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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. No one should be owning and especially breeding wolves or wolf hybrids Wolves As Pets I'm sorry to be harsh but this is ridiculous...A wolf is a wild animal, they are not like dogs that have been domesticated for hundreds of years. A wolf hybrid is even more dangerous because they don't have a fear of humans as a true wolf would. THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PETS AND THEY DO NOT MAKE GOOD PETS. Seriously people, think about this and give your heads a shake. They do not make cute and cuddly pets. Anyone who is owning or breeding a wild animal (conserving an endangered species is different) and call themselves true animal lovers are hypocrites. If you were a true animal lover you would know where WILD animals belong and are happier and that's the best place for them. Lol I can't believe people sometimes. -reply by xxJESSICAxx
  2. Supernatural Gods Can There Be More Than One Universe? Where are Journalists, that could write about a High Tech Slant on Religious Writings? Where did all the Supernatural Gods, Goddesses and Angels come from in Religious and Myth writings? From people's imagination, or real events? All parts of our Home Planet, have religions about Supernatural God Humans. Even New Guinea, with the Cargo Cult, that started in WW2, calling our pilots flying in supplies to our Army Base, Gods. This proves Humans without High Tech Science Knowledge, that experience Flying Humans in airplanes or Spaceships, do Call High Tech Science Flying Humans, Supernatural 'Being' Gods. Humans in the Past, also described God, as Higher 'Beings', Spirit 'Beings', (whatever a Spirit Being is) Goddesses, and Angels. Genesis, is about our High Tech Ancestors, taking humans with them in their vehicles, and 'spiriting' them from one place to another; ergo: Caught up in the Spirit. Jesus, coming up from the water at Baptism; the Spirit like a dove descending upon him. Mark 1:12. KJV. "And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness." He was not chased, but transported, in the Spirit vehicle. The Supernatural Creation of Life on Earth, and the Reproduction of Perfect Humans, is about a High Tech Science Human Society, that Colonize Planets, and Reproduces Pure-bred Humans in a High Tech Science Womb; Eve Cloned from Adam's rib. Why is it so difficult to translate all this Past supernatural happenings, with our High Tech Science today? High Tech did not happen on Earth, until today? Fiery chariots and thrones up in the air? Impossible? Because all the people in the Past, were ignorant of High Tech Science? Those Higher 'Beings' were not Human? Even though we are in their Physical Image? The Noah/Atlantis Society, also had High Tech Science, before the Planetary Flood. Science Fiction is Fact today as it was in the Past! -reply by Dolores Lear
  3. How Do I Find My public_html Folder to Approve a Website I Can && Cannot Acces My Website Okay I have always been able to go onto a webiste called http://www.sexy.com/5909/?r=1189621.1585.DE.5909.watchmovies_net_SEXFULLN_SEXGRAYN&img=&pop={pop} and now when I try to go on the following message appears: Welcome to the home of watch-movies.Net To change this page, upload your website into the public_html directory The only problem is I don't know where the public_html directory is! I tried googling it and searching it from the START menu but I don't believe its there. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me where you go to access the public_html directory. And once I find it do I just simply write http://www.sexy.com/5909/?r=1189621.1585.DE.5909.watchmovies_net_SEXFULLN_SEXGRAYN&img=&pop={pop} or is there something else I have to do? HELP PLEASE! ------------------------------- ADmin Reply. 1. Get FTP details from your Web-Host. 2. Use a Software like CuteFTP or Firezilla and enter the hostname, username and password. 3. Connect to your Server and wait for the directory list to appear. 4. You may find either "www" or "public_html". 5. Upload your files in this folder to see your website online. -Shree Xisto - Web Hosting.com - Personalized Web Solutions
  4. Borland C++ Builder 6 C++ Builder 6 Hi Is Boarland C++ Builder 6 Professional reliable? Any bugs? Jun -reply by Jun Inagaki
  5. oh god *annoyed* The Naruto Online Game Anyone saying TNR aint good it means you gave up while you were Academy Student or your just to lazy to write the link instead of clicking it (I saw someone say that once they clicked the lnk they were in the TNR forum). First for the AS (academy student) people. I found it boring to when I was AS but once you hit genin its much more interesting and then comes chunnin, jouin and special jounin who make out most of the fun of the game. You just gotta be patient. As for the lazy ones...(sorry if this is reposted I wasnt sure if the other one would show up since I swore in it) -reply by Xigbar
  6. IDIOTS The Naruto Online Game Anyone saying TNR sucks it means you gave up while you were Academy Student or your just to lazy to write the link instead of clicking it (I saw someone say that once they clicked the lnk they were in the TNR forum). First for the AS (academy student) people. I found it boring to when I was AS but once you hit genin its much more interesting and then comes chunnin, jouin and special jounin who make out most of the fun of the game. You just gotta be patient. -reply by Xigbar
