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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. Sorry, forgot to mention, I am using the old hub I used on my previous PC, which is 1.1.However, the built in USB ports on my PC are 2.0.
  2. Hi,here I have a question which I assume to be quite simple (hope I am right).I just bought a USB 2.0 hub, as my laser printer keeps giving me the message it could work faster if I use USB 2.0.I just wanted to know whether I need new (ie. USB 2.0 compatible) leads to connect peripherals to the hub or if my old leads (from the USB 1.1) era will also be able to handle USB 2.0 speeds.Thanks in advance.
  3. Not sure if I am in the right topic here, but this looked the best one to match my problem.for a while now I have experienced problems when watching online videos such as Youtube (and others, such as Surfthechannel etc. practically anything which provides online video streaming).The problem is: whenever i watch a film clip and switch to full screen mode, at a certain stage the picture freezes. I can still hear the sound, which tells me the film is continuing to run, but the picture stays where it is.When switching back to small frame mode (or whatever you call this), everything goes back to normal, and then I can go back to full screen en carry on watching, until the next time the same thing happens again.My setup is as follows (although I am not sure this has much to do with it, as the same thing happens to my daughter on her computer, and she uses Internet Explorer):Flash version (The latest)Firefox version 3.0.4 (The latest)Pentium D CPU 2.80 Ghz1 Gb of RAMWin XP SP3ATI Radeon X1550 Graphics Card with latest driver.Like I said, I doubt if my setup has got much to do with it, asI am not the only one experiencing the problem, and also, this never happened in the past.Has anyone else come across a similar or the same problem, and does anyone know how to solve it?Thank you very much in advance.
  4. I do drink lots of water, and like that I get rid of a lot of waste.I must admit, since I started doing that (8 glasses of water a day, appr. 2 litres, of which 3 glasses on an empty stomach). I have began to notice a significant change in some areas of my body.
  5. Thanks for the advice.However, I have began to get REALLY confused now. I keep hearing about the "Fat Burning Zone". At the gym the instructor told me that, in order to burn calories and fat, I have to do cardio exercises (treadmill, rowing, cycling etc.) whereby my heart rate has to be 110 - 140 for 30 to 50 minutes. (He calculated that by taking my age off 220, which left 170, and then to take between 65% and 85% off that). I have started doing that by walking 3 minutes, then running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes, running 2 minutes, walking 3 minutes, this until I had reached a mile. While doing this, my heart rate stayed between the points that had been recommended. Also, with a lot of huffing and puffing, the first time, I got to 1 mile in just under 16 minutes (15.52), then I managed to get there (by increasing my speed) in 15.20, to end up at doing 1 mile in just under 15 minutes (14.55). I intend to carry on for now, but then I will have to see some serous weight loss. Unfortunately, I do not always have the time (nor energy) to keep up the amount of time I was recommended. For one thing, I also like to do my weight exercises, which have already put a good bit of muscle mass on me. But, back on topic now, my confusion is the following: I explained what the instructor at the gym recommended, but then, I read articles online which tell you to do low intensity cardio exercises for a long time in order to burn fat, others tell you to do high intensity cardio continuosly, but for short periods, while others recommend (like I do now) interval training for reasonably long periods of time. Now I don't know who is right or who to believe anymore. I seem to have lost some weight (about 1kg a week) and everyone tells me it looks like I have lost weight, but, while I know that muscle weighs more than fat, and I have built some muscle mass, I think 1 kg a week is not a lot for the way I bully my body. So, please, is it possible to lift a bit of the mistery and take my confusion away? What exactly do i have to do, and what should the relationship between cardio and weight training be? All advice will be very gratefully accepted.
