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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. As I read above, .That is indeed true, but as I read earlier,someone saying not to be bothered about exercise, and can't eat this or that, well, I would rather be in their shoes than being overweight. Both might not be good for people, but I just envy those who can eat and drink what they like without putting any weight on, while other people (like me) have to be so careful all the time not to pile the pounds on. However, do try to balance your carbo hydrates and proteins if you are too thin, as it might also give you problems later in life.
  2. I have obviously raised a ticket with Xisto, serverph.However, with the last problem (email being down) I raised a ticket almost a week ago, and never received a response.I then resorted to Live Help Online, where I had a very rude, unfriendly and unhelpful person on the other end.Only during a second attempt did I find out it was a known issue.
  3. And, something else I was wondering, it is mentioned here that it is a small and simple problem.Why do problems at Xisto/Trap 17 take ages to be fixed lately?Are they going down the pan, or what?
  4. I have a shopping cart system on my website. It always worked before, but all of a sudden, when I try to access it i get "Got error 28 from storage engine". Has that got something to do with the recent problems again, or can someone tell me what this error message means? Thanks. After posting this I noticed I cannot get into my PHPAdmin anymore. It gives loads of errors: What is going on at Xisto/Trap 17 lately?
  5. This is really getting beyond a joke now.A ticket i submitted to Xisto days ago stays unanswered, live support: the guy is to begin with very rude and unfriendly, leaves me to sit there for over an hour while he, as he says "is checking it", and then just leaves the session without saying what he found or even a goodbye.In the mean time I have noticed that none of my 3 vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk email addresses sned nor receive in my email client. (Yesterday the main one still worked), webmail still will not let me in (see beginning of this thread), yet all three addresses, 'webbie@vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk', 'info@vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk' and 'kaarten-cards@vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk' are listed in my email accounts on cpanel. i have sent out my newsletter, I did not received my own copy, I have checked, it looked like some other people did not receive theirs, I run a shopping cart, without a valid email address sales will not go through, in other words, this is dramatic. Why can anyone (in particular Xisto) help me?
  6. After all the troubles over the past week, I have everything set up, my access to MySQL databases restored, however, I cannot access my webmail yet.I log in on the screen before you get the choice which webmail to use (Squirrel, Horde or Roundcube), and when clicking on Horde I get "Login failed because your username or password are incorrect", with Squirrel mail i get; "ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server." and Roundcube (probably as the name implies) keeps going round in circles. According to the opening screen of cpanel, I have 3 email accounts (as it should be), but in the Email control panel all my existing addresses are listed. My email seems to work in my email client, though.Has anyone got any idea what could be wrong?By the way, Horde does not even give you a chnce to try and log in again, you have to log in on the screen before and that's it.
  7. After all the recent problems, my account has been restored.I have setup my parked domain agin, and that works fine.However, I can no longer access my MySQL databases (I can from PHPMyAdmin, but that's all).I had to create a new user for my databases, and created the user with exactly the same username and password I had before, but some of my web pages do not let me access the pages I have associated with my databases.Where could i find out what my DB password is? (Although I am as good as sure I am using the right one).I have tried my old password, the new cpanel login Xisto gave me, the new password I set, all to no avail.Who can help please?
  8. Using anonymouse, I can now get through to my subdomain (vlaanderen-flanders.trap17.com) to "If you are seeing this page...." (Which mentions Apache), but when trying my cpanel, I can get to it, but still get 'Login failed'.My domain, however (vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk) is not working at all.No site, no email, no FTP, no cpanel no nothing.
  9. That has helped to some extent. My login panel now comes up, but it will not accept my login details. I just get "login failed". After posting this I tried again and now I keep getting a Network Timeout.
  10. I see here that people have problems with cpanel passwords, well, I simply do not have access to my cpanel at all. It simply says The URL to access my cpanel is this one:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So, I cannot change or reset anything. Same for my site http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/, nothing at all displays, i can't even access my files as my cpanel is completely down. I cannot send or receive email from my domain neither.
  11. This is the reply I get there: So, it is probably not an IP matter.
  12. My site has been down since Saturday night, as has my email and my Cpanel.All I got from live online support at Xisto was 'I can't find your domain anywhere on the server, email sales@xisto.com', where I only got an automated reply, and no reply at all to the tickets I have raised.I think they could at least have the decency to reply 'There is currently a problem' or something similar, that is not so much to type, is it?I have been wondering ever since Saturday night what could have happened to my account, and it even looked like I was banned from the forum (fortunately, that seems to be restored now).But then again, not very good practice by Xisto, is it?The last time with the server migration, they left most of us in the dark too.i think they could at least be a bit more communicative with their members.And what if I had had a near zero credit or something?I would have gone negative without realising, or without being able to do anything about it.Come on, Xisto, pull your finger out!!!!!!
  13. I have now managed to log into the forum.On Saturday I had still positive credit, but Saturday night, everything was gone.I also came up as a guest on the forum, and logging in was just ignored.Raising tickets with Xisto did not lead to any answers neither.My site (http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/) still does not work though.
