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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Hey guys, thanks a lot. But I installed Installed PCQLiniux which has a number of softwares already installed, but Ubuntu doesnt give so many. It just has, OpenOffice.org, Mozilla Firefox, Evolution and some other softwares for basic use, but PCQLinux which I got from PCQuest Magazine has a hell lot of softwares pre-installed including, Wine, John the Password Cracker, Phast Recovery and a lot more (about 100 softwares). I did everything, got connected to the net too but now, there is a problem with GRUB boot loader for PCQLinux, its different from the Ubuntu GRUB Loader. During installation it asked me to chose which operating system as my default selection, I chose Windows. For the first boot, Windows was the default operating system selected but now (second boot) its PCQLinux is the defalut one. How can I change which is the default operating system. I think Yordan uses LILO Boot Loader as he had said he edited /etc/lilo.conf, but for me will there be a same file named "grub.conf" or is there some other way to do it? Please help me out with this. I have already installed the OS and before I get spankings from my parents I want to change the default OS selected.
  2. Just letting the Mods and Admins know that there is a (bothersome) message that tells me this dot com can not be found each time I log-in. I don't know (or need to know) what it means, but maybe someone else should know that it is happening.
  3. This link offers proprietary drivers for your printer http://www.turboprint.info/ It's a free edition, and if you try printing in the highest resolution, you'll end up printing the turboprint logo. I'm sure you don't need too high resolution unless you're doing photo quality. Some Canon companies do compile different drivers for Linux, I know the Canon Japan does, but I was not able to find anything for your printer, just some older and newer models. Cheers, MC
  4. I took few hours to read this long post from Google Engineer Matt Cutt in his blog https://www.mattcutts.com/blog/indexing-timeline/ entitled "Indexing timeline" posted on 16 May,2006. It covers burning issues like why the pages of many websites are constantly being dropped from Google index with particular reference to link-exchange programs and Google's famous IBLs. It also depicts in a nut-shell the changes in Google index that took place since the inception of BigDaddy. It appears that the big "G" is going to fire out websites participating in Link Exchange programs and contain irrelevant links. The best part of this long post by Matt is that he has mentioned specific "example" sites to show why pages from those sites are being dropped constantly. The selection of example site is absolutely splendid and covers a broad spectrum. There are a large number of thought provoking comments as well. Please spend some time to read that post by Matt, it is really helpful. Regards, Sid
  5. Why dont you use the Xisto forum banner. I mean the one at the top-left. I looks good and it is designed by one of the members here, just go through the forums and find out who designed it and then ask hime/her to design it you.Ok, I am to lazy for designing it for you and I am really sick at it. Anyway if you cannot find any banners here just put a link to Xisto which says "Free Professional Web Hosting". Thats it.
  6. My ethernet card has a driver for linux, but I dont know how to install them. Could anyone here provide me with step by step instructions?I dont have a high speed internet, just 128 Kbps where I cant download 2-3GB of iso files. And even worse I dont have a CD writer . My parents dont want me to install linux (Ubuntu) as it shows too many options while chosing which operating system (Recovery, MemTest, and the OS) and they think I have installed so many operating systems. So I'll have to make Windows as the default operating system.And about grub boot-loader, I had managed to come-up to the file, but when I edit it, it says that its in the read-only state and thats why it cant save. Ok, I even tried to change the read-only setting to write also, but then there it says I am not the OWNER of the system. I am the system admin, so what else rights could some-one have over the operating system. I guess the admin has all the preveliges, right?
  7. About StormPay there is a problem right from the sign-up process, you need to have a paid email accout. I mean the regular free Yahoo!, Hotmail, Gmail, Rediff, Indiatimes, etc. email ID will not work for signing up. I dont know why, I think its because they dont want fraud.
  8. Its in my blood or head! If i need anything, I just open another tab in firefox and just start searching using Googles Toolbar. Never use any other search engine.Next to a search engine I use DMOZ directory. Its neat and you dont get grabage in it as you get in Google.
  9. Hey guys I just got a free domain from that service (still under registration process as ICANN or some-one take about 48 hrs to register my domain). And by the way "PureHeart" I found out why it does like this, it seems to be a very old site, which has been going under abuse and now the webmaster has blocked some asian contries IP add and other contries too. You can use Hide IP Platinum to change your IP address proxy and them view the webpage.