  7. Replying to member_leavingActually the potential for leaks is still there. TA similar method of cooling already exists in compressor refrigerant systems. Kind of funny why customer service is secretive. Perhaps they don't want you to know it may be a CFC.-reply by James
  8. Could you upload your cpl cfg to internet and give us a link where we could download that cfg? PLEASE (a)-reply by CoRNflaKE,///
  9. running the server Runescape Private Server Replying to Facebook hi um it seems that whenever I run the server it just says this... Starting IcyScape server on And it just sits there! I thought that it was b cuz my comp was slow and loading it. I left it there for about 3 hrs and still nothing also I think that this might be the problem when I compile it it says: Note: stream.Java uses or overides a depreciated API. Note: recompile with -Xlint:depreciation for details. Files compiled succsefully! Press any key to continue . . . I'm not sure but I think thats it Please E-mail me at ottersrock at fuse.Net Sincerly,
  10. registring website with google Adding Your Website To Google Hello I am thinking out of some part time income. Thus I am purchasing a google adsense package? Its said that I will get a website,and that I have to register with google. Can you Please tell me how it can be done? Is it free? -question by chetan ADMIN REPLY ============================= Everything is FREE. You need not buy any program as such to have your website. You can sign-up for a FREE Website at Qupis. OR post at this FORUM (Xisto.com) and get Free Hosting for your website. Signup at Google Adsense program after you build your website. https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw (The best money making online opportunity open to everyone. This page which you are viewing is sponsored by Google Adsense advertisements.) For Domain Registration, You can get it done cheap at https://xisto.com/ OR buy a FREEDOM Package at Xisto - Web Hosting.com here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Easy Registration + Hosting) Xisto - Web Hosting: https://xisto.com/
  11. skype awesome subscriptions Skype Vs. Msn I just recently started using skype again and seen their new very cheap subscriptions. With the uk one you can cal unlimited landline numbers, you get your own free number and voicemail for about 2 pound a month. I also bought a cheap usb binatone phone and the sound quality is ten times better and just as good as a regular landline quality -reply by david
  12. same thing Runescape Private Server Replying to iGuestI have the same problem Please pm me if you found out what to do at ottersrock fuse.Net TY! Sincerly, -reply by iguest
  13. Compiling Issues Runescape Private Server Replying to iGuestwhat you neeed to do is right click on the compiler hit edit now on the 3rd and 4th line you wil see jdk... Well change that last number wich I believe is a 2 to a 7 or what ever version you have! hope this helps Sincerly,
  14. Macro to search the desired worksheet and load data to another worksheet Renaming Files (Using Excel Spreadsheet) Dear Experts, I am very new to Macros. As such I wished to automate a Quality Check (QC) Report. There is a folder on our server where all the monthly QC files are saved. I want to run a macro to create a report of daily total volumes cleared vs internal errors identified vs external errors identified. The moment the run button is clicked it should ask "For which month" And whichever month I type, it should open the folder containing the QC files and search for the title of the QC files and open the required file. The first report in this report file is a daily report. The same report I want staffwise. The staff names are stored in the QC file in validation. So if there is a new staff getting added this new staff details should appear in the report through this macro only where in the macro searches the validation for the last staff name and if it matches with the existing staff list then ignores else creates the same report format as for the other staff. I hope I will get good help from this site. Please help as this is a part of a six sigma control phase where we want to create a robust accuracy reporting system with no person dependancy. Thanks and Regards for all your valuable time and advice. -question by Learner
  15. Why don Pay With Google Checkout. Payment Gateway By Google. You can always file charge back if you are cheated on your credit card. They protect you more than paypal or google can do. Also, you are protected against theft and fraud by default in most of the credit card. I don't understand why people are so paranoid to use credit cards online when they really protect you so much. And fall prey for paypal etc., which just gives you a false protection, just something imaginary security in your brain. Nitin -reply by Nitin
  16. auto incement Increment A Mysql Column How can I implement autoincrement in mysql? Please explain with one example. -question by RamManohar Nukala ------- admin reply -------- You have to set the property of column as AUTO-INCREMENT. And then feel NULL to it, it will take the NEXT value. -Shree (Xisto.com)
