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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. It doesnt cost MONEY!!Toontown OnlineIf you have a free account then it doesnt cost money do you wanna have a member account then it cost money but you can also buy the game on a cdJust in you.K then you are a member but if you have the free account the it doesnt cost MONEY!Do you want a member account then it cost MONEY!-reply by sigrun
  2. Praise to GodKeeping Faith In Times Of Trouble?Replying to wild20Great job, The bible says 1Co 14:12 Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church. I find this edifying God Bless and keep you strong. -reply by Tboj
  3. NO BANDWIDTH RESERVED BY WINDOWSIncrease Internet Connection BandwidthReplying to soleimanian WRONG! Windows does not reserve any bandwidth for any purpose. This myth has been circulating way to long. Where do prople get this rubish? -feedback by ROBERT WILLIAMS
  4. I think rammstein is a little goth, but not their music, only their looks. At least when I've seen them performing on stage, they do wear black clothes and make up. But as I said, their music is not goth, it's industrial metal. I think that their attires and their music make a kick *bottom* combination, and their lyrics are great. If you wanna get to know rammstein, try come of the songs that have videos, such as mein teil, amerika, engel, keine lust, ich will (I think this one has a video too)Also I reccomend that you look for videos with subtitles, so you can understand what theyre saying. Jesus, I never thought that I'd enter a website and write something like this, for someone I don;t know. I am really bored
  5. Funding for Humane SocietyHumane Society FundingThere should be funding made avaliable for humane societies.These dogsand cats should be taken care and be given to some one who can givethem a good home. I found out 5 years ago when I was given a small dog,that all he wanted was someone to love and care for him. In return hehas given me a lot of love and joy in my life. Please make fundsavailable. The humane society in my town is so small and crowded. Italso has mold and mildew, it is a very old small house with very littleyard for dogs to run around in. If someone would like to make adonation send it to :- Natchez Adams County Humane SocietyP.O. Box 549Natchez Ms. 39121 -reply by Molly Galbreth
  6. question about paypalPaypal.. Safe Or Not?hey I have yet to use paypal or sign up.I was wondering when you sign up they take the money out of your banking account with your debit right? I was wondering when you do a checkout at ebay you of course don't have to send no payment with item number right?Because I assume the payment is taking out of your account.I was wondering does paypal do amonthly service fee if you don't order nothing? -reply by Matt
  7. about c++ programming using the graphics.hC++ Dos GraphicsHow can I make my own c++ program using the graphics.H.Can you lend me some ideas about it. And also we have must have 5 page program.And if we run it,it will appear a 5 different shapes.So I'm hoping that you can help me. Thanks. -reply by bernadette
  8. Mosquito RingtoneHigh Pitched RingtoneThanks for the providing good information - this is really helpful information about Ringtones. I found another good one that helped me find a great website for Mosquito Ringtone -reply by alina
  9. Replying to Goosestaf Some of you seem to think there can only be one superpower but thats not true and the you.S. Doesn't have to lose its status for a new one to form. I think china has a good chance and almost certainly Russia will in the near future they are currently upgrading their military and their economy isn't doing so bad either the only problem is the population has a negative growth rate and not enough young people. If France decided it wanted to start altering world affairs they probably could as France Russia china USA and Britain all have nukes and permanent seats on the UN.Ps India also has a good chance -reply by Andrew Skillen
  10. Replying to iGuest I'm extremely sorry to hear this. I must say you are truly a racist bastard. I must say all these iGuest's are very stupid US will fall in the coming 2-3 decades. The US will either fall or get beaten by other countries in the world. Possibly China, India, (or if Russia comes back). The USSR was the strongest nation in the time, or even in the history of the world. The US, no doubt it is a very powerful nation, is facing economic problems, will likely have 2/5 of their army in the future years maybe lessened or even disobedient. In the era which we stand now, we know of the money crisis in the US. Nuclear weapons are being made, everywhere now.Some Countries that definitely have Nuclear Power are USA India China Pakistan Russia North Korea Japan (possibly) India (being the largest democracy in the world), is believed to be, in fact is STATED as a third world country.No disagreement here. But. BUT. With a population