  6. There are of course certain issues that speak against the death sentence, such as the fact it can be politically exploited, or the fact that innocent people could be killed.However, that does not alter the fact that something will have to be done to get the current situation under control.As people metioned before: they spend a lot of time in jail, where we have to support them through paying our taxes, but it becomes even worse when you think about the fact that, in this day and age, it seems to have become a common thing for the victims of crime to come off second best, while the real offenders either get a minimal sentence or where they walk away scot free.This, of course is a result of all the 'do gooders' which are in our society these days, in their opinion, it is a crime to defned your life and your property, eg. if you shoot a burglar who intends to kill you, you are a major criminal (according to them), but, on the other hand, when someone kills a baby, 'they deserve another chance' (once again, according to the league of do gooders).Someone also gave me the argument once 'have you thought about all the grief and sorrow you put the relatives of a person who recieved a death sentence thorugh?', then I ask, what about the relatives of the innocent person who was killed by that criminal, have they got no pain, then?Another reason that was mentioned earlier in this topic is that criminals who are released from jail often reoffend, which has been a very common thing.Quite often a convicted murderer has been let loose on society again (sometimes after serving a long sentence, sometimes after having got off very lightly), and after his release, he just went and killed someone again, even when the judges clearly knew that this person was going to commit the same crime again.So, what is the point of keeping them alive, or, even worse, to re-integrate them into society?I think there is only one possible punishment, which is the death sentence.As for the case of miscarriages of justice, there should of course be a loophole in the law which says that no death sentence is to be given in case of the slightest doubt to the accused's guilt, but apart from that, I think someone who has deliberately killed, deserves to be killed himself. And while two wrongs do not make a right, or, as people sometimes say, 'that would make you as bad as the murderer', well, think carefully, how you would think if it were your father, mother, brother, sister or child that got killed. (While I obviously hope from the bottom of my heart nobody will ever be put in that situation).To be quite honest, if someone killed one of my loved ones, I don't think I would have a single problem with executing that person myself, with or without the help of the courts.
  7. Thank you for this post. Tim.To go into a bit more detail: I do have type 2 diabetes, was not born with it, I was diagnosed with it in 2000. I know diabetes type 2 could be cured by spectacular weight loss, and I did mention to my doctor about a gastric bypass, but I got a complete 'no no' story from him. I recently had a blood test, everything (Liver, kidneys, Choleterol, Thyroid etc.) was normal. One thing I must say, though, I do not trust the doctor i saw very much, I only see him when there is no other choice, he is the type of doctor who cannot even be bothered to examine you properly. When I see him, and I tell him "I have a pain here or there", or whatever, quite often, without even looking at me, he begins to tap his computer and then says, "take this or that three times a day, that should cure it", without even properly explaining what is wrong with you. The same thing, when i told him I had problems losing weight, in spite of healthy eating and having lots of exercise, he told me a sort of *BLEEP* and bull story about "Well, you have had your body for half a century now, and it has now got used to carrying this sort of weight (I am sure it has not, otherwise i would not feel so tired and I would not have all the problems I have), so healthy eating and exercising will not make a lot of difference". So, in short, he was sort of telling me, "don't try to lose weight, it will not work anyway", I definitely refuse to accept this, and I know that I MUST lose weight in order to sort a lot of problems out, so i obviously need help, and any advice will be welcome. I also don't know whether this is relevant or whether it has anything to do with my problem, but the weight loss seems to have started since the doctor also changed my medication. I told him I am constantly tired, and he changed my Atenolol (a beta vlocker to control adrenaline and blood pressure) from 100 mg to 50 mg (so he halved the dose). Since then my vlodd pressure has gone up a bit, but he said it was the only reason he saw for my lethargy. I wonder whether that contributes to my problem. Also, I don't know where you are from, but I think the majority of doctors here in the UK are a load of rubbish, many of them either don't care, are totally incompetent, or both. And I can safely say that, having lived abroad for many years and seeing the difference of treatment I used to get there when I needed it. Oh yes, I also forgot, in 2001 I developed angina pectoris, and then ended up having a heart attack (although, that is the competence of the UK doctors again, I have NEVER had an answer to my question after all those years whether I did or did not have a heart attack). Anyway, I had an angioplasty then and a stent was put into my artery, and, touch wood, i have been all right since then. I hope this gives some more information, and if you can offer further advice I would be glad to hear it. Thank you for what you have told me so far. By the way, I think we can eliminate ovary syndrome, as I am of the male species.
  8. Thank you for the advice so far.About running, would running daily on the treadmill at the gym also help (while I am there anyway)?It is indoors, but I assume the movements and effort are the same, plus you can also adjust the treadmill as if you were running up hill.Is that also a viable solution?Thanks.
  9. I had a similar problem with a computer i used to have.I bought it custom made on Ebay.The spec was great, but that problem was just awful, the one who sold it to me did not have a clue and sort of washed his hands of it.Apart from the freezing, I had to re-install my Windows time after time and lost loads of work.I tried about anything: I added RAM, I replaced my Hard drive, i cleaned the machine out, you name it......Then one day (after all, what did i have to lose?) I upgraded my BIOS. I just went to the web site of my motherboard manufacturer, downloaded the latest version of the BIOS for my particular motherboard and flashed it to my PC.You will not believe this, but as by magic, my problem was all of a sudden gone. My PC ran as smooth as anything and I never had to reformat again. So, it might be an idea to explore that route as well.Please let me know how you get on if you decide to take that step.
