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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. The whole gameNaruto: Narutimate Hero 3I hate it a lot...! -reply by Rawdad
  2. I feel exactely what you are saying. In fact killing of people can not be truely justified. In fact nobody has a right to kill Bin Laden but people have the authority to put him in jail because he is a danger to other peoples lives. But you need to digest the situation that forced United states to drop the bomb. Even though United States chose a land invasion of Japan, more Japanese than those killed inby the atomic bomd would have. Man there was no way out. For United States unless of course you propose that it should have kept quiet by not avenging or retariating when Japan attacked. Serious Imagine this. It is impossible man .If the president tried this, he would have been impeached (throught out of power).And another one would have been elected. The way you talk about peoples' death, I get the feeling that the men who were massacred in pearl harber also didn't deserve to die just because they were soldiers because they are not less human than civilians. I also have a question.How do Japanese justify this too ?. They can't either. Besides US was seriously negotiating with them and they pretended to show dislike for war but went behind their backs and bombed pearl harbor. The world is crazy. US had to protect I's self so that nothing of that sort happens again. You US is only a counrty just like Zimbabwe, they tried their best to limit causaulities. Beleive me, that was the lowest posible number of causualties because Japanese just couldn't surrender. It is sometimes tough to say that they made the best possible available decision. I am not a huge fun of United States because they enslaved my forefarthers but you have to admit that they were right on the Atomic bomb. It's tough that some innocent people died but more would have died anyway. No country is like United States, Britain is not even clause. They made some mistakes in the past but atleast they try to fix them. I would have prefered the bomb to be dropped by some other country because most people don't take care to understand the whole situation. They quickly blame US for it. -reply by juko john
  3. The Canadian one is from a commercial. You can find it on YouTube. -reply by fyjkdj
  4. i actually think soCan There Be More Than One Universe?I believe that theres another universe somewhere but we will never be able to reach it. Rather, (most of you wont agree) we, if we do find one, use a blackhole or wormhole that lets us travel to another universe. The universe could be the exact same (replica universe) oppisite universe or somewhere inbetween. I also believe that there is more life in the universe we know of. If u didnt notice theres trillions of stars. Stars could have more planets orbiting them. Who knows there could be life on the closest galaxy to us.-reply by Ryan
  5. Norton Or Kaspersky: Which Is Better? About running 2 or more virus programsNorton Or Kaspersky: Which Is Better?"I saw that in a comment posted, it said to actually use 2 or more virusProtection programs. That is not smart at all, in my experience. ByDoing that, your computer will crash, causing you to lose everything you have. I have done that before, with a free virus protection program,And the computer crashed. New computer too. So I suggest only to useOne... Just a warning..." Rubbish. I have four antivirus running at the moment. All are compatible and all seek each others mistakes. As for resource hogging, use advanced settings. My computer has never been better or faster. It is widely reccomended to use more than one av, but make sure they work together, and make sure you understand how your own computer works as well. None of my av slow my computer at all, even on full scans. Learn how to use them properly! Keywords: norton conflict with kaspersky
  6. End of the worldThe End Of The World By December 21, 2012It's not so much the "end of the world", but the end of mankind as we know it. And, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only." Matthew 24:36. Not the Myans, not anyone. I'm sorry my friends, Christ one day will come with the sound of the trump and whether you believe in the bible or not, your disbelief isn't going to change that from happening.