  10. Guys I just got a freedomain name from them (actuall the admin just registered the domain, it may take from anyware 24hrs to 7 days). The site now has a 7 members with nearly 85 posts. And best of all I became a mod there . Had a few converstaions with the admin, seems to be a nice and genuine guy. Hope fully he is till he gets my domain name. I also have to check how long and how reliable hosting he has got and by the way they are'nt offering free web hosting now, he says he will soon. And by the way I found out why the site does not open for every body, it seems to be a very old site, which has been going under abuse and now the webmaster has blocked some asian contries IP address and other contries too. You can use Hide IP Platinum to change your IP address proxy and them view the webpage.
  11. Hey guys, I had ordered that Ubuntu Linux CD and gave it a shot. Ok, not bad but I had problems connecting to the net using my ethernet card. Infact I could never connect it.Another problem was that I could not edit the boot log file too (GRUB), to make windows xp the default operaying system, cause my parents dont like linux. If anyone here could help me do these stuff, I will be grate full to them. If not...Do you know any other linux disto group like Ubuntu that offers free linux cd plus free shipping? I need something other than ubuntu, may be Red Hat or Mandravia or Gentoo or Fedora or Slackware or SuSe anything will do, except Ubuntu.Please help me out.
  12. To quote Red Green: "Everything is temporary, unless it works..."
  13. Yes, the name itself gives a clue. Have to admit it. But what I want to convey here is that you can be a little more polite in your posts. I also did not mean that you are a grunting person, no, dont miss understand me please.That guy is really on heck of a dum guy, but as a MODERATOR you can help him out. He may be knew to hosting and all those kind of stuff.
  14. Kick m^e's a$$ .Thats why I already quoted before, I know that it is realy dum of that guy to ask such a stupid question. See it from my point-of-view. He is a newbie, so he might not know how to get a hosting account or he might not even know that this is the place where you get hosting, he may be a newbie to the web-hosting it self. He must have seen those numbers and features and must have come here (250MB, 3000MB B/W, PHP, MySQL....). Do you remeber me when I first joined Xisto, I really though posting was shouting into the Shoutbox (How dum could I have got). Then you scared me off the shoutbox telling that I'll have to post at the forums and not shout into the shoutbox. Be a little more carefull next-time, see the number of posts he has made and then judge. If I were to post something like that then you have all the right to BAN me cause I know its dum of me to post something like that, but he I think does'nt knows.
  15. I think twitch gave an really accurate answer to that reallllly pathetic question. But one think I did not like about twitch is that he was too rude. I know it realy gets you on the nerve when people ask such questions but acutually you can be a little more polite not only here but also at your post modifications, notices, and your comments. Dont fire me out for that, it was my point-of-view on your behaviour, I am not offending you or something. Sorry if I did offend.
  16. I use the free AVG (for Windows) from grisoft too. http://www.avg.com/de-de/free-antivirus-download. It does an acceptional job, and hopefully with the merge/aquisition of ewido, it'd help remove spyware too, though I never like ewido that much and prefer alternative spyware programs. The only reason you would possibly go for paid Antivirus programs is for the support, it's not because they are better as in some cases they've been proven to not rate as well as they should for their cost, also they are more likely to be targetted because they seem to be more popular. I've made people switch to different antiviruses because there protection was not as good as it should be, and because some take up too much resources and can make their computers run slow. I still think free AVG is quite good, but you can't rely solely on it to protect you, you still have to have common sense. Another thing which is important is that AVG can still run in safe mode, others can't, which is also a big thing. Cheers, MC
  17. FileZilla FTP is actually a good free FTP client in my opinion, you can also download FileZilla's FTP server and run your own FTP site too if you wanted to.I prefer doing things via SSH now though, but if FTP was the only option, then FileZilla for Windows (which supports SFTP/SCP/SSH) and any ftp client on linux would do, even just the ftp commands is enough for me.Most FTP clients have many features I would not even use, so really it's just a matter of if it does it's job, then that's all I am interested in.Cheers,MC
  18. As a Mod over at Xisto.com, I get to see a great variety of posting topics which your sister could involve herself in, regardless of her age or computer experience.Also, Xisto.net is free, with no posting required. (small banner ad at top is all) Dot net might be a very good place for her site.
