or Body Birth reproduction, Inequality, Inhumanity, Pain, Sorrow, Killing, War or Death. Cdc986 -reply by Dolores Lear = ------ Admin Reply ----------- Eternal Physical Life After Birth. -> Not Possible. Physical Life = Death is Inevitable. Sex is just a desire. Just like Money, Drugs etc. However, the science of Spirituality requires Wisdom and going above the domain of MIND. The Qualities we are talking here assume soo much of Love and Wisdom that the question of sex does not arrive. You cannot become HIGH TECH human by putting in a PLUG / Chip in brain. What will you do about Emotions? Lets not confuse the THEORY of "More than One Universe" on the topic of sex and culture-less evolution. -Shree (Xisto.com)
  5. How to send mail using gmail as a smtp server Php Send Mail Through Smtp Hi I tired a lot of scripts to send mail throug smtp and no one of them was working correctly. One of them sends mail to spam because there were no authentication. One of them worked cool but after sending 30-40 mail gave me an error Error: Language string failed to load: connect_host now I'm mixed up and really need a mail sender that it really work Thanks a lot Masoudmpour@yahoo.Com -reply by Bardiya
  6. Thanks. Are There Any Cheats For Sherwood Mmorpg This has made it's way pretty far up in Google, and it turns out it is useful. Except, of course, for the "Sherwood sucks" comments and such. The Cheat Engine information is very helpful, and I can now pot-hack and gold-hack. Thanks! -reply by Spaph
  7. I know where a few are two, in fact I know where all of them are! follow to this link, or typw it in!http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ by SSRisaFag
  8. Well..What do you expect from Jagex..My level 78 (1406 total, 98 wcing, santa...) just got perm banned for breaking rule 11. Basically I joking told someone to go to a porn site (I named the site, but didn't list it as a url) and then I got permenantly banned. So yea.. Idk what to do..Please email me with suggestions.. Odalisque050992@hotmail.Com-reply by pink050992
  10. Replying to mvs.EnForgot to mention... As others have said, TrueCrypt is the way to go... Real-Time secure encryption
  11. Replying to mvs.EnReplying to mvs.En Hiding items as numbers doesn't work well, for fun when I am on others computers or in public areas and people don't know how to protect their data properly I hunt... Lol for what? anything interesting. The easiest way to find videos (porn) on peoples computers is to use software that tells you where you are using most of your space (on the mac I use diskInventory X)... Porn and other videos pop up as big blocks of data even if the are named numbers or in an "invisible" folder... Those only work on the computer illiterate... Lol, you should see the things I have found!
  12. Firefox Sucks Firefox 3 Sucks - Time For Another Browser Replying to adenrake Couldn't agree more - bad interface and HUGE SECURITY HOLE - you can not erase your browsing history from the address bar. What BS. I'm checking out Opera and also went back to Firefox 2. Next look is Safari. Reminds me of MS Vista - lots of hype but worse than it's predecessor.
  13. Oh my God! I don't usually reply to forums but this ones amazing. Ive bin trying to get ma gif to high quality for my myspace for the last like 3 days and most of today. Converters and many other programs cudnt do it. And you did so easily.! amazing-reply by daniel
  14. Replying to tamer hosnyhello TAMER,assalam o alaikum.I'm a great fan of urs,a blind fan actually.I'm not arab,I don't even know arabic language at all.But still I listen to your songs with great interest.I collect the lyrics of your songs from internet,then I translate them using goole or yahoo dictionary.I love your voice.I don't like you coz you sing well,but I listen to your songz only coz I LOVE you.I know I'm mad girl and my wordz will never reach to you.You'll never know that a girl lives in bangladesh,far away from egypt,but still loves you just as a person,not bcoz your a singer or actor.But miracle happens.If ALLAH nakes such miracle and you ever read these words of mine,that'd be the meaning of my life,like my dream comes true.Will this dream of mine ever come true TAMER???SANNA LOVES you A LOT.I LOVE you TAMER.Bye.Allah hafiz.Sanna-reply by sanna hosny
  15. f disk my hp pavilion laptop ... can it be done Will Using Fdisk Corrupt Windows Partition? My laptop is full of files and games I do not want or need anymore...And it runs really slow..Not to mention the entire memory is almost used...And I want to f disk this computer like ive done before on my pc. Can it be done and now do I do it. I'm running windows vista with a 90g hard drive. -question by friskeygrl
  16. My idea A Hard Question On Islam Asalam Alaikum, I believe that in this world women are not objects of men but God knows what is in the hearts of man, so in heaven he rewards them of something close to what is known as women. God knows that a great muslim who has prohibited himself from adultery or playing with women, deserves something close to it in Heaven. Its like telling a child they cant go out and play until they have finished their food. This world is a test. I hope I have helped. -reply by samar ---------------------------------- Admin opinion - Only a MAN/WOMEN who has TRULY loved without desires or expecting 0 in return.. and continues to love even now.. can be an object, his wife, mom, a person, an animal ..anything. can realize the meaning or the essence of Islam and even this debate -shree
  17. Avoid Yahoo, Melbourne, Domains Are Free, ZoneEdit, & other "deals" Cheap Domain Collection The other posters are correct - Yahoo intentionally makes it *extremely* difficult to transfer domains out. There is no automated process to do it, like with a REAL registrar (incidentally, Yahoo is not a registrar - they resell domains for an Australian rip-off group named Melbourne). You must go through tech support, which will send you dozens of completely irrelevant form letters before transferring your domain (if ever). Also, check out what year #2 costs - $34.95 per year! even if you decide to invest 10-20 hours in wrestling with the Yahoo staff (outsourced to non-English speaking Indians), is this worth your time to save $7? OfficeLive is similar. I have an account with them, and regret it. Domains Are Free.Com is a bigger scam. They try to load up spyware, malware, and all sorts of crap on your computer. Avoid like the plague. Zone Edit is NO LONGER a good place to edit zones or register your domains. If you sign up for the free zone editing, they have recently begun randomly putting banners on your sites! Also, the company they use for domain registration (registerAPI, I think it's called) are extremely belligerent. Also avoid like the plague. -reply by madmaxbull**** ADMIN REPLY ========================= Feel free to try our Web Service :-) http://www.guide2host.com Xisto Corporation is a Mumbai, India based company which deals mainly in Web Site and E-Commerce Solutions. We stepped into the Web Hosting industry in 2004 and never turned back since then. Our large of community of free web hosting members at Xisto are an online proof of our honest service, our customer's trust and faith in Xisto and Xisto's continued commitment and dedication towards its members.
