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some tipsRemote Assistance ProblemThere are some things to consider if you want this to work. One of you guys wrote that it worked fine at home but whenever he or she tried to connect to somebody outside their house, it failed. This should give you a clue as to what is going on here. Many of you, no doubt, connect to internet through some kind of routing device. This device routes traffic from the internet to the computers in your home. This means, in layman terms, that there is one network on the outside (the internet) and one network on the inside (your computer/s etc). The router act as a gateway between the network. Often there is a function in the gateway that translates the routable ip addresses on the internet to the (mostly) non-routable ip addresses on the inside. This is called NAT (network address translation). This, amongst other things, means that you cannot connect directly to the other computer, as your computer is not directly connected to the internet. Sometimes the routers also function as some kind of firewall. To get it to work, you need to make sure that 1)there is no firewall blocking the ports used by remote desktop, 2)the remote desktop port in the firewall/router points towards the computer used for remote desktop connections (incoming). So, the computer that needs help must have an open door, so to speak so that the other computer can find it's way in, through the router. Incoming connections to, in this case 3389 (if I remember correctly), will then get forwarded to the computer on the inside running remote desktop. Good luck / Mike -reply by remhelp
Chase-good Example Of Bad Banking Stay clear of them
iGuest replied to Joshua's topic in General Discussion
Chase a total "RIP OFF"Chase-good Example Of Bad Banking Do not fall in to coupons with case bank they will get you. Chase is totally ripoff. They will send you coupons when you open the account they will not pay you for the coupon and make some reasons which they did it to me. Then I got enrolled in there points program and ordered some BP gift card for those points, its been two months they haven't sent it to me."Chase is RIP OFF if you want some good advice don't open occount with Chase bank" -reply by Vicky -
In Hereford Cathedral in England it is legal to shoot a Welshman with a bow and arrow -reply by Frenzee
Replying to HaydnWhen you said "No one has the right to play God" That is where I stopped reading. Not everyone believes in "God", so really there is no issue here. No one is trying to play the role of a fictional character, people are discovering cloning to make your kid's life and your grand kid's life better. So you are selfish saying that this sound not be done.Replying to mpinsky-reply by JBVGfk
Toshiba L40 canNvidia Display Driver ProblemI've recently install windows seven x86, and install all drivers but when I'm gonna play one of my games (PES 2010), it says that my Vram is impossible... WHY?/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley5.Gif any help -reply by 0oMizuUo0
Hi ! How can I change my administrator's name to get it displayed in the "commands and settings" file ? I use XP SP3 and I'am the only user of my PC and then I'am the only administrator. -question by Gzormix
The Indigo Race Have you ever heard of it?
iGuest replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
It is my belief (from personal insight) that Indigo's are somewhat a fish out of water at the moment. It seems our role here is to make pathways for those who follow on after - pathways towards a sense of unity between the material world and the spiritual world. We have the ability to transform human consciousness simply through our ordinary way of 'living'. Just being here will change the total human dynamic. So what makes the Indigo way any different? Perception. Indigo's live in a 'soft' world where time is not linear and thoughts are almost 'alive'. Indigo's respond to thought streams much in the same way they would a person addressing them directly. Thoughts are the embodiment of all that exists for Indigo's. In fact, such is our reliance on truth and pure thought forms, we often appear to ignore the human opinion and listen to a universal frequency where instructions and guidance is as clear as if coming from a radio. In fact, it is clearer than just 'hearing' a voice, we feel and understand the voice - what is means and where it intends us to be. Many parents of Indigo's get extremely frustrated at how 'distant' and 'uncoopertive' their little ones are. Indigo's are so independent that many parents get a feeling that they are raising someone elses child. The sad part of all this is that being 'Indigo' sounds awfully like being in a state of psychological disfunction. Most indigo's (who have not been cruelly subjected to 'corrective' medicine) will agree that they, in fact, ARE in a different psychological state. That's the point of being Indigo - you see things radically different to what has been considered 'reasonable' and 'acceptable' in modern times. We are returning to a state of awareness which has been here before I.E. When wise leaders had visions and dreams of events which unfolded. So, what are the most common (and broad) characteristics of an 'Indigo'? 