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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. how can i use if-then statements if the user will input a single name then display, and the other will input 2 names then displayPascal For Beginners - Part Twoprogram NewEstNow;uses crt;var name,nn,address,bday,day: string; e,x,m,p,r: string; u,v,j,y,z: integer; uu,vv,jj,jjj,yy,zz: integer; a,b,c,d,f,g: integer; h,I,k,l,and,o,q: integer; s,t,code,age,month: integer;Begin clrscr; write('Enter your complete name: ');{John Daryle V. Marangit} readln(name); u := length(name);{23} v := u - y; {23 - 14 + 2 = 11} j := pos('.',name); (*4*) jjj:= pos(' ',name); y := j + 2; z := j - 1; yy:= jjj + 2; zz:= jjj + 1; write('Enter your address: '); readln(address); a := length(address); b := pos(',',address); c := b + 2; d := a - (b+1); e := copy(address,c,d); f := pos(' ',e); g := f + 1; write('Enter your birthday: '); readln(bday); h := length(bday); I := pos(' ',bday); x := copy(bday,1,I-1); k := pos(',',bday); l := h - (k-1); m := copy(bday,k,l); and := h - (I-1); o := and - l; p := copy(bday,I+1,o-1); q := pos(' ',m); r := copy(m,q+1,4); val(p,s,code); val(r,t,code); age := 2009 - t; begin if(x='January') or (x='january') then month:=1; if(x='Febuary') or (x='febuary') then month:=2; if(x='March') or (x='march') then month:=3; if(x='April') or (x='april') then month:=4; if(x='May') or (x='may') then month:=5; if(x='June') or (x='june') then month:=6; if(x='July') or (x='july') then month:=7; if(x='August') or (x='august') then month:=8; if(x='September') or (x='september') then month:=9; if(x='October') or (x='october') then month:=10; if(x='November') or (x='november') then month:=11; if(x='December') or (x='december') then month:=12; end; begin; if ( s = 1 ) or ( s = 21 ) or ( s = 31 ) then day:='st'; if ( s = 2 ) or ( s = 22 ) then day:='nd'; if ( s = 3 ) or ( s = 23 ) then day:='rd'; if ( s = 4 ) or ( s = 14 ) or ( s = 24 ) then day:='th'; if ( s = 5 ) or ( s = 15 ) or ( s = 25 ) then day:='th'; if ( s = 6 ) or ( s = 16 ) or ( s = 26 ) then day:='th'; if ( s = 7 ) or ( s = 17 ) or ( s = 27 ) then day:='th'; if ( s = 8 ) or ( s = 18 ) or ( s = 28 ) then day:='th'; if ( s = 9 ) or ( s = 19 ) or ( s = 29 ) then day:='th'; if ( s = 10 ) or ( s = 20 ) or ( s = 30 ) then day:='th'; if ( s = 11 ) or ( s = 12 ) or ( s = 13 ) then day:='th'; end; if (t<0) then begin writeln(' '); writeln('Invalid!, in Year...'); readln; exit end; if (s>31) or (s<0) then begin writeln(' '); writeln('Invalid!, in Day...'); readln; exit end; begin writeln(''); writeln('Name: ', copy(name,y,v),', ',copy(name,1,1),'. ',copy(name,z,2)); writeln('Address: ', copy(address,1,, ' ',copy(address,c,3),'. ',copy(e,g,3),'.'); writeln('Birthdate: ',s,'',day,' of ',month,'(',copy(bday,1,3),')',m,'.'); writeln('Age: ',age,' years young'); readln; end; begin writeln(''); writeln('Name: ', copy(name,y,v),', ',copy(name,1,1),'. ',copy(name,zz,1),'. ',copy(name,z,2)); writeln('Address: ', copy(address,1,, ' ',copy(address,c,3),'. ',copy(e,g,3),'.'); writeln('Birthdate: ',s,'',day,' of ',month,'(',copy(bday,1,3),')',m,'.'); writeln('Age: ',age,' years young'); readln; exit end;End. -reply by Daryle
  2. alright I know what the problem is. The t tube is falling off the deck because it only has one head clamp so the slit bends and the bars fall off. What u need to do is get another head clamp from another scooter or get a razor pro which has 2 head clamps
  3. I havn't got this game but I might be getting it, I have it on xbox but I want to get it on PSP because it looks really good, is it the same as the cosole versions, and can you play online, and also how do you play with a friend on this, do both people have to have thier own copy of the game, for e.G If I have the SWB2 disc and my friend doesn't, can I still play with him or does he have to get a copy of the game. Thanks. -reply by Jimmy
  4. this may be old but...Can Predictions Be True?As someone who studied Nostradamus... People have to be cautious of false quatraines attributed to him.he did not predict 9/11. In fact, a false quatrain people were calling Nostradamus's is not being attributed to the Mayans (who neither wrote in quatrains, nor predicted 2012 as being the end of the world.)He also did not predict 2012 as being the end of the world. In fact, 2012 has never been mentioned by Nostradamus. many books claim to hold all of nostradamus's predictions, yet many false quatrains have seen their way into them. Nostradamus historians, and those of us who studied him know he did NOT predict 9/11, and he did NOT predict 2012. in fact, as proof, Nostradamus had written a letter to his son saying his visions stopped at the year 3797 which he believed to be the end. So if he is accurate, we still have over a thousand years. HOWEVER... There are many many many predictions attributed to Nostradamus that may or may not actually be accurate. The problem with Nostra is that he spoke almost in poetic riddles, and he was rarely so specific. (which is why the 9/11 prediction is obviously fake... It was too specific.) So, because he spoke in poetic riddles, it is easy to take something he 'predicted' and twist it to say "yep, it came true." I can actually take one of his quatrains, and say "OMG Nostradamus predicted what I'd have for lunch this afternoon!" the only thing he was specific about is the letter to his son that predicted 3797.I don't hold much in predictions however. Scientist predicted Y2K and look what happened. Renouned psychics predicted devistation for 6-6-06 and nothing happened. There have been end of day predictions since before year 1 A.D. in fact, here 220 end of world dates, (starting with 44 a.D.) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the mayans, the bible code, Nostradamus. I choose to believe the bible itself. (Matthew 24:36) "No one knows the hour nor the day (of the end), not the angels in heaven, nor the son (Jesus). Only the father knows." -reply by Mayu
  5. (response to iguest) i have the same problemWireless On The Xbox 360 Without An Adapter.I went through all of the motions, I successfully bridged the connections. Plugged 'em in, even watched a video tutorial on youtube. But nothing. My laptop recognizes the 360, but the 360 remains unconnected to xbox live. Its frustrating, simply because everyone else is raving about how easy it is. ANYBODY HAVE ANY ADVICE? I might just have to buy the f*cking wireless 360 adapter. -reply by burney
  6. Blackberry is betterBlackberry Bold 9000I use a Blackberry bold and my wife uses an iphone 3G. So having played with both , I would like to say that BB is far ahead of iphone interms of performance and customizability. I'd like to customize the phone as I like it, but iphone gives much less options, it can't run programmes in background, cannot have several email accounts set up and so on, and it's true that iphone have much more applications to download, but r all of them really useful? iphone is better for watching video clips on the bigger screen and browsing internet only if the browser was better I cant see very good reason for iphone to be so popular other than the fact that it is from apple who have a good reputation.
  7. Get rid of Photo Sharing nowWindows Live Messenger 2009What a disaster the new photo sharing app is. I agree with the previous poster who mentioned those of us who use MSN for work all day. We're trying to get some damn work done microsoft... Stop screwing with us! Where is the damn toggle to turn this garbage off? I've been suffering in silence for months and I finally snapped today. Whoever released this thing without a way to disable it should be fired today. I wouldn't mind it if he/she was strung up by their unmentionables as well. I want to be able to drag any file into MSN and transfer it to a colleague. Plain and simple. You had it right for a decade and now this??Time to find the best open source alternative and run with it. Goodbye MSN Live Messenger. You ****.-reply by WorstFeatureEver
  8. Gaming are really fun way of spending our spare time. But people always play it in excessive way, so thus addiction takes place. Every adult knows that anything done to excess is unhealthy. Here are some tips for you to kick out that habits. I hope it can help you even in a little way. Check out the link: http://searchwarp.com/swa511090-Kicking-The-Habit.Htm -reply by Dawn of Emerald
  9. don't forget these:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ by Kmac
  10. Wireless v Ethernet Internet ConflictionInternet Connection Sharing ProblemsOur system at work is basically a Wireless network. We have a Netgear wireless router and about 10 computers that connect to the router through wireless cards or dongles, this provides our internet access and file and printer sharing. However one computer has our accounts file and three computers connect to this computer to gain access to the accounts via a local Ethernet connection We have a Ethernet switch box and this connects the 3 computers together. When the Ethernet connection is disabled I can access the internet through wireless no problem, however once Ethernet is enabled I can access the accounts on other machine but internet goes off. I believe that the computer does not know which connection (wireless or Ethernet) to access the internet. My default gateway ip address to connect to wireless router is, my IP address is DHCP enabled. My Ethernet connection gateway computer is with my computer's IP address set at I'd be grateful if someone could help me tell the computer to use the wireless connection as the Internet therefore keeping both connections enabled with the Internet running smoothly. Many thanks for any help. -reply by Shippers
  11. TRAKTOR LETraktor Dj StudioHi, I am using Vista and am looking for a mixing programme that allows me to select music from my files (MP3,WMA etc..) create playlists, mix, cut songs short and then save the compilations to my computor then burn to CD. Will TRAKTOR LE support all my needs? Thanks