  10. Hello,Let me begin with giving you some background information:I am 50 years old, male.I am 1.70 m. (5 ft 6 in) tall.I weigh 108 kg (16.5 stone, 238 lbs).I am diabetic and use insulin (which is not exactly good for losing weight).My problem is:I eat sensibly, which I can see by the fact that my sugar levels are normal, for eating I follow the GI (Glycaemic Index) of foods, and eat only the things which have a low GI and hence do not raise my blood sugar.I work out in the gym every day and do karate twice a week.Last year I managed to lose a lot of weight by eating the way I do now and taking regular exercise.However, even though I torture myself at the gym, and my muscles clearly feel that something is happening to them, I don't see any real difference.Worse even, when I stepped on the scales last Saturday, my weight had gone from 105 kg (16.5 stone, 231 lbs) to my current weight. That means I had put on more than half a stone (6.6 lbs to be exact) in 3 weeks time.Surely, by living the lefestyle I do, I should not put on any weight, should I?I know some people would argue now, "Yes, but muscle weighs more than fat", but surely, I should, apart from growing muscle, be burning fat as well, shouldn't I?After all, my current weight is far too high for someone my height, isn't it?Has anyone seen a similar problem before (or been in a similar situation)?Or even better, is there anyone who can offer some useful advice?Anything will be gratefully accepted.
  11. OK, thanks for your explanations, gentlemen.I think I have got it now.I assume, if I embed PHP into a HTML file and then save it as a .php page, the server will parse and execute the PHP correctly, but it will also show the HTML code that is in the page correctly.Is that right?Thanks for the help, once again.
  12. Right, I see.The file is indeed saved as a .htm file.When I save as a .php file, the problem is indeed not there.However, sometimes PHP is embedded in a HTML page, and that usually works.So, what do I do then if I ever have to include a piece of PHP into a HTML page?Do I just put a link to a PHP page?Or is there another way to make the server parse the PHP correctly?I seem to remember I have done HTML pages in the past, and there was some PHP code inside the HTML and it worked.All this is not really good for my poor head, confusion all around.
  13. I have a funny problem when I embed PHP in a HTML page whenever I write some PHP code with the 'print' or 'echo' command, the output shows the end bits of the PHP code, eg. when I write: <?phpprint "This is PHP";?>the output I get is: This is PHP";?> So, the final quote mark, the semicolon and the ending PHP tags are displayed. Has anyone else come across this problem before, and does anyone know a solution for it? By the way, the full code would be: <html><head></head><body>Some HTML<?phpprint "This is PHP";?></body></html>The funny thing is, this does not happen when I do a PHP only page. All help will be appreciated.
  14. Thank you for your advice.Even back in the 80s, the Commodore 64 built in BASIC included if...then statements, for...next loops (do and while came a bit later, but I do to some extent understand them), and then there were also the GOTOs and GOSUBs, as far as that is concerned I should be OK.I am also fairly familiar with HTML (use it on a regular basis), but one problem I seem to encounter with most books I have about PHP is that they all start with the famous "Hello World" program (ie. a program that prints "Hello World" on your screen), but then they move so fast, and almost immediately the programs become so complex that it is almost impossible to follow.I also have "PHP and MySQL for Dummies", well, then, that really raises the question, "how many PhDs do you need before being called a 'Dummy').But anyway, as soon as I have time, i shall put my nose into some books again and try to learn a few things.Any further advice will obviously always be welcome.
  15. That is exactly my point too.I have a number of books on PHP/MySQL, but all they do is let you copy things.What I am looking for is a book that explains things to you and then gives you some exercises, eg. it explains about login procedures and then at the end asks you: 'Now write a routine that logs into a Myo things I want to achieve which CoffeeCup cannot do.SQL database, writes a line of data into it, and then emails the results of that inoput back to you', or something the likes of that. I think I have also relied too much on CoffeeCup Web Form Maker to help me out, this definitely makes it easy, but you do not learn from it, and, there are also things i want to achieve which coffeeCup cannot do.And, Xpress, you had prior knowledge of programming with being a Java programmer, which, I assume made it somewhat easier to learn a different programming language.All I have is some knowledge of Commodore 64 Basic I learned in the 80s and some Pascal I learned on that same Commodore 64. (Although that was many years ago).So, if any one has further advice on learning PHP, it will be gratefully accepted.
