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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. You have agreed to Microsoft terms, and it's the same as any other contract you agree to. If you don't like it then don't install it. but if want to use xp or vista and get around these issues then get it. Having knowledge of the OS and not just the GUI side, you can modify the system from hidden programs, hidden windows services, settings, etc, leaving 50 - 75%of the system intact while keeping microft out making you the true administrator of the OS. Think about it. I use linux as my main OS since Windows ME came out and just for the simple fact that I can install and just run ( YES IS STILL MODIFY THE SYSTEM FOR MY ENVIROMENT ) and choose what is need or don't need. I still have xp and vista but both OS'S are modified. Example, my xp is stripped to 326mb and thats with sp2. Vista ultimate is have stripped down to 1.1gb. Currently Microsoft is setting out to launch Vista SP1, Which I will get and test, but only install on a Virtual machine, and then spend about a month or so to explore and understand what changes are being made and what is just a wasted of space, then modify the VSP1 to my liking. That should tell you something if you understand whats makes a computer run. I agree with this discussion what micrsoft is doing wrong, but also wanted to put this info out thier. If you don't know the OS your on then go back to dos or unix from the beggining and learn. the average user only runs windows from what they see, but in reality, they have know clue what makes it tick in the background. P.S. YOU BUY A RADAR DETECTOR TOP OF THE LINE, THEN GET BUSTED FOR A NEW RADAR DETECTION SYSTEM THATS OUT. NOW YOU BOUGHT THE RADAR DETECTOR SO YOU COULD BREAK THE LAW BY SPEEDING, SO WHO ARE YOU PISSED OFF AT. THE COMPANY/RETAILER THAT YOU BOUGHT YOUR PRODUCT FROM OR YOUR SELF FOR NOT KEEPING UP WITH TODAYS TECHKNOWLEDGY THATS OUT THIER. THINK ABOUT IT WITH OS SYSTEMS.-Audiobahn73
  2. Stagethorn vale is where you should head theres a lot of quest where all you have to do is kill x number of y creature if your on a pvp sever though it might be hard if your allience cuase hord have easy access to there from to of there major citys other wise the atrie highlands might be good nice place to quest wille your waiting for the next AB to start.-John
  3. Adidas is better in my opinion. I just like the symbol better and they are more retro/old school. Air force 1s came out in 82, but you see so many people wearing the same shoes so its not even original or old school anymore. people think that all adidas has is shell toes, but you need to look at adicolor hi's those are way fresher than air forces or any nike shoe in my opinion. plus adidas came out first. its more retro. Plus you had run dmc rockking them, so you know that adidas is fresh.-REALSLiK
  4. Name: CerealI personally have no belief in a mighty power, but I'm still against abortion. Odd, right?It, in my eyes, is murder. Somebody pointed out that undeveloped countries will downcast the child's moral. Well, aren't most abortions done in developed countries?There are many couples unable to produce children, so adoption is a great choice for them. If a couple goes through with an adoption, then they will obviously show love and affection and raise that child without abuse. How many couples have you seen adopt a child and then abuse it?-Cereal
  5. Every one sounds so depressed when they write this " the meaning of like is meaningless because your not remembered" and **** like that.... gosh.... it's like nothing ever good has happened to anyone. the point of like is death. I know that might not make sense to some people but it does if you really think about it. it's boring to go through life like nothing ever happens. just as if your life is meaningless and every day is a "thank god it's over" kind of day. who wants to go through life just sitting on your *bottom*?even if you don't make it to the big times or what ever and your happy, what else matters? do outrageous, fun, stupid, smart, crazy and cool things with your life....wow I sound like someones motherbut whatever....live life to the fullest, don't regret anything
  6. You must get a dagger of dark powers and then you must attack a venom spider and if you kill it you get NAN gold
  7. Game Maker is built more specific for the development of 2d Games. 3d Support in Game Maker is poor in power, I suggest other tools for FPS design.
  8. It was really a good idea I've made 2m on my pure by doing it wel actually 10m but 8m got lost in a stake ;[ Although my other best way of making money is buying magic logs and bowstring and swap ( supp ) for fletch skillers ( they give mage longs ) and just sell and make a 150k flip.-Kieron
  9. I have always hated steam because it owuld always add lagg and all types of errors for my friends when we played HL or any of its mods. but I'm sitting at home and I go to my PC and I launch counter-strike source... which I have owned and has been working since christmas of 2006 and now I go to steam and not a single one of the collective 11 games and mods launch... they have worked all this time, I never abused steam or stole any content or anything.... and now I cannot play these games ever again. because since last night it gives me an error saying it is not available in my territory!