  19. Unfortunately I can't see us lifting the rule on multiple accounts, if we did it for you, we'd have to do it for everyone else. This could get out of hands and abused.A person who is willing to maintain two accounts on here definitely has their work cut out but I feel the credit transfer would be abused here in which it'd be easy for you to maintain two accounts. I don't think we are going to allow multiple accounts and just keep inline with our rules otherwise it's just going to open up more work for us.Also I can imagine how many would be able to maintain their account, in which we'd get a lot of sites/resources being used up when we could have given it to someone else who is going to maintain their account. If we were to ban someone with multiple accounts, we'd also have to terminate all their multiple accounts, just because of 1 person, who may have been creating credits for their sister, etc.I still suggest that if you have the largest hosting package we offer, you must be able to spare some of it's resources for your sister. All you would need to do is get a domain/subdomain, redirector, etc. cPanel makes it easy for you to setup more than 1 site from the same package, setup separate accounts, etc.I am sorry but I don't think this will go ahead.Trap17 (.net or .com) was setup for those in a less strict environment where most topics are relevant and not neccessarily about computers. This could be a solution for your sister, but concerns would be whether this is your sister posting or you. We're able to detect the differences to some extent.Cheers,MC
  20. Oh yes, I mentioned only m^e is stone-hearted (just joking, no offence). Very rude guy with a shrap cane of his, I really dont understand why he is behind me all the time.
  21. I hate that IE 7. I installed it (I have an orginal OS haha) after passing through all those dum use for nothing tests. Ok, every thing system restarted, ran IE 7, started browsing, finished browsing close the broser and it was the last time it ever ran with-out any problem.Next run, it keeps one giving some idiotic error message everytime I either open or close the browser. Even the webpages dont appear properly and its a hell lot slow when you compare it to Firefox.I had to use WinXP Manager to remove IE 7 and install IE 6 back again. And do you think it just went away with a flick. WOW! It does'nt happen with Micro$oft products, now everytime I boot my PC there is an error message poping-up saying it could not find some module in some dll file.Its a really sick browser to try, atleast in its beat mode its really sick. Dont know how its gonna be when it comes out. The only good product from Micro$oft is the Windows Defender, I have been using and really its good! Its even free for genuine Windows users. And if you are'nt a genuine windows xp user the best thing to do is to use windows 2000 or windows 98 to download the file and then install it on either 2000 itself or xp!
  22. Aah, I really doubt if the admins here will accept them! All the admins here are stone-hearted people (only m^e, others are good ). Anyway just keep praying untill some admin responds.But Xisto Corporation rules say you cannot have more than 1 account. I dont know if they will accept your P-O-V. I know you have a point there about someone else who does not have that much of knowlodge, but rules are rules.Anyway all the best! Lets see what happens next.
  23. Ok, that is what I really meant. I found a crack kinda stuff and followed the instructions and then I finished *cracking* it. I did not mean that I could break into the database and get username, passwords, etc. out. Okay, I agree the way I had written it up there looked really absurd. Anyway, IPS does NOT search for nulled or cracked Invision Power Boards as they are just toooo many nulled verions out there, if they were to catch each and every person (ok, if not all) and sue them, they would start to go under loss. It would take years to remove atleast half the percent of the cracked boards. Its like sueing each and every cracked Windows XP/2000 OS user. I even know a shameless hosting company which has a nulled IPB board. The only company I know who scan for nulled or cracked board is vBulletin. They dont seem to have as many users as Invision Power Board. And it seems that they are really bothered about their profits and losses. And talking about OpaQue is he the founder/owner/administrator of Xisto also? I tried phpBB, vBulletin, Invision Power Board and SMF. Out of all of them I like SMF with YaBB Theme. phpBB has a sick ACP and vBulletin has something more-or-less like phpBB. Invision Power Board is good, but its'nt for free and I hate their updating system. Thats where SMF comes into action, just check out their cool intergrated update feature, you dont need to download anything and install it manually, it does it all by itself and the best part is that it uses the server's (host's) internet connection and speed to download packages, your intenet connection is used only to refresh and load the page. SMF has nearly all the features of IPB if not all. And one more good part of SMF is that its very easy to install mods unlike other boards where you will have to do things manually. Hey, twitch. Good luck with your new BBS project which I think you will be starting soon or have already started. Count me in if you want to test your board. I have installed BBSs number of times and there is no harm in tring it once more. Cheers, Ganesh.
  24. Ok guys and gals, its done. I managed to debug it all by myself, this how I did it. I first solved one error by putting the "," after the ")". Then it said another similar error at line 1826, solved that too. After all this one more similar error at line 1830, I debugged all of them and now its done, the page reloads properly. All this chaos was caused due to some idiotic mod I tried to install (I dont know which one, though). Thanks guys, all of you really helped me in someway or the other. Good job!
  25. There was a "$" operator, I removed that and put the ")" operator as the system suggested. Now its showing something which I dont seem to understand. Here is what its saying:Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/ganesh/public_html/Sources/Profile.php on line 1814I guess the mods will have to change the title to T_STRING from T_VARIABLE.Please tell me what is that T_STRING, then I can try to resolve it by myself.
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