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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Replying to halo3fanboyFor Browser based games, you can try AdventureQuest, Dragonfable, Mechquest and AdventureQuestWorlds. They were all created by the same company, and they're all rpg games, and they are in no way the same, altough the game play is similar. I like playing their games cos they're turn-based. (I admit my reflexes are not all that great XD )-reply by SomeoneRandom
  2. If your Compiler still doesnt work, place the whole folder's contents in your JDK bin folder, If that still doesnt work look on google for a guide on changing your Java Directory, I know how too I just can't be bothered writing it.-reply by Monster
  3. protect mail idGmail Settings...If I send email via gmail receiver not show my gmail idSo how can I setting in gmail then receiver not show may mail idPlease reply me via my mail id . Mehul shah-question by Mehul
  4. Light weight AVLightweight Free Anti Virus Software?Rising Antivirus Is Light than Kaspersky.It start its protection before OS start(All AVs start protection after OS start).It use very low resourses.And Virus detection is perfect with regular updates.
  5. HI Zama, I have been sent a similar email from Senegal Refugee camp a lady called Blessing, they always assume nice names, Goodness, Blessing, Charity and so on. Don't be fooled they can clean your bank account empty.Here is WHAT I RECIEVED: My Dearest sweet DarlingHoney how was your day am sure with God all is well am grateful for your reply to my mail it shows me that my situation here borders you allot may the good lord bless you. Once againThanks for your mail and I will like to have your full contact information, incase if you want to call me just use this number it belongs to our Rev here,his name is Rev Father Greg Odow and his number is (00221-762-943-844) ,just call and tell him that you want to speak with me.Here in Senegal Refuge Camp,is like one staying inside prison, and I dint want to continue like this, once the bank start up the transfer process I will start up too for my arrangement to meet you face to face.My intention is to have a good future, and a good living. I believe in my heart that your help to me will bring something good to you, and I assure you that if God will use you to help me out of this situation, I will never forget you in my life and with what you have said in your mail to me I now have the confidence to go ahead with you. Bellow here is the contact of the bank.Halifax Finance ManagementFlat 07 RoncevilleSt. Clement RoadJE 1 5 PX - St.Helier LondonTel:+44 704 576 4110Tel:+44 702 406 2502Fax: +44 703 189 3675Email: halifaxfm@inMail24.ComContact Person: Dr. Ran Kaleboma (Operation Manager)Email: dr.Ran_k@yahoo.Co.UkContact them now on how to transfer the $4.5 million dollars deposited by my late father Dr. Rebert Bamena of which I am the next of kin .My dear I am glad that God has brought you to see me out from this situation and I promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life plus investing this money since I am still too young to manage it. As I told you before,this camp is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible.Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you can send some money from that money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country.Please do your best to make sure that you make contact with the bank, I will advice you to call them on their telephone number and at the same time send an email to them for them to know our seriousness, what ever you discuss with them do get back to me so that I will be knowing what is happening.My prayer is for God to grant me my pursuance and by the grace of God he will surely see us through.Please once again keep it only for yourself, for my safety and security. The most important thing is to make sure that you make contact with the bank let us hear from them before any other thing will be done.Go ahead and call them.Expecting to hear from you the responce from the bank soon,as soon as you received this fund in your account you will send to me some money from there which I will use to come and meet you in your country for future investment and I will also continue my education under your care while you manage the investment. Please take good care, and put me in your daily prayers,God bless you.Please send your contact for easy communication I will be waiting to hear from you soon so that every thing will start itself as soon as you contact them. Love and Kisses. Best regard Miss Blessing -reply by Amos
  6. MICHAEL JACKSON! The moment I see him I just want him right away,he is my No.1 fantasy I find him MAD SEXY! I know that he's 50 and I'm only 19,but still he's the one I have wet dreams about. LOL if he knew he'd probably grow a HUGE ego xD -reply by Katerina
  7. heres ur anser m8Runescape 2 WebsiteReplying to iGuesthey bro I'm lvl 138 member and I'm a mod if need faster training in exp I would suggest you go to the demon door at the end of the wildy there will be lvl 760-800 lvl of creatures if you were 1 rune helm with plate legs they only hit 6s on you and there hp is usaly 600 but it go's down to 80 thats how I clocked rs I do not play eny more but still hav my account but remember only rune helm,platelegs and any wep ok peace out masher =) -reply by masher
  8. THe elder Scrolls are my personal favorites.Morrowind was fun and exciting with the possibility of becoming a vampire or a werewolf in the expansion.Oblivion was even better with alot of the same features but even better you felt like you could do anything but with the emperor dead and him being the one who sends you out and bails you out of prison in the beggining of each story I don't think there will be another one but it would make a great online game like World of Warcraft did but if there is another one I think they would have to take the story line quite a ways back and they should let you roam all of tamriel like Arena did. Fable was a good rpg but not as big or open as oblivion it did have things that oblivion didn't like marriage and of course having some fun in the bedroom which kinda seemed a little perverted especially if you did the have a gay relationship in the game which can be awfully funny I did that once and ended up killing him but. The only problem with the game was that you could not be female which would have been a little funner not just for the fact your a female but it would open up more possibilities. If there are any more good games like these please let me know. -reply by njeffers
  9. This mykazaagold is a ripoff. I am tired of it. I got to use it only acouple of times. Now it won't allow me to download. I notified the company and they keep giving me excuses. And I bought a lifetime membership. Big joke huh!
