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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. The worst one is, I restored my credit about 2 hours ago, they say it automatically restores your functionality, but my site and email are still down.
  2. So, could that have something to do with the problem which i posted about here? Or would the hosting database problem about which I read in a different topic be responsible? By the way, I have now restored my credit. How long would it take for my emasil and website to be operational again, since they are still not working since I restored my credit to about 10 some 15 minutes ago. I notice I cannot access my CPanel either. I also see that, on this forum I have 10.83 credits, while on the new credit system I only have 9.82 credits. So, which one is right?
  3. A minute ago, I noticed my site nor my email wer working.So, I decided to come here and check my amount of credit, as I knew I was getting low.But who can understand my astonishment when I noticed that I was in a negative state of credit, at -4.15?What happens on this site then? Do they just eat your credit as they see fit or what?As I said before, I knew I was getting low, and that is why I came and checked, but yesterday I still had credit worth 1.65 points, today I find myself at -4.15.So, you can imagine that has really left me wondering how i could have eaten 5.80 woth of credit in just one day.Add to that the fact that on a number of occasions it has happened recently that, when visiting the forum, we either were faced with a DPI error and hence could not access the forum, in other words, we were also unable to post, or it also happened the forum opened normally, but when you clicked on a topic, you just could not see the posts, so, you were once again unable to post and earn some credit.Yet, when the aforementioned problems were fixed, your credit had still gone down, and, while I was lucky it did not happen to me, I can imagine some people must have seen their credit go negative while there was not a single thing they could do about it. You could argue now, 'you have to make sure you have sufficient credit in case of emergencies', but these things can not be foreseen and I find it very unfair that, when people are unable to post, their credit still goes down. I also think we should be informed about the way your credit goes down, as I have never, ever come across a surprise (a very unpleasant one) as the one I am facing now.Then there has also been the matter of the problems Xisto members have been facing ever since the server migration, when there were times our sites were down for long times, our email did not work, or interactive pages could not be accessed by the visitors, and of course this forum itself that was not accessible at times, as I mentioned before.When that happened, our credit still kept going down as usual, while posting on the forum in order to accumulate credit could be compared to paying to have your site hosted. If similar things happened with a paid hosting company, the customers wouls at least be entitled to some compensation (they might have to insist and nag a bit, but, in the end, the company would definitely agree to some kind of compromise).Instead, what happened here was that your support tickets were simply ignored on a number of occasions, and, while the problem should have been known to Xisto, quite often there was no mention of it here, unless some or other customer raised the issue.Anyway, to come back to my original point, I would definitely like to know how my credit managed to take such a nosedive in just one day.I also think Xisto/Xisto should start to get their act together from now on.Shortly after joining I was always very happy, not to mention also impressed with Xisto's near perfect service, but ever since the server migration, things have really started going down the pan.A not so impressed customer.
  4. That is indeed true, controversial (or contradictory) as it may seem. Many parents do not want to cross this threshold, for example if they have a child who needs to follow a course of anger management. The problem is that still too often, martial arts are seen as 'training violence'. That is, however, completely the wrong attitude, as people often forget that one of the main factors in martial arts is discipline. That includes getting things like violence, attacking, anger and the likes out of your mind.
  5. That is of course another factor, shadowx: finding a club which offers the martial art you want to go for, but, on top of that, one that is near enough to you, and/or one that is affordable.I, myself, for example, was never so keen on karate, I was more into Chinese martial arts (Tai Chi, Kung Fu and the likes), and I also liked things such as kickboxing or military self defence methods (such as Krav Maga).The thing is, I did find a few clubs which offered the things that interested me, but either they were miles away from where I live, and, if not that, they charged you an arm and a leg for membership.I must admit, though, since the time I took up karate, I have not regretted it, I do quite enjoy going to my sessions.As for the other aspect, if you want martial arts to help you defend yourself if needed, any knowledge you have about any kind of martial arts would give you an advantage in many cases, and some of the techniques that you master could one day save your life.And, as you say, "Martial arts can be violent, no doubt....", but it depends how you yourslef use them. If you just use (or rather, abuse) your knowledge to attack people on the street, well, I would say, "Think again", and most probably, any martial arts instructor in his right mind would ever let you through his door again if he knew that was what you used your skills for. However, fortunately, only a small minority of people take up martial arts with the idea of beating people up in the back of their minds. They do, however, exist. Shame.But, do go for the martial art that attracts you, and you will benefit in many ways, certainly not defence alone.Good luck with it.
  6. A few home truths were posted here.Martial arts are indeed for defense only, and, in films, quite often nothing is further from the truth.However, it might not be 'an entire solution to defend oneself', it does help in some cases.While I agree no martial art will defend you when someone points a gun at you from a distance where you cannot immediately get to him and then pulls the trigger, there are situations which it will definitely get you out.As Animator says, in both cases he got involved in, martial arts was a godsend to him. It does help to know certain techniques when you are confronted by more than one opponent, it is also useful to master certain tricks when confronted by someone bigger and stronger than you. And yes, I have seen people with black belts in karate being hit to the ground, but that is not automatically a reason to assume that martial arts would be useless for self defense.After all, it can always happen you come across someone who knows more than you do or who knows something different than you.I would stil advise people who often find themselves in threatening circumstances (eg. such as people who do deliveries in rough areas of a city) or weaker people to take up a martial art. Not only is it going to boost their confidence, it might save their lives some day or it might earn them respect from bullies who will start thinking twice before making a pass at them.