of more than 1 billion people on a radically small sub-continent. Poor people are bound to be there. As in some parts of the world, India is made fun of. Curry and Cows. What else is there in that country BUT NO. I SAY NO. They don't have any proof of these idiotic statements. Yes India has excellent cuisine. In fact, the cuisine and dishes of India are one of the World's Best and one of the Most Popular. Cows as people say. Hindus, majority of people in India and 3rd Largest Religion in the World, have a respect for cows, cows are a symbol of gentleness and are considered sacred in India. Beef is forbidden to Hindus. India has made remarkable development in every aspect of technology, finance, industry, trade, politics, and others. India makes everything from a tic-tac, pencil, or erasers (rubbers) to every kind of Missiles, Weapons, Nukes, and much more. In the top ten Richest men in the world, 5 of them are Indians. Ranking number 1, as Mukesh Ambani, 2 Laxmi Mittal, 3, Anil Ambani, one on number 5 and one on nuber 9! Bill Gates, the owner of Microsoft has prospered largely but its only that, that the Indian Buissness men have prospered REMARKABLY! As for technology, India is the 3rd Nation in the world to have Reached the Moon. During the Cold War, just for false satisfaction, the Americans played an incorrect footage that they'd gone to the moon, by filming in the dessert. USSR being the first, USA, being second, and India being the third. 1/7 of the scientists in NASA are Indians. Out of 7, almost every time, there is always 1 Indian. As people say, how great the US is. The Egyptian civilization fell because people lost interest in its culture. The Roman Empire fell because they were weak and perverted. The US has the most fat in the world. The US has the most gay people in the world. The US has the most people infected with HIV AIDS. The US has the TOP CRIME RATE IN THE WORLD. The US is the 1st country known to have lost so many wars. The Civil War in the USA. The States of the North against the South for the abolishment of Slavery. Result: The Black and the White communities had extreme hatred with each other. Even though they say.. We are the most tolerant of religions, cultures and individuals, KKK was formed shortly. They wanted the Blacks to die. Rivalries always happened. Gang wars, drugs, rapes.. Largely widespread. LA known to have been hurt the most..Up to this day. Then Emancipation Proclamation was formed, started by a Black Women who refused to sit at the back of the bus. The blacks were sickly hated, murdered without reason, and raped and killed. This was "SAID" to deal with that conflict. But still.. The most racist people and the most intolerable people live in the USA. Videos and Banners against the Jews, Indians, Africans, Turks, Germans, Chinese and many others. In most movies, the black guys are the thieves. They are the bad ones. Why then, if they were considered equal, until now, OBAMA, FIRST BLACK president???The Serbs are always the Mafia. Africa is always displayed as junk. India is numerously made fun of. China is made fun of. Why??? The Americans call themselves the best in the world. Pshhht... The War in Iraq. Yes ofcooourse. Bush "WE ARE WINNING THE WAR" "SADAAM HUSSEIN IS CAPTURED!!" WOOHOO. No one ever considers the casualties. Who ever considers the Soldiers who fought in the war and never came home. The 9/11 occurred. Woops. No problem just damn the Muslims or Hindus, isnt that right. Blame it on someone else. Never turn back and see who F****** Trained the Soldiers in the US. The American Soldiers have lost so many men. The NEWS says at least 5000 people died in Iraq. THIS IS THE ****ING OFFICIAL FIGURE *****ES! MORE than 30,000 soldiers in real figure died.. I have to close off now... THIS FACTS ARE BASED ON REAL INFORMATION PROVED FACTS Written by:A TRUE Indian-reply by IcomeInPeace
  11. When I put 7or 8 videos in nero I can burn them. If put more videos in nero frezess. Theses are small videos. They in total are only 1G the disk holds 5G-question by George Wilson
  12. Guild wars has better graphics but sucks and its not free it cost 30$-reply by abiel
  13. Need to Transfer Music library from Ipod to computeriPod HelpI bought a new computer, my old one had my ITunes music library on itand it crapped out. On my new computer I downloaded itunes but all mymusic is gone (was in old computer). It's sitll in my ipod (thank you!)and I have changed the default in itunes so my ipod does NOTautomatically download the itunes library (which now consists ofnothing) to my Ipod (which would delete all my existing music). I can'tfigure out how to download my music from ipod to itunes. It won't clickand drag from the ipod to anywhere but the ipod. I've tried to open theipod in my computer (as a disk) and copy music to my harddrive, but themusic files don't show up. Help if you can. Tx!-reply by Tricia