  12. Great!! The ^p replacement worked perfectly on my english version Word. Thank you!!
  13. Targeted AdvertisingWhat Is Targeted Advertising?While I am okay with Targeted Advertising / Google ads for the most part (such as banners that advertise something relevant to your site) I am not for the ones that have come up on my site for support for kidney dialysis patients such as "Buy Organs Over Seas in the Philippines" (Yes I have seen that) as then it simply makes my sites look like they are apart of something ILLEGAL! That was bad enough but then Google went one stop farther with Gmail where they actually scan your email for keywords and dates and ask you if you want to add a date to your calendaror an address of a company (the address not even listed in the email) to your address book. Those things I find rather creepy! I don't see that helps advertisers .. It only helps google themselves there. And is pretty creepy having your own personal email read like that. Makes you wonder who else can see it. -reply by Angie
  14. PHP Referer check/redirect mostly useful.Check Referrer To Prevent Linking Yours From Other SitesWhile not foolproof, this script is now being used in my wife's website, http://www.tiffany.pro/. What this script helps us do is prevent the average and most advanced folks from copying the pages that contain copyright work. We deployed the use of the jQuery thickbox plugin and a bit of javascript highlighting disabling functions. There are 2 ways to overcome this to copy the text, but the chances of people doing this are unlikely. The steps only took a half hour or so to take, and now she can self publish her work without worry that search engines and others will go out of their way to copy the text, where it might find it's way around the rest of the web. I think the author of this script, as it saved me the trouble of writing a custom script. -reply by Nicholas Maietta
  15. Golden Sun 1&2 Graphic Problem Vbgax 1.25Emulator To Play Gameboy Advance Games On Symbian Mobile PhoneHI I got the Vbagx too... With one big Problem I cannot play my favourite game Golden Sun or Golden Sun 2. I mean on the map mode works everything, but when I come to a fight I can not see my chars or the enemy... With wich setting does the game works? I have tried everything.. So pls help Or does the game work on and other gba emulator? Thx Andreas
  16. hey; any idea on how one would create sliding buttons in flash, the slide should work almost the same to this...http://www.gatorade.com/... Sliding buttons should slide left/ right the opposite direction of the mouse and on mouse over the slide stops. Please send me a tutorial/ link a tutorial...I would be thankful -question by martin kamunyu
  17. Really useful post...got me to notice all the other great features in Gmail...How To Create Embed Image Mail In GmailThanks for a great post...Much appreciated. Incl an image in Google mail is something I've always wanted to do but didn't know how to go about it. You've made my day. Many thanks!! -reply by Tri Mahon
  18. Burn Linux Iso To USBHow Can I Get From Iso To Usb, Without Writing A Cd?http://unetbootin.github.io/ Lets you put a Linux iso to a flash drive.
