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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Can favicons be saved locally as a means of marking sites not owned and/or operated by me?How Do I Change The Icon For A Website?I may be obliviou (having read through and missed the post), but how does one change the favicon for a site that isn't theirs (as a means of organizing my links by picture in addition to text? Thank you much for any and all assistance. - Evan -question by ChiCity
  2. Okay.. I prefered Cokemusic. WAAAY more.. It did have some annoying features, such as the hotel only being open at a certain time, and this was American time. So for me, yes it was annoying. Cokemusic, you had loads of cool minigames such as sumo wrestling (hahah, lovd that.) you also had pop quiz, which was fun, and another jungley game I forgot the name for. You could make your own music and share it with everyone for free. Get opinions on it and people had the cute little thumbs up or thumbs down. It had the same features as habbo, but less annoying lag, habbo, you have to pay for everything. Think about it. Where did the first credits on habbo come from? Thats right. Stupid little kids that raid their mums purses to buy virtual furniture. Cokemusic had more fun, colourful furniture.. Lots of friendly people on it, where as on habbo its filled with zeddars, noobs and people who generally piss you off.. I'm pretty sad cokemusic has shut down.. Well if it hasnt, I have no idea how to get on it ='( all good things come to an end..
  3. which one is better java or dotnetWhich Is Good Java Or Dot NetI am not an expert to comment whichOne is better, but after spending well over a decade in programming/IT,I can say that .NET is the most improved programming language. ItAllows you to accomplish even most complex tasks in a manageableFashion. Someone said here that .Net is just drag and drop - are youKidding? either you don't know .Net or you just posted for fun to seeYour name on a forum. We hire at least 4 times more .NETDevelopers than JAVA programmers just because more and moreOrganizations (especially banks) in US and Europe are leaning towards.NET. It helps when you have backing of a large organization likeMicrosoft. JAVA has its own advantages like platform independence, soYou may go there if that is your primary criteria. Otherwise there isNo contest. Just look at the value additions in .Net from 1.0 to 3.5Ver. Java is no where close. -reply by SunnyM
  4. well the answer is simple first u need a DSL cable or a internet cable it dosent matter both same just differnt names. Anyway u plug it in your xbox then your laptop. When that is done test your connection and if internet fails, then what u do is go on your laptop right click on the internet monitor or double click but then you have to go to manage wireless connections or manage connections there should be 2 things there the second one, its the one on the right u right click on it and were it says sharing u click and make sure both boxes r on then save and turn your xbox off then on if that isnt working check your connection by testing it, it should work. Checking the box alows the internet to go to your xbox. This is what I did and it works. And if u play halo 3 and what to get on your laptop and use for a screen I recomend using a esaycap capture card its not HD but u have to install the disk so u can use it on your laptop after that don't bother using the editing or video program it has lag and will make u want to throw your labtop out the window what u do is download Dscaler its a free download its pretty cool and easy to use with NO LAG but taking pictures on it is the only thing that goes wrong and u cant hear the sound off your laptop unless u start to record and then stop the recording and look at the video and if u want to hear urself talking off xb live then u put it on both instind of headset only u need it to be on stero and headset and heres the link for the Dscaler download (http://www.videohelp.com/software) and after u have it running don't forget to pick for device on it the easycap iz sk and a bunch of other letters to it but cant remember. Hope this helps and also if u have time look up my montage its called (proclimation a halo 3 montage) on youtube.Com Keywords:
  5. Windows 7 install did not recognize SATA driveSata Hard Drive Not Recognized By Windows I googled and read this thread for ideas; so I wanted to post my experience here. I tried a number of recommendations. I stuck with the SATA BIOS settings because I specifically wanted SATA and not IDE! The drive is a WD Caviar Black 500MB. BIOS seemed to ID the drive ok in the first place. I checked all the connections. Used the MB port and cable to the CD/DVD drive that was obviously working for the SATA HD drive to eliminate those as possibilities. No cure there. I tied to use the Windows Install disk to load the drivers one at a time. It seemed to do something while loading the drivers but it did not help me install Windows 7. I tried to install XP Pro because I owned it too and had installed it successfully on other computers. It failed too. I then re-formatted the drive using another computer. Finally, I simply copied all the system driver INF files onto the newly formatted drive. Whatever. It worked, I was then able to put the drive back in the new build computer and installed Windows 7 without another glitch. -reply by Eric
  6. roses are redMy Made Up Poems.when I first saw you I was afraid to meet you when I first met you I was afraid to kiss you I was afraid to love you now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you -reply by angie
  7. cant get my laptop 2 power on at all Acer Laptopis there anything I can do 2 get my laptop 2 power on the power button don't seem 2 wanna work now it was working and had some days where it was picky but now it wont work. what do I need 2 do 2 fix it and how much will it cost? -question by katie
