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Everything posted by iGuest
cure foundCure For Cancer Found?So some guys from canada found the cure for cancer. Its concentrated hemp oil. Its been known for years that it slowed the rate cancer spreads at but now they know FOR SURE that in concentrated doses it completely eliminates cancerous cells. Cannabis. Look it up if you don't believe me or even if you do. People need to be educated and this needs to be spread around the government should not be allowed to keep this under wraps any longer its murder. -reply by paul
Reg no in some payout columnsOver 700 Ptc-sites Here With Information!Hi brenda, No means you cannot cash out out your earnings, Instead you can use your earnings for advertising. Warmest shabu -reply by Shabukumar
languageWindows 2003Hi my computer window in chinesses how can I change in english.RegardsMahesh-reply by kumar
Distributed Configuration Management tool is not installed after installing Oracle Application server 10gOracle 10g Install IssuesHi All, I installed Oracle Application server 10g Release 3 on my machine. The document says that the Distributed Configuration Management(DCM) will get installed during the installation. But, I don't see it after the installation is done. Can anyone please guide me as to where I am going wrong?? TIA, Mamatha
"No, the original bible would be the Old Testament. Frankly, I find the Old and New Testament Gods to be very very different from each other. The Old Testament God seems to be more of a vengeful creature than the New Testament one. So yeah, it is rather contradicting, in a sense.I agree with Arkane wholly. Much of religion does teach morals, of which you do not need religion to learn. Just because someone is atheist does not mean they lack morals--that's a matter of what their parents instill into them." The Bible was written by man but inspired by God. Each chapter in the Bible has an author (Genesis-Deuteronomy, the 1st five chapters in the Bible, were all written by Moses. Not one single chapter in the Bible was written by a God but was inspired by God. Old testament is before Christ and New Testament is after Christ.
aol and routersCan't Configure My Router With AolAOL is just some crappy greedy company just like microsoft , make it as difficult as possible to resolve a problem, wanna charge you just to get tech help with there BUGGY intrusive software nothing like spending 3 hours on the phone trying to resolve a intrusion issue (aol software blocking access to router and internet explore .) they do that because they cant compete legitimately so they gotta find anyway to keep people locked into them what does account information have to do with asking a question about their software (wont help you unless you give them account info ) -reply by matt
Do Aliens Really Exist? Hot Debate! do they really exist?
iGuest replied to tcave's topic in Science and Technology
Ok seriously how old are you retards posting stupid **** like this? tcave: First you say you believe aliens exist and then suddenly you say your a christian and don't really believe in aliens because God havent said anything about them. Ok why are you contridicting yourself by saying the opposite of what you first said? Thats a clear sign of retardation. Furthermore I would like to reply to Sadas. You say that there are "billions of solar systems, like ours, and each of that system has own planets, own satellites, own asteroids". Ok sounds fine, but wait, satellites? ***? Do you have proof of this? If thats the case you have just proven the excistence of alien life. And another thing, a solarsystem do not own their own asteroids, they come and go all the time. And lloydkirk1989, your claim that intelligent aliens can not exist because of the bible blablabla. Can religious people please wake up? Listen, I like to read books too, but that doesnt mean that I'm convinced that the stories are true. Without proof you got no facts. And in discussions like this, can you please elevate your mind above the biblical lies and think for yourself! I realize that this post surtainly wont change anything about you religious people, because you most likely have been brainwashed since birth by your parents which again leads back to your parents parents and so on. Good bye -reply by Manman -
birth controlReligionWhat is the rumor about Mormon's and birth control. I've heard that they don't believe in it and that is way they have anywhere from 4-5 kids, one on the way. And what is the thing with women not being able to wear pants/jeans. I have never seen a mormon female out in public wearing jeans. Is that just 'against the rules'? I'm just curious & like to learn. -reply by S.D.