1. Androgyny and/or a disassociation with gender. Sees absolutely no issue with sexual preferences as long as peace, consent and love is mutual between the people. 2. The need for lots of sleep and seeing the dream-state as the most real version of reality. 3. Being woken unexpectedly can cause great distress and even nausea. 4. A strong feeling that they belong to another race, place, planet, time and/or spiritual existence. 5. A feeling that they are living simultaneously in 2 or more worlds. Past and present lives merge into one another seemlessly. 6. Highly sensitive physically, emotionally and psychologically. May feel great pain for 'having to live in this alien world'. 7. Believes that 'all' things are alive, even seemingly inanimate objects. 8. Sees themselves as spirits inhabiting a material world as opposed to humans seeking a spiritual world. 9. They rarely 'look' for God or the spirit. They believe there is no separation between them and the collective, universal consciousness. To them, the idea of a separation from the universe is bizarre. 10. Quiet, reserved and sometimes shy. However, they will speak loudly and clearly where there is an imbalance or untruth. 11. They have little defense against negative people. They cannot 'put on a happy face'. Many live through misery for years until a way out is found. 12. Has little to no belief in religions or spiritual beliefs and/or 'movements'. Many Indigo's will repel the idea that they are part of a movement - even though they are aware of their presence here and its purpose. 13. Indigo's frequently have feelings that they are enormous beings contained within a human body. They connect regularly with their 'source' where they receive all their personal 'truths'. They see their source as a collective rather than 1 God. 14. Indigo's tame down their intelligence and hide many of their insights when around non-indigo's. Many Indigo's worry a lot about how to get their message out there without looking too out of step with humanity's current psyche. (In many cases, this is necessary when one considers how often their insights are interpreted as disfunction). Good luck to all you Indigo's. I send you love (which I know you will feel) -
Cliques at my school.Does Your School Have Well-defined Cliques?My Cliques- - Preps/ Snobby *****es - Skaters/ Druggies - Emos/ Goths - Nerds - Know it alls - Slutty girls - Gays - Jocks - Normal/ Outcast The people I most hate are the preps and snobby *****es, the sluts, the know it alls, and the jocks. They are the most stuck up and fake people.I hate them!! -reply by Hannah
Error Installing Template In Joomla! 1.5.7
iGuest replied to kudmus's topic in Websites and Web Designing
LOADING TEMPLATEError Installing Template In Joomla! 1.5.7Hi I keep getting this type of problem that is visible on the template once it has been loaded can you tell me how to correct it With Thanks Douglas Notice: Undefined variable: title in C:wampwwwmoneyonlinefromyourhometemplatesmake-money-templatefunctions.Php on line 172 -question by Douglas -
Share Your Pc Internet With Your Mobile Phone
iGuest replied to www.jbi.in's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Reverse that . . .Share Your Pc Internet With Your Mobile PhoneWho does that guy think he is leaving a warning ? Gives me the Lawls . . . Thx for the post. . . I am looking to connect my mobile to the internet using ICS, seems complicated enough to give up. I am sure it is possible to use ICS to conect your mobile somehow. My mobile has both bluetooth and Wi-Fi my PC too but it is conected by cable. PS: Haters should read rules ""Flaming" members unjustfully will not be allowed". -reply by Rusty -
How Much Money Can You Make In Google Adsense?
iGuest replied to FruitRocks's topic in Business Forum
I current get about 1500 unique visitors a day and earn starting about 50 cents a day to about 3-10 dollars a day after a little bit of research. How much you earn heavily depends on your banner placement and the tags in your website. You want to use key words in your headers and tags to make sure the ads are as relevant as possible to your views. Also some of the places I find that are especially good to put ads are directly above or beneath a media. Or include a text ad in your article. -
How To Record Gameplay Video Using Hdmi Capable Laptop?