  8. I've got an Xbox 360 elite and I use CLEAR internect service for my online gaming experience. My NAT (network address translation) is moderate and when its moderate I am not as compatible with other online gamers who have Open (the best), or Strict (the worst) and moderate is in the middle of those two. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me why my NAT is moderate when according to Micrsoft (because I have called their TECH support that I should not have any NAT problems when connecting directly to a modem period. I have also called CLEAR tech support and told me the same thing which I basically know I'm asking around because no one has the answer to my question. My frustration is growing and if anyone knows or knows someone who might know the answer please let me know. THANKS -question by Simz
  9. Reservation Rewards ScamReservation Rewards - A Scam!I was charged 4 times before I realize what's going on. Call credit card company and they conferrence me with them. They kept on explaining how I must have subscribed myself into this but it's can't be true. I told them I am a computer guy and I am very careful with links I click on. Even if I did, where the hell is my coupon or deals? He told me it'sto my email but I never receive anything from them. I was mad, telling the guy, let me get this straight, "YOU ARE CHARGING ME $12/MONTH TO RECEIVE JUNK MAILS FROM YOU?" This is rediculous. They issue me the refund and told me their link is in TICKET MASTER CANADA when I purchase my DISNEY ON ICE ticket. I am truly disappointed, Ticket Master? Be careful when purchasing ticket from Ticket Master. -reply by ecsw
  10. eragon cycleNew Eragon BookDude u should get on the ball. For two reasons one theres a huge war at the end of brisingir. Two if I'm not mistaken my man chris will have that book out by the middle of this year. -reply by keeganaa
  11. response to love4 Different Types Of LoveThe most wonderful love is the love that Jesus has for all humanity, the AGAPE Love, unconditional, unfailing love. He loved us so much that he died on the Cross for us He paid the price for us with his Love and his Blood...Such a love like this who can find if not in Jesus . Sure there are many kinds of Love but none like an AGAPE Love Be Blessed
  12. My storyLong Distance Cyber RelationshipThis was a great story and it's given me encouragement! To know that it works out for others is wonderful! I hope you don't mind if I tell a little story I have that is very similar.I met a boy about two years ago. We met on a site called neoseeker. A video game advise site. We became friends and start fake dating quickly after we met. And then we got fake married and had fake kids. It was cute and very fun. But he kinda broke my heart six months later because he was to afraid of commitment. I didn't know that at the time and blamed myself. Because I had done something we both thought wouldn't happen. I really fell in love with him. I was heart broken for months. I was also going through a bad teenage stage in my life so that's why I was so depressed. He had started fake dating one of my best online friends just a week after he broke up with me. But to my surprise he broke up with her two months later and then two months after that asked me out again. And it was really fun. We had started voice chatting over our the ds wi-fi connection using pokemon diamond to voice chat. And we had also finally shown each other our pictures. But for some reason he broke up with me a couple of months after we got back together. I was shattered again.. I couldn't believe it. And once again after us not being together for just a few weeks he started dating my same friends again.It's been more than six months since they started dating. And since then we have started webcaming and talking on the phone. He's working on telling his parents about me. And I'm working on going down to Florida to visit him this summer. We've never met.I am not sure if I still love him.. Recently my feelings have changed from undying love to confused.. But he now claims to love me even though he's still dating our friend. He says he knows who he wants to marry.Now I know this story seems childish but we're both 16 and in 10th grade. Sky has a great plan for his future is a a straight A student going to Finland next year to study over there. Depending on when we meet this summer and how we maintain our relationship while he's over seas we might just start really dating.I feel like if things work out and we start dating he will be the boy I marry. It's still to early to say that but still I have a feeling.Thank you so much for reading my little story. A story so very important to me. I hope you enjoyed it -reply by AirheadedAngel
  13. If you honestly have to show the bad side to the situation, then ya your guna get people to take action for this. However, I think this corp. Is only good for one thing, and that is pet abuse, but you also have to show the good things. You show cows that are in tight places but what the viewers don't no is that their milking or eating in stalls. Also if u think people in my county will drink breast milk then your even more stupid than I thought. If it isnt ok to give cows drugs for things then why would it be ok to give it to humans. This idea was stupid from the begining. -reply by John
  14. Animation via scriptScroll And Pan The Screen Via Mouse In Flashhai, I need to create Drag and Drop game using flash actionscript 2.0. I hv created the game. Bt now I want to add animation to the button. If I drag the button and drop the wrong position, then it should return its actual position with motion tweening effect. please help me...! -reply by Thirupathirajan
  15. REPLY-Refresh Page After Back Button HitRefresh Page After Back Button HitI would just say, use the following code <script language="JavaScript">javascript:window.History.Forward(1);</script> Thanks Kamleshkumar Gujarathi
