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System Does Not Detect Dvd/cdrom Drive
iGuest replied to master_bacarra's topic in Hardware Workshop
Mines almost the same...System Does Not Detect Dvd/cdrom DriveWell I have a Gateway laptop (an M1628 or something... Pretty new, Windows Vista SP1), and the drive isnt showing up at all. When I go to 'my computer' and device manager it doesnt read the dvdcd rom drive.But it does read "disk drive", also in bios it reads the drive, and the light doesnt show up on the dvdcd rom drive either... I got the laptop back from gateway when I replaced it, and they sent it to me, and the drive didnt work, I called them right away, but gateway accused me of doing something to it, although I did not, I'm pretty sure it was under warranty (maybe it wasnt), but they said to fix it, that it would cost, I forget the price... So I decided to just hang up on them, so I wondered if any of you could help me, any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!! -reply by Fahim AnwarKeywords: cdrom drive not recognizing in device manager -
ComputerLaptop ComputersIf you want a PC (windows) based computer then Dells are your best bet, However if you don't care whether its PC or not then I would go with a Mac. Its true that macs cost more but that is because you start off at better quality components and bigger drives. Allot of PC laptops start you off at crappy specs that would be OK if you don't plan on doing anything ever with your laptop. The problem with PC's does not lie in there construction but in the programing, Windows based computers encounter tons of errors due to shotty Programing, Microsoft admits to allowing these defects to pass threw so they could be corrected later in a new OS. Where as apple doesn't do this. Now Apple has superior care and the only computer company I know of that you can get an extended warranty for up to 3 years after your one year warranty expires that covers your computer. Not to mention that macs are not as susceptible to viruses and Trojans as Windows based programs are. Macs are also Superior for video editing as well as graphic design and they are beginning to become a power house in the gaming world as well with more powerful graphics cards. My last major point would be that Macs don't have all the complicated functions and hidden programs that windows programs seem to have, and it is a fact that windows runs better on a apple computer than any other computer out there, and mac makes it extremely easy to switch from one system to the other, and even run both simultaneously. Apple just upgraded me from a macbook to a macbook pro for free because I had some issues with my hardrive (I had gotten a bad Hard Drive). The positive thing for PC's is the huge array and availability of software for it, macs are catching up, but still have some ways to go. Hope this helps you! -reply by christopher
I just noticed Reservation Rewards was taking $10.00 out of my account since May of 2007! Their rep. Told me I had made a purchase in May of 2007 at Shoplet. Shoplet said I had signed up with the purchase by filling out a pop-up. Upon viewing the Shoplet website today, I noticed a place where you could type in your website to receive promtionals and coupons. When I filled in a fictitious website(today) and pressed go, the next page said thank you for subscribing! Unbeknownst to me they started taking out $10.00 since May 07. There was no fine print no nothing. Reservation Rewards got my bank number from Shoplet. I can't believe they get away with that. Do you suppose Reservation Rewards pays Chase? Chase was rude telling me I should have noticed on my statement. My husband had been very sick and died during this time. -reply by Mia Rice
Help Needed @ C#: Cross-thread Operation Not Valid
iGuest replied to turbopowerdmaxsteel's topic in Programming
Another wayHelp Needed @ C#: Cross-thread Operation Not ValidHi all! Just wondering why you wouldnt just use the timer thats found in the System.Windows.Forms.Timer class? The difference is that this "Forms" timer is always calling the Tick event handler on the same thread as the UI. So it seems to be an easier solution to your problem above. However, your solution is still valid when its not the UI thread you are trying to execute commands on. :-) Kyryll -reply by Kyryll -
I need Rap Lyrics Can somebody write me some? plz..
iGuest replied to supyo's topic in Art & Creativity
cant find loveRap LyricsI cant find love if theres no one in my life, I cant find love if theres no one in my life, I cant find love, yo hand me the mic, for enough to say, girl I'm happy to meat you, your my fantasy, can I be your sweet tooth, if there is any need for proof, I can be roots to chutes, or shelltoes of shoes, I can be dread locked or I could be shaved head, I can be broken locks or I could be us dead, I could be us wet, I could be our baby, baby, baby, this world is kinda insane, it must be all the haze weve been smokin, sittin around the house, it is kinda provokin, waitin for a break of emotion, life is a roller coaster, and a pocket full of tokens, no joke kids, this smart to ride, this tall to eat, this strong to survive, alive? its God damn circus, lose your laughter and the project's worthless, I can see the size of the prize in your eyes, believe me I want the sunrise in your thighs, but I'm not goin to lean on you, lets dance, lets dance on our own q. -reply by charizard -
*In regards to the comment about the LHC creating a blackhole:It is assumed that we cannot accelerate an object to the speed of light because at that speed it will increase in mass infinitely. Infinite mass equates to some huge order of gravity which would be followed by a black hole. This is merely a conceptual fear, not something that we are anticipating.
