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driver stopped workingNvidia Display Driver ProblemI've been having this since the latest drivers. I didn't only clean my fans but instead tottally dismounted everything, double checked my hardware, everything was fine. BUT, whenever I run a game pc crashes. My gpu was running at around 60 degrees (celcuis) on older drivers, with the latest its over 85. I've searched on the nvidia forums, there's a closed thread from 2007, when appearantly this problem started.And everyone says do this, do that, check this and that... My conclusion is a format and back to xp. Btw I'm running Nvidia gainward 8600 gt on vista home premium. -reply by Annabelle
page refresh in chat applications embedded in web pagesRefresh Web Pagewhen two persons are communicating via chat application embedded in web page instead of automatically refreshing the page for a particular period of time(say 5 seconds)we can refresh one side of the client page when other side of client submits a message to him which is stored in database,so how can the page be refreshed when only a new data is updated in the server -question by guest
where to put custom firmwarePsp Iso/.rar ConvertorReplying to (G)Geo where will I put the custom firmware in the psp folders? I having trouble in converting .Rar to iso. So I think this is the best way copy the extracted file to my psp. But I really don't know if I have a custom firmware.-question by forrest
How to solve wampserver port problem in windows vista?Wamp Server ProblemsThanks to you all, I had same problem and it is solved. either change your skype port which is accessable in: Skype: TOOLS > OPTIONS > USER PORT check box. or in case of wamp: C:wampbinapacheApache2.2.11 Server localhost : 80 Good Luck everyone! -reply by fahimshekaib
ALOT OF PROGRAMS ARE FREE AND SAFE ON THE NET...BUT...Smiley CentralEXAMPLES:spybot s&d,clickster,avira anti-virus,frostwire,manycam,mp3gain,mp3mymp3 and many many more...I've got tons of programs on my pc that I got for free via the internet.A person just has to be careful.There are actually free and legitimate screensavers a person can download as well,but agan a person needs to be careful.I've been a heavy pc user since 1997 and studied source code,xhtml, and am not ignorant about the pc and internet,etc...Alot of free stuff online is legitimate (virus and malware free )..If a person isn't sure about downloading something google it by typing review,then the name of the product in question. also.Once downloaded,run virus scan...Never download product you're not sure of by opening it..Save to a folder instead..Then scan it for virus's and spyware or adware. when installation begins keep track of what's being loaded.My security( avira)will notice immediately if a program other than the initially intended program begins to download(bundled junk like toolbars,search engines,etc).Generally one can tell by name of the file whether or not it's something one wants downloaded.. My security notifies me immediately and I have the choice to allow or bock those files.The download then continues after I make my decision. I suggest avira as an anti-virus software and comodo firewall and superantispyware for trojans and general spyware.Also iobit security 360. And keep windowsdefender activated also.These programs don't interfer with on another and all of them I've mentioned are free.There are alternative fee versions,but the free versions of these programs work great.Avira's free antivirus scans in real time and it's an excellent program all the way around. There's alot of free stuff out there.Just be careful!! important--A REMINDER! newbies or not. always search for reviews regarding programs that aren't familiar to you. THE REASON Idon't have virus problems...For example..I reviewed cursormania cause I wasn't sure about it.Not just one review search but five..It's all negative..It only takes a few minutes to search for and read 4 or 5 reviews regarding a product or program. -reply by djteel
VEDIC FANATICVedic Maths: Any Takers ?Hi, my name is Prateek Bist and I'm quite interested in the vedas itself. I have been practising things like Yoga and Kung fu for quite some time now. Actually, I want to make a point come to every one's notice how these things are related to the Vedas. The Vedas are the ancient Indian religious texts and therefore, Vedic Maths is also born out of a religious parctice itself. Ancient Indian Rishis (wise men) who used to spend almost whole of their lives in intense mediation, paid very-very important notice to time, measurement, geometrical figures, angles etc. To plan out their religious rituals and so a definite system of mathematics was an essential need for them and they had to invent this mind-boggling system for their use. A question that must