  10. WEbsense Block / SSH TunnelingHow To Bypass Websense?Hi ,Websense can take encryted web traffic with 7.0 versiyon , So you can't bypass it.-reply by Kemal Artıkarslan
  11. Replying to OpaQue CPanel now supports php5, why would php5 not be available? All the features available seem perfect, but the fact that php5 is not available makes it worthless for any modern developer. Why is this still not available? OpaQue's Reply :- CPanel is updated automatically on our servers (regularly). Presently our Servers have PHP 5.2.X (latest).
  12. iGuest

    My Parents Suck

    sometimes parents are overprotective, but they can be coolMy Parents SuckMy mom is WAY overprotective, and since my dad died my brother tries totake his place (even though I don't want him to)and is even moreoverprotective. I do a martial art called capoeira, which is a kind ofdangerous sport. One time, I really wanted to go to this HUGE capoeirameet, but it was with people who were more advanced than me. My momfreaked out. Eventually, my capoeira school's leader convinced her thatit was going to be fine, but she still made me call her EVERY TWOHOURS! I went against so many people who mestres, contra mestres,monitors (mow-nee-tores, not mon-I-tirs), professors(prow-fess-ores,not professors)(these ranks are all experts) and I was fine!What'sworse, if I take a walk anywhere outside of my neighborhood, my brotherhas to come! I'm THIRTEEN! And he's only two years older than me! Mymom and my brother both insist on this. When my brother was thirteen,he could walk ALONE! He could do so much more than me!Here'sthe good part, though. I have an evil Civics teacher who gives WAY toomany assignments. We once had three assignments in the same week! Mymom threatened to get her fired because I worked for , literally, 10hours straight on a project.She didn't actually do anything, but shetold me that if it happeed again, she would do it. It was pretty cooland understanding of my mom.The good part about my brother is,he can always get me out of trouble. He always has a solution. He'spretty sneaky, so if I do something bad, and he doesn't feel liketelling, my mom will never know. He helps me a lot with my homewrok,to, since he's older.I think all parents have a cool side.Sometimes you just don't see it a lot though. They really were youngonce, and they know how it feels. They just won't leave us alonebecause they're just trying to look out for us. When you're arguingabout something, calmly tell them that you disagree (and don't blow upat them)and maybe they'll look at you as responsible and you can cometo a comprimise. Plus it'll look good in the future. Do something thatwill make you look responsible, like a chore. Believe it or not, yourparents like you. They love you. I agree that sometimes they can benarrow-minded, but that's because they don't want anything to happen toyou, and they're being very overprotective because of it. Instead ofsaying "That's so unfair!!" and stomping off,calml say "Idon't think that's fair. I can (fill in what you want to do here)justfine without anything happening. Just give me a chance to prove it." I swear, it will make them say "I'll think about it." at least. Maybe they'll say yes. Depends on the parent, but I know it'll be a better outcome than an arguement would end up in.-reply by Capoeirakid
  13. Well glad you got some rest. Finally I got it going. My firewalls are now all configured with the help of a friend from Nebraska on what to do with Comodo. And yes thank you so much for all your help. The firewalls were blocking everything, and some change was initiated somewhere that I had to pay Dell to undo something that went wrong and wouldn't let me on the internet then. But all is now fixed. With your help. Dell, and The friend in Nebraska, we are up and running, sharing files, without having to shut down the firewalls. The only thing i don't understand is why the files that are shared don't show up in my network places under the local network like they used to. I have to go thru the view workgroup computers, But at least i can share files now, so i am a happy camper. Thanks again.