  7. I know some of you will say bull**** to this story but it is as true as the sun rise. I was an Army Officer, I flew ch47 helicopters and prior to that was an atomic demolistion specialist with a top secret clearence. I was busted for "steroids" and convicted of a felony in 1996. The funny part of the story is that the military inspected, shipped, and delivered to my door and then unpacked it an put it on a shelf. Since I thought everything was cool I didn't think much more about it. Then 6 months later I handed a bottle to a friend at a local gym and an off duty cop asked to see it and if he could have some. I gave it to him and then he arrested me for distrubution of a controlled substence. What I had was a mixture of gensing, herbs, vitamins, and 10 mg of testosterone. (This was available over the counter in the country where I purchesed it!) But, the testosterone is only available in the US with a US perscription.) The bottom line is that I was the least likely person to intenntionally break any laws, hell I even participated in many drug interdiction missions. I was a true boy scout and was prepared to die for our country and our government. I don't lie, cheat, steal, or cheat even on my taxes or my wife. Regardless, to the world I am now a scumbag felon and NO ONE will give me a real job. Since my conviction, no jail time but I plead guilty, I can not find a descent job to save my life. I could be pulling down $225 k a year like all my old buddies. Instead, I'm lucky to be flipping your burgers. Do I want a bloody revolution? You are God damed right I do. Without justice we have no country worth saving. Mark my words, one day it will happen, but too bad I won't be the one that gets to vaporize washington!~What a pleasure that would be. Hum...Want to see a real criminal act? OBL, 50 million will get you a well trained expert. -reply by David
  8. I'm in college 21 and I like a dude in my math class. Hes 32 spent 10 years in the Army and is going to school for nursing odd thing is hes a buff, built, almost to die for hispanic man with tattoos, OMG... Amazing. I knew since the first day that I liked him and after a few days I realized that he liked me too because when we would leave school we would drive to leave the same way and make intentional eye to eye. ( basically he was checking me out) well I was too nervous to talk to him so one friday I got all dolled up and he noticed me and when we were leaving school, we both take the stairwell alone, he called me doll when I held the door for him. Well I found him on myspace and I sent him a message on vday lol coincidently ,and he told me that yes we had math together and that I looked beautiful on friday. I was tickled pink. And We talked for a while on msgr and we found out we had alotttt in common. Well we decided to meet the next school day at subway for lunch, but I was soooo nervous I flet clammed up, so it was awkward I guess. Well after class I had an apt to go to but an hr to wait so he asked me if I wanted to hang out. I said ok and I got in his car and we went to the mall and looked around a bit then he drove me back and open close the door for me etc. Real gentlemen like. Well he hit me up on msgr and said he wanted to tell me something and then I was like what? he said I wanted to kiss u but I didnt want to scare you away so I was like awww. So we met the next day. We were supposed to get lunch at a steakhouse, and I got super dolled up but I got a msg from him sayin his son was sick in school etc and " the dog catcher" had his dog lol???? I was like okkkk but he still didnt stand me up he met me, but just went to subway. We chatted a bit and he played with my big toe lol cuz I was wearing sandals and put my feet up next to him. Lol he was leaving for cali on weds but he met me cuz I wanted to see him before he left. Well that night we talked and I asked him why he didnt to to kiss me and he said cuz he didnt think I wanted to, so we planned the next day at school to kiss. So, I waited for him and I found him but he didnt park near me to kiss me before class he parked in a different section and just went to class, he said that he showed up 15 mins prior and I wasnt there so he went to class, but after class we walked to his car and he just drove me to my car and we kissed. And it was amazing... He left that evening to go to cali his flight left after school. Ive msgd him on msgr but I havent heard ANYTHINg from him since hes left. And Ive left him msgs... Even tho he has his msgr on his celll, he is always on, why didnt he atleast say hello????? its been 2 days since he left. I'm sad, is this his vacay time with his family that he doesnt want to talk to me cuz hes seen me all week???? I miss him ALOTTTTT.. AND I'm SCARED. I just want him to talk to me and tell me something. Atleast hello ya know. He comes home on tues just 4 more days.But I see him weds at school. Problem is I am in the midst of divorcing and I have a son and I still live w my x hubby so am I scaring him away maybe. Ive told him I'm looking for a new place to live etc and I keep rambling on about all these things moving to another state lol, movingfar away maybe not coming back nex semester to the same college etc. But last time we talked talked I said look I really wanna see something work between us, and I wont move for you. And he said ok we will see what happens. I know he likes me, but am I doing to much. I need advice. Is he just wanting his vacay time and thats why hes not talking now?????? HELPPP -reply by Maria
  9. Proffesional game makingCreating Games Is Easy...Hello all!I have been making games in Clickteams multimedia fusion 2, but the games were slow, big (File) and did'nt look so "proffesional", so I decided to look for something more "Proffesional". I really want to be a game maker in my future, so I started by buying a book from Jesse Liberty - C++ in 29 days . I'm reading the book in 2 months now, and only got to the day number 11, cause it's damn hard. I love C++ programming, but I want to ask in what programming language does proffesional game makers program in?I cant out how games like World of Warcraft or Call of Duty can be "written" in a source code. I hope you can explain a little ~Dominick
  10. Infra RecorderNeed A Free Iso EditorInfra Recorder is a nice program to create ISO files, I like this software, is a good option. -reply by Isak
  11. how can I change my ip if its static?How To Convert Static Ip To Dynamic Ip`?I have comcast and ive called them asking to change my ip.. A few of them said I could because its dynamic and a and a few said I couldnt because its static. So its my guess that they have no idea what they are talking about...And ive tried changing my ip plently of times so I think its static. is there any other way possible to change it without contacting your isp? -reply by Riley
  12. Help! I have no idea how to put my e-book into the FlippingBook!Flippingbook Html EditionI purchased the FlippingBook so I could use it for my online ebook. But I have no idea how to use it. Is there anyone out there who can help someone who knows nothing? -reply by Terry
  13. Sports Text based app for facebook I Want To Create A PHP Text Based Web Game/premierfootball/?_fb_noscript=1 here is the game I want it like but I have no idea how to make one could someone help please??