have rose up in many of you is "How did they invent so precise and amazing system of techniques far better than today's comprehensive system?". Actually, as I told you they were life-long practitioners of meditation and so their way and method of thinking was far more superior than any one today. Remember, I am not trying to challenge today's comprehensive mathematics, but I know even you must have transpired the power of Vedic Mathematics over regular maths.Now, let me take you into a few of other secrets of the Vedic texts.Firstly, the ancient Rishis evolved a system of peg or decoding to learn some complex formulae. They used to recite and learn complex sanskrit mantras. So, by learning these long and complex mantras, first of all they evolved an amazing power of memory and secondly they learned the various mathematical formulae hidden under the canopy of these mantras. When these mantras were decoded, they brought about certain mathematical formulae used for performing lightning speed calculations. Let me give you an example :-Here are the twenty items that youWill have to memorize in sequence in a shortTime.Carpet, paper, bottle, bed, fish, chair, window, telephone,Cigarette, nail, typewriter, shoe, microphone, pen, television set,Plate, donut, car, coffee pot, and brick.Now, try to recite these words in the exact order without looking at them. Well, you couldn't get all of them at first, did you?So, I'll teach you now, what I call the LinkMethod of memory. I've told you that the Rishis used to recite the mantras, well, this method is derived from there only. This is called the link method where you are going to mentally link one object to another and learn them in the exact order. Watch out :-Don't be alarmed! It is child's play; as a matter of fact itIs almost like a game.The first thing you have to do is to get a picture of theFirst item, "carpet," in your mind. You all know what aCarpet is—so just "see" it in your mind's eye. Don't just seeThe word, "carpet," but actually, for a second, see either anyCarpet, or, a carpet that is in your own home and is thereforeFamiliar to you. I have already told you that this is the Link Method in which you will link one object to another . You are goingTo do that right now, and the items themselves will serveAs the things you already remember. The thing that youNow know or already remember is the item, "carpet." TheNew thing, the thing you want to remember will be theSecond item, "paper."Now then, here is your first and most important stepTowards your trained memory. You must now associate orLink carpet to, or with, paper. The association must be asRidiculous as possible. For example, you might picture theCarpet in your home made out of paper. See yourself walkingOn it, and actually hearing the paper crinkle under foot.You can picture yourself writing something on a carpetInstead of paper. Either one of these is a ridiculous pictureOr association. A sheet of paper lying on a carpet would notMake a good association. It is too logical! Your mental pictureMust be ridiculous or illogical. Take my word for theFact that if your association is a logical one, you will notRemember it.Close your eyes for a second; thatMight make it easier to see the picture, at first. As soon asYou see it, stop thinking about it and go on to your nextStep. The thing you now already know or remember is,"paper," therefore the next step is to associate or Link,Paper to the next item on the list, which is, "bottle." At thisPoint, you pay no attention to "carpet" any longer. MakeAn entirely new ridiculous mental picture with, or betweenBottle and paper. You might see yourself reading a giganticBottle instead of a paper, or writing on a gigantic bottleInstead of on paper. Or, you might picture a bottle pouringPaper out of its mouth instead of liquid; or a bottle madeOut of paper instead of glass. Pick the association whichYou think is most ridiculous and see it in your mind's eyeFor a moment.I cannot stress, too much, the necessity of actually seeingThis picture in your mind's eye, and making the mentalImage as ridiculous as possible. You are not, however, toStop and think for fifteen minutes to find the most illogicalAssociation; the first ridiculous one that comes to mind isUsually the best to use. I'll give you two or more ways inWhich you might form your pictures with each pair of theTwenty items. You are to pick the one that you think isMost ridiculous, or one that you've thought of yourself,And use that one association only.We have already linked carpet to paper, and then paperTo bottle. We now come to the next item which is, "bed."You must make a ridiculous association between bottle andBed. A bottle lying on a bed, or anything like that would beToo logical. So you might picture yourself sleeping in a largeBottle instead of