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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. OK, thank you.I have no idea how to do it then (or do I have to wait some time for it to propagate?), I have entered the correct names as directed by Google, I am just not sure if I have to alter the TTL, which is at the moment set to 1D.Any further help is always welcome.Thank you.
  2. Someone, anyone, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! I have set the CNAME records at my domain company; I entered mail.nifraproductions.co.cc in the Host field and ghs.google.com in the Value field, as directed. Google already shows the new URL, but when I type in the URL http://mail.nifraproductions.co.cc/, i get a page called http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and a page telling me Apache is working on the server. Is that normal or have I messed up? will this go away after some hours? Someone PLEASE answer me, as my business partner needs to set up her email too, and I don't want her to be sent to that page without being able to configure her mail. Also, in my email client, my domain email address is not sending or receiving.
  3. Hi, I have my domain name nifraproductions dot co dot cc hosted at Trap 17, and I use my email for that domain through Google Apps. However, to get to Google Apps, you have to type in a long and difficult to remember URL, which is g dot com/a/nifraproductions dot co dot cc . According to Google, however, it is possible to change that URL to something much shorter and much easier to remember, but you have to set up a CNAME record for it. What I would like to know is: when I do that, will my domain still remain with Trap 17 (it is pointing at the Trap 17 nameservers) or will Google take over the hosting of my domain? The reason I am asking is because I only need that CNAME record to make the URL easier for me and the other email users, but I do want to keep my hosting with Trap 17. If anyone could shed some light on the situation I would be very grateful.
  4. OK, I see.Thanks for your input too, Truefusion.However, form input can go off the list, as i said, I have a very good program for generating web forms, which can save the data in a database or in a file, email the results to me etc.The main thing I need is something that helps me to display the results of the inputs properly on a web page.(Eg. when I have done a from for a petition, i want to be able to put the list of people who signed the petition online).
  5. Well, yes, that would help too.Any opportunity for learning more about PHP/MySQL is fine for me.Thank you for you rhelp.
  6. First of all, thank you for your reply.The advice you are giving has only one problem for me: as I said, my knowledge/skills are not sufficient to do that.I looked in PHPMyAdmin, and one thing caught my eye: "CREATE VIEW".I assume that is what you would suggest I use, but when i clicked on "CREATE VIEW", I was already stuck, I didn't know what to fill in in the fields, and then, the next hurdle for me would be how to convert that view to HTML or PHP so I could display it online.That is exactly why i am looking for a program which could do the task for me.
  7. I was wondering if anyone could put me into the right direction: I use a great program called Simfatic Forms to create web forms. The program is quite flexible and allows you to create forms which can then email the submitted data to you, and.or save them in a MySQL database or a file and it also has some possibilities of generating a Thank you page and a page with the submitted data, but then you have to click through to confirm the entry. It is excellent for creating a wide range of forms, but what I am now looking for, since my PHP programming skills are more than basic, is a program (preferably freeware) to process the data which the form has submitted to a MySQL database for display to the screen and other things, eg. in the case of making a from for a petition, the list of people who signed the petition has to be displayed, so, is there a program which can help me take the contents of the database and format them, and then give me the code to display them online? It would also be good if the program had additional features, like banning IP addresses and other things you can do with submitted data in a MySQL database. I have tried a Google search, but I probably can't find the proper words to ask my question, as so far it has yielded no satisfactory results. If anyone can give me some advice as to what I am looking for, I'd be extremely grateful. Thank you very much in advance.
  8. OK, thanks.I have changed the DNS servers, ie. changed ns1 to ns.But I am right, aren't I?I have, within my public_html folder, set up a folder with the same name as my domain, with the website files for that domain in it.Is that correct?Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, I have set up an Addon domain (nifraproductions.co.cc) on my Xisto hosting. I have pointed it to NS1.COMPUTINGHOST.COM and NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM The files will be stored in a folder on /public_html/nifraproductions.co.cc So far I think I have done everything correct. THe only thing I don't know now is whether or not my server to upload files to this domain is just my domain name, ie.'nifraproductions.co.cc', as I keep getting a critical error from Filezilla trying to log on to my new addon domain. I have set the following details: Host: nifraproductions.co.cc Username: The same I use to access cpanel Pass: the one i set when adding on the domain. However, FileZilla gives me: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server Is that because migration to a DNS server takes time, or have I set up something wrong? After that: my next question is what exactly I have to do to use my domain with Gmail. I had an addon domain in the past and used that with Google Apps, but it is too long ago to remember how exactly I set it all up. All help will be gratefully accepted, Thank you.