  17. Thank you for your information Skype / Xampp Port Conflict Thank you so much. This is a useful article. I just realise xampp and skype have using the same port 80 by default. -reply by Smithveg
  18. iGuest


    Breastfeeding is still bodily life support, in the sense that bone marrow donation is. Lactating women must eat even more calories. In fact, nine months of breastfeeding would be at least as burdensome as bone marrow donation. Only acknowledging the moral relevance of the intrinsic ordered-ness of the woman's body towards reproduction, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can allow the two to be distinguished.No, that does not mean she must get pregnant, but that choosing to engage in sex (designed for reproduction, which is why it is pleasurable) has consequences. It is designed to produce needy beings and one who engages in it must fulfill the sustenance obligations. -reply by Mike
  19. Hey! That was hilarious! My brother said he'd take me to wal-mart just so we can do some of those. I like the hide and seek and the marco polo idea. We are SO going to do that!-reply by Sarah
  20. Compiling Issues Runescape Private Server Hi like I know most of you are having compiling issues and it says that yo havn't downloaded jdk when you have. Well what your problem is, is that in the code for notepad it is searching for Programfiles%Javajdk1.6.0_02 when you have Jdk version 6 what you need to do is right click on the compiling and hit edit. Search jdk until you find something that looks like this: Set pro=%programfiles%Javajdk1.6.0_02 Set pro2=%programfiles%Javajdk1.6.0_02 They are the 3rd and 4th lines in the code what you want to do is change 2 to 6 or what ever version you have now save the changes and compile it and it will work if not then you haven't downloaded JDK. Hope this helps Sincerly, -reply by COmpiler Helper
  21. My opionion on the best racing games are(I prefer simulation)GTR 2Are FactorF1 2000N4SU 2-reply by Poids
  22. I have to disagree What If Marijuana Was Legal? Replying to MrSandMan "And statistic say grass is a stepping stone to harder drugs, like cocaine, heroin, crack, and etc... Drugs that destroy the mind, body, spirit, and worse of all... Families." I have to disagree. The only reason they say its a "stepping stone" is because a) its a fear tactic from the government etc. To keep it illegal. That "fact" has almost no truth behind it and is just a way for the government to brain wash us into thinking its bad. And even if it WAS a stepping stone drug its because pot and other drugs such as cocaine are all given out by dealers. Dealers are going to want to get you hooked on some other drug as it gets them more money. The illegalization of pot does more harm then good. -reply by Anon
  23. My Mom and dad can go *** demselves. I H_TE them soo much. My dad.. Holy crap I H_TE his ****.. I his he would just die, go to hell, and then be reborn as my kid so I can beat his **** and not get into trouble. My dad, he wont shut the hell up. All he wants is for me to listen to his lectures.. Because he cant hit me and my sister anymore. All I want to do is just kill him. Ive H_TEd him ever since I was 6. And I H_TE him more now. And my mom, don't let me get started on her, I am a very clingy person, and since I ***ing H_TE my father, I cling to my mother and tell her I love her, she pushes me away. She sez "what will it take for you to be normal" and I H_TE it, I want my mom to just accept me for what I am. But, she also has this idea that were trying to take over our household. She sez " I'm Getting Control Back" YOU KNOW WHAT! *** CONTROL< YOU NEVER LOST IT YOU MOTHER***ER I H_TE my dad for giving me anger issues. I H_TE my mom for abandoning me, and don't get me started on my psyciatrist, all he does is nag on how bad I am, all he ***ing does is tell me how bad I am. And he gave me pills. He gave me sleeping pills to seduce me, a mood stabiliser cuz I am uncontrollable, and insane pills because he wants to screw with me. I H_TE him too. And I have nowhere to go to because my mother knoows every site I go to. And I cant talk to my friends because I have no friends. I dunno what to do. And I think I'm on my way to suicide and it scares me.
  24. What I'm about to say has no exact proof just strong theories.If you know the show Naruto then you should be familiar with the "Blood Line" For example, the Third Hokage was the only one who can use Wood Technqiue...So can Yamato, why? Because Yamato was experimented by Orichimaru. Jiraiya (forgot how to spell all the names) also stated that the 4th Hokage, and Jiraiya was the only one who can use the technique Rasengan. Thus it's possible that the 4th Hokage, Jiraiya and Naruto are blood related. I have also done some reading that since no where in any episode did they say Narutos parents died it is also possible to say that the current Akatsuki members has both his parents as Pein/Pain and Konan.
  25. i lost my data Administrator Account Problem In Microsoft Xp [solved] Whenever I turn off the computer, I lost all of my data, why? once my PC just powered off due to some reason but when I turned it on, my all data lost from my documents. How can I repair this problem? -reply by maya
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