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Everything posted by abminara

  1. Your math is right and, theorethically, that is what should be happening. But, as the cells divide to give chromosomes (and thus your genetic code) to your offspring, they get "tired" and somewhere around 7th generation normally with the standart deviation of 1 generation your genes are being replaced by those of your kids, and their kids, who already have half of what you do. Nobody really knows as to why does not the genetical information transfer forever, but that's just the way it is. How the hell did we get to this?^))
  2. It's just a hypothesis. We are NOT on the edge of the galaxy at all, but it is proven that we've moved from about halfway in the arm of Orion to 2/3 away from the center. But the hypothesis cannot be proven as we cannot really see the earth (or solar system, if you prefer) from the side. The other hypothesis is that we will be going away from it, thus increasing our orbital speed and thus be pulled back in so that we'll be moving in a type of a sinusoidal motion. But that's also only a hypothesis that cannot be proven for the same reasons as the former one. And even if the first one is true - it will not affect as in any way, even if we "spin off" in some 5-6 billion years, other than the solar system would not be like a flat disc it is now (due to the high rotational speed), some planets might slightly change their gravitational angles due to the comets and asteroids passing by - or - other systems, but, i repeat, that will not affect the Earth in any way. Especiually considering the fact that our Sun is going to explode in 4.3 billion years, or that we will be probably sucked into a giant black hole formed by the collision of the centers of Milky Way and Andromeda in 3 billion years. In any ways, do you care? Assuming that every generation takes up 25 years to arrive (actually, about 23), none of the people living in that period will have even a portion of your genes, unless you marry your sister/brother, and so do your children, then their children, etc. This might only work out for some african tribes if they manage to keep up with the tradition for 120000000 (yes, those really are seven zeroes after twelve) generations. The only way out of this dead end is to "jump off" our planet some time before that happens to another safe world. I'm sure, in three billion years mankind will have the technology to do so.
  3. I don't really know the correct answer, but all bodies in space (including the solar system) have to follow Keplers' three laws of motion. In this case we are looking t the third one:T^2=4*pi^2*R^3/(G*M)So, to get the answer all you need are the distance (semimajor axis) from the Solar System to the center of Milky Way and the mass of the galaxy itself. Both pieces of data are pretty ambiguously approximated, but you should get an answer that is somewhere close to the actual value.The largest spiral gets to the two Magellanic clouds, which are about 180 000 light years away from the center of the galaxy. We are about 2/3 that way, that is R=120000 lightyears*9,460,730,472,580,800 meters/1 lightyear=1,135,287,656,709,696,000,000 meters away from the black hole in the center of our galaxy. The mass of the Milky Way is approximated to be about 1.7*10^64 kgs. Thus T is about 220-230 million years. That is alot:) Although the Universe is about 13 billion years old, out galaxy is relatively new, it came to its steady state only about 5.6 billion years ago. Thus the Solar System has made about 24-25 revolutions around the galactical center during the whole time of its existence. So, roughly, the circumference of the orbit (assume it to be a circle for simplicity reasons) would be 2*pi*R=7, 133, 222, 724, 060, 704, 182, 201 meters, and that is that our orbital speed is almost 1,005,302 meters per second. To be more familiar to you that's 3,619,087 km/h, or 2,249,277 mi/hAs far as the movement of the galaxy itself comes - it cannot be determined as we don't know where the center of our universe is. And we cannot calculate the speed of our universe as we don't know, if it is even moving, or is staying static. Or both at the same time (which is more probable according to the Membrane theory)
  4. I was always fascinated by people talking about the things they have absolutely 0 idea about with such great confidence. Let's start from the beginning. What the heck is nanotechnology? As most scientific terms it can be broken into two parts: nano (very tiny, anything*10^(-9)) and technology, with the meaning of the latter, I suppose, you all are familiar since you are using it right now. Now, let's continue, shall we? Building on molecular level is IMPOSSIBLE as the molecules are not even visible in the electronic microscope - I'd even not say anything about the ordinary laboratory light microscope. The highest possible magnification that people ever got was with the electronic microscope, they were actually able to see DNA (One of the nucleic acids, transfers information, is copied when cells are divided, situated in the very centre of the nucleus of any eucaryotic cell). DNA is a macromolecule. Now, macro in this case does not mean that it is a "big molecule", but rather that it is composed of smaller molecules - actually - groups of molecules - Sugars, Phosphates, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine, which are, respectively, divided into smaller molecules made of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. How the heck can we see all those tiny things? Well, the thing is, that we acually cannot see anything smaller than DNA double helix itself, as the electronic microscope sends a beam of high-energy electrons that happens to pass through the material magnified. When there is empty space on the print there is a blank, where there is matter - it is darker. But a bad thing is that that beam of electrons is deadly and as soon as it hits any living thing (cell) - it dies, so we cannot really see all the processes inside the cell, we can just make "photographs", and then arrange them as frames in a movie, killing several million cells in the meantime. Well, who cares - you have three trillions of those inside you:)) In that case, if we cannot even see what is really happening there, how can we build anything that small? Well, the thing is, that we cannot. All we can do is to create long strong strands of carbon atoms. Each Carbon has 4 bonds that it can attach to anything, including another carbon. So, imagine a strand made completely out of carbon atoms, let's say, 20 atoms wide and 500 long (actually, they are much longer, that's just an example). Now, connect the ends alongside the width - you'll get a hollow cylinder 500 carbon atoms long. As the matter of fact, carbon to carbon bonds are one of the strongest in nature. One tiny "pipe" made of carbon can hold a HUGE (yes, I mean to caps it) weight. Today such nets are used to be wrapped around the cables that hold skyscrappers on the land without letting them fall down, or shake with the smallest breeze. Unfortunately, that is the farthest that we ever got in nanotechnology, but I strongly believe that it will get it's hall of fame as a new revolutionary branch of Physics very soon, we just need better technology and optical devices that would not be so deadly to living things to better understand the microworld around us.
  5. I did NOT reset my password after the change, and my largest post was worth only about 5-7 credits and was totally on topic, and I still have 0 warning... People, I don't get it. Seriously.
  6. I did not ever skip a class. Although, that totally depends on what you understand under "skipping class" - just chilling around in a hallway, or doing something else semi-legitemate? As for the latter - I do that a lot when I have some useless class, or annoying teacher, whose class material I learn (or have learned already) as an independent study - I'd just go to one of my better teachers, even if I don't have a class with them that year and help them out with something or just chill out. In the end I'd take a note to the class that i "skipped" to have it excused.
  7. Oh, well, you could argue about such dihlemmas infinitely long. It's only a persons' choice as to what he, or she, prefers. Yeah, technically, money could bring you happiness, but happiness without money is more pure, and thus lasts longer. But, on the other hand, what's the point of living happy for 5 days and then starving to death? Money is more important in todays society. IMHO.
  8. Okay... the day before yesterday I had about 60 credits. I upgraded my account. 60-30=30 left. Then BuffaloHELP changed my cpanel password. 30-10=20. Now I have 1.84. Where did those go??
  9. Ah, I see... for some reason I don't have any disk space left... I wonder why... Before the crash I had like 15 megs free.
  10. I'm more than willing to participate.
  11. Actually, all he's trying to do is to make fun of stupid court cases that US is famous for. Like a robber being caught in a closet several years ago by accident, who sued the couple, whose house he was robbing for an involuntary assault. They actually had to pay him (even though he was in jail for robbery at the same time.)
  12. Oh, dear. In my opinion the topic is badly rolling off topic, the original discussion is not weather you like school in general, but do you like your school compared to many others? As for me - I don't necessarily like the school I go to (I'm a senior) mostly because of lack of organization in the administration and communication between staff members and students. It's also littery because of some *very bad people*, which is also driving the administration nuts, and thus making them make harsher decisions and stricter rules, which just makes everything (including everyone's attitude toward the school even worse). Though, on the other hand, it's reeally not that bad. It actually has a lot of good sides to it, as, I am sure, any other school, you just need to discover those.1. Cooperative staff. I really enjoy communicating with those few very helpful professors of mine, even if I don't have a class with them that year anymore - they would still do anything to help me.2. Motivated peers. All of the people I cooperate with during the day show high motivation to the subject, or any branch of subects, which also stimulates me to perform better, though, I am really satisfied with my grades.3. Extracurricular activities. Probably, the most important for me among the three listed above. The school offers a lot of freedom when it comes to those, and, my favorite thing, you can start any club/activity without really facing any major hardships.