  10. Hi,I have diabetes type 2 and I am on Metformin tablets and 2 kinds of insulin to control it.Three times a day I take an 850 mg Metformin tablet plus 3 times a day I inject Novarapid FlexPen insulin, and at night, before bed I inject Glargine (long lasting) insulin.My diabetes is reasonably under control, blood sugar levels are reasonably normal, usually below 7 and sometimes below 10, but with the odd peak into the double figures.I am over weight at the moment, but I am dieting more than before, eating low fat foods and foods with low Glycaemic Index, I also go to the gym regularly, where I do both workouts with weights and some aerobic (cardiovascular) exercises.As a result of this, I sometimes get a hypo, whic to me is a good sign, telling me that I should lower my insulin doses.After all, insulin is one of the main culprits for weight gain/weight retention.However, I have began to experience that, when I have a day of aerobic exercise, and I always go to those sessions on an empty stomach in the morning, that, when I come home and I take a blood sugar level reading (again, without having had any food yet), my levels are always in the double figures, which then settle during the rest of the day.It also seems that my blood sugar levels seem quite normal when I take a reading after anaerobic exercise (weight workout at the gym).I was wondering if there is anyone here who has had similar experiences, or anyone who knows whether that is normal, maybe because the exercise lowers your insulin level in your body or whatever?So, if anyone is medically qualified enough to answer my question, or if anyone had similar experiences and has been told by his/her doctor why this could happen, I would very much like to hear from them.All advice will be very welcome.Thank you in advance.
  11. Like I half expectd, Tramposch,the only possible solution I saw in your post, I uninstalled and re-installed the driver for my xound card.Afraid to say it has not made any difference.Nevertheless, thank you for your input.
  12. OK, Tramposch,first of all, thank you for your reply.My system is, and has always been, Windows 7 ready.I do have the latest driver for my sound card, so the only option I see is to try and remove it and then re-install it.I also get all the Windows 7 updates automatically, so my OS should be up to date too.I'll see what happens when I re-install my audio driver (don't know of any 3rd party drivers that could contribute to my M-Audio Audiophile Delta 2496).When I have done that, I'll let you know the outcome.Thanks anyway.
  13. I use Windows 7 Ultimate, on a Packard Bell PC with 2 Gb of RAM and an M-Audio Delta 2496 sound card.I have a funny problem when using my PS2 mouse:I first noticed that, when I was editing in Cubase and using the mixer, that, when moving a slider, the music stopped temporarily until I released the mouse button, or rather, when I say "the music stopped", it was like Cubase stopped being the main program running at that time (When Cubase is not the open program, no music plays, even if the "Play" button is activated).I initially thought it might have been a Cubase problem, and, indeed, a very annoying one, however, now I have discovered that, when I am on a page where music is playing, when I am at the bottom of the page, and I scroll to the top of the page using the mouse button or the mouse whwwl, the music stops playing too until I release the wheel or button.I also had the same problem when I used a wireless mouse.Does anyone know whether this could be a bug in Windows 7, or has anyone had a similar problem and do they know a solution for it?I don't mind it so much when it happens while scrolling up a page, but when it messes up my work in Cubase, it obviously becomes a diffwerent matter.Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to shed some light on this.