  16. request for send attachment mail using php with html codePhp Mail Function Not Working!I have write send attachment mail using html with php code . This is not send . Please reply me.The code is as follows <?php // request variables // important$from=$_REQUEST["from"];$emaila=$_REQUEST["emaila"];$filea=$_REQUEST["filea"]; if ($filea){ function mail_attachment ($from , $to, $subject, $message, $attachment){ $fileatt = $attachment; // Path to the file $fileatt_type = "application/octet-stream"; // File Type $start= strrpos($attachment, '/') == -1 ? strrpos($attachment, '//') : strrpos($attachment, '/')+1; $fileatt_name = substr($attachment, $start, strlen($attachment)); // Filename that will be used for the file as the attachment $email_from = $from; // Who the email is from $subject = "New Attachment Message"; $email_subject = $subject; // The Subject of the email $email_txt = $message; // Message that the email has in it $email_to = $to; // Who the email is to $headers = "From: ".$email_from; $file = fopen($fileatt,'rb'); $data = fread($file,filesize($fileatt)); fclose($file); $msg_txt="andand You have recieved a new attachment message from $from"; $semi_rand = md5(time()); $mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x"; $headers .= "nMIME-Version: 1.0and" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;and" . " boundary="{$mime_boundary}""; $email_txt .= $msg_txt; $email_message .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.andand" . "--{$mime_boundary}and" . "Content-Type:text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"and" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitandand" . $email_txt . "andand"; $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); $email_message .= "--{$mime_boundary}and" . "Content-Type: {$fileatt_type};and" . " name="{$fileatt_name}"and" . //"Content-Disposition: attachment;and" . //" filename="{$fileatt_name}"and" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64andand" . $data . "andand" . "--{$mime_boundary}--and"; $ok = mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); if($ok) { header("Location:index.Html"); echo "File Sent Successfully."; unlink($attachment); // delete a file after attachment sent. } else { echo "not send"; die("Sorry but the email could not be sent. Please go back and try again!"); }} move_uploaded_file($_FILES["filea"]["tmp_name"],'temp/'.Basename($_FILES['filea']['name']));Mail_attachment("$from", "ulaganathan.Kmca@gmail.Com", "subject", "message", ("temp/".$_FILES["filea"]["name"]));}?> <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Untitled Document</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">Function CheckData45(){ with(document.Filepost){ if(filea.Value != ""){Document.GetElementById('one').InnerText = "Attaching File ... Please Wait";}}}</script> </head> <body> <table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top"> <form name="filepost" method="post" action="file.Php" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="file"> <table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="bottom"> <td height="20">Your Name:</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="from" type="text" id="from" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td height="20">Your Email Address:</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="frmtxt2"><input name="emaila" type="text" id="emaila" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" valign="bottom">RFQ File:</td> </tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td valign="bottom"><input name="filea" type="file" id="filea" size="16"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="40" valign="middle"><input name="Reset2" type="reset" id="Reset2" value="Reset"> <input name="Submit2" type="submit" value="Submit" onClick="return CheckData45()"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <center><table width="400"><tr><td id="one"></td></tr></table></center> </td> </tr></table></body></html> -question by Ulaganathan.K
  17. character creationRpg Maker HelpI have been trying to create character facesets using Sora from the GBA version of Kingdom Hearts chain of memories. I copied and pasted his face a lot to make it an 8x8 tileset, but when I try to change someone's faceset with it, the screen on the side is black. I tried converting to a PNG image, but that didn't work at all. -question by john
  18. My 8 year old son and his 18 year old friendAge Differences Of FriendsOk so I am a bit worried over this situation, my son is 8 years old (9 in april) and he has a 'friend' who is 18 years old, she lives in the same street and have known each other since my son was about 1 1/2, the thing is my son always wants to spend time with her, every day he sneeks out of our house to be with her, she doesn't seem 'right in the head' though and I think she has some sort of social problems, as far as I can see they just play football and talking with each other,, I am just conserned there is something else going on,, I have tried warning them off each other by saying I'll phone the police etc but nothing works, he comes back in the house and nothing unusual or anything but I am just a bit worried about how it will go against him for his future, he hangs around with everyone in his class at school but at home there is only this girl and one of the kids from his class who lives a few streets away who he considers his 'best friend', but that boy is a little thug, a bad influence and I don't really want him hanging with him either but I let him as I'd prefer him to be with a boy of his own age My boy has two older brothers, a 13 year old with Aspergers who never leaves the house anyways and an 18 year old who sometimes plays with the 18 year old girl also, more so when they were younger and that's how this all started when they were introduced Sorry for rambling, I hope you can understand this,, please get back to me, any questions feel free to ask as long as it isn't too personal and I'll try and get back to you, I need my mind put at rest, thanks -question by Annonymous