a bed, or you might see yourself taking aSnort from a bed instead of a bottle. (I can get pretty ridiculous.)See either of these pictures in your mind for a moment,Then stop thinking of it.You realize, of course, that we are always associating thePrevious object to the present object. Since we have justUsed, "bed"; this is the previous, or the thing we alreadyKnow and remember. The present object, or the new thingThat we want to remember, is "fish." So—make a ridiculousAssociation or link between bed and fish. You could "see" aGiant fish sleeping in your bed; or a bed made out of a giganticFish. See the picture you think is most ridiculous.Now—"fish" and "chair"—see the gigantic fish sitting onA chair, or a large fish being used as a chair. Or, you'reCatching chairs instead of fish while fishing.Chair and Window—See yourself sitting on a pane ofGlass (which gives you a pain) instead of a chair. Or, youMight see yourself violently throwing chairs through aClosed window. See the picture before going on to the nextOne.Window and Telephone—See yourself answering thePhone, but when you put it to your ear, it's not a phoneYou're holding, but a window. Or, you might see your window as a large telephone dial, and you have to lift the dialTo look out the window. You could see yourself stickingYour hand through a window pane in order to pick up thePhone. See the picture you think is most ridiculous, for aMoment.Telephone and Cigarette—You're smoking a telephoneInstead of a cigarette; or you're holding a large cigarette toYour ear and talking into it instead of a telephone. Or, youMight see yourself picking up the phone and a million cigarettesFly out of the mouthpiece and hit you in the face.Cigarette and Nail—You're smoking a nail; or hammeringA lit cigarette into the wall instead of a nail.Nail and Typewriter—You're hammering a gigantic nailRight through a typewriter, or all the keys on your typewriterAre nails and they're pricking your fingertips as youType-Typewriter and Shoe—See yourself wearing typewritersInstead of shoes, or you're typing with your shoes. YouMight want to see a large shoe with keys and you're typingOn that.Shoe and Microphone—You're wearing microphones insteadOf shoes, or, you're broadcasting into a large shoe.Microphone and Pen—You're writing with a microphoneInstead of a pen, or you're broadcasting and talking into aGiant pen.Pen and Television set—You could "see" a million pensGushing out of the television screen, or pens performing onTelevision, or there is a screen on a gigantic pen and you're(I can't resist this pun) watch-ink a television show on it.Television set and Plate—Picture your television screenAs one of your kitchen plates, or see yourself eating out ofThe television set instead of out of a plate, or—you're eatingOut of a plate, and seeing a television show in the plateWhile you eat.Plate and Donut—"See" yourself biting into a donut,But it cracks in your mouth for it's a plate. Or, picture beingServed dinner in a gigantic donut instead of a plate.Donut and Automobile—You can "see" a large donutDriving an automobile; or, see yourself driving a giganticDonut instead of a car.Automobile and Coffee Pot—A large coffee pot is drivingA car, or you're driving a gigantic coffee pot instead of aCar. You might picture your car on your stove, with coffeePerking in it.Coffee Pot and Brick—See yourself pouring steamingCoffee from a brick instead of a coffee pot, or "see" bricksPouring from the spout of a coffee pot instead of coffee.That's it! If you have actually "seen" these mental picturesIn your mind's eye, you will have no trouble rememberingThe twenty items in sequence, from "carpet" to"brick." Of course, it takes many times the length of timeTo explain this than to simply do it. Each mental associationMust be seen for just the smallest fraction of a second,Before going on to the next one.Let's see now if you have remembered all the items. IfYou were to "see" a carpet, what would that bring to mindImmediately? Why, paper, of course. You saw yourselfWriting on a carpet, instead of paper. Now, paper bringsBottle to mind, because you saw a bottle made of paper.You saw yourself sleeping in a gigantic bottle instead of aBed; the bed had a gigantic fish sleeping on it; you wereFishing, and catching chairs and you were flinging chairsThrough your closed window. Try it! You will see that youWill go right through all the items without missing or forgettingAny of them.Fantastic?? Unbelievable?? Yes! But, as you can see,Entirely plausible and possible. Why not try making your own list of objects and memorizing them in the way thatYou have just learned.Now, you see the simplicity of this. This is how Vedic Maths was orally transmitted.Secondly, I would also like to say that Vedic Maths has its pure origin in India and don't roam