  14. Hi,I have both MSN Messenger and Yahoo Instant Messenger installed on my PC, running Windows 7.(I tend to use Yahoo Messenger more frequently than MSN, or rather, I very rarely use MSN).I have an ordinary UVC Webcam (connected via USB), and I also have a Samsung DV camcorder, which connects to the PC via Firewire..When I run Yahoo Messenger, no problem with the USB webcam, the same for MSN.However, when I try to select my camcorder as webcam in Yahoo (I use the latest version of Yahoo), it appears in the list, but when I select it, Yahoo says no cam is found on my system. when I open MSN and do the Video/Audio test, not only is my camcorder recognised, but it also captures.All other applications I use with my camcorder also work perfectly, eg. Video editing siftware (Pinnacle Studio), Videocap, everything works except Yahoo Messenger.Has anyone had any similar experiences? Is it a Yahoo fault/bug, and more importantly, can it be fixed?I can't really se any drivers are needed for a camcorder, as it is all recognised by the system and any other program except Yahoo Instant Messenger.By the way, it was exactly the same with the previous version of Yahoo Messenger too.If anyone knows more about this or knows a solution to this problem, I would be very grateful if they could share this with us all.Thank you very much in advance.
  15. Well, what I mean is, I use Coffeecup HTML Editor to make my webpages, and obviously all the files belonging to my own website are saved and kept in the same folder. When you pointed out the link to flowplayer, I saw that you have to save the flowplayer.swf and the flowplayer.controls.swf and flowplayer-3.1.4.min.js to the same folder as the page you want to display the flash file on. I have done exactly that, but when i embed a film into a page (with the code you gave me, which is also the code that works when I put a film online) and I preview the page (ie. while it is not uploaded yet), the film does not show. But now, it looks like I spoke too soon. When I do a preview in my editor, all I get is a black square where the film should be, but when I preview the (locally stored) page in my browser, then it plays (never used to before). I must add, though, that I added the complete URL in the embed code, which, in this case is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, so, not just onzedancinggsbinnen10jaar.flv. OK, everything good as gold now, don't know why it did not work offline before, but it does now, but I am not complaining. One other thing, however, I have posted on the flowplayer forum about this, and the explanations on their website are not very clear, so: is it possible to give the player a different look (I think it is, but don't know how),eg. by using a different skin for the player? Also, how is that achieved, like I said, the flowplayer website is not clear about this. Anyway, thank you so much for pointing out that wonderful, and especially working, player to me.
  16. Hi, I have just switched browsers and started using Google Chrome. It seems much faster than IE, but I have a few issues with my website. The first one, probably a simple one, is that Chrome does not recognise an anchor, on one of my pages I have a link saying: <a href="media.htm#NSV0403">here</a>which, in Internet Explorer used to send the visitor to the page 'media.htm', and straight to the anchor called 'NSV0403'. The code for the anchor on the page 'media.htm' looks like this: <a name="#NSV0403"></a> But, now, in Google chrome, when a visitor clicks the link, he/she is still sent to the 'media.htm' page but is left at the top of the page, while Internet Explorer used to take the visitor to the anchor. Then, a second issue: On one of my pages I have an embedded piece of music, which, in Internet Explorer used to show a Quicktime control to turn the music off if desired, and/or to adjust the volume. The code for that is as follows: <div align="center"><embed src="Music/Klokkeroeland.mp3" width="150" height="15" align="center" loop="true" autostart="true"></div>In Google Chrome, the music still plays, but there is no control bar to switch the music on/of ot control the volume. Oddly enough, all I see is a scrollbar, which does not reveal anything when I slide it into either direction. Can anyone help me so I can make my page display properly in Google Chrome too, or even in aal browsers? I will be extremely grateful for any advice offered.
  17. Yes, that seems to have done the trick.I need to do some further testing, but at first glance it seems to work ok.Funny enough, I have the opposite problem now: when I upload everything it plays great, but on my hard drive it won't work, although I have put the required flowplayer files into the right folder.However, that's the least of my worries at the moment, as it is the final result on the net that counts.By the way, to answer your question, I just used to used the normal Macromedia Flash Player, I thought that was all you could use as it seems to be the standard with all browssers.Do you think that could have been causing the problem?Anyway, I will run some further tests and see how things go, if I get any other unexpected problems I will be in touch.But thank you so much for the tip anyway.
