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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I've always used google. It's fast, powerful, the most popular search engine, and it gets good results. You can do heaps in google.Google also created GMail, the best webmail, and Google Apps, the best webmaster tools I've used. Google Video is starting to become really popular, and it's really simple to add your site to Google.By the way, shouldn't this be in the search engines forum?
  2. Shoutboxes are like chat-rooms. you can put it on a website, and people can chat with them. Like the one at the top of the forum.
  3. I still have the www. problem with your site occasionally. Its annoying because it looks for all the images at www.habbofront.com/whatever, so all images appear as broken.
  4. iGuest

    Hi,i'm Newer

    I mean the space:)
  5. Hello,everyone!I'm newer here.Is there any different between 20MB and 500MB?
  6. change this: <?php$to = 'someone@example.com';$subject = 'Contact e-mail';$user_name = $_GET['Name'];$user_email = $_GET['Email'];$user_message = $_GET['Message'];$user_reason = $_GET['Reason'];$message = "Name: $user_name \n E-mail: $user_email \n\n $user_message \n\n Reason: $user_reason";if !( mail( $to, $subject, $message ) ) { echo 'Mail not sent!';}?>to this: <?php$to = 'someone@example.com';$subject = 'Contact e-mail';$user_name = $_GET['Name'];$user_email = $_GET['Email'];$user_message = $_GET['Message'];$user_reason = $_GET['Reason'];$message = "Name: $user_name \n E-mail: $user_email \n\n $user_message \n\n Reason: $user_reason";if !( mail( $to, $subject, $message ) ) { echo 'Mail not sent!';}else {echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="Text/JavaScript">document.location = 'thankyou.php';</script>';}?>Replace thankyou.php with the filename of your thank you page
  7. YEs I know.. But I got photoshop. I just want to try in paint
  8. Not bad! I love the name lol, Kwokinator. The only real thing is the top, maybe you could make a banner instead of the white space?
  9. Yeah, I use JavaScript for mine, I'll dig it out of the code for you Ok, place this anywhere on the page. <script language="JavaScript">var refreshinterval=120 var displaycountdown="yes"var starttimevar nowtimevar reloadseconds=0var secondssinceloaded=0 function starttime(){starttime=new Date()starttime=starttime.getTime()countdown() }function countdown(){nowtime= new Date()nowtime=nowtime.getTime()secondssinceloaded=(nowtime-starttime)/1000 reloadseconds=Math.round(refreshinterval-secondssinceloaded)if (refreshinterval>=secondssinceloaded) {var timer=setTimeout("countdown()",1000)if (displaycountdown=="yes") {window.status="Page refreshing in "+reloadseconds+ " seconds" }}else{clearTimeout(timer)window.location.reload(true)}}window.onload=starttime </script>Change refreshinterval to however many seconds you want it to wait before it reloads, also, it tells you how many seconds left until it reloads in the status bar, so it doesnt catch you by surprise and make you write the message all over again. Also, I'll have a fiddle with PHPMyAdmin tonight, and write up something on how to create the tables in it, but for the meantime, you can just go to the "SQL" tab in phpmyadmin (It's there in every version I've used) and copy and paste the SQL code.
  10. My other site, hosted on byethost: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Works ok for me, I had no ftp problems, the only real bad thing that annoys me is that smtp is disabled.
  11. Hey all, I'm Thaantje,and i was googling around for a new hostand i found this one.Just wanna say: "Hi"
  12. I'm beginning to doubt the use of "simple". The languages/markup involved would be HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL other languages can be used or alternatives can be used but this is probably the least you would need to know. Before you begin any project (and this is similar for starting business too), you should write down a plan of what you want to achieve. You have a fair idea on the concept, but you really need to set forth goals so write down exactly what you'd like to happen and take it from there. A lot of people jump straight into coding and it can get really messy if it hasn't been properly planned. Security should always be on your mind, but not in the back of your mind. If you know the risks and know ways to prevent them, then always ensure you have this. I could talk a lot on just security in itself, but to get your friend started sooner I'll leave that for another day. View what's already out there, try to understand what they do, test them in ways you've never thought of before and see if what you expected is what happened. Try to work out the flow, you can't have a login page if you don't have the ability to add users, so you'd want to work on the subscription/registration. You'll need, a registration form with all the required details you'd want to know about your member and also a database to store this information. Also look into using CAPTCHA which helps prevent spam registrations. The database is quite a tricky thing too, you want to do your best to make sure it's close to correct at the beginning than find out it's not quite correct and you have to switch all your members over to another database because the old one wasn't implemented correctly. So plan the tables you'll want, of course you'll have the members username, password and email address (important it is checked to see it exists). There's other things you may want to consider, the date they signed up, the date they last logged in. This way you can run checks against your members, and if they're inactive for a while, you may consider removing them or placing them in a holding pen where if their login does happen to appear after being inactive for so long, you may get them to reactivate their account. If it's in the pen for so long, it's probably safe to remove their account. There's so many places that have a large number of members, but in reality it's usually a case of poor clean up. When they fill out and send this form, the information goes on hold. You'll ask them to activate this either clicking a link in their email or getting them to enter an activation code they received in their email, this confirms the email address is theres. So once activated, you can put the information into the database, if not activated within say 7 days, lose that information, it's just waiting space in the database. Once you have the ability to add users into your database, you can then look at a login form, which is possibly the simplest form you'd ever need, just one that takes the username and password, the backend would be checking the database if it exists and if it does exist, then let the server know they are now logged in by using sessions. Things to consider here is definitely security. A topic that can't be talked indepth, but at least make sure that too many attempts at logging in, logs the IP of the user and also puts the account into lock for a while and if they do need sooner access give them a means to contact you where you can just send an activation code to their email address. Never allow administrator accounts to be locked out though, Yahoo did this years ago and for the admins it wasn't funny, but for everyone else it was. So now that they are logged in they're going to need a way to access this members area, how they are presented with the navigation is up to the designer, maybe if successfully logged in they now have a members page link/button on their page they can access. The members page needs to have the ability to check if they are logged in, and if not, not allow the contents to be viewed. Then you've got to work backwards and inbetween and have a reversal of what you did. So you can add members, how can members be removed, maybe this would be administrative only. Have they forgotten their password? How can they reset it and have it sent to their email address? How can they change their information in the registration page they entered if it's now different? How can they log out? There's actually quite a lot of things to consider, which is why I'm questioning "simple", because mosts tasks like these aren't simple and people have spent endless hours trying to make the "best" membership system they see fit. The PHP PEAR extensions have quite a few classes that you could use to speed up the coding process, but it does require an understanding of classes. You can find them at http://pear.php.net/ There are some tutorials that could help, that you'd find at http://www.phpfreaks.com/ where I believe they actually have a tutorial on creating a membership system, this should help. There's a lot I missed out, but the reason for writing so much. If I ever get the urge to do a membership system, at least I can refer to some of my notes I've left here, and if possible, alter them as the ideas change. Cheers, MC
  13. I tried what you said, and I changed the hosts file, and then I added a VirtualHost. The hosts I added were test.localhost and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This worked fine, and when I went to these addresses, it took me to localhost. But when I tried using virtualhosts, it wouldn't work. It completely ignored them. I did restart apache once I changed them, but they still took me to the localhost index. Do you know what the problem is?