A Logical Arguement For The Legalization Of Marijuana
iGuest replied to SilverFox1405241541's topic in General Discussion
What are you talking about?A Logical Arguement For The Legalization Of Marijuanayou don't know what the hell your talking about dude marijuana is not bad and in fact, they do use it for medicinal purposes only. Like cancer anxiety insomnia etc The plant is grown in a medical greenhouse and grown by special gardeners that know how to grow different strains. As every plant has different genetics and helps heal people with Chronic pains; Insomnia; anxiety etc... So do a little research before you try acting like you know what the hell your talking about. Capeech? Grazie. -
ok heres a tip for all you battlefield fans! For big points, use any weapon that involves a spray shot..Such as a shotgun... Its great for close combat such as karkand
Well... This is a very interesting topic you all have chosen. Personally, what I completely detest is idiotic judgemental people, who mainly are preps, but some of them are gothic, too. Sometimes I can't stand gothic people. "Don't judge me! Ohmuuhgawd! That kid is wearing blue jeans!" Pathetic. Who cares what anyone wears? Stop focusing on the mundane. Normally, what gets me about people you would consider "Preppy", is just that they tend to follow whatever is cool anymore. Scream-o(as they call it) became a huge fad at our school, even though I've been listening intently to bands like that for a long time. But whatever, people can wear whatever they want to be. I don't really dwell on stuff like that, unlike some people. I really honestly loathe judgemental people with no regard to people's feelings. No one gives up the right to be treated with respect. Quote: "How can one possibly respect the existance of something, people in this case, when that something seems to defy respect? They do such trivial things and find amusement, even up to so-called maturity, in the incessant mistreatment of their own kind."-Johnny The Homicidal Maniac(Yes, the comic is to be taken with humor. I do laugh hysterically at this comic book. I do not, however, go on a killing spree. That is after I eat melons(not really). But sometimes there is somewhat of a seriousness. Again, definently not all of the comic book is to be taken seriously. Actually 99.9% of the comic shouldn't be taken seriously.) Everyone with a "holier than thou" attitude should just shut up and look at the facts. You don't know everyone. You don't know why they're wearing what they are. You shouldn't care what they are. People aren't born with judgement like some like to think. -reply by texastwo
How To Hide Your Files In XP hide doc and folders
iGuest replied to harriko's topic in Websites and Web Designing
How to unhide the hidden file by DOS commandHow To Hide Your Files In XPIn the command line replace "+h" to "-h" to unhide the file and also , repalace "+r" by "-r" to make your Read only file to simple one -reply by Tamal Dutta -
thanks einreaper! but how do I use this if I have more buttons on my scene?cheers,johan -reply by johan
Wireless Router Problems. Keeps dropping network.
