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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. To All Who Thing Cheating Is OkayBad Relationship, Partner Trust & CheatingWhen you are in a relationship you shouldn't cheat on your spouse. The sexual things you do with your spouse are supposed to be special and mean something to you, because yes a relationship isn't just about sex, but it is a big part of it. When you are cheating on your spouse that means you are unhappy with the sexual part of your relationship and when you are unhappy with sexual part of your relationship you shouldn't be with that person. Yes some people will argue that cheating helped there relationship or someone's relationship they know but it didn't really, because I bet none of those people are still together, or wont be for long, cheating helps, put your problems on hold, but at the end of the day, there still going to be there, you will ether cheat some more, or realize that you need to brake it off with your spouse. -reply by samantha
  2. To be honest, I think FireFTP is good, well, it's the best for me, in my opinion. To others opinions may be different.
  3. I use the Break keys dozens of times a day. Ctrl-Alt-Break is extremely useful when using RDP, which switches the client between a window and full screen. -reply by Richard Willis
  4. Copy and paste this codeHelp With Compiling My Serverright click on your compiler and select edit.Now copy and paste this code in: @echo offIf exist "%programfiles%Java" (call :compile "%programfiles%Java") else (goto error):compileFor /D %%x in ("%~1jdk*") do (set p="%%~xbinjavac.Exe")If defined p (%p% -cp . *.Java)If defined p (goto end):errorEcho You do not have Java installed. Please download it at the site that is about to load."%programfiles%Internet Exploreriexplore.Exe" https://www.oracle.com/index.html Finished!PauseExit-reply by Aaron-Coder of UltimateScape
  5. Well obviously Xisto is the best. Xisto, Xisto - Web Hosting and Xisto rocks, since they are all in one network. Not tried Gatorhost at all since they never approved of my hosting account. Though I may seem new, but over at Xisto I am mostly active. I have over 600 posts there. I am mostly active at T17.
  6. Site management in Dreamweaver"server Not Responding" In DreamweaverIn order to maintain your site with ease, you must use Manage Site functionality. In Files pane (F8 to toggle), Files tab there are to combos. In first combo select Manage sites.. (last item in combo). Dialog appers with list of all sites. Click New then select new site to setup a new site. Select Advanced tab. On the left side is list of categories. I'll describe some of them: 1. Local info Here you setup where your local copy of site is. Enter site name. This is the name as shown in site list combo on Files pane mantioned earlier. Local root folder is folder on your local drive where you store local copy of site. 2. Remote info Here you setup how to access web server where site is actually published. This is usally ftp so you choose FTP from combo. Additional fields would appear where you enter ftp login information. Using Test button you can check parameters you enter. 3. Testing server If your site use PHP or other server side code execution these parameters must be set. Other categories can be left as is. Click OK to finish setup. Your new site will appear in site list. I'll return to Files pane again. Second combo box is used to select view: Local view, testing view and remote view. Choosing a view will show content in local folder, testing folder or remote web site. In local view, by choosing put in site root context menu will put entire site on your website. By choosing Synchronize.. DW will see what files are different on remote server. Thisway you don't need to upload whole site each time you modify something. Sorry if I was short in explaining, I'm little short of time. However, this won't solve your "server not responding" problem. -reply by Ljubomir Djokix
  7. The GHG game is a spin off of the Snap- On tool company. I am also looking for a copy as mine doesn't wanna run anymore and updates wont work- tells me unknown version! I'm gonna try my local Snap-on agent and will let you know if I manage to locate it! -reply by WayneKeywords: gearhead garage
  8. gif export issueHow To Get High Quality Gif Images In Flash settings gave me a great quality .Gif although I have one problem. I have an animation of an elf walking a reindeer. When I publish the .Gif the elf's head is missing. The head is a graphic just like every other piece of the animation. There are no real differences that I have found so far between the head graphic and all of the other graphics in the scene. This issue only happens when I export as a .Gif. If I publish a swif then everthing works just fine. Please help with this issue, I am completely out of ideas. -reply by veered
  9. Harry Potter?Harry Potter The MovieHonestly, I enjoyed reading the Chamber Of Secrets the most because of its twists and turns; it was an amazing book. But they should have stuck closer to the book, as the books are my most fave books. -reply by Fatima Sadiq
  10. counter strike sourceCounter Strike Problemcounter strike source problem-its downloaded no disk when I go to join a online game it says steam validation rejected, I don't why some please help me . thanks -reply by ollie
  11. Felony WorkHiring FelonsHello, For starters I'm a felon and I must admit that it is very difficult to find work. I did some stupid things when I was young and I don't expect a second chance but I would like an opportunity to prove myself as a member of society. It has been almost 7 years since my conviction and since then I have had work but only through friends and family. And EoE (if you didnt know it already) means WE don't HIRE FELONS. But I have had some decent luck with jobs mainly construction/manual labor. But here's what I have found to be effective in the hiring process. Make up a resume (if you don't know how just go to monster.Com or windows has a program called microsoft works and you will find several resume options there) if you don't have one already. And at the very bottom put something like this: I know from this piece of paper you wont be able to see who I am. That's why I invite you to sit down with me for 10-15 min of your day and see what you think. Maybe not in those words but something similar. But I'm done going on and on. I wish you all luck.-reply by Tracy
  12. How to fix my psp?Psp Square Button ProblemHow to fix psp buttons if you didn't buy it from the store. I bought mine at gamestop and I can;t take it back my reciet expired-reply by Shonnie Cobbs
  13. that khajiit that runs around in blue robes, he's 'something something the liar' I cant remember his full name, but I remember the liar part... And he is near impossible to kill without a strong spell with good area damage. And as for the elven armor, maro rufus in best defence (imperial market) should have it, if not, just go into telepe (small ruins where you find black bow bandits) above the white stallion lodge, they usually have both heavy AND light armor. If all the above fails, just do as others suggested, but with a horse (faster travelling); ride or run the trails around cyrodil. Though, I find that the straighter the road, the easier and more likely you are to run into highwaymen. Bandits are also a good source of decent weapons and armor.