  14. I agree, I've always used Macs, we used to have an old LC 630 with OS7, (Which, incidentally also ran Windows 3.1). I currently Have 2 windows computers, one of which, I also have a Linux Hard Drive for. The only real reason I use Windows, like most other people, is because of the software available for it, I don't like Windows overall though, it's not very reliable, and crashes alot. If a Mac crashes/freezes, its usally a freak incident, and it wont crash for another year or so. If Windows crashes, it crashes over and over again for about a week usually. Linux/Mac are also much more customizable, and i like to customize my computer.
  15. No, Joomla's a CMS/Portal, not an HTML Editor
  16. Thanks seec77 and Mark420, I'll try out those things later today when I go onto my other computer, and I'll have a look at XAMPP.I've seen Virtual Hosts in the Apache Docs before, but I didn't really understand what they were. I'll have a look round for some Mail programs. Thanks!
  17. Trap17 is a part of the same company of Xisto Yes, you will need to know HTML to make a good website Edit Files in the file manager, or via ftp To see what your site looks like, go to it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. Game Maker is the best program ever, you can make anything with the right DLLs. I've been using it for about 3 years, and I can make reallyh good games. Download it, and register it! Also, if you're having any problems with it, go to http://gmc.yoyogames.com/ for the GMC, you can find all the help you need there.
  19. Hi, on my other computer (not connected to the internet) I have an Apache server, just to test out PHP pages and stuff, I'd like to know how to do some stuff in it, like: Have subdomains, e.g. abc.localhost, do you modify something in the httpd.conf file? How do you edit DNS records? Indexes, set it up so that LOCALHOST will take you to LOCALHOST/index.php. At the moment, it's set up so that it'll take you to localhost/index.html, but if there's no index.html file, it'll take you to a list of files. Mail, e.g. abc@localhost, how do you set up mail? You probably need some other kind of server, I don't know, but I really need this for testing contact forms, and other things with the mail() function. Thanks, I have looked in the Apache documentation, but it's a bit complicated, and it's hard to find the thing you're looking for.
  20. Hey all... My first signature. I'm new on this site, But i like it. Plz comments
  21. There are some people who do give out their passwords, though you've usually formed a "Trusting" relationship with them that they do this.Phishing sites are problematic and can con people into revealing too much information, so always ensure the site is correct and if possible, always use Secure logins, which usually means the site address is prefixed with https:// and a security lock in your web browser is shown. It would also need a valid Security Certificate though some Trusted sites may have their certificate expired which doesn't mean you have to stop trusting them, just means they haven't gotten round to updating it.If you feel you need to give out your password so that someone can help you, it's best to create that person a temporary account if possible, which you can remove after they've performed what was needed but remember you shouldn't give them too much access. If that's unavoidable too, then ensure you have backed up all your vital information or store it in a protected location where they can't access it, in case the trust breaks down and havoc is created.I do a lot of computer work for people who give me their passwords so I can finish the job, but I never store them and usually forget them, unless I often visit them but I rather my services or their word of mouth not give me a bad reputation for mishandling their confidentiality.Cheers,MC
  22. It could be Windows is using the old cached icon and not reusing/caching the new one you specify. Make sure to change the icon to the one you want. The only way I know how to fix the cache is to resize the icon cache in the registry. If you know how to use regedit then you'll need to find: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer The Key is called: Max Cached Icons Change the Value to anything between 100-4096, smaller would probably be better then restart your computer. Then just do the above and fix the registry or leave it as is if you're fine with it. If that doesn't fix the problem, I can't think of anything else at the moment. Cheers, MC
  23. Hi, when I left my last host, I had a full backup made, so that I could put all my files.databases etc. back when I moved host. I went to the backups center to restore it, but apparently only administrators can restore full backups. Can somebody please help? Because I really need this backup restoredThanks
  24. And a correct Doctype forces a Browser out of Quirks mode into a Standard Compliant mode, so use that Doctype is recommended for that reason.Otherwise, the Browser will 'guess' at the rendering of the page.
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