  18. I want my internet slow I Have 30 System In My Network Sir/Mam I want my internet connection to b low speed becoz my friend use my internet more as compare to me. I have only 1 gb plan so how can I get my internet connection to be low speed. I want it manually in my computer. Whenever I want to increase my speed then it should possible for me Thx Please reply -question by Arman ------------------------- Try NETLIMITER. Go to download.com
  19. Hmmm... I'd have What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong and one of either of Amazing Grace, Unchained Melody, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot or You'll Never Walk Alon
  20. Have quit BidVertiser Bidvertiser Have quit BidVertiser after reading this: forums.Digitalpoint.Com/showthread.Php?t=240855 -reply by TranslationDirectory.Com
  21. HOWEVER, THE SAD THING IS... Da Vinci Code Replying to Janissary However the sad thing is that most the human beings (identity) are still trying to figure out life, how Jesus lived, before, after, to COME UP with a belief, and see if it works for them, then try to figure something else out, to make them feel a little better. You know what I've seen? When people have FAITH and believe that Jesus Christ's words were real and is real, you come to the realization that once you apply it, IT IS. AND it BECOMES. I've seen people get cured from belief, from cancer, I've seen people turn sober from belief, from one day to another, I've seen dreams come true. Mine did and won't tell you who I am. But, most of you the average person, the public, are still in that little world of, 'complaining', level of complain as I call it, not knowing that all you really have to know is that the kingdom, your happiness resides within your being, and you have to start living instead of judging others lives or trying to learn others lives IN ORDER TO understand yours. Be happy, and get what you want. Its simple. I do it, I did it, and all I do is be me, the real me, not others opinions. Whether Jesus did this or that, what have you done?? Throw the first stone the one who is free of sin, or negativity. Davicnci code, Gucci code, Jew code, LEAVE IT ALONE! START LIVING YOUR LIFE! ALL you GOT IS ONE SHOT! JEEZ! AND I don't WANNA HEAR YOU SAYING I'm TRYING TO EXPRESS BLA BLA OR I'm TRYING TO JUST HAVE A DISCUSSION, WELL MY DEAR IF YOU ARE: LIVE, ACHIEVE AND BE HAPPY. LEAVE IT ALONE. The past is gone. (period) Live your purpose, that's is all what this is al about. Good luck to you all. You need it. INFINITE- -reply by The Observer ------------------------------ Admin Reply - Xisto.com This stage of complaining can be passed only when the person at some point becomes completely satisfied with everything in life OR Gives up on life and starts having FAITH for escape. Either cases, he is lucky :-) And People who have faith can just show their own lives as example by relating to their questions. Basically, spreading wisdom brings more wisdom -Shree
  22. I got to say PC. I got it for pc and ps3. The accuracy and fluent movements of a keyboard and a mouse makes for a less sloppier game play. As for ps3 vs xbox360. The day I bought my ps3 ( which wasnt long ago ) I went to a electronics wholesaler and they had demo ps3 and xbox side by side and both had cod4 on and you can see the guilty of graphics on ps3.-reply by the crazy canuck
  23. How to... Delphi & Assembly Forum How to make frequency counter programming use AT8953 -question by Andriy Gonz
  24. sqm files Msn Messenger Emotions Location When I go to the specified folder, I do not see .Dat files, instead I see .Sqm files. Seems like windows live has changed the way they store emotions. Also .Sqm are not the emotions, because I deleted them and restarted Windows live, and I was still able to use the custom emotion. -reply by Allypopsthecorn
  25. gta finder Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Online Multiplayer Mode Does any one know how to play gta san andreas online if know please reply -feedback by hunter
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