Islam & JesusDebate With The Religions : Christian Vs Islam Vs MoreReplying to amirbornaHow can you say that Muslims donot believe in Jesus? We, Muslims, believe in all the Prophets from Adam (A.S.) to Muhammad (S.A.W.), though some of our concepts vary. Jesus was not the son of Allah. This is common sense. How can God, who created the whole universe can have a son? Why does He need a son? God is one, He's not a human or anything of the kind. Jesus is the messenger of Allah, the second last. Jesus had told his believers that a final Prophet will come. In our Holy Book, all the Prophets are mentioned, including Jesus.(O Esteemed Messenger!) Proclaim: ?He is Allah, Who is the One. Allah is the Transcendent of all, the Protector and Far-Superior to all. He has not begotten any nor is He begotten.Nor is there anyone equal to Him.? (Qoran)
Weird Ps2 Disc Reading Problem Works only at 1st time...
iGuest replied to Janissary's topic in Computer Gaming
my ps2 wonWeird Ps2 Disc Reading ProblemI don't know what else to do.I have an older version of ps2 and it won't stop reading the disc, but before that I was reading disc error. Is there anything else that i can try. I've used a cleaner on it already... Someone please help! -question by jess -
Yahoo is best!Inbox.com Or Gmail?Yahoo is best, there you can synchronize everything with Outlook and then in turn with Windows Mobile. You can access all your outlook data from the internet or your smartphone make changes and synchronize again.Also the AdressGuard ™ feature from yahoo is unique and very useful, this avoids spam.Gmails calendar synchronization makes a lot of errors as I found out after long testing.Gmail does not offer folders; tag system is powerful, but with folders you organize faster and you have a better overview; there are seldom emails that have more than one important categories and categorizing each email with different tags is very tedious.For these reasons: until now Yahoo! is the winner!-reply by Thom
Reservation Rewards class action lawsuit is a SCAM, too!Reservation Rewards - A Scam!The class action suit against Reservation Rewards is a SCAM in itself.Only one class action suit can be filed at one time for any givenCompany or situation. So, the company filed one against THEMSELVES toKeep anyone else from making further claims. In the contract, it limitsYou to any further legal action, and will only return ?up to 2 monthsWorth of charges.? They will return 2 months worth of charges with aSimple phone call. DO NOT sign up for the class action lawsuit. I wasRipped off for over a year?s worth of charges. I went along with theirLittle scheme, filled out all the mail-in paperwork they make you fillOut, and I actually DID get my money back. The lawsuit WILL NOT returnAny more than 2 months worth of fees. Keep that in mind.-reply by Charles
World of warcraft it honestly the best hands downs most people complain about the monthly payments its only 15$ a month I payed this month and already two patches came out. WoW has 10mil players its massive perfect scenery Very good PVP and Fantastic PVE WoW gives a wide variety to what you like in a Mmorpg game and don't worry about the 15$ a month cause for one its not a lot of money and two is that its worth it, theres players who still play from the day that WoW came out ( not speaking the original WoW with horrible graphics xD )
You know, people like you rather piss me off. I realize that warez and torrents do bring down some companies, but if a product is $600, that company is moronic for making it. If a product is cheap enough to afford, or freeware, people will not be as likely as to steal it, and that is the truth. In any other case, warez and torrents provide free advertising to your programs. If someone likes a product that they get from these sources, they typically buy them in the future so they have a real copy. People who use this, such as children (18- or so), will not buy the items however, because they do not have the money or will to do it. In other cases however, they will buy the item in the future if they have the money. Warez provides people who don't have enough money to buy it, or smart enough people to use it, an opportunity to get a free item that they may have really needed. Yes, warez is cracked software (typically), but it's the own companies fault for pricing an item way above average pay grade. You have the right to say your opinion, but in your case, it was rather useless to bash it, because it will ALWAYS continue to spread to MORE and MORE people. That's like saying World of Warcraft is a ****ty game, yet it has more users than any game will EVER have in the future, unless it is the same ideal thing, with better graphics and better gameplay. Don't bash something you can't defeat. You ARE outnumbered. -reply by Alexx Barker
1.It is not an mod for HALF LIFE 2,they payed for that engine so you cant call it an mod. 2.The name isnt Vampire Game (lol) ,its Vampire the Masquerade-Bloodlines 3.You really should play this game. -reply by Nameless ONE
I completely agree that rape is the worst crime to anyone that has experienced it. And to everyone else, keep your opinions to yourself. Death is too good for these people. If you can't control your urges enough that it is better to destroy someone else life than to do without then you deserve to be put to death. And the reason that I say that is because to do that to someone, rape, the person must have no regard for human emotions or feelings and therefore is inhuman. Kill them all and the world will be a better place. Nothing will take away the pain from the person who was raped but closure knowing that the person that did it will never take another breath is the next best thing.