around telling anyone that the vedic maths or the concept of some special figures such as zero is Arabic. It really hurts on being an Indian and listening to such stupidity. Also, due to my researches, I have also transpired the truth of myths regarding Indian Inventions like Accupressure is originally Indian (although accupuncture is not) and not chinese. If any one has any questions regarding things like levitation, supernatural powers, ki energy, mantras, martial arts secrets, Vedas etc. Feel free to contact me and I will share with you my utmost important secrets I have been hiding from the most.Well, I have basically tried to quote upon Vedic Maths and its related myths and importance.If you want to contact me, my e-mail ID is princeoftennis@rediffmail.ComWrite the subject as "I WANT INFO"WELL WISHES ON YOUR MATHEMATICS PERFORMANCE.-reply by Prateek Bist
pseudo scienceAstrology Is FictionAstrology is a pseudo science. It follows no base hypothesis or method. It has no experimentation or backup. You cant test it. All the other sciences have theses things like bio, chem and physics. Astrology is not true at all, but people can believe in it if they want to. -reply by qwerty123
I am very interested in using camellia oil to treat my acne. I actually don't have bad acne but blemishes especially in the summer since I wear makeup and play sports. How do I use the camellia oil along with my other products? Here's how I do my facial routine at night. 1-face wash/cleanser 2-toner 3-moisturizer --sometimes I would put on a acne fighting cream and do facial peels your time is greatly appreciated
A Logical Arguement For The Legalization Of Marijuana
iGuest replied to SilverFox1405241541's topic in General Discussion
Just a thought....A Logical Arguement For The Legalization Of MarijuanaI agree that alcohol, cigarettes and pot are similar addictions... But correct me if I'm wrong you never hear about illnesses such as cancer and organ failure due to smoking pot... In fact don't they sometimes treat cancer symptoms with pot??? The only legit concern I really see about the delay of legalizing pot is adding yet another addictive substance to society... They expect society to keep their addictions to alcohol and cigarettes under control, I don't see why they don't legalize pot with the same expectaions (to manage your consumption responsibly) Like with alcohol some people can't handle alcohol and therefore shouldn't drink... Some people can't handle pot so therefore shouldn't smoke it... Anyway thats just what I think... -
I totally agree! I love my apple and for my parents who need something that is the norm in the world I recommend the HP. Honestly, I have had lots of problems with dell and trying to understand their tech people-sorry but sending over seas might be cheaper but sends consumers running!
bannedHabbo HotelReplying to RsHeaven OwnerDude if your banned and you don't like habbo cuz you have to pay just got to the retros-reply by shoot
What to do 101 Ways To Say I Love You I think I need you to tell or give me tips of what to do to my girl to make her see that I love her so much, cos when ever I see her am so infatuated about her smiles and I don't want to lose her. Please tell me what to do.-feedback by Lekan
Error In Installing MySQL Server MySQL server cannot be started
iGuest replied to jedipi's topic in Programming
I am having the same problem. It is NOT a problem of the old isntallation. I have removed multiple files manually, I have removed the service. I have searched the registry for MySQL, I have searched the hard drive for MySQL and my.Ini. MySQL is GONE. Yet a new version still will not install. People have been reporting this problem for YEARS and they still haven't fixed it?? This is ridiculous. -reply by James -
wireless internet via router 1, file transfers via wired lan router #2 home network?Connect Using Wireless And Wired LineI totally hear your problem buddy. I am running3 computers on a wireless router. I also want to transfer files to a centralized pc which has the most hard drive space. From the laptop. Both are on Wireless via router. I have another router of which I'm hoping I can sit both side by side and transfer files from the laptop to the pc(server) via 2nd router running cables rather than wireless. I am wondering as well if this is possible? Will the Laptop and PC both be able to resume internet connections via the wireless router and assume file sharing abilities with the 2nd wired router? If anyone has an answer to this please post -reply by Bruce