  14. I'm on a strict schedule and I keep getting the 999 error -reply by bob jones
  15. Fixed!Online Films Freeze In Full Screen ModeDisabling the hardware accelleration worked for me too. Perhaps this problem is specific to Radeons? I am using a Radeon 4350.
  16. my Inspirion computer 's fan will disconnect and fail to run any time I restart the computer. I found a program to turn it on but I don't know how long this work. My question then is do I need a new fan or not? -question by dave fattig
  17. Help?Dealing With A Long Term Relationship Break UpI was dating this guy for the last four years. Well, we just broke up, a month back. It's still hurting me up and I shut myself in the cupboard for hours. He cheated on me twice, He pleaded for another chance, I gave in and gave him chances twice. And now a month back, I figured out he was double dating. He was my best friend. We guys had a lovely relation. I am unable to get over the same. He was my first guy? First love? And now, he is dating that girl. And while in a relation, how he told me that he would never date anyone? I abide that he din't. I know I still love him. It's really very hard getting over. As if the time is not just passing through. -reply by Sunshine
  18. Meteorite of ThunguskaWireless ElectricityIt was a METEORITE, not electricity. TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS!! Hint: meteorites come from space, electricity comes from generators
  19. waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to take this way to seriously dude -reply by Crystal PlatfootKeywords: what to do when your bored with friends
  20. one great way to make money is by killing chaos druids, they can be found un-der edgeville, in the dungeon. You need to be a member to get in, but its is worth it. One month of members down there for 2 hours a day can get at least 10 mil in a month. I don't do it any more because I have done it for a while. One drop can be worth 20k! The most common drops are around 2k-11k, and it is very common. I have not gotten a rune crossbow yet.
  21. WarGearTop Free Online Strategy Games If you're into Risk like games then personally I highly recommend WarGear (http://www.wargear.net/) - awesome intuitive interface, public / private gaming, teamplay, fog of war and loads of other gaming options. There's a map that's identical to Risk (Global Warfare) plus about 60 others so there's heaps of variety. Oh and best of all it's completely free with no advertising. Highly recommended. -reply by Jimbo
  22. my 3 year old daughter does not speak yet Normally At What Age A Child Start Speaking.Hello,My name is Lin, my daughter is 3 and 2 months and still does not speak. She has just started speech therapy and I pray to God that it does the trick. She used to say mum , dad and bye bye although she never used any word consistantly, but nontheless we have all heard her say it. However she stopped saying anything. The doctor said she is too young to label and he would prefer to see how she gets on. I am worried sick and get so depressed about it. I would like to hear from any1 with similar experiences or advise. Thank u
  23. Webhost4life Does Suck.Webhost4life Sucks!These guys have royally screwed up lately. They moved my site over to a new server, and neglected to contact me regarding that my FTP settings would change, and that I could no longer check my mail online at the same location. Both caused major frustrations before I had to contact them for support. That coupled with their very ignorant staff on what has happened to all the customers who had registered their domains via "webhost4life domains" but turns out it was just an affiliate and now it's causing major headaches, since I thought it was registered thru them. Now I'm running around getting no where since they broke away from their affiliate and now do their own domain registration. You see I'm furious at their lack of communication! I wouldn't recommend their services. -reply by Heather
  24. why dont zelda and link(and toon zelda and toon link) kiss???ZELDA and LINKon every zelda game zelda and link (and toon zelda and toon link) never kiss I fink it will be graet in one zelda game they kissed I fink we should all ask nintendo to do a zelda game where zelda and link(and toon zelda and toon link) kiss at the end of the game. -reply by oliver
  25. Save game folderPrince Of Persia Save GamesPls note that in Windows 7, the folder is ProgramDataPOPWWPROFILES -reply by Joel
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