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Everything posted by abminara

  1. Probably so:) Actually, the sport itself comes from really long time ago, I think, it's some timein 1860's, when it was started by college students. But it includes a lot of physical activity - mostly running and jumping very high ("skying") other people, catching a disc that was coming to them, instead of you. My problem is - I can jump, I can run very quickly, but I can't keep the phase for more than 3-4 minutes, then I need a 5-6 minute water break, but a half-time is usually about 20-30 minutes. On the other hand, I run a lot at moderate velocity for 0.5-1 hours every other day, but I just can't do it quicker, I start chocking in the need of air, although my muscles don't hurt at all. Do you have any ideas as to how I could change that?
  2. It's going to be very hard to do, as coke (water+solute(salts, etc.)) can be superfrozen - remain liquid even under 0 centigrade. If you manage to freeze it - it's going to turn back to liquid VERY QUICKLY - when it almost reaches 0, which is going to be quick at room temperatire.P. S. Never mind what I just said - The will probably explode in your own hand from your body heat while you are transferring them:)
  3. lol. I was sure, it's a well-known sport)) It's more like american football, but with a rotating plastic disc instead of the ball.
  4. okay, thanks. But still, about how many colleges should I send applications to? Is there a limit?
  5. When is it best to start mailing your applications? I know some of my friends who have already done it and some who haven't even thought of it yet. What should I consider about the college I want to go to? I have pretty good GPA (above 3), SAT scores, and a ton of volunteering/clubs/sports/etc., but I cannot afford to pay for pretty much any college eve with the student loan. What would you advice me?
  6. I've been playing ultimate for 2 years already, our team is pretty good. We practice 4 times a week for 1.5 hrs and just toss the disc for improving throws every day after school. Is there anything else we (or I personally) could do to make our play even better? Are there any specific excercises, or smth else?
  7. I think, it needs a bit more organization, try the 5-paragraph system, and add quotes from the text.
  8. Oh, well, now I'm fluent in Armenian, Russian, and English, and semi-finished learning Spanish. I think, I have a lot of opportunities ahead of me, but I don't really like travelling that much and often. But if I go into Physics there's a chance I'll be stuck in a lab doing some stupid experiment for my entire life that could end up going wrong anyway.
  9. I'm a HS senior this year, and I'm still undecided about my future, although, it's probably the time now already. I'm very interested in Physics and math on one side, and foreign languages and international relationships on the other. What would you advice?
  10. It has not been proven true, or false yet, these are just some extentions of Hubble's theory of expanding universe. You could think of it as of the doppler shift, just with light instead of the sound.
  11. That's true. It looks kinda expensive when you first take it, but in the longtime spectrum you will save alot.
  12. Don't worry, man. I'm a senior, I tried twice on the SAT's, and got 2040 and 2100 respectively. Today colleges don't care about them that much. What's more important are your GPA and clubs/sports. ACT also isn't important unless you are going to a college that requires it (most colleges now require at least 2 SAT II credits. If I were you - I'd research a list of colleges and see, which one needs what.
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