  10. I am an American, and I really hate American Football. First off, stupid name, they don't use there feet. Secondly, they think there the toughest people in the world and that everyone in the world watches them run around for 3-5 seconds, then stop, wait 4-5 minutes for comercials, discussion, everyone gets a breather, reset up play. then 3-4 seconds of play, then repeat. it takes no skill to play American Football because all you have to know if when the guy says Hike, you run forward, and occasionally the ball will be in your direction, and you can turn around, and probably miss watching it. In soccer, everyone has to be aware of everything going ona round them all the time. strategy comes into play a lot, but we have to think of it on our feet, we don't get to discuss it for minutes. Also, most American Football players are the most unathletic and stupidest people you will ever meet, and soccer players can be very tough and are normally smart and some of the most athletic people in the world. and thats right, soccer has a WORLD cup, not a competition between a couple cities in 1 country, a tournament between all of the worlds countries-Steve
  11. I used 98se/ME/2000 Pro/XP home/XP Pro/Vista. The one that caused me the most problems was Windows ME, 2000 pro was nice but once it had been running for a couple of weeks it slowed down on startup and shutdown. There is very little difference between XP home and Pro apart from a few admin tools and networking tools. I'm currently running Vista home premium and to be fair it runs well on my laptop and has caused me very few issues, apart from the fact I had to buy lots of new programs for it because my older ones wouldnt run on Vista. For me the most stable version has to be XP.-Wormster-uk
  12. Norton is slow, inefficient, among other things, misses out quite alot of stuff, while Nod 32 is quick, uses little resources, misses out nothing, and avoids using pointless thing such as graphics. While Norton has far too much graphics on it, which drains on the resources.[Thats my guess anyway]-Dave
  13. If Your a member pick flax all you have to do is click on the flax(in seers) and then when you have a full invy just run and store it when you get like 1k which takes about an hour you run to a spinning wheel spin the flax into bowstring which sell for 180gp each that menas with your 1k bs which takes you about an hour and a half to get you make 180k-crazy
  14. You can't make professional logos in Photoshop. Photoshop is for image manipulation. Illustrator and other simlar vector programmes are for illustration and in this case, logo design.
  15. I'm also having a problem with nightlife. I have a new dell computer, and when I load the first disc it works fine, then when I put in the second disk it doesnt continue to install. ive tried shutting off firewall, but it still didn't install. Any suggestions?-abby
  16. You can make games in blender... you can also make movies... https://www.blender.org/ open source XD-kittypryde
  17. Yea---the botting still continues---1 guy in room politics 7 known as 1313---has over 42 names in the room---even after all the yahoo updating and captchas updating---1 name per ip is still the only way to stop spammers----yahoo still does not get it-----I wish they would listen to us on how to fix the bot problem once and for all ----but its yahoo and its free----Tony
  18. Well you have to post your forum's address in other forums to make it popular. Like I just did-SenJensenjenforum.com
  19. The bermuda triangle may have other reasons for disappearances.some are:AtlantisAn explanation for some of the disappearances pinned the blame on left-over technology from Atlantis. Reputed psychic Edgar Cayce claimed that evidence for Atlantis would be discovered just off Bimini in 1968. New Agers view the Bimini Road as either a road, wall, or pier meant to service ships bound for Atlantis from Central and South America, or a breakwater built to protect fishing boats. The wall may also have a natural origin.UFOsSome theorists claim extraterrestrials are the reason of disappearances by abducting ships and aircraft. [citation needed] This was given a boost when topics like ESP, telekinesis, clairvoyance, and the like flowered in the middle-to-late 1960s, and was used as storylines for popular films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind and The UFO Incident.Time warpThe proponents of this theory state that the many ships and planes entered a time warp to a different time or dimension on the other side, meaning that their crews could still be alive there, living new lives in another time period of the past or the future � or even possibly in a parallel universe. [citation needed] Usually, the ship or aircraft in the story enters this dimension by way of a cloud. This has been a popular subject in science fiction.Anomalous phenomenaCharles Berlitz, grandson of a distinguished linguist and author of various additional books on anomalous phenomena, has kept in line with this extraordinary explanation, and attributed the losses in the Triangle to anomalous or unexplained forces-kati
  20. IM having the same problem with two computers as well lol thats kinda ridiculous I have a msi k7n2 delta-l m-board, athlon 2200, nvidia 256 geforce 5700 I swapped power supplies with the computer I'm on now and it did the same thing I unplugged every thing removed the ram & cmos battery for a while and tried to just boot into bios and after about 4-5 seconds the power just cuts off and I have to unplug the power supply and plug it back in again b4 it it will start again for 4-5 sec... ive tried 3 different video cards two different processors and I swapped the motherboard with a soyo k7ada and same symptom swapped with the ram thats in the computer I'm using right now as well ?? any one got any idea?-Dill
  21. Everyone knows that megan fox is the hottest.-gameball2
  22. I use gowidgetbucks.com they pay way more than google adsense.-jason
  23. Gran Turismo 3 !!!! I am not a huge fan of Nascar Racing video games, but I do play them. I find them a little boring. Gran Turismo is just great. You won't understand until you play. GT4 is good too.
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