Help! Not Able To Install Half-life 2 : Episode One
iGuest replied to delivi's topic in Computer Gaming
half life 2 episode 2Help! Not Able To Install Half-life 2 : Episode Onehello, I downloaded Half Life 2 Episode 2, and after I extract theRar file , I click on "hl2.Exe" but I get an error message saying, "Setup file 'gameinfo.Txt' does not exist in sub-directory 'hl2'. Check your game parameter or VCONFIG setting" Now someone can tell me what the hell is that?? believe me I tried so many things that didt work...Now pls some help me I want to play the second episode so much -reply by shyju -
20 Things To Do When You're Bored At Walmart
iGuest replied to Mermaid711's topic in General Discussion
LoL funny honestly I tried 11,12,13,16 and it was fun "Go Pikachu Go" -reply by Samual -
PS2 RECOMMENDATIONSPs2 Game Recommendations PleaseHello. I also just bought myself a PS2 having missed the true PS1 and PS2 era. I had a SNES, then a Xbox, then a Xbox 360. Just sold the Xbox 360. Got sick of the new games. I don't really care about graphics, gamerscore, or playing online. I care more about fun the most, so I sold my 360 and I turned towards a PS2 since it's capable of playing both PS1 and PS2 games and has such a large library of games to choose from, now mostly cheap too! As far as playing online goes, there's a couple that still work on the PSN and I always have my PC for shooters (CoD & CS & UT series). Anyways here's the list of games I bought so far with their corresponding cost (includes shipping & tax) - I bought most of them from Ebay.Com, Half.Com, and Circuitcity.Com: PsychoNauts (**$14.19**) The Mark of Kri (**$11.89**) Kill Switch (**$12.99**) Project Eden (**$10.00**) Primal (**$7.48**) Black (**$13.24**) Clock Tower 3 (**$24.75**) Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy (**$14.99**) Beyond Good & and Evil (**$11.50**) ICO (**$55.49**) (**USED**) Haunting Ground (**$30.00**) (**USED**) Shadow of the Colossus (**$22.00 - FREE WITH SONY REWARDS**) Killzone (**$18.99 - FREE WITH SONY REWARDS**) SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: COMBINED ASSAULT (**$15.00 - FREE WITH SONY REWARDS**) God of War (**$22.00 - FREE WITH SONY REWARDS**)God of War 2 (**24.00 - FREE WITH SONY REWARDS**) Fatal Frame (**$33.49**)Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (**$34.00**)Fatal Frame III: The Tormented (**$34.00**) Silent Hill 2 (**$28.90**) (**USED**)Silent Hill 3 (**$30.90**) (**USED**)Silent Hill 4 (**$36.37**) Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (**$13.48**)Sly 2: Band of Thieves (**12.66**)Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (**11.99**) Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (**$8.98**)Jak II (**$10.86**)Jak 3 (**$14.99**) Ratchet & Clank (**$11.99**)Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (**$12.99**)Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (**$12.99**)Ratchet: Deadlocked (**$11.63**) Manhunt (**$13.90**)Manhunt 2 (**$8.99**) Grand Theft Auto 2-Pack: (**$17.25**)- Liberty City Stories- Vice City Stories Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection (**$28.99**)- Metal Gear Solid- Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance- Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence Syphon Filter (**$6.97**)Syphon Filter 2 (**$4.97**)Syphon Filter 3 (**$6.97**)Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain (**$7.00**)Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror (**$9.98**) HARDWARE: Sony Playstation 2 (PS2) (BLACK) Slim Console w/controller (**$99.99**) Monster Component Cable (**$14.95**) (I already own an optical cable) Sony PS2 8MB Memory Card 2 Pack (RED, BLUE) (**$18.00**) Sony PS1/PSONE 1MB Memory Card w/Case (YELLOW) (**$11.99**) - I heard I'd need a PS1 memory card to save PS1 games that I play on my PS2 - I hope this is true or I wasted 12bux! Sony - DualShock 2 Analog Controller (BLUE) for PlayStation 2 (**$20.99**)