  16. Hm, not so sure about Mario's post. The golden rule normally is: 'If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is'. People also warn you to watch out before you part with any cash, well, before you get anything at all, you have to pay $47 on that site, do you really get what was promised in return for your cash? Further, thinking back about my first quote here, on the site it says: Well, about those "floods of cash", I think that is something reserved for senior politicians, oil sheiks or mafiosi who control half of the casinos in Vegas. In other words, I would be very careful before parting with $47 of my hard earned cash.
  17. I see, well, i think that any OS you will use, will need some tweaking to achieve what you want. Be it Windows, Ubuntu(Linux), OSX, BeOS or whatever, I think none of them allow you to just install it and the to find magically that you boot your computer up again and, Hey Presto, it has turned into a CD/DVD player. As I said before, whatever OS you install (whether it is single or dual boot you set up) you will have to 'tell it' to use your PC as a CD?DVD player at boot up. Ie. you will have to change a number of settings for your computer to 'understand' that is what you want it to do. So, as I said, practically any OS can achieve that, but no OS is going to do that for you automatically.Good luck with your further research anyway.
  18. True, although effective, uploading through Cpanel's File Manager can be a bit long winded if you have quite a few files to upload, plus there is the restriction you experience during upload.Therefore it is a good idea to start using something like FileZilla (a free but very good program), and there are more free FTP programs around too.However, the way I do it is from my HTML editor itself. I, for example, use Coffeecup HTML editor, which has a feature in which you enter your server details once, and when you have edited a page, or a number of pages, you upload them to your server with just one click of the mouse.However, it is not only Coffeecup which has that feature, Dreamweaver has it too, and, as far as I can remember, practically any HTML editor I have ever seen has that feature, even the most basic one. And, let us not forget, there are also a great number of free HTML editors out there, some of them are very good as a matter of fact. To me that is still the best solution, instead of having to edit your pages, and then switching programs to do the uploading, just do it from the same program. The feature is there, so, why not use it?
  19. Forbez, I have to disagree with you there.You are right that the post does not show a lot of respect to Trap 17, but on the other hand, this is a forum, and as far as I know, a forum is a place where people have discussions and where everyone can voice an opinion. As long as the posts and the opinions do not degenerate into name calling, slander, swearing, raving and ranting etc., (which the original post here does not do at any time) it should be possible for people to say what they have to say. After all, ProtoMan expresses his point politely, does he not? And at no point at all does he say that Trap 17 are useless, nor does he start having a go at the system and the workings of Trap 17. He just starts by mentioning his account was suspended. So, what exactly is the problem? There is such a thing as freedom of speech, and a forum is one of the possible media for just that.
  20. I don't really see why you would have to use a different OS. OK, Ubuntu (Linux in other words) could achieve to do the thing you want to do, but in Windows (not that I am such a Microsoft fan, but the possibilities are there) you have (or can have if you want) all the software you need to achieve using your PC as a CD/DVD player. You might have to do a bit of tweaking to your Startup folder (at least, that is what I seem to understand from your post, namely, that you want to boot up your PC and immediately put it to use as a CD/DVD player), but there is Windows Media Player for playing media files (including CDs and DVDs), there is a Windows XP Media Center Edition, which has a complete Media Centre to play media stuff (a bit more extensive than Windows Media Player), there are lots of excellent (and some even free) media programs, for example VLC Media Player, which can be found at this location. Once again, you would have to tweak the start-up order of your PC, but it would all be perfectly possible. So, there are a number of possibilities you could explore.
