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Everything posted by abminara

  1. Unfortunately - not. I've read it some 3-4 years ago, and didn't think of it that much at that time. My guess is that the burial place was high in magnetic metals and thus the information loss.
  2. As I heard, Russians had an experiment several years ago, they buried a case od CD discs into the ground with some information on them, without using them, and then took them out 2 years later and the disc (CD-R)was unreadable. CD-RW seem to last for full 5 years, in theory DVD's should last for about 50, the testing is not over yet, though. In that case, 2 questions:1. Why does the disc become unreadable with time, if there is no physical force acting on it (bending, scratching, etc.)2. Why do my old CD-Rs work (althouth no as good) on my computer that are 3-4 yrs old? Does it have something to do with the location which they've used for "burial" of CDs?
  3. OMG! That is the most unbelievable offer I could ever imegine. I heard that the quality of service here is much higher than on many other ones, but I didn't expect it to be that high:) *went saving more credits*
  4. Chill:) There's nothing to panic about. Some guys have that reaction to their first/one of teh first sex times. Just cme to him in college (!!!Not outside!!!) and say that it's normal, that you'll still be friends no matter what happened, blah, blah, blah - I'm sure, you know, what to do. It should work - It worked for me.
  5. In a way - yes... but for some part I disagree with you. Most of the time viruses come to you while you're downloading some software that's aparantely distributed for free, but has a "gift" attached to it, which you don't know about till it evolves. On the other hand, you cold spend money and buy that same program with a licence from a retailer for more money and get it risk-free, but isn't it cheaper to buy a good antivirus and thus save on freeware? I mean... It's pretty much a delema between cost and convinience. As for me - second always comes first.
  6. Wow, that sucks. Today in south-western PA it was actually pretty cold, 60'sh-75'sh by afternoon, because all the sun was covered in clouds the whole night and day. By the evening there were even a few showers... btw yesterday we had like high 90's, That just doesn't make any sense:)
  7. Search, research, website, lots of forums, a bit of games when time allowing, and a ton of college application beurocracy.
  8. if I were you - I'd go with a comedy (in your case - superbad, laughter brings people together). From my experience - WHAT you say when you ask her out doesn't matter, it's more of HOW you say it. You have to be confident in yourself and show it in every single way possible. Although, if she's a quiet one - you might also want to try not to be overactive, if she sees the huge gap between you two - nothing is going to work out, you'll break up after a couple of dates. I remember my first date asking: - Hey, waht's up? Wanna hang out this weekend? - Sure that's it. We went around the "party streets", entered a restaurant, and went home some time by 9-10. Of course, different people have different ideas about an ideal date, but the main thing that you have to concider is that you are not the only person that should feel comfortable - in the firstplace think about her, her feelings and desires. That's pretty much all you need to know... All the rest will come to you "in the middle of the date"
  9. People, there are better ways to grow naturally. 1. Eat a lot of vitamins, eliminate any meat (other than chicken) from your menu for several months. Fishes are okay. Join a sport. Especially - basketball. Yes, with that height you'll probably not be able to play on a team - first try playing just for yourself, maybe visit some practices, and see what excercises people do there. It really helped me. I grew 4 inches in 8 months, although before that I got only 2 in a year. P. S. since you're so lightweighted - be careful with the diet, if you start feeling bad, or losing weight - stop it and see the doctor immediately. All of the above perfectly worked for me, I'm 6'0 now, but it might not be as productive for you.
  10. Yay! I write programs, too, in my Junior year I wrote a lot of stuff for my AP Chem II class just for my own use, showed to a friend, he yelled about it to the whole class. I thought that I was screwed, byt he just winked back. The teacher didn't hear that, but the next day I had a crowd of people around me with link cables and 5 dollars in hand:) I made about $200 in that one day:) Since then I wrode a lot for my calc and physics classes, but charged less, and distributed the programs free to the people, who gave me ideas for that. This year being a senior for me the funest part is to sit across from a freshman at lunch and just stare at him for several minutes without responding (try to keep your laughter untill he gets the scary face and rushes away from you, or go away yourself). Freshmen have just so much fear of the upperclassmen... I huess, I was the same some time ago. Yesterday on a frisbee practice we were playing tag with a frisbee (yes, needless to say, that's weird, but that's the way WE do it:)), when I, the team captain, or one of the other experienced players got the disc - everyone starts running away from them (we throw quick, sharp throws, if you're too close - you have 0 chance of dodging), while ALL the freshman seemed paralyzed looking at us in fear. That was creepy:)
  11. I know, I had it, too, via ICQ, but then it stopped. Now there's a new wave showing on the horizon:)
  12. Frankly, that's what I thought at first, but I think, the author means actually physically monitor switching off (in the situation in your example the light on the monitor thould be flickering.) And also, obviously, the person who helped him also thought of that.
