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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. No system bootable files with ghost 14 restoreNorton Ghost TutorialI have norton ghost 14, have been doing back ups so I THOUGHT I was safe... Now that I need to do a restore of a complete system drive due to physical failure of my HD I can't seem to get a bootable disk after the system restore. I have been looking high and low all day and either it is right under my nose and I missed it or the instructions / guides to complete this task don't exist - From this thread I see I am not alone... -reply by Gwodan
  2. Its not workingHelp With Installing Sims 2hey guys I jus got a birthday present and it was the sims 2 double deluxe I put it in it starts installing but then like it will go to 93% installed and then say "a problem occurred when trying to transfer the file'E:/SP4/TSData/Res/3D/Sims03.Package' from the media. Do you want to retry to copy file,or cancel installation." It is getting on my nerves and is not working its brand new there is nothing wrong with the computer though so that is not a problem. I need help ASAP. If anyone has answers please reply! THX -reply by siana holloway
  3. iGuest

    Gun Kata

    I am actually working on it. Gun KataI have started competing in IDPA and also have a black belt in martial arts. So I am actually both familiar with martial arts katas as well as shooting. I believe "gun kata" is definitely possible. But, not necessarily based on the philosophy of the "gun kata" from the movie Equilibrium. The movie talks about using mathmatically positioned shooting forms to statistically increase the chance of shots landing on your opponents... Students of martial arts ought to know that kata is a serious of attacks, defense... Against set of opponents. The katas demonstrate as well as train in the specific basic manuvers. Well you do the same things with guns. Mind you, you wouldn't include the cool stance and forms that were shown in the movie. The stance will be realistic. They would be designed to control recoil, hands formed to optimize follow up shots ... I will post here again after I have come up with a "beginner" level gun kata. I even have a cool name for the art: chong do. Chris -reply by Chris
  4. iGuest

    Gun Kata

    I am actually working on it. Gun KataI have started competing in IDPA and also have a black belt in martial arts. So I am actually both familiar with martial arts katas as well as shooting. I believe "gun kata" is definitely possible. But, not necessarily based on the philosophy of the "gun kata" from the movie Equilibrium. The movie talks about using mathmatically positioned shooting forms to statistically increase the chance of shots landing on your opponents... Students of martial arts ought to know that kata is a serious of attacks, defense... Against set of opponents. The katas demonstrate as well as train in the specific basic manuvers. Well you do the same things with guns. Mind you, you wouldn't include the cool stance and forms that were shown in the movie. The stance will be realistic. They would be designed to control recoil, hands formed to optimize follow up shots ... I will post here again after I have come up with a "beginner" level gun kata. I even have a cool name for the art: chong do. Chris -reply by Chris
  5. VGA Mode Not Supported Message On MonitorVGA Mode Not Supported Message On MonitorOn a similar situation. I newly installed Windows 7 on my Previously XP computer. Formated the C drive to make sure not to carry any old files. I have an LG L1919 lcd monitor that will not support an unknown video mode. I get the following error message on the LCD monitor. OUT OF RANGE 35.4KHZ / 43HZ I assume this is the same problem as described above. It's very annoying to find out that Windows 7 which is supposed to be a corrected version of BUGGY vista still as such a stupid bug right at boot up. My guess is that when Windows 7 boot it is using a video mode not supported by my LG LCD monitor, hence I see this error message instead of the cute animation typical to Vista or Win7. When I connect a CRT monitor I can see the animation. I wish someone could tell me how to change the initial video mode at bootup time. Looked in the BIOS - noting apparent Maybe it's built-in the Boot Sector Program and impossible to change. Surprising that Microsoft people didn't see this bug. After all, it's not like they didn't try this on an LCD monitor, I cant believe it! -reply by Fred Cailloux
  6. Linking scripting in flash to a nested box in dreamweaverLinking A Url To A ButtonI've made a button using the get URL function, now I want this new web page to open in a nested box. The nested box is set up as part of a page in dreamweaver. When I test the whole page (it has the flash swf file nested in a box towards the top of the browser window) it ALWAYS opens a new tab instead of opening in the nested box I've called mainContent in the CSS I used to nest the boxes. Is it possible to open the url request in a nested box which has been setup outside flash? if so how? Hope that makes some sort of sense. Thanks Katie -question by Katie