  21. Although I could do with a bit (a good bit) of extra cash, I have really always stayed away from those sites promising heaven on earth.I think the first rule is: "if it sounds too good to be true, it most probably is". Look at some of the examples in the previous posts, like "earn $50 every time someone clicks a link", or, "Read emails and receive $30 per email".The point is, there are not really any simple ways of making lots of maney quickly, unless some crazy billionnair starts giving his money away.Even the 'honest' schemes, eg. I know a place where composers can put their music online and sell it to people, and yes, they will pay you the money you have been paid, except they will pay you monthly, and only if you have sold (if I remember correctly) $25 worth or more. If not they will just wait with paying you until your balance has gone up to $25 or more. There are also other sites where you can sell goods or services, but you do not get your money until you have reached a certain amount.The 'honesty' in that is that, until you reach your minimum (and how many at a time are we talking about here?), it pays a handsome amount of interest to the owners of the web site that deals with selling your stuff. Or, if you never reach your minimum, where is the money going then? Same for all these places where you either put adverts on your site (the most annoying thing in my book), or the ones where people have to click certain links on your web page for you to earn money, they pay you peanuts for a click (a few cents or pence or eurocent), and you have to reach a minimum amount of money before they pay you.I can say in all honesty, "I have to find the first worthwile online moneymaking program yet".
  22. I have used Zymic too.Is this a joke or what?It does indeed look attractive, loads of web space, loads of bandwidth, but what good are those things if you cannot access your site most of the time?Or if you cannot edit your site because the FTP will not let you through.Furthermore, support is a joke, either they do not know what they are talking about or they just do not answer you.The only way you have to get an answer to your questions is their forum.Then there is also the restriction of the file types you can upload.While I know some hosting companies are weary about letting people upload .mp3 files (mostly for copyright reasons), Zymic have a load of different file types they do not allow you to upload.It is definitely a waste of space, with lots of beautiful, but empty promises.
  23. There are indeed quite a few free web hosting companies out there (although quite a few have disappeared or been absorbed too, eg. Xoom, Lycos is not free anymore etc.).However, if you look, many (if not most) of them offer the full works like PHP and MySQL, email and the works, that is, until you sign up, then when you try the aforementioned features, you get the message that they are only for paying accounts (then, if you look closely, you see it somewhere in very small print).And then I will not even mention the adverts some companies put on your web site. Some of them really go very far and are really annoying.Another problem with some of them is that they do not allow you to upload a great deal of different files such as .MP3, .PPS and (in some cases) many others.I had a similar problem with a free hosting company called Zymic. They offer loads of space, PHP, MySQL, Cpanel, but loads of deifferent filetypes will not upload.The other thing is, they are more offline than they are online, and half of the features they offer do not work half of the time.Although I have cursed Xisto more than once after they did their server migration (there have been a great deal of problems after the migration), I have yet to come across a hosting company that gives you all the features they do, and all the liberty in uploading/making your site Trap 17 offers.I just had a look at /legacy, the one someone mentioned earlier in the thread, and it does indeed look good, but, what are the hidden things?I really must confess that, in spite of the problems that arose a while ago (which seem to have been resolved now, I hasten to add), I have never had a hosting company like Trap 17, and have not found one like it just yet.
  24. Although I have been out for about a year with a stubborn knee injury, I can still comment.My style is Shotokan Karate. In that style punches, kicks, blocks and walking forward and backward occur, you need to do certain exercises to learn to punch harder (like punching pads and punch bags) and exercises not only to learn to kick harder, but also higher (achieved by kicking pads, punch bags and stretching).I bought myself a leg stretcher and with this, combined with going to the gym regularly and losing weight, I have noticed my flexibility has benefited a great deal.(Obviously, this also includes my karate practice sessions themselves).I have now noticed that my kicks are going much higher than they used to, I can also stretch my legs much further than before (no stretches yet, though), and the warm-up, where you have to do certain warm-up exercises with crossed legs and reaching over to handle your feet, is now much smoother and easier than ever before.However, having said all the above, you can also benefit from your karate practice alobe, provided you get rid of any excess weight and you do all the exercises truthfully and intensively.
  25. The best advice I have seen in this topic is definitely "Learn HTML first".After all, HTML id the real source of developing web sites.Maybe not a thing for flashy effects anf eye catching designs, but very decent web designs can be achieved with it.As for Java and all the rest: Java, for one, might have potential, but when you start using it too much or too often, you run the risk of overloading your web site with effects, which not only take time to load, and hence slow your web site down, but overdoing the effects can be a strain on the visitor. Let us also not forget that a good many people turn Java off in their browser, this for security reasons. This means that whatever Java effects you included in your web site would be left useless and invisible.Do use some Java, by all means, but, as the general rule goes, "use it, but do not overuse it".Just start by learning HTML, not only will it not take long before you can achieve pretty nice results, but once you have a HTML driven web site in place, it will also leave room for extension, and in the mean time you will have time to widen your horizon by beginning to look beyond HTML.
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