iGuest replied to Damen's topic in Computer Networks
HELP Mini Laptop PurchaseWireless Router Problems.OK! Here it goes. I Got a mini dell laptop and it has been all setup to receive the router/verizon wireless connection and the laptop we already had in the house was working fine till my laptop got connected to the router/verizon wireless service too. Now, neither of the computers work or should I say connect to the internet. Mine never did. Does it matter if you are WPA or WEP??? IS there anything else we can do to get these computers back up and running. We have tried turning the router etc. Off and on. But can more then one laptop be on a wireless router at a time? It shouldn't matter right??Please help me! Tia -
How To Make Realistic Fire! real fire in photoshop
iGuest replied to theking648's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Can you?How To Make Realistic Fire!Ok I got a problem with the fire that no one can figure out and I'm just curious to see if you might know. I want to make the fire without having to be on the same layer as the black background. This will give me the ability to do whatever I want with the fire. The thing is I cant colorize the fire right without the black since white is already all colors and black is not. The black from what ive seen is where the color comes in. I can cut it out but the fire does not look right anymore if I do that. Do you know of a way that this can be done? -question by Andrew -
The biggest hard drive in the world was the one made by IBM in 1956 with a capacity of only 5 MB using 50 aluminum discs but its bigger than a refrigerator. Largest capacity? that's a different question. -reply by dmax
My Computer Hangs It hangs frequently when I play Ragnarok Online
iGuest replied to ransackthenation's topic in Software
Help me pls !My Computer HangsMy PC hangs after Windows starts up. It hangs usually after 10mins of start up. Everytime I run programs like RF Online or any other programs such as games, it hangs after several minutes. Please help me ! .. This is the specs of my PC : OS: Windows 7 UltimateProduct: Acer Aspire M5641Intel Core2? Quad processor with 4GB of RAMNVidia 9300GE Video card320GB SATA .. My PC is new, I bought it last week .. there is only few programs installed like RF Online, AVG Anti-Virus,Download Accelerator Plus, Garena and Windows files. There is no virus or spywares in my PC when I scanned it with my anti-virus program. Your help is very appreciatable. -reply by Symour -
RE: Post beeps on XPS ONE First, nothing wrong with the XPS. Performs fine, loads Windoze, Linux, etc. Fine. However, at each boot, I get a varying series of beep codes. In the old days (maybe the new ones too) these indicated a hardware malfunction of sorts. However, I have no hardware problems. The codes seem to be related to the number of USB devices plugged in (maybe?). If I have none, one set comes out. If I have all USB ports filled, another comes out. I've tried to be patient asking DELL. Their "technical" help has been working on this for two weeks. Every week day I get a telephone call wanting me to do something else. I told them I've checked memory (individual modules), seating, loose connectors, etc. All to no avail. My question to them is simple: is there a chart for these codes to which I can turn to discover the significance? So far, answer is, we don't know--but we're working on it. Anyone have any ideas?
Cheating Runescape Ban Appeals how to get unbanned
iGuest replied to threesix's topic in Computer Gaming
RS tech support blowsCheating Runescape Ban AppealsI had an account called tearsofsad, I got banned for eledged macroing, I got 99 firemaking from 82 in about 2 weeks, of hard *bottom* work, I did maples till about 95 then sold all of my stuff and got 99 with yews. The reason I tried to do this so fast is because I was running out of membership and wont beable to pay for more for quite a while. My whole family can say, "yes I was on my account from dawn till sleep, with very little bearks, for 2 weeks killing myself." I have also sunk a lot of membership money into that account. any way heres the situation. I am a 4 year vet of the game. Best skills were 87 combat, 88 smithing, 86 mining, 99 firemaking, and 71 mage. Not to mention a lot of quests and other bs things I refuse to do again. I read the macroing rules a long time ago back when the game was young. THEIR was nothing in there about using a modified client to play the game, now their is. Which is bs because of my situation. My computer is very old, I never played the old RS high detal (now the new low) so my computer laggs its *bottom* off. I am guilty of wanting to play the game so bad I went out and found another way to connect. I have used this client sense the HD update and never had a problem. So what does having a modified client do to fix this? simple, it has a USE LESS CPU option, which I used all the time. and because of that I'm permantly banned. should I be banned for this? no. I am never playing again, or paying for membership untill I'm unbaned. My family and friends are making the same stand with me. I better get unbanned or I swear to God I will save my money go to england and KILL ALL JAGEX employes, then blow up all of their host servers with homemade explosives! I will physicaly kill that game and company! starting with jagex CEO Mark Gerhard. you don't **** over 4 years of some ones free time + the money they gave you, because some Sh*ty anti macro program decides I was boting even though I wasnt. also a tip to jagex if they ever see this. ADD a customer support PHONE NUMBER. Your customer support and anti cheating systems are garbage or nonexistant! the people who play this game want to talk to an auctial person when Bull S*it happens to them, not use a crappy 1000 charater appeal box. Its not big enough. Just look how long this was. btw thanks for making it so easy to find info on your employees ; ) if your seeing this, don't play the game, don't pay for it, don't waste your life on it.. Its to late for me. -reply by pi**ed off gamer -
splitz downloadWhere Could I Find A Free Image Splitter Lke Splitz?via this link you can download splitz: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -reply by duke87
Online Typing Job For Free Is there any of such kind on net.