  7. D600 can not turn screen onHow To Manually Turn Off Laptop ScreenI have a Dell d600 my lights are on but the screen is dark, what button do I press to get the screen on, I have tried to shut off by holding down the power button but that does not work. NEED HELP -reply by David
  8. Homosexuality doesnIs Homosexuality Right Or Wrong?The future of mankind, heavily rely on sexuality. Heathly sexuality that can produce healthy children at a non expensive cost, in an easy and natural way. But if on a good morning the population of homosexual was to reach a certain level, the number of birth will dangerously for human race fall. And If society allows right to homosexual it means it allows the means of its own destruction. By allowing people who serve as model claim their homosexuality, by saying there is nothing wrong in being homosexual,we enter the path of perdition. They say it is wrong to think that one has choice, they also say that they are born like that. That is true: We don't have choice, we don't ask to come man or woman. We are born like that so we don't have to choose after. If nature (because I think no gay believes in God unless knowing that he is sinning), wanted us to be gay it would have created only one gender. But it didn't. If nature says it is not right, God says it is not right, our parents parents said it wasn't right then we should use our High intelligence to guess that, it should be wrong. It is not about minority right, It is about nature right! -reply by Lafarell
  9. Hero MagesTop Free Online Strategy Games If you like a little more intense/battle focused strategy with some RPG elements, check out Hero Mages (http://www.heromages.com/). It's turn-based strategy game that plays like a board game- allowing you to directly control each of your units as well as use cards to cast spells. Games are short and much less involved- perfect for when you want a quick, engaging brawl with your friends vs. Months of commitment farming resources. -reply by RedDragon
  10. You should try enabling FTP passive mode in cfg-default.Php $cfg['ftp']['pasv'] = 1; The reason of it is the way FTP works.It uses 2 well known ports, 21 fort requests and 20 for data transmission. In active mode, the ftp server try to connect to your box to transmit the file. In passive mode your box connect to the ftp server. When you're behind a NAT router and using active ftp your box open a port, listening for the ftp server to connect, but as your router don't know about this the ftp server's request is rejected and the transfer never begin. When using passive mode, your NAT router doesn't have to know what appen, your box is talking to outside as usual.Hope that will help someone one day
  11. AVOID BUYING FROM AIRFARE.COM!!Airfare.com, Novatravel.com, Orbitz.comI wish I had read up on airfare.Com before using them. There was a glitch in their site just as I was confirming my ticket, and well that little glich opted to change my return flight back home. I noticed it when I got my itinerary emailed to me and called the agency immediately that same evening. The rep spoke limited English and I had to repeat myself; I finally asked for his supervisor who was nice enough. He asked me to call back in the am, which I did. Holy hell...The guy who took the call was a complete jerk..He was rude, talked over me and then started to yell at me, telling me that's what I had booked. Truly, the minimal amount of savings isn't worth the hassle of going through airfare.Com. I would strongly recommend not going through them at all...Oh and by the way, who knew your credit card companies would help you fight for such bad service even when it comes to dealing with a ticket bought online.-reply by RCAS
  12. Graphic bump in IE 8. Any help?Firefox And Ie: Table Layouts Look Different In Us!I'm a novice web developer using tabled layouts and CSS. See this page: http://www.caramelicious.net/ In IE 8 there are some weird miss-alignment of the rollover graphics in the main navigation which makes the inside border and graphics look missaligned verically. This page looks fine in Firefox, etc. There is a form on the 'view cart' button that I thought was causing the bumping, so I created a class for 'form' with 0 padding, 0 border, 0 margin. This fixed the bump in Firefox, but not in IE. Any ideas? Thanks. -reply by Wade
  13. Popup centeringJavascript Window.openFor centering the popup without a visible movement add this syntax in features on window.Open 'left='+((screen.Width-w)/2)+',top='+((screen.Height-h)/2)and remove "oSubWin.MoveTo( ulx, uly );" or this function from SystemWisdom modified function OpenSubWin( page, w, h, sb ){ var sw = screen.Width, sh = screen.Height; var ulx = ((sw-w)/2), uly = ((sh-h)/2); var sbt = (sb==1) ? 'yes' : 'no'; var paramz = 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars='+sbt+',width='+w+',height='+h+',left='+ulx+',top='+uly; var oSubWin = window.Open( "", "SubWin", paramz ); oSubWin.Location.Replace( page );} -reply by Mihai