  13. As for me - When I really want a person to remember me - I try to present something that I've done with my own hands, or something that recalls upon some major event that we did together (for somebody it might be a walk in the party, for someone else - a drunk party, or whatever. I'm sure, you could think of thousands of those moments in your life.) If you can't make something for any reason - still present her something that will provide a good memory (maybe an album with your favorite song? An inside joke that only the two of you'd get? OMG, practically - anything, even a teddy-bear. Jk, of course.) As for the more specific things - you should consider those for yourself, analyze her likes and dislikes, and you'll eventually get the "click" in your head.
  14. Haha. That's actually hillarious. And he is going to win, too, as the God will probably not be able to make it in time:(P. S. Sucks if he gets a judge that belongs to some secta that believes and proclaims several gods to exist at the same time:))
  15. I have a stable connection. Files can be safely deleted from the server, I tried, but they cannot be uploaded. That's not an issue concerning my computer, or my connection.
  16. First of all, thank you a lot for resolving the password issue. Today I encountered a new one once I tried to upload a file using cpanel file manager - the window refreshed, but the "upload status" frame remained unchanged, and the file did not appear on the list. What could be a reason for that?
  17. I left my ticket on 21st, and got the response on the same day sending me to the processes part of the website, when I replied back saying that I cannot change my password through that panel I was basicly ignored and still did not get any answers:(
  18. I have a pretty visible lazy eye that "curves" my eyesight toward the outside, which is, actually, very useful in everyday life as I can see much more than any other person because of the spread of my eyes, but it really looks weir when I am talking to someone, and one of my eyes is looking somewhere to the side. Please, do not wish me to go and see the doctor, buy medications, etc. Is there any exercise (I am sure, there is, but I am not sure, what it is, or where to look for it) to stop development of laxy eye (It really increased (or moved, if you prefer) during the past 4-6 months.)?Thank you.
  19. Wow... that video was awful:( When I lived in Armenia at 14 I saw 3 9year olds that tried to burn cats' tail wigh a lighter, I asked them to stop, and they stardet threatening me. Though, after several punches they realized that I was at least twice as big and heavy as any of them, so they just left promising that "big people will see me soon". Well, they never did, I was actually a little upset:)In any case... IMHO such people as those in the story above, or in the video should be condemned to 8-10 years of prison (under U. S. law) for a second-degree murder. Even just passing such a law would be enough to stop 80% of the violence against animals - the awknowledgement that nothing is going to happen to you whan you are doing that only stimulates violence. P. S.
  20. I like to ry something new once in a while (Okay, okay, I do really mean that I am too sleepy/lazy to take my clothes a couple of times), I did not like it, because I have very sensitive skin on my back, and just pressing it with a finger leaves a red mark for 15 minutes, or so. In the morning sometimes my skin just had traces of wrinkles. Several times I tried sleeping in shorts, but it also did not work as I was just feeling uncomfortable. 1-2 times I actually tried sleeping naked, it was a really weird feeling, I did not like it. For me the best thing is just boxers/speedows.
  21. BuffaloHELP, thanks, I posted the ticket, we'll see, what happens next...
  22. Playing games is totally a waste of time and health. You will soon get close to blind if you stare at the screen for too long. In the end... dude, why don't you consider some real job for yourself?
  23. Anyone here?Guys, I realize that you are incredibly busy, but could you answer some questions?What is going to happen?Is there any hope that our passwords will be recovered?Is it easier (faster) to change them for 10 credits?If they will be restored - how much time will it take?Thank you. I really need access to the cpanel the sooner the better.
  24. Okay... Yesterday I added a page and decided to put a link to it on the main page by editing the page on my computer and uploading it to the website. When I went to the cpanel the way I usually do ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) I got the popup login. One thing that I consider strange is that the password field was empty, though, the option was to remember it (which it did for a week, or so). Thus I typed in my password - and the popup came again. I did it again and again, and in the very end I was redirected to a screen with "Login Attempt Failed!" and login and password fields below. P. S. No, I do not run firewall.
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