  19. Not all depressing music is that whiny emo crap dude. For instance, you'll see that on my top five. 1. Nights in White Satin - The Moody Blues 2. Helplessly Hoping - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young 3. Hurt - Johnny Cash (I prefer his version over the original) 4. Blood of Eden - Peter Gabriel 5. If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot
  20. Why spanish people have to learn english if they dont try to understand us?Formal Spanish WordsWell for some reason the teachers are trying to teach another language. I think that the Americans are stupid (no offense). Sometimes they think they are the best and that people that comes from another country have to learn their language but they don't have time to learn our language and try to understand us; why we have to understand them if they don't give a **** about trying to understand us. -reply by Maytte
  21. I want to use this PHP find and replace tool, but apply it to a java feed from tumblr. Does anyone know if this is possible? The code for the feed is: <?php$t = $_GET['tag'] ? '/tagged/' . $_GET['tag'] : '' ; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://tumblr.Com' . $t . '/js?num=7"></script>';?>Thanks ) -question by anna
  22. Equilibrium/Is this possible, using kinetic energy as fuel?Faster Than Light Travel? As far as I understand what happens in accelerators with matter is that the nearer to light speed you get the more kinetic energy produced and the bigger the size of matter. What if you used this kinetic energy as fuel for a spaceship. It would be pure energy being put into an engine designed to use it. The matter size then will remain the same. All energy produced at light speed would be conducted to the engines both front and back on the ship, for forward motion and deceleration. The energy would travel through the ship like you would get rid of static electricity, but using super cold conductors cooled by the super cold of space. The ship would always be in a state of equilibrium keeping matter at the same size and using up all the energy produced, some energy perhaps used to clear a path ahead for the ship. It would seem you could travel at any light speed because the energy produced would be infinite. The faster you go the more energy produced. -reply by David
  23. font loadingHow To Make Firefox Load Faster + Known Firefox TweaksI am not an expert about this, but I notice when I start Firefox and I look at what is being loaded through the Avast anti-virus, the thing that is taking so long to load is all the fonts. It seems that every font on my computer is being "loaded" onto Firefox. This is what is taking so long. Does anyone know anything about this? Is there any way to change the settings so that a limited amount of fonts will load?-reply by Jerome
  24. My experience: Worked for me for nowReservation Rewards - A Scam!I dunno about you guys but it worked for me. It was a couple of months ago that I bought a game from ebgames (their partner) and when Iput my order through I saw the add on the site (it comes whenever you buy a game from ebgames) the ad, and I clicked on it to see if its fake or not. But it said that They are partners with ebgames so I went on and signed up for it with my credit card. Anyway at that time I wasnt aware of the $12/month. I thought it was free. Anywho I finally got my $20 in the mail and I was really impressed. But a couple of days or weeks later when I was gonna pay my credit card and I saw the $12 charge and thats when I got scared and I cancelled my credit card and account. And it has been around 4 months now and they haven't chrarged me a penny through my credit card. So today I was pre-ordering two games so I decided to open up my accout at reservation rewards again so I can get $40 this (even though I have to pay $12) time around. So just 15 min ago I sent my recept to them and I'm gonna see if they will send it to me again, which I'd be surprised if they don't because of my experience. But ya I just wanted to post this to let people know that its legit. But then again its your choice and you can do whatever you want. If anyone has any questions I'll be glad to help just email me at: bbr11@rogers.Com p.S. I just wanna add to let the people who got charged the $12 to know that it is obvious that you get charged $12/month but if you don't use the site properly ofcourse it's gonna be a rip off. Personnaly the biggest thing that attracted me to use this site was that when I buy games from ebgames.Com I can get $20 back for each receipt that I send to them. And like I said before I did receive the $20 check in mail a couple of weeks afterwards. peace out -reply by Bobby
  25. Owning Wolf dogsWolves As PetsI just stumbled across this web site regarding wolfs and wolf dogs. I've owned wolf dogs for 18 years now and they have been my best friend. They are very loving, but they are not for everyone. A person has to be responsible with fencing, etc. You can't let this type of animal run free. They will get into trouble. They can acquire a taste for chickens. I have 2 males that would give their life for me. I hope that would never happen. I live on acreage and no one can just show up quietly. My wolf dogs are the neighborhood watch and they will let everyone around know that a stranger is there. A wolf dog is not dangerous. It's usually the owners negligence. Don't leave things to chance. Any dog can be dangerous. Just don't be irresponsible. Take care of your dog. My first 2 wolf dog pups were from a family with children. So these two loved kids. My others were born in families without children and we have no children so they just aren't used to kids. It's always how an animal is raised. Also when you take a wolf or wolf dogs, be prepared to have it for LIFE! These animals become very attached to you and do not go with other people willingly. It will take a long time for a wolf dog to accept a new family. They will long for that family or person. A wolf dog will always try to find it's original owner and will try to escape. reply by Melody Jones
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