firstly the bible says because of lack of knowledge my people perish, note "knowledge"and "perish" I must say most of you here who commented on this topic is lacking in knowledge in some way are the other, please don't take this as an insult I'm not knowledgeable about everything my self. Now for the big question "would the world be a better place without religion?" the answer is NO, why is this so, to this question I must first answer the many theories that were suggested here. Well is that acceptable yes it is by my account but, will I not spelling correctly, be accepted by the wider community NO why? because there is something called due process and a correct way of way of doing things, it may be accepted by me and my community but will it then be accepted internationally NO, why? there are rules to life that are supposed to be followed its within our nature that these things occur what is our nature ? our nature is to please God you cannot omit Him you cannot do anything about it, if there was no Jesus we would in turn praise something else a false God are idol, We praise our money and many other vanities. Why is this so? like it are not God made us and we were made to praise him and praise is in our DNA, just as it is so with loving a woman you were not made to love the same sex sexually its like chemistry we know certain elements has no compatibility but we think about the possibility and create enrich- uranium is it beneficial to us yes but whats the side effect we cannot dispose of it it was not natural in nature so therefore we are left with a dangerous by product radioactive waste, also in the course of nature that God has made, all things reproduce sexually and this process is accomplished by a female being and male being, not a male and male being no where under creation this is found where two males come together to create life than in human beings why we are given the choice to choose that is called will, but this has a prerequisite you cannot disrupt the plan of God if you do you will destroy the course of nature. So there man is disobedient when you have sex with the same sex and create a problem in the humanity and nature and laws of God. the earth was not made from an explosion so everyone wIth since I don't think I have explain something Phd's fail at, explosions destroy they don't create whatever arises from them are fragments of elements if they even fuse it is over many years of other explosions that would evolve them..Which is yet to be seen, I have have been on earth for a while now and I have not seen a explosion creating another planet of life
Are you kidding?Skype Vs. MsnHow can you even compare a platform mounted VoIP to any other VoIP? Ludicrous! The extra routing of unmounted VoIP's precludes greater interference on hookups. Nitwit! -reply by kwaut_lizard
that is a common misconception mj is in fact not a gateway drug. The choice is clearly their own if they choose to move onto harder drugs. I for one use to smoke (moderately) but I don't anymore, I never felt the need to try other drugs mj is a non-lethal plant. If you were to smoke a lot (over an uncountable amount) you might be in harm, but overall it's clearly impossible to die from it. It also has proven new factors of preventing neck cancer and some other types of cancer (no lie look it up!) it's harmful if laced with harder drugs (which kids should look out for) I don't believe you should let children smoke, about 18 would be a good age to my opinion, just like cigarettes, but stouges cause lung cancer, heart problems, which marijuana will only decrease your lung capacity by slight and you will gain some weight from it (if you get the munchies), as well you can easily get to sleep a lot better with it in your system. if weed was legal in my eyes. It would help out our economic disaster and our huge amount of national debt if the government puts tax on it and supplies it (which would be difficult, there is a lot of mj out there) also, the high amount of drug crime would instantly decrease (less deaths over drugs), plus it helps people in medical therapy, and just a wondering thought for those religious people out there (I am not of a religion, but I think equally towards others) why would God put a "drug" on this planet if he loves you so much and wants the best for you. The devil didn't create this world, he just helps the madness grow and the sick, twisted things get out of hand. I have a lot to argue about this, I have done my homework boys and girls, I've never seen anyone and no one will die on mj. I've seen it all, I've seen huge amounts people have consumed and they just pass out from the down and wake up fine. Not a dead looking thing on them. the only concern is the workplace, keep it out of the workplace, but private at home, we spend tons of money just getting drug tests and what do they do? just lose their job cause of some plant they were not high at work? let the people have their own lives, and make this a "free country," cause this isn't a free place, nothing is free from restraints. that is my reasoning.