  7. That is not really true, is it? The female does have the ability to reproduce, but if no male fertilises the eggs, obviously they are not going to hatch into chicks, regardless of the female being fertile or not. Not really sure what you mean here, saying 'if you let the eggs be...', but, as said before, whether you let them be, or touch them, or sit on them for months in order to help them hatch (That is if you can stand the stench they will start producing after a few weeks), they WILL NOT hatch unless they are fertile. They might well be crazy birds, but in that respect they are no different from us. No contact between a male and a female means no offspring. But I guess you knew that, I assume you were not bred in a bottle.
  8. Yes, my PHPAdmin is working now.However, like Isaid in my first post here (and others before that, as I had to keep repeating myself), my PHPAdmin and the page on my question on my site did always start to work, only to go down again a little while later.On one occasion I even got a reply form Xisto where they said that I was not going to get the problem again as they had identified the cause of the problem, only to see that everything went down again a little while after that.And that kept going, on-off, on-off, etc.What is even worde, although the problem seems to be solved (for now), Xisto have not even bothered to reply to my ticket.Nice service, I would call that.
  9. A PHP page, generated by PHPRunner 4.1. But I never had the error before. Besides, this page has nothing at all to do with my PHPMyAdmin page on CPanel.
  10. What do you mean, what software package? All I can say is that is what I see in my browser (Firefox).
  11. Yes, the problem has often been solved.Only to come back after a little while.
  12. I am wondering how many more times I will have to post about a problem that has been going on for far too long now. I know it might not help nagging about it here, but I have submitted tickets, which do not even get answered, while the problem happily lingers on. To be quite honest, I am really getting enough of it now. What are Xisto/Trap 17 up to? Ever since the server migration, there have been nothing but problems, and what is more, I am beginning to get the impression the powers that be could not care less, as they do not reply to your tickets, and the problems do not get resolved. I constantly get the same error message when trying to log in on one of my admin pages on my site: And, when looking on my PHPMyAdin page oncpanel, I am given: The best one is, when you submit a ticket, all you get (if you are lucky enough to get an answer) "please give us the URL of the page that gives you the error, your server, your cpanel username and password", which I have already done ad infinitum. Also, it even happened that, after I submitted all that information, they said they looked and everything worked normally, while the error was staring me in the face. It is high time something finally got done, as this is, free hosting or not, no longer acceptable. PS. If the mods think I am repeating myself, or if they see this as spamming, well, if tickets are being ignored, where else do I have to post this?
  13. My website is completely bilingual (English/Dutch) and i have never had an issue nor a reprimand from Trap 17, so i assume it is all right then.
  14. That is right.These things never look good, do they?I don't know what it is, but in the past there was never any problem with Trap 17 hosting, but ever since they migrated their servers, it has been one thing after the other.And, what's more, they do not seem to be interested to fix their problems.It is really getting beyond a joke now.
  15. Oh well, I raised a ticket and got a reply they could not find anything wrong.Yet today, the same problem has started all over again.It is really getting on my nerves now, and i told them that too!!!
  16. Some time ago I had a stubborn problem when trying to access one of the interactive pages on my website and getting the following error: At the same time, when trying to access my PHPMyAdmin on CPanel, I got the following: This kept happening on and off, and I sent Xisto - Support message after message. Then, I finally got a message telling me: "You will not get this problem again, we have now identified and resolved the cause of the problem". Today of all days, when I am about to send my newsletter out, the error is rearing its ugly head again. It was OK for a week or so, but now it is starting from scratch again. I hope they will sort it out quickly and properly this time. A copy of this post is going to Xisto - Support.
  17. I see that lots of people use Dreamweaver here, and, yes, it has got some extremely brilliant features. However, as someone mentioned before, it is very pricy, and the second objection I have is that, like practically all Adobe programs, it can be extremely difficult to use. I have, on occasions used Dreamweaver too, but, while I did get fairly decent results, I imagine I was barely scratching the surface. It can of course be expected, since it is a professional program (I think I am not wrong in saying most professional web developers use Dreamweaver), that there would be lots and lots to learn. That is why I use Coffeecup, from Coffeecup Software. It has lots of features, is very intuitive and fairly easy to use, it is also reasonably cheap and it yields good results. If anyone is looking for decent web developing software, it might be worth paying their website a visit at this location. You can find demo versions of the program there, some software comes free too and apart from the web site developer, they have lots of interesting programs which can be very useful to add certain functions to your web site. They also have a very comprehensive forum, support is very good, and, as mentioned before, all programs are very easy to learn, even for the absolute beginner.