Attention Guys!Arsenal Youth Club Academy Currenly Recruting Players ! !To everyone on this site - THIS IS KNOWN AS TRAFFICKING FOOTBALLERS!? No professional club, including Arsenal, recruits like this. It's a scam guys, and I know players who have lost a lot of money to people who say they will get them a trial at Premier League academies and when they turn up the club knows nothing about it! Please ask a lot of questions of any scout or club representative, if they haven't seen you play they are not interested I promise! Good luck in more scrupulous attempts to become professionals and please have your critical faculties about you! -reply by Ted McClenaghan
How to prevent code to be submitted if one field is empty?Preventing A Form To Submit If A Field Is Empty?I've just started learning php. I need help in preventing users to log in if one field is empty. here is my code advance thanks: <html> <head> <title>Cricket Notemaker - Developed by Application Development Group</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.Css"> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- function popup(mylink, windowname) { if (! window.Focus)return true; var href; if (typeof(mylink) == 'string') { agent = document.FORM.A.Value; supervisor = document.FORM.S.Value; station = document.FORM.T.Value; href = mylink + "?a=" + agent + "&s=" + supervisor + "&t=" + station; } else href=mylink.Href; window.Open(href, windowname, 'width=245,height=720,scrollbars=no'); init(); return false; } function shutDown() { self.Close(); } function init() { var timer = setInterval(shutDown, 1000); } //--> </SCRIPT> </head><body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <form action="" method="post" name="FORM"> <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center" bordercolor="#000080"> <tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" align="center"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><img src="logo_cricket.Gif"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" height="6"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="black11" align="right">Agent ID :</td> <td class="black11" align="left"><input type="text" name="a" size="25" style="text-transform: capitalize"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="black11" align="right">Supervisor ID :</td> <td class="black11" align="left"><input type="text" name="s" size="25" style="text-transform: capitalize"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="black11" align="right">Station ID :</td> <td class="black11" align="left"><input type="text" name="t" size="25" style="text-transform: capitalize"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="reset" value=" Reset "><input type="button" value=" Submit " onClick="return popup('notemaker.Php', 'Notemaker')"> </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr></table> </form> </body></html> -reply by jecq
Tribute to Curt CobainPoem On Kurt Cobain!And grinding out,That gravelled ice,Then washing soft away,To find,retrieve,express so much,Beyond us,You felt it harder,And then for death,To dance,to get,To rocket out of veiw unchanged,Behind mine eyes,A picket fence,To brave not the chasm from whence you DARED.-reply by Ivor Lee
Girls- good break up songs include- my happy ending by avril lavigne leave by jojo teardrops on my quitar-taylor swift *the slower sad songs are good ones, but if u wanna be cheered up an just forget about him, listen to some songs that really get you in the dancing mood. You broke up, so besides, just go have some fun.
HandyCam editing softwareSony HandycamI own a Sony HDRXR520V HandyCam. I would like to edit the videos to eliminate unwanted frames, possibly improve certain frame quality and connect separate videos together to make a decent home video. I would appreciate suggestions for editing software that is not for professional users. -question by Allan Striker
Circle wont move![pygame] Python GameI am sure I am doing something wrong with my program, but I have gone over the code very carefully, and don't see the problem. Everything in the program works fine, execpt the circle stays perfectly still! Please Help!! -question by guest