iGuest replied to contactskn's topic in Business Forum
About online typing jobsOnline Typing Job For FreeHi, I am an Indian, and I had heard about online typing jobs. I have lotOf time in my home with internet. I want to know more about theProcedures of online typing work and email forwarding job.How can I register with them?and Can I get enough payment as I wish? -question by Arun P Dev -
top five "depressing songs" and a messageDepressing Songs1. Gravity - sara barellies2. If it means a lot to you - a day to remember3. Remembering sunday - all time low4. Down - acoustica5. The kill - 30 seconds to marsI just want people to know--those that think people are whiners when they express their feelings--its people like you that make things worse. When someone says their life sucks, maybe it does and they need someone to talk to. You just need to understand--and maybe you do, but if you understood, then you wouldn't call it whining. When someone tries to tell someone, they are asking for help but you make them feel hopeless, worthless when you tell them you don't have time for their "whining." the next thing you know, they're gone...And to those that have issues--you are NOT alone please, share your feelings cuz I promise you that there is someone who wants to listen and help. Screw the *BLEEP*s that call you a whiner. They're just insensitive, selfish losers who don't understand. You ARE worth it--don't give up on account of one of them *BLEEP*s. You could even talk to me. I'll listen. I understand.-reply by Angela
I Need You To Help Me Find A Runescape Like Game runescape
iGuest replied to onyxgem's topic in Computer Gaming
download this:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ double click on Run Client this will open a runescape like window. Log in with any username and password. You will log in a private runescape server. You will start with 200m and will be equiped with full void and a whip and some other good stuff. There is PKing. NEW items and even new areas. To check what you can do type in ::commands in and look at the first part. It will say like ::pkbox. If you type ::pkbox in the chat box it will teleport you to pking area. You can do ::train to get teleported to training area. Don't worry if the monsters are higher level then you because you have a whip equipted and you will kill them. Training is really easy. We also have skill training. To teleport to skill training area please do ::skills. This will teleport you to skill training area.This world is called DangerScapeI (leno) am the owner of DangerScapeThank you. And I hope I see you on my private server. -
403 Forbidden page errorPhpmyadmin Password Does Not WorkThis is my first time using php and I was fidling around in the phpmymin and I set the paswords thinking that it would protect the database that I created. However, after I set the password in the phpadmin, I was getting this error "#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)" so I decided to try it another day and then I was getting a "403 forbidden error" which said " Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server." Do I have to reinstall the wampserver that I'm using or there another way to overide this password so that I can access phpmymin?
hmmm ok gamer4life you retarded, if your taking an SMG up against a sniper you must ****, and if a jackal sniper is a coward because he has his own sniper, what does that make you when u have a sniper? In my opinion, Halo 2 is only slightly below halo 1. Halo 1's storyline is better than Halo 2's, but halo 2 has a lot of enhancements to the way the game is played, like marines can actually drive the vehicles, then can hit things when firing on the warthog turret(let's face it, Halo 1 marines cant hit the broadside of a barn at point blank with a warthog turret)graphics, sound, and improved AI. Halo 1 has its ups with its storyline, action, soundtrack and the maps. Halo 1 has problems though in the form of rigged weapons. Did you know you can destroy a wraith with pistol? Theres a reason why bungie made it worse. And the shotgun, it was practically a sniper, it was strong against everything, it made every weapon obselete once you got it, you didnt need anything but a shotgun once you got it, and thats bullsh*t if you think you still need the pistol for long range. And you dissed the battle rifle without seeing how strong it is, its as good as if not better than the pistol, it is as accurate as a sniper, and is very strong. And you complain that the batle rifle looks like a modern AR just stripped down. Guess what? ITS THE HALO 1 AR WITH A HOLE IN FRONT OF THE AMMO COUNTER. And then you just color it black and add a scope. And why does the shotgun have things on the model that help you target and enemy, when you have a reticle on your hud? ever thought for a second that the weapons were made for the marines? NOT YOU.All the humans guns in halo were built for use for the marines, ever notice how the magnum, battle rifle, AR, SMG were very small on you? OF COURSE YOU DIDNT Maybe next time you post on something, saying its better than another thing, use you freakin pea-sized brain and think about what your saying -reply by thetwistedboy