  14. yeeaaaConnect Using Wireless And Wired LineWell actually larger networks use multiple NIC's, like the labs here at my college. I also have the desire to use wireless and ethernet to "double" my speed. I found that being connected to the ethernet on my laptop and then enabling the wireless will cause my local download speeds to go from 10-20MB to literally a few KB. You would think by now that computers would automatically use every connection it has as much as it can, but it does not appear this way. -reply by computerwiz9001
  15. how to rollover an image and show related text at the same time Onclick Image ->> Add Text To Input(text)field?I wonder how to use javascript to roll over an image and show related text at the same time.The image should swap when mouse over it but at the same time a text will show beside it. thanks,.. -question by Albert
  16. dreamwalkingDreamwalkingive been reading into this topic and I have found myself agreeing with some of all replys.But first and foremost I ask you to excuse my spelling, for some reason my computer wont let me use spell check . Ok in my opinion you will not need any type of spells to achieve your goal, I have been in some of my friends dreams a few times ( grant it it was by pure mistake), and I only know this by our conversations the next day. Yes I am no expert but this is my point,to me this is proof you need no spells for I do not practice in the occult.I do how ever use kundalini, tai chi and chi kung meditations.And through my mediations I have learned that we are all connected by an invisable strand, all things are connected by this strand.And one night with this in mind I thought about one of my friends before I feel asleep, the next thing I saw was me and my friend walking downtown in the city we lived near.So ill leave you with this. We all have these abilitys residing within us they need only to be awakend.While meditating the wondering mind is a typical mental activity when you are new to it.Don't let this discourge you, in time ( if your dedicated ) you will learn to let your wondering thoughts " Melt Away ".This is only the first step ( letting your mind rest while awake ).Letting the whole world go is " Key " to successful meditation.In my studys I have learned that dream walking ( astral projection )with others can and is an advanced ability ( for those who it does not come natural to ), so I would advise you to be patient with your advancements you have the time.These things should not be rushed.In my experience rushing can be potentially harmful to the mind and body.Imagine trying to force a power plants worth of energy into a 9 volt, the battery would be over loaded.PLEASE trust me when I say this you don't want to be over loaded.The mind body and soul is capable of many wonderful things, and we haft to respect them when venturing into the spiritual side of things. Keep your intentions pure at heart your mind clear but always aware of your body, soul and surroundings. I know keeping your mind clear and still aware of your surroundings may sound conturedictive, but trust me when you have learned to slow your mind down total awareness becomes very natural.When you have learned to master your minds thoughts its only a matter of will power before you start dream walking. I don't want to repeat my self but be patient, there are masters of the mind who have not perfected dream walking.You will spend your whole life mastering your self, in Taoism it is said" art is never done only abanded " meaning there is always room for improvement.Remember this ( and this is only my own philosiphy ) " to master your self is to master your life ". So to sum this up cause like it was said earlier " I could go on all day ". Clear mind is key, you must learn to let the world go away before you focus on astral projection. Be aware of your body mainly your breathing, always breath easy, once you become aware of your breathing at all times total body awareness becomes more naturally. Communicate with your soul daily, let it know you are aware of it and that you make a concious effort to love it like it loves you. Being physically fit is always a plus, like the old saying goes " a healthy body is a healthy mind ". AND remember we all are connected at all times ( rather some of us like to admit it or not ). I would suggest picking up a book on kundalini meditations, but be AWARE these are very potent methods and each level should be taken seriously. BE patient with kundalini, become very famillar with each step before moving on. And when you have become VERY familar with each step start over with step one again.Learn tai chi, this is very good for learning visualisation. A good sense of visualisation is one of the keys to astral projection. And its not really a must but chi kung is a very potent method to help facilitate strong focus.And in no way am I trying to discredit the occult or advise against it, I am a strong beleaver in the crafts. I beleave that the crafts are a very strong method to a means, the rituals and the symbols are a good way to facilitate a good sense of visualisation. But like with all things in life you must BE VERY AWARE of what your getting your self into.I send you my prayers in hopes that you find what you are truly seeking. May balance be with you. -reply by ignotum