  18. Hi, I have a problem with embedding a .flv file into my web page. I converted a .wmv file to a .flv via the program Free FLV Converter. This program not only converts files for you, but it also generates the HTML code to embed the converted file into a web page. The code I got from it was as follows: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="342" height="291" id="FLVPlayer"> <param name="movie" value="FLVPlayer.swf" /> <param name="salign" value="lt" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="scale" value="noscale" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Skin&streamName=onzedancingsbinnen10jaar&autoPlay=false&autoRewind=false" /> </object>The problem is, when I enter this code into my HTML Editor (Coffeecup HTML Editor) and I preview the page, the film starts playing with no problem at all. However, when I upload the page and the film, and I keep them in the same folder (by the way 'onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.flv' is the name of the file, all I get is a blank square showing where the film should play, and in the status bar of my browser it says: 'Waiting for http:??;, and the green progress bar hardly moves or doesn't move at all. I also tried to convert the film to an .swf file instead of .flv, and with code I found on the net, I embedded that, the film plays, but there are no player controls present (Play, Stop, Pause), and it is essential that the film does not autostart, so I need the controls. Does anyone have any idea where the code has gone wrong? WHy does the film stream from my hard drive, but does it not play after it has been uploaded? Or, does anyone have the HTML code for embedding an .swf file, but with the use of player controls? I will be very grateful for any suggestions.
  19. OK, thanks for the advice so far.However, I had a look at Uniblue, and I find it to be one of those scams again.I mean the ones that put on in big letters "FREE PROGRAM", then, when you have installed it and run it, after doing a scan it tells you that a number of errors were fixed, and in order to fix all errors you have to register the software and pay for it.This kind of advertising should be banned.
  20. Sorry if this post is in the wrong topic, but I didn't really know where exactly to post it.My problem (if it is a problem, I think it is) is:When I boot up my machine, everything goes as it should, but then, the icons on my desktop go blank and then start showing their normal shape one by one.Not only do I find this annoying, it is also time consuming at bootup time.Is that normal or is there a cure for that problem?I use Windows 7 Ultimate retail on a PC with 2 Gb of RAM, with a 2.20 GHz Intel Celeron Processor and a 1 TB hard disk drive.Is there anyone with a similar experience who could either put my mind at rest or point me into the right direction?Thank you in advance.
  21. OK then.Sorry, I do not use Linux.Nevertheless, I am always grateful for any contribution.It shows people are willing to try to help.Also, about the reply about "Studio", I didn't mean to be offensive, rob made a very useful contribution nevertheless.
  22. Rob,I did clearly say "Pinnacle Studio".But, yes, I will look for that, it might just do the trick.Funny, I never thought Google could be a replacement for/addition to the manual that comes with software, never thought of that.Nevertheless, thank you very much for your contribution to this thread.
  23. I was wondering if it is possible, just like it is with photos, to adjust brightness and light in video files.All photo editing programs, even the free and most basic ones have such a facility.However, I have not found anything like that (although I might have overlooked it) in the video editing programs I have.At the moment I have Pinnacle Studio 14, Cyberlink Power Director 7 and Camtasia 6.Does anyone know if such a facility is present in any of them or does anyone have any knowledge of a utility which can achieve what I am looking for?Any advice will be much appreciated.
  24. Hi Jim,Thank you for your reply.I use the free version of AVG.So, do you think it might be a virus after all?Thanks again, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  25. I run Windows 7 Ultimate.Lately a problem has arisen, and I can't seem to get rid of it.My first name is Frankie, so that is obviously the first part of my Administrator name.Now lately, on startup, a window pops up asking me which program I want to use to open the file "Frankie", it has no file extension and it is 1.44 Kb in size.It resides in my C:\Users\ folder.So far I have just deleted the file and then it does not happen, until after the PC having been shut down for a long time (eg. overnight).When I reboot after deleting the file, the problem does not occur.Has anyone got any idea what might be causing this, why and by what is this file created?How can I get rid of this problem once and for all?Also, I have not seen anything in my startup sequence or startup folder which might be related to trying to open this program.All help will be much appreciated.By the way, my system is scanned for viruses regularly and so far it is squeaky clean.
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