iGuest replied to turbopowerdmaxsteel's topic in Hardware Workshop
Recording GameplayHow To Record Gameplay Video Using Hdmi Capable Laptop?As '(G)Ron' said something like a dazzle but that supports the HDMI feature of the xbox 360 would be good, but is there such a thing? Right now I've been looking into getting a dazzle to record videos, but I use an HDMI cable, and if Dazzle cannot support that, what can? -reply by 360 Player -
all .exe files replaced to .txt how set default?Harddrive "open With..." Problemhelloi have sam problems???... Which my mistake I open .Exe files (in properties Open which) which file extension .Txt and in options was chekbox on always open file extension which this file... So all files open it in Notepad? So how to set default .Exe files (programs setups, url, and same application from control panel (system e.T.C) opening in notepad. please give same solution to this problem. -reply by edvardix
go for chinaThe Next World Super Power?I wouldn't go for india,India, while huge *bottom* in size, is much underdeveloped compared to china. Plus china is already trying to buy India's neighbours to turn against them, which will probably happen. As strong as India maybe, opposition from all the countries around it(yes ALL!! none of the neighbours like india)can't be healthy.Secondly, India is far far behind china, and it's constantly suffering from militant problem, pakistan, drought, famine etc etc. The military tech itself is far behind as well, they don't have the missile tech like china, and the only fire-arm india invented is a Ak-47 spin-off(called INSAS).And worst of all India is DIVIDED...Very divided indeed. It's a country with more than 10 languages(not sure of exact amount), and lots of diff ethnicities, none of whom want the other to prosper(this isn't like jersey vs NY types, it's more like S Korea vs and Korea type). The racial attacks and intolerance is extremely high, sikhs don't want hindus havin' all the power, muslims don't like that either, sikhs want their own area, muslims want kashmir, hyderabad(which was meant to be independent state, but captured during operation polo)etc etc. So one strike at the match by china, the whole joint can blow up any time. And I mean any time, Diversity is good, but diversity + hate + ignorant illiterate people like majority indians? VERY BAD. Heck the whole country has a very low literacy rate - and the govt counts the ability to sign your name as literacy...Which about 20% people cant do...And proper education? yeah right...Only 15% gets that.I'm not saying china is devoid of this problems... It has them too, but to a smaller extent compared to india, plus not much dodgy neighbours. China is trying to improve itself greatly, as for india, the speed is too slow. Articles from indians themselves proclaim that india is atleast 30 yrs behind china and slowing down, while china continues to get even faster.EU is a good option though, they're a extremely strong economical power already(and military).Japan is strong economically, I heard they're trying to change their constitution, so that they can take more aggressive role, that'd be bad news for all...Everyone knows jap soldiers are TOUGH AS NAIL...Good lordBrazil?? I'm not sure, dunno much abt them apart from that they're gettin strong economically.Right before I leave...Just gonna leave you with this - Russian armed forces is apparently growing now, economy is back on their feet as well, they have chance again, who knows maybe the world in future will be covered in RED...Seriously I don't mind commies...They're ok.Or maybe JUST maybe Eric Cartman will grow up and stop this nuisance, and we all will live happily ever after...Heil KITTY!-reply by justin
You forgotMost Memorable Rpg'sXenogears left a big impact on me the first time I played through,its an awesome game and doesnt get the credit it deserves. Final fantasy tactics was also a great game Chrono Trigger of course this is on almost everyones list it really is a cool game FF7 - (No brainer) Legend of Dragoon was 50/50 for me but I like the game -reply by Well
Sick of Webhost4life Service!Webhost4life Sucks!I've been using them for a few years (3-4) and they now ****, my sites have been down for a whole day and 1/2 (not just my sites but an entire server full of other peoples' hosting accounts). They allowed other clients of theirs access to see and edit my MySQL accounts and yes, I can see other peoples and edit theirs. I can even edit some guys WordPress account. I've told them about this and they deny I can see these account and edit them. I've contacted the web owner myself and he up and moved to another host and was thankful I told him about it. I've been plagued with downtime and their chat support is a joke! They just tell you to submit a ticket - what's the point in having chat support if you just tell people to submit a ticket no matter what they say and you not really about to help. Also I told them I'm not getting 99% up-time and that this was what I signed up for and they tell me there are no refunds - yet their sites says 99% up time and satisfaction guarantee! I told them "I'm not satisfied" - there reply: "submit a ticket" - what!? Very crappy service - they use to be okay but now it's just crap. And when I was talking to them about the 99% up-time problem they said well you "should be on a Windows server if you have an issue with up time it's more stable"... What!? I signed up for Linux for a reason, I didn't want Windows! Anyways, I'm sick of there crap and I'm already moving away from them. More on what they did:Without letting me or any other hosting account user know they "upgraded" their hosting servers so that mail() functions would not work.I lost untold business just because people could not contact me from my site and I only found out a few weeks latter. Also they installed some kind of security thing that blocked anyone on Internet Explore from viewing my sites - webhost4life never told me they did this and I didn't know as I use Firefox. My sites were like this for months and I had no idea until a friend told me he could not see my site on Internet Explore. Webhost4life took no responsibility for this.I saw someone else on here had billing issues. I've also had them... They charged my card even through my account was set not to charge my credit card. And so I asked billing to remove the charge, they did and their automated billing charged it again. Then billing department removed the charge again and again I got billed. This was all within a span of 2 days - so my credit card was billed hundreds of dollars went over my card limit and was charge some hefty fees (several hundred dollars of fees)I'm sure there are tons of other things I can't think of right now but it's really sad... There hosting is just no good! And I use to recommend them to people but not now! They are losing a lot of business with me leaving.-reply by NoTo-WebHost4Life