  17. How to edit a game jnlp folderJava Web Start Jnlp And Mysqlthis is the story,this game server,connects people by using a java applet,not using clients.And I found out, there is 1 bar that can change your name for that server.Like example,different codes give u different ids,example the argument layer had 9zCHAFBYM1cYAAAAfQAAAAECAwRbU0ddIFtHT0xEXSA2LjY0ICMxMjUAAAEDSQcBAXcBiXkByzFXF23LYXFzXWVvdxlvbW9hZV1FK291QSFBbW0rc3Vhc3Mhd8E3Lzc1L3czqXkBMTEvOS8BMzUBAQAMAAAAAQAAAAEAAAAMAAAAEQMAAOUX and it somehow stand for IcePuppy So,I was wondering how does it work? -question by Chong Kok Fai
  18. Don?t know what to study? Need specific knowledge? About to take a trip? LangLearner makes it easy. http://www.langlearner.com/ site Lessons allow people from all levels to learn or re-learn the most important things for getting by in another language.-reply by Sebastianw
  19. how to extract datas from data table by using date variable in vb.net MySQL Datetime --> VB.NET Datetime Conversion ProbI want to know that, Is there any method through which I extract the data from a data table by using a date variable in .Net -question by subrat
  20. The new paypal system 2009Earn Money Doing NothingREQUIREMENTS: You must have a verifiedPayPal account. If you do not have an account you can go to https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/home and follow theInstructions to set up a free account. In order to place the initial $1.35 intoYour account, you will have to verify your bank account with PayPal (which mayTake a few days). Paypal is 100% secure and is used my millions of people worldWide. 1) Pay your $1.35 membership fee (One TimePayment) to your direct sponsor by clicking the PayPal "Buy Now"Button below. http://www.globewebbiz.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t2) Once your payment is completed, you will be forwarded to the Admin FeePayment page where you will be asked to pay administration team $1.55 (OneTime Payment). This fund will be used to host your affiliate website link,Download materials, various promotional tools, web hosting fee, System SupportAnd Maintenance.3) After payment is completed, you will be forwarded to the SignUp Form, fill in your particulars and add in the correct PayPal address.AfterYour site has been setup replace the link with your link. STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close toOriginal as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200Newsgroups, message board. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All youNeed is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make - as wellAs everyone else on the list! ---- DIRECTIONS---- HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS,MESSAGE BOARD---------- Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letterTo do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letterAnd drag your : Cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' FromThe edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer memory. Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of theBlank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of theLetter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list.Step 3) save your new notepad File as a .Txt file. If you want to do yourPostings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.: Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for variousNewsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.) JustExample you log on any search engine like, yahoo.Com,google.Com,Altavista.Com,excite.Com then you search with this subject millionaire messageBoard? or money making message Board? or employment message board? or moneyMaking discussions? web entrepreneur forums? or money making forum? or businessMessage board? etc. Home business forums? home business boards? BEING CREATIVEWILL BOOST YOUR RESULTS ! You will find thousand & thousand messageBoard. Click one by one then you will find the option post a new message. Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message byHighlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu.Fill In the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scrollThrough the list of postings in a particular group, click the post messageButton. You're done with your first one!. Please Be Honest and it will truely workFor you: God BLESS!! -reply by gregg