boyfreinds problemsBoyfriend Losing Interest In Me.my boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 6 months and in those 6 months iv grown to love him and he says he loves me to but 3 weeks ago hes been distant and moody and just wants to talk about us and how if I don't keep my promises (putting him first,not ignoring him when I get mad at him) that hell slowly start losing interest. iv been in relationships before but this one really means something to me.And iv never had these talkies before with anyone else so I don't know what to say or do. need help with this one... -reply by paula
Replying to csp4.0Hi friends I have here a simple solutionThe first line have1 (one time 1) so next11 (First write how many times a digit occurs than write that digit)Mean in second line (11) 1 is two(2) times so first 2 than 1...211211........1113213211 and next will be31131211131221 and more next will be13211311123113112211-reply by satyajeet vyas
the halo book are the best part of the series because it give u a true understanding of the halo universe because everybody thinks that all the other spartens are dead and thats just not true their are more spartins alive like sparten 117 John's whole team Fred, Kelly, Linda and Kurt and kurt is responsible for training the sparten 3s one thing I hate about the game is the it makes master cheif out to be some unstopable all power full sparten and thats not true FRED can kick his *bottom* and has LINDA can out stelth and out sniper him and KELLY is the fastest sparten their is the whole concept of the spartens is for them to function in 3 to 5 member teams and thats what I want to see in a game beacuse of now in the timeline of halo fred, kelly, linda, kurt, cheif petty officer mendez, dr halsey,and 8 sparten 3s are stuck in the core of of the planet onyx which is the only safe place to be when the rings go off and 117 is out fighting he need to find them and get them out and kick the covenents *** -reply by BUUDA Keywords:
GuestsRobloxI really like roblox, and just so you know, I just HAPPEN to be in the sixth grade, taking the SATs, and I make obbys. I wouldn't call myself an idiot. Really, the worst feature to ever hit the game was guests. They are EXTREMELY hard to ban, because the roblox staff DOESENT CARE! They don't CARE if a guest breaks the rules. THEY don't CARE if a guest curses on a game with a guest talking script. THEY don't CARE if a guest does anything. THEY THINK that guests are just new players trying out the game, but over half are banned noobs who want to cause more trouble. -reply by Andrez192
I totally agreeNever Join Any Traffic Generation Program!I have spent countless hours clicking and matching icons to add links and I know the rest of the members must do the same thing unless their kids do it for them. This is a strategy that the folks at "Click Bank Pirate" endorse and needles to say I have not been very successful. I did get a script to post my links to socail bookmarks but I have not seen any results yet with that ... If any one wants to throw me a bone I am ready...Click bank pirate link... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Jeff-reply by Jeff
Ahh, Freelancer with me feet on the sub!Freelancer: The Forgotten GameYep, still remember playing this with mates online (well, my only 2 mates) and resting my feet on the sub woofer as I was playing (it was like the feelies, a la Huxley) and just so immersive playing other online players. Class - just don't understand why M$ ditched it. All the online servers now seem to have gone too. Real shame. -reply by nibs
Signs Of Pregnancy does anyone know how u can tell if ur pregnant?
iGuest replied to keego's topic in Health & Fitness
Could i be pregnant?Signs Of PregnancyHi!I'm Chuma 21years of age.This is the 3rd month now since my last period. The 1st month I had abdominal pains and a brown discharge that lasted my normal 3day period. I've done several home pregnancy tests and they test negative. My breast are paining. I'm not sure if I have the symptoms or it's just my mind playing games with me. Please help.Yours.Chuma NxesiCape town-question by Chuma -
I Need Some Help(medical) swollen left side of my jaw,by ear
iGuest replied to JohnNitro's topic in General Discussion
Same thingI Need Some Help(medical)The same exact thing happened to me! And it hurts to close my mouth all the way, open my mouth beyond a certain extent, and to chew. If you find anything out, could you please let me know so I can figure out how to make it feel better? Thanks so much!! Charli