  14. GCalDeamonKorganizer And Google CalendarIt appears that everyone recommends GCalDaemon:http://gcaldaemon.sourceforge.net/ This is a dated post, but it explains how to got Kontact syncing with Google:https://www.linux.com/news/how-make-kontact-work-google-apps It wasn't really stable last time I tried it, so I turned it off. I've been meaning to try it again.Also, Kontact is supposed to work with WebDAV. I just don't see any clear instructions.-reply by Richard
  15. I am seriously considering reformating my hard drive on my laptop. I have very little space left on it and want to start fresh. I have already done this with disc I recieved with the laptop but it really did not erase everything so I still have only a little space. I am going to actually erase everything. I have done a back-up on what I want to put back on it.I have come across a few people stating that after erasing their hard drive and putting XP running systems back on that they could not use their keyboard or mouse functions. I believe though this was on a desktop. Will this happen on a laptop? If it does, what do I need to do to get them to work again and continue installation?Any help would be very much appreciated before I do this.-question by Melody
  16. I seek for a automatic php script , can be able to upload files from public area of web to a specific location in my server, for example, automatically upload "index.Htm" from :"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; to "/public_html/updates/" and repeat this action evry 10 minutes.And also when I close my browser it remains active on server.Any ideas?
  17. why are people with darker eyes considered less attractive?Why Are People With Darker Eyes Considered Less Atractive?I personally love my brown eyes. Like lorikatie posted earlier, beauty is within the eye of the beholder. Who is to say that lighter eyes are better than dark? God made us all with beautiful eyes. Plus its not only the color of the eye that makes it beautiful, its also the shape. I come from more than one ethnicity (bajian, haitian and french) and I have dark brown eyes. I always get compliments on my eyes and I think when I get complimented on them people look at the shape of them more so than the color. There are so many variations with eyes. I do wear green contacts because they suit my complection. I think they really compliment me. I want to try hazel, blue, and grey as well. My sister says I'm trying to look european, and my boyfriend says to stick with my natural eye color and leave contacts alone. I believe that the wonderful thing about being a women is always being able to change up your look. So its not to say that I don't love my beautiful exotic dark brown eyes, its just always interesting to change up my look and try something new! So ladies with dark brown eyes, appreciate your eyes because they are uniquely yours. And believe it or not, there are many light eyed people who would die to have your beautiful brown eyes. But also never be afraid to change up your look! You are beautiful either way (-:-reply by alex
  18. Swine FluIs Swine Flu More Dangerous Than Hiv Aids?hey, I read your article its really informative and useful site. Your article help, how to take care self against swine flu. Its request to pls keep it up... I have some points on swine flu too... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -reply by Santosh patil
  19. voice activated tvVoice Activated TvThe whole purpose of Voice activated tv would be easy access to your Mute button, Which in turn would devastate the advertisement industry, an industry that is the life blood of the American Capitalist system, The technology is out there but the corporate giants would never let it see the light of day ! Nice idea though! can you imagine never having to hear loud annoying commercials again like BILLY MAYS HERE ! trying to sell you some more tuper ware that glows in the dark! just say MUTE ! -reply by lieutenant Dan
  20. how to make a fake virus!!! Making Fake Virus In Vbs @echo offMsg * enjoy this fake virus...Shutdown -s -t 6000 -c "ALL OF THE FILES WILL BE DELETED save it as a .Bat to shut it down go to start and click run the type the shutdown -a -reply by gh0smAn89
  21. How to add more options ?How To Add An Application To The Right Click On Every FolderHow do I add 2 more sub functions from the NewKey denoted by ">" : For Example : Profile > Create new profile Run Existing Profile Can u please help me ? -reply by ultimatum
  22. what does the following program print?Lesson #2 - Switch Statement In C##include <stdio.H> int main (void) { int x=97; int I; for(I=8, I<10; I++) { if(I%2==0) x--; else x++; } switch(x) { case 94: printf("94and"); case 95: printf("95and"); case 96: printf("96and"); case 97: printf("97and"); case 98: printf("98and"); case 99: printf("99and"); } } -reply by kushal
  23. seatbeltsSafety Seat Belts & Car AccidentsSo what ever happened to personal choice? 17 times more people die from tabacco use but you don't see the government prohibiting its use! Its also been proven that wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle helps reduce injuries but many states have reversed the law from public outcry! I say if your 21 and up it should be your choice.-reply by carl
  24. how to useGet Paid To Promote!I have find this site http://nexgendownloadgames.blogspot.com/ but not know how to use??? -reply by priyank
  25. old mails from sent items has goneOutlook Express - Sent Items Are GoneI am using Microsoft Outlook 2003 and the mails which I have send to anyone before one month are not availabe in sent items folder. Vinay -reply by Vinay Kr. Sharma
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