Acer Customer Support Not exactly the best in the world
iGuest replied to rvalkass's topic in General Discussion
Agreed!!!!Acer Customer SupportAcer warranty is definitely the worst in the world! Purchased a new machine on 16th December, was a DOA, and am still waiting for a replacement! Every time I phone the support line, I get a different story...It seems it is "in progress" since then! Would never buy an Acer again, buy anything else, but not Acer! -
Very Easy But Very Dangerous Virus
iGuest replied to me-here1405241520's topic in Security issues & Exploits
about worm..Very Easy But Very Dangerous VirusHow worm makes a exe with folderico in my every drives.It strange because the worm may know about every folder of c: drive but how d:.. I.E. I have folder name popi but worm makes popi.Exe under same folder. How he knows my personal names of folders-reply by subir paul -
Rock Cakes quick and easy dried fruit / chocolate / coconut cakes
iGuest replied to electriic ink's topic in Health & Fitness
Rock Cakes made with Philly cream cheeseRock Cakes Help, Many years ago my mother had a recipe for Rock Cakes/Scones which used Philadelphia cream cheese in the ingredients the buns were very light and as soon as baking was finished they disappeared from the tin almost immediately. In a house move we lost the recipe. I have searched the web, many cook books and asked the manufacturers if they had such a recipe all to no avail. The cream cheese was an ingredient in the mix not as a topping or filling which is the only recipes I have been able to find. Does anybody know of a recipe I think it stemmed from the 50's.? regards -reply by Grace -
Just relax on the topic "23 Dec 2010, The End of our Movies on this earth"The Mayan PredictionsMost of us knew that we came on this earth for better health, easy and comfortable life of each and every one and have a good societies too. These all are happening from thousands of years ago.What does these mean? These means that we should forget all those future predictions as furnished by the MAYAN CIVILISATION, it might be correct predictions but that doesn't mean that we should stop thinking of our progress, our development and our overall hardworking, sincerity or excellency. We should proceed ahead with more relax and concentrating our mind towards development and for better life. Warning! But one think I have to clearly mentioning hereby that we should worship our God once in a day telling that "God" from today I'll stop all kinds of sin activities. OKAY, Could you? Well, Do You know which kind activity is extremely sin in the SIN REGISTER prepared by the God? GUESS it? If you guess it, then try hard to stop that from today onwards? Thanks
How to refresh an aspx page from the current window/modalpopupRefreshing a page from another pageHello, I have a modalpopup on the page, which contains <img id="imgCaptcha" runat="server" src="../captcha.Aspx" />.Captcha.Aspxpage returns a new image created to captcha(the code is written in Page_Load event). I want to refresh the image every time user inserts wrong captcha... How to do thins? I have used javascript window.Location = "captcha.Aspx"; img.Src = window.Location.Reload(true); but it doesn't work. Any idea...? thanks and regards, Prachi -reply by Prachi
Well you see, I believe the world will end when the world wants to. I don't believe in what the Mayan's say. Yes, they were very intelligent but how are you going to say that the world is going to end on this day at this time. Plus, you have your date wrong. Its actually Dec. 21, 2012. I had to do a paper on it back when I was in school. There have been many of their predictions that have been wrong but in a right sense. A lot of the dates were wrong and some of the predictions didn't happen. I mean if you really look at it they could've been off a few thousand years. But we won't know till 2012 comes around, this I know. But don't get all scared because you don't know if its going to happen for sure, you know? Because if it doesn't happen and I was all scared about it, I would be ashamed of myself and embarrassed because I got scared for nothing.
the histry channel sucksThe End Of The World By December 21, 2012The history channel ran non-stop Y2K world end scenarios in 1999 They relentlessly called on the name of Nostradamus saying he predicted Y2k, then 9/11 and now 2012. (Which is false, seeing Nostradamus said his quatrains are good through the year 3797 and made no mention of 2012.) Also, where in the bible does it say the world is going to end on 2012? It clearly states NO ONE, not the angels in heaven, nor Christ himself, know the date or the time. Only God the father knows. The bible also warns against trying to predict the future or turning to prophets for predictions of the future. The bible code is a crock. The history channel also said the bible code proved Y2K which ended up not happening. They should rename themselves "The make history up as you go along channel" Trust in God, not tv. -reply by Mayu
Sounds work with everything cd dvd itunes but no system sounds no ding beeps any of that stuff. What do you think. Ive tried reinstalling drivers it tells me that there are no speaker drivers installed so my sound buttons are Greyed out where you can test the sounds.