  13. Hello. I have a problem - I play Ultimate Frisbee alot, our games usually last from 1 to 3 hrs. Including subs I, being one of the "not bad" players have to run for 1-2 hrs straight during each game. The problem is - I get dehydrated very quickly - ina bout 10-30 minutes of excessive gameplay I get very thursty and have to call water breaks. Ofcourse, all the stuff like Gatorate, etc. really helps, but I was wondering - is there any other more natural way to solve that problem? I realize that dehydration comes with sweat, which is one of the means the body uses to cool itself down, but today when I came from practice (2.5 hrs with no subs) I drank half gallon of water in 10 minutes and stil felt thirsty. Does anyone have any pieces of advice?
  14. There's a new virus nowadays that attacks computers via Skype. If you have it - it's possible that you'd get an email FROM ONE OF YOUR CONTACTS with a message: "Have you seen the last pix of <<Some girl's name>>? {URL}". Thus the virus spreads across your contacts, and then, if you click on the link - your computer will be infected. Beware - the epidemic only started a few days ago. If you get that message from someone you know - ask a person, if they really sent it (a bot would not have a logical answer ready for that).Take care, abminara.
  15. I don't think I could go to the air force because of a. my eyesight (although, that's correctable) b. I just don't feel like it.What have you heard of the ROTC program? As I know, It's like doing both college and Army Reserve in the same time, but they are giving you a partial scholarship for 2-4 yrs. Is that so?
  16. Thank you very much, although, I knew these basics anyway. In the next tutorial please try going deeper and discussing specific operators, but DO NOT give the whole code ready for the webpage - I'll be too lazy to learn anything:P
  17. Well... In that case I can't see anything else to be the problem other that the monitor itself. If I were you - I'd change it immediately. Does it have warranty on it?
  18. It needs more popularity and simplicity added to the language itself - everything else makes it a very good technology for sitebuilding, I also use it a lot.
  19. Actually, my only fall back plan is pursuing a career in the military and then finishing education 3 yrs later using the money Army's going to pay for me.
  20. Okay, that might be a stupid question, which it probably is. I apologise in advance, but I couldn't find answer to it in the manual. I hava a website basis that I've already uploaded, but I cannot access any of the pages on it - when I go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I get the screen with congradulations, not my starting page, although I followed the instructions on the page. When I manually try to access the index.php file through the address bar - it says that the file does not exist although I gave all the necessary permissions for anyone to view it. How can I do that?
  21. 1. Most blind people become blind after birth, so, they have an idea of how colors look like. Very few were born blind.2. If BB is true (which I believe) - nothing around it could exist, since a singularity that strong would suck anything into it.3. I've read somewhere that it's silver. Not sure4. That's impossible:) Or, at least relatively - if yesterday was 10 degrees, today is 0, then tomorrow it's going to be -20 by that theory. You can't answer the question without knowing some previous data5. Sorry, I am an atheist.6. Burnt - you would loose conciouseness from overconcentration of CO2 around you and thus not feel anything.
  22. PA, USA. 7/10, very good envioronment, friendly people, but the city is very segregated into neighborhoods, which provokes fights in public places sometimes. Kids of N A learn that people in N B are bad, they grow up with this thought, they go to school - and they start fighting with member of N B without even knowing him as a person.
  23. Awesome! Thanks a lot, that really helped. Guess, I'll start on Monday.P. S. Yes, I do dream of going to harvard, and, if I can get in, I'll go there for free, which is also good:)
  24. Wow... that's actually amazing that I haven't heard that in the news/from my friends... Kinda creepy, but still amazing. And causes a naughty smile appear on my face thanking all earthly powers that no accidents happened during the flight.
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