  21. is it that u feel lost when u lose someone whom u love so deeply and tuly.Is It Wrong To Be Nice And Gentle And Believe Women ?Hi mine is a long story. I met a girl in a class 4 years back. As the days passed she really became very close to me. Wherever she wants to go she wanted me to come with her and vice versa. Till one of my friend intereferred between us. That girl started ignoring me in front of him and one day she called me and said that she was loving him. It hurt me a lot and everynight I used to cry. Before that I never cried in my life. Then I felt that I really love her and its impossible to live without her but I don't want to interfere b/w them. But, every time any probs ishe used to come to me. That guy never took care of her and had a very bad character which I came to now later. So, she one day suddenly stopped talking to him and again started being with me. so, at that time I used to take care of her a lot. I solved many of her problems financially and personally I never expected anything from her. I always wanted her to be happy. Its like how a father give everything the child needs. I gave her everything she asked for. Later she started acting with me like a girl friend (she started kissing me every time and to speak as 'how it will be if we both get married like that and all ). So, those words of her made my feelings grow further. Till then I hided everything but one day I told about my feelings. She told that education is imp to her. She never gave value to them. Later again at the end of degree class she started ignoring me and started being with him again. That time I got hurted a lot. . MOrevoer I came to know that she lied me about many thngs. Still I was ready to forgive her. last year, I begged her in the middle of the road to love me but no use instead she and his BF were laughing at my situation.. I never even imagined that I would come to this situation in my life. We broke up and I burnt all the things she gave to me. I wanted to forget her but it became really difficult to me and went to deep depression. Now I am working but still I have feelings for her. Moreover I am unable to love any other girl or to imagine anyone in place of her. I Feel very lonely as if I don have life without her. Actually there are many things to tell but it could take 3 pages and an hour to read. -reply by abhilash
  22. Does this dream possibly mean anything?Do Dreams Really Mean Anything?Last night, I was just having a regular dream that usually doesn't freak me out or anything... But all of a sudden, during the dream, a message and a voice appeared. Saying "I've chosen you" and some other words... I couldn't remember completely... And right when that happened, I woke up in sweat. Usually, when that happens to me, right when I go back to sleep a different dream appears. But, not this time... But, for some reason, during this dream, everytime I thought about the voice or did something... it wasn't random, but, my left side located right under my breast close to my ribs start pounding and it was very painful, and I could feel it in the dreams. Everytime I had this pain, I would wake up and still feel some of the pain. I thought about it and thought maybe it was in my head. But, when I was changing into different clothes about three hours after waking up, I noticed a large red area around the place the pain was. I'm really freaked out and I'm starting to get constant chills. I am serious about this. -question by Anonymous
  23. OpinionAlt Txt Tooltip Popups Over Text Links, How To Do?ALT does not work always, it is this thing which brought me here... I think ALT is used when we want to give alternate message to viewer when an image is loading, or image fails to load. So it is a replacement message rather than tooltip best option for tooltip is TITLE ;-) hence proved -reply by Khalid Mehmood Awan
  24. ex-poke fan man.Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver (remakes) Confirmed!hi all, just wanted to say that I was a big fan of pokemon, until I found out about naruto, which completely blew my frickin' mind...And I got to agree with some of you guys, the new pokemon soul silver is pretty much just a remmix of theoriginal soul silver...How disappointing... I have an r4,and I downloaded the japanese version, and I just started so far..Mmkay?? The starters are the same, which is cool, cause I love cyndaquil to death ( hes so cute) and there is still that peeping tom outside of the lab when you start. When you talk to him, he just pushes you. : | that isnt very nice. ok, so I just wanted to tell you all, so...Yeah. OH and I agree with the guy, ya know, that guy whose topic is "too many pokemon" ...Hes so true. Way too many pokemon, and they just look more deformed than ever. And what happened to the creativity of the first 151?? they were the best, and always will be!! and hes also right about the huge amount of pokemon now...Theres too many! well I gotta go..And I gotta kill em all. See yas! ;D -reply by gotta kill em all!!
  25. Windows:Pros-It plays alot of gamesUser FriendlyCons-VIRUSES!Open PortsBSODSErrors ReportsMac:Pros-Looks niceGood for serversSecureCons-Really really expensiveLinux:Pros-Has a massive open source software repository built right into the OS itselfOpen support in IRC chat rooms (for ubuntu you even have a website dedicated to bugs https://launchpad.net/)Very secure, no open portsNo virusesNot "entirely" safe, but if you do some google searching it's easy to configure it to be safe.Exclillent driver support, more support than either windows or OSX-ConsNot very user friendly (that's changing rather quickly)Slow on the newest hardware vender supportJust adding a bit more to the pros of linux -reply by psinetic
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