  14. Installing Geforce 9600 GTNvidia Display Driver ProblemI can't install my card. When I run the setup it says my Vista is not a 32-bit system. It is in fact. Any ideas?
  15. I managed to add logos to my bulk charity email by copying and pasting after uploading on flickr, but when I send it back to myself I can't see the images, just grey boxes that outline the pictures and not even a URL but the jpeg number. Please help! Replying to serverph
  16. how many pills does it take to dieWhat Are Sleeping PillsHow many sleeping pills does it take to die? fall asleep and never wake up?
  17. Games for GIrlsXbox Games For Girls?Well I think you should just get halo 3 or gears of war 1 and 2 or even assasin's creed. I mean SERIOUSLY PLAY SOME GOOD GAMES... YOU HAVE ONE OF THE BEST NEXT GEN GAME CONSOLE USE IT PROPERLY OR SELL IT ON EBAY
  18. turn off problemI Can't Turn Off My Computer I cant turn off my computer in a single attempt ,but if I canturn off my computer at second attempt...Can you give resolution forthis problem...Is there any virus have entered in my computer?
  19. Major difference between installshield 2009 and installshield 12 profInstallshield 12 Is Out (Download Demo)Can anyone explain the Major difference between installshield 2009 and installshield 12 prof.Thanks in advance. Ram.
  20. Most likely an impacted tooth, (some people grow entire new sets-genetic mutation and quite rare). Could also be some enviromental factor (heavy metals/radiation do funny things with the body like newborns getting a third teste)Not so shocking though scientists are growing new tooth (not roots though) with lipus ultrasound like they use for bone fractures to heal. Also stem cells can do any and every thing you want them to do. I seriously want to go volunteer as a research specimen in a stem cell facility. I want new everything and wouldn't mind winding up looking like the creature from alien. -reply by gkjghh
  21. Replying to PinQ Gmail is way better these days because it is more modern and simple and is easier on your eyes because it doesn't have all of those really annoying ads. Hotmail is REALLY slow on my computer and it sucks, while Gmail is way faster.
  22. Hay people My name is Ljubisa and i`m from Switzereland My interest`s are all about global warming so i have make this blog http://www.global-warming.0catch.com/polarbal-warming.htm So lets make this topic dedicated to global warming problems , is this a fraud or not! How can we make our earth better place for us and for all animals! For the earth !!! Post news about it, post witnessing reports,pictures and videos so we can all make a jugment is this a real or froud ! Best reagrds to all from Switzerland and god save us and our planet .
  23. what should i doSchool FightsSee theres this girl I kinda know but barlyy, and shes been telling my boyfriend a bunch of untrue stuff about me losing my virginity in grade in grade 5 ( I'm now in grade 9 ) she told him not to tell me cause then id want to fight which I NOW do ! and I "think" I can take her on..-- see I want to do it but ive never been in a fight before so I'm a little freaked out. No one knows I want to ffight her yet cause I'm to afraid to start anything. People that kinda know like my bestfriends and that are like just do it youll black out and just GO ! but theve never fought either so um ?What do I do ?-reply by something * : )
  24. AwesomeOnclick Image ->> Add Text To Input(text)field?Thanks for supplying some code. I don't know much about Javascript ( just learning ) but do know PHP. I am building a custom CMS by myself and always need help on the Javascript end. I wanted to do the same, associate an image with a post by clicking a generated list of images to auto add the path.I had to add a parameter to the function but got it working great.-reply by Killswitch
  25. Retrovertigo is the dizzying effect of looking back in the past.. And in doing so revisiting, maybe even reliving whatever it is thats there and, what the hell write a song about it and make some dough.. Mike Patton in my humble opinion is a genius and this is one of the most beautiful songs and one of my very favorite.. Just a thought.
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