  19. Midtown Madness 2 CDWhich Version Of Midtown Madness Do You Like To Play?Where would I get Midtown Madness 2 CD in New Delhi? -question by Shahzaib Zaman
  20. Need drop down menuDrop Down Menu Help PleaseThe html file is : <div id="header"> <div class="logo">NorthStar-EHS<br /><div class="sub">Environment Solutions</div></div> <div class="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#"><div class="links">About Us</div></a></li> <li><a href="#"><div class="links">Services</div></a></li> <li><a href="#"><div class="links">Products</div></a></li> <li><a href="#"><div class="links">Enquiry</div></a></li> <li><a href="#"><div class="links">Contact Us</div></a></li> </ul> </div></div> The css used is : #header{Background:url(images/menu_bg.Jpg) repeat-x;Height:56px;Width:910px;Margin:0 auto;}.Logo{Font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;Font-size:30px;Padding-top:3px;Padding-left:5px;Width:280px;Color:#FFFFFF;Float:left;}.Sub{Font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;Font-size:12px;Width:280px;Color:#FFFFFF;Text-align:right;}.Menu{Width:620px;Float:right;}.Menu ul{List-style-type:none;Margin:0px;Padding:0px;Width:620px;Text-align:right;}.Menu ul li{Float:left;Display:block;Width:120px;Border-left:solid 1px #1a3857;}.Menu ul li a{Display:block;Text-align:center;Color:#CCCCCC;Font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;Text-decoration:none;Font-weight:bold;Font-size:13px;Height:56px;}.Menu ul li a:hover{Color:#FFFFFF;Height:56px;Background:url(images/menu_over.Jpg) repeat-x;}.Links{Padding-top: 17px;} I need 7 drop links under Services Link. Please help by code. The menu style should not be changed. To see it in working condition please browse : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Drop menu should be under services link. Please help if u can. Anil
  21. Wedding DateHindu WeddingsHi please can you tell me what good hindi dates are they in October 2010 on sundays?the current priest gave me a date in the middle is pitur pakh and I don't think it is correct. -reply by Leane
  22. [/size]The girl killed her sister because she thought that guy whom she believed him to be her dream he will come on her sister funeral also.That time she will meet with him again . -reply by Amit Sharma
  23. Scam Scam Scam same here... Dish Network - Scam Scam Scam! Do Not Trust Them!Same BS, Sales woman told me something and I started getting billed for something else and more, called and called and called from one manager to the other same BS one of the calls I told them that I will cancel the service and not pay them a dime and the cancled it, I went to my online account to see what credit card they have on file so I can cancel it and my access was canceled so I called back and reconnected the service and guess what , $20 reconnection fee, and with me still on a contract they will not give me the $15 promotional fee off, cuz I canceled and restarted ! I asked to receive a copy of my contract to see what I agreed one and what I signed on and they transfered me to the same number you mentioned above, 720 514 8555 ex 81622 . He said that the contract request will take about 10 days and if they don't find it they will charge me $99 activation fee and ill be without a contract! and they want another 2 months in advance because I restarted my services which I already paid the first time, I still have couple weeks before my payment is due am not going to pay them anything else and am ready to dispute every charge and every record they put on my credit card and credit histroy, I have a house and a car so am not worried about that. the whole issue statretd when they told me they will give me HD for 2 rooms , free DVR and free local channels, guess what . They came and installed only one receiver that gives for 2 rooms which means you cannot get HD for the second room I called and complained and they sent me another reciever that doesn't have DVR which I agreed for, when the bill came guess what, am charged for the socond receiver the DVR services and the local channels ! This is absolutly outragous that big companies can do that, am detirmind to take it to the maximum level, everytime I called and I argued with them they put notes and then my bill goes up more and more like they getting me back for arguing with them or something, from $50 to $85, they didn't even try to reach a settlement or give a little credit or anything to make me feel like a customer or that they respect their customers. Am in Florida and for the person in Cali saying everyting is smooth with them , good luck bro... Your still at the beginning wait and you will see. Good Job on this post and on keeping it top in the search results , good job on the website too, companies like that should pay the price let me know if I can be any help regarding this issue for anyone. -reply by Mitri
  24. calcium stonesHow To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder InfectionCalcium stones are not made of dietary calcium. In fact, dietary calcium bonds with oxylates (the most common type of stone) which are found in soda, tea, etc. And helps to clean them out of the kidneys. Giving up calcium can do more harm than good. Don't give it up unless a well-educated doctor recommends it.
  25. Change file no automatically :Renaming Files (Using Excel Spreadsheet)Hi , I need to know the way to change the file no automatically in excel.Ie;for example if I put a file no as 1 and after I closed and reopen the file I need to change the no automatically to 2. Is there any way for it. Please help me. -reply by Riyazl
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