  18. Come on, political correctness is just a load af rubbish that gives the leftwingers their opportunity to block everything and everyone from saying what they do not want to hear.We all know the left's favourite principle: "Freedom of speech is sacred, as long as you say what we want to hear and as long as you agree with our doctrines, if you son't, we kick your head in".That is also how it used to go (and still does) in the former Soviet union and the earstern European countries under communist regimes. People having to go in exile or being executed, simply for voicing an opinion. The best one is, those regimes are the ones that refer to themselves as "democratic".And, to come back to political correctness, these days it is political incorrect to say 'Fireman' or 'Policeman', should now be 'Firefighter' and 'Police Officer'.Can you imagine one male police office who would be offended being referred to as 'policeman'? After all, he is a man who is in the police force, isn't he? The same goes for referring to a WPC as a 'police woman', aren't we talking about a woman in the police force here? So, what would be offensive about that?The same for 'Fireman' and 'Firewoman', are we not referring to both genders, being a member of the Fire Brigade here?So, I cannot see any fireman or firewoman being offended being referred to in this way, as you do not do their gender any injustice, do you?It even gets worse when it comes to words referring to race, as with the previous (sexism), to the left wing racism only works one way.Just like, in their book, a man can only discriminate a woman, and the opposite is never true (I, among others have gone through a lot of suffering due to discrimination by a female (and feminist)boss, but obviously I did not have a leg to stand on when trying to report the matter, if the shoe had only been on the other foot...), now the same goes for race, as I said before, only whites can discriminate against other races, the opposite is of course impossible. So, in that respect, they have banned certain words too, and I understand some of them can be offensive (which is why I am not going to mention them here), but, in today's society, just try to report that a black person called you "Honky", you will be laughed out of the building, because that is of course not offensive (that is what society has become).So, I say, 'To hell with political correctness', it is just nowaday's hypocrisy reaching a peak, and only the things which do not fit into their system is deemed politically incorrect. The same thing, why, in some places are we now to refer to a 'Christmas concert' as 'a festive concert', or why can we, in some instances not use the word 'Christmas' any more? The reason being it might upset immigrants. well, us, Christians have celebrated Christmas for 100s of years, it belongs to our culture, our religion, so why should we all of a sudden have to change that in order not to offend people who come to our country and do not want us to live our culture as we see fit? Have a think about all that, and I am sure, this discussion will continue in the not so distant future.
  19. It looks like this topic can now be closed (again).For a few days now, my page and PHPMyAdmin have been working normally (touch wood, as, knowing my luck, whenever I post a message here about an issue being resolved, as soon as I go away from this forum and check the page again, the error is back in all its glory).Hopefully, this will now be the end of it, as it has been going on for far too long.I guess people can understand my frustration when you have errors that keep coming back in minutes, especially when they affect pages which you rely on for input and requests from your visitors. (In my case a newsletter subscription, shopping cart and comment and query form).Anyway, as far as I am concerned, this is now resolved (again).
  20. Thanks for the input.What you are saying about the sessions requiring data to be saved might all be true, but the fact of the matter is, I have reported this issue over and over again now, after which they seem to resolve it, but when I check again a few hours later or at best the next day, the problem is there again in all its glory.I just DO NOT believe this.When is this going to stop?
  21. This has been going on for a week now, it has been resolved a few times, yesterday Xisto - Support sent me a message they had resolved the issue, but today, it was the same all over again. This really isn't funny anymore.
  22. OK, serverph,thanks for keeping us in the picture. (at least someone does).The system seems to be up and running now, hopefully the randomness of ON/OFF stops now.Also thanks to the other MODS who helped in the matter.[hr=noshade] [/hr]Oops, spoke too soon.The problem is back again in all its glory.Idesperately need access to my MySQL databases, as visitors need to be able to sign up for newsletters etc.Howe much more trouble do they intend to cause us?
  23. The issue seems to be resolved now.Thanks for your help, Saint Michael.
  24. I wonder if there is a problem with the PHPMyAdmin system again? When trying to get into it, I once again get the following: I first noticed it when, on my website, I tried to access a PHP Admin function to look at the contents of one of my databases, and where I got: Does anyone know anything about this? thanks.
  25. Sorry if I should have read certain bits of the forum for an answer to my question, but I have looked and cannot seem to find it in the usual topics.I would like to find a bit more about domains, and especially addon ones.I see from my cpanel that you can have 9 parked domains and 9 addon domains.At the moment I am using 1 parked domain, which I use as an address for my website and email.I did it like that since that was the way I was advised to set up my domain.But, if that is the purpose a parked domain serves, then what are addon domains?Can you, just like with parked domains, point a browser to the domain name to send it to your web site? Or has it got another function? (BTW, sorry if I do not explain myself 100% technically correct, but I find it a bit difficult expressing this).And, taken from the fact you can have 9 of both kinds of domains at Trap 17, does that mean, if i had more than one domain name, I could make web sites under all those domain names, but would have to share my given web space (500 Mb) between them?Sorry if my question seems a bit stupid or if I don't explain matters properly, but these things are all a bit difficult to me, which is why i want to find out about them.Thanks.
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