  14. kids and stuffKey Logger.Replying to snlildude87 My kids are always on their computers, they dun let me use theirs as they feel I will know what they're doing, they're up all night, as a father, I have got my worries, on what pages they access to and what they are chatting and so with others, ive heard frm my friends keyloggers are the best, I want to know what they're doing all night, as a father I hop someone would understand my worry and help me out with it. I tried the actualspy, but that is only if I have access to their notebks. If I cant then there's no other way? -reply by worrieddad
  15. how to save movie from handycam to my pcSony HandycamHow to download software for transfer movie from handycam to my computer? I have try to save movie from sony handycam to my pc but have no idea about this matter.Please help me.In my pc windowxp is installed. But what the procedure to save the movieMy sony handycam model - DCR HC 18EIn this matter wahich type of software use. Please know me what the procedure.Question by hari
  16. Actually (Bad spelling lol)Rockstar's Bully For PcBully on the PS2 was the BOMB! it was the greatest I think its more funnerThen GTA4 but Bully on the Xbox and PC IS CRAP UTTER CRAP no really I **** out better games then that Marty Watson you Insult me by compering that crappy Port to Bully on the PS2! (closing Statement) bully+PS2=GOODBully+Xbox 360 or PC=Crap (Bully on the Wii is alright still not as good as the Ps2 version tho)-reply by Sigman
  17. Prismthegame.Com/game.htm to download game Replying to Zegg90
  18. I play adventure quest all the time I am a gurdian level 60 and I haveint trained 1 stat yet I cood beat monsters with 2000 hp at level 2 I have 900k gold so I am going to be set for a wile I think it is the best browser game on the web but that is my opinion. -reply by Akiba001
  19. Replying to iGuestSelect both wired LAN connection and wireless adapter connection then bridge them.
  20. to make my system fasterHow To Make Your Pc Work FasterHi, I have 256 MB ram pc and my system is too slow to do work and I don't know which antivirus to install(I need free versions)please suggest me some tips to make my pc work faster and better -question by balaji ADMIN REPLY Suggestions :- DeFrag your PC Set Atleast 1024 MB Swapfile size (if possible, Static) Do not run programs in Background (e.g. messenger, Anti-virus etc)
  21. Replying to BooZker Human nature is to love and rely on each other, its natural instinct. Religion adds hate and fear in people. We need to all love each other and move forward to discover and enjoy life because once where dead we are gone NOTHING else to it. There is no God no Heaven, Hell, or Santa Clause. We all live in a Universe that is only a microscopic bubble in an ocean also known as Parallel Universes. -reply by Armond
  22. marapet / neopetsReview Of MarapetsI played both, and I prefer marapets. Easier, friendly too. Maybe some people just like the harder online games, and not so friendyly. I love marapets, I didn't allow my daughter to play in neopets I allowed her in marapets, and I'm taking the resposibility for my kid. Like, no forums, no clubs, no mm other players. So just stop, ian worked really hard on marapets, just appreciate, don't judge.
  23. "Macs do not use cpus, they use processors, thus no problems afterall."That's not quite right. A CPU - Central Processing Unit - is a processor. All computers, I know of, including PCs and MACs have a CPU or Processor for short. So a MAC has the same potential for problems that a PC has when it comes to the processor. -reply by hardy
  24. Keylogger helpKey Logger.Ok..About the keyloggers, there are some legitimate reasons for using them on other people's computers as well. Like in my case, I need a self installing one for my teenage son. He has a password on his computer and is really good at it. Now I would like to see what he does all day but I want a self installing one that is easily e-mailed. If I could implant it in a photo that would be great. If I ask him to view it he puts me on a guest account so I can't install it but if it is implanted he wouldn't. Know. And he would get suspicious if I hacked his password...Or just used admin rights. He would check all windows folders so see. Anyway, I tried a torrent of Ardamax keylogger but it turns out that it had a virus in it so, I have to find another one.. Any suggestions? preferably free though. -reply by mrinivisible
  25. STOP phone soliciting by telemarketersTelemarketing Calls, How Do You Stop Them!?!I get about 3-5 calls a day and I am getting extremely 'ticked' off with the Government for not stopping this type of ABUSE towards the Canadian public. I now answer the phone and get extremely irate with them and tell them to remove my name and number from their list. They don't do as I request and the next call asks for my wife. There has to be a way that these people/companies/corps. Can legally be stopped from doing this type of soliciting. -reply by R.J. Reading
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