  14. For over a year now I have been having on and off problems with my left knee.I suffer from pains which move around the knee (it seems to jump to different areas), and I especially have problems when going up or down stairs.Most of the time, whenever I move or take a step, the knee clicks, but there has been no locking of the knee joint.I have seen the doctor on several occasions, but all he has done is give me some anti inflammatory gel, which eased things a little bit temporarily, and then, some months ago, he sent me to have an X-Ray.The X-Ray revealed nothing, nothing loose, no foreign objects, nothing torn inside...The doctor then decided to refer me for physiotherapy.When I went the therapist did some assessments and decided I did not need regular therapy, but instead, I have to massage the knee for 3 minutes twice a day, and after the massage apply an ice pack for 2 minutes. This does not seem to make a lot of difference.Apparently, the injury only comes fom the ligaments, which, according to the therapist, takes months to heal (but it has been going on for years, more like).My sister, who has had both her knee joints replaced, and as a result of it cannot walk properly anymore, or has trouble getting into her shower and has lost all flexibility in her knees now, told me that her X-Rays revealed nothing either, they only saw the damage when they put her under the scanner.The doctor said (and I tend to agree with him there) he would rather not go down the road of surgery, given my age (I became 50 last week ), and my condition (I am diabetic).So, I would rather avoid having surgery, especially when I see what my sister is going through.But the thing is, the problem still needs to be solved.I am a karatefanatic, but because of the injury I have not been able to have any training for months now, with the result I am beginning to put weight on, which is obviously not doing the injury any good, as our knees have to carry your bodyweight.The therapist (whose father is a karate instructor) has told me I can start doing some light training (some karate moves do put a lot of pressure on the knee), like doing the warm up, and taking part in some of the exercises that do not put too much strain on the knee, and further, I have to continue with the massage and ice pack therapy, and after training, I have to stretch and apply heat to the knee.First of all, can anyone advise some stretching exercises that would benefit the knee (the therapist ws not very specific on that), and second ly, is there anyone who recognises some or all of my problem, or maybe has had something similar and who could exchange ideas with me?The thing is, I obviously want to get rid of the problem and start to live a life free of pain, I want to go back to my karate (which has become a way of life for me), doing my exercise again will stop me gainig weight, and also help me lose it (being overweight does not do my diabetes any good).I know, I have come into a bit of a vcious circle, haven't I?But I would love to hear from anyone who has had similar problems, or who can offer solutions, as the medics have not been very helpful to me, basically, all I want is to start living a normal life again, preferably without having any operations.Any help and/or advice will be very gratefully accepted.
  15. Hi meinbcca,Thank you for your reply.First of all, posting links is quite OK on this forum.It is often done to point people to a place where they can find a solution to their question, or when someone wants to have their website reviewed or something similar.As long as you don't use it for spamming purposes, there is no problem at all.However, when doing so, it is best to use the icon above, 4th from right, them you can post a clickable, working link.As for your answer, I am very grateful, as I tried all over the place on Paypal, but could not really find the answer.Those links have sent me to a place where I can at least find some explanations about my problem.I'll let you know how I got on after I get through the reading.Thanks again.
  16. I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following:I have written a song and i want to make the sheet music and the mp3 of the song available for sale on my website.I would ask people to pay by Paypal (I have an account) and when they have paid, they would get a download link for the sheet music and/or the mp3 file.I have looked through the Paypal help, but I have not found anything relevant that might solve my particular problem.I know it is possible to sell downloadable stuff through Paypal.That, if someone has a solution to my problem, brings me to problem #2:I would sell the sheet music for 1 Euro, and the mp3 for 1.5 Euro.However, if people buy both, I would only charge them 2 Euro instead of 2.5.Is it possible to achieve that as well?Sorry for posting this here, but I had no luck when browsing through Paypal's Help and Support.I would appreciate any advice very much.Thank you in advance.
  17. That is exactly what I tried to advise. Learning from a book or the internet is not really advisable. The only way is really to learn from a qualified instructor.Once again, if i know where on this planet derryck lives, it might be possible to give him a push into the right direction regarding affordable clubs and the likes.I did have the same problem in the past: finding a club that did not cost an arm and a leg. Some martial arts clubs are really not affordable at all these days, some of them seem to be a real luxury.however, it is still possible to find some clubs even the ordinary working man can afford.
  18. Once again, not 100 % the way to go about things.Is it one of the principles of any martial art to be lethal then?
  19. Martial arts are indeed cool, however, it is not a matter of showing off.When you think like this you are going around it completely the wrong way.That is not what martial arts are about.As a skilled martial artist, you can of course give exhibitions, to show what your particular martial art involves, or to rouse interest for the art in young (and even older)people.Most definitely you can show the beauty and efficiency of your martial art, show the benefits it may have on your well being, health, strength and how efficient it is in situations when you are in danger, but it is not supposed to be shown 'how good you are' (or, at least, you 'think' you are).It is the martial art doing things for you, not the other way round. You show your devotion (and gratitude) to the martial artby working hard and practising and trying to become as good at it as you can, to the glory of your martial art, not your own.This is just another part of discipline.
  20. You see, as I, and some other people here, pointed out before, it is a difficult road to walk on.There are pros and cons, and i must agree with some of the comments like 'If you study karate, you have your hands, feet and skills), but there are indeed situations where those are not sufficient. Then again, obviously, none of us intend to get bashed or mugged (like our Australian friend chukii says), but there are a 1001 situations in which you can land in deep water. Let's put it like this, sometimes the use of (a) weapon(s) is warranted, there is of course still the question whether the law will see it like that), sometimes you get in a situation where no martial arts, nor a whole arsenal full of weapons will help you. (Unfortunately most of the people who got in one of those situations are no longer with us to tell the story).So, it is a matter of thinking, weighing the pros and cons, and a matter of everybody's attitude and conscience.
  21. Thank you ever so much for your reply, gentlemen.It has really made my day, I can now lay out my page like a real newspaper.I think I owe you both a drink.
  22. I was wondering if someone could help me.I know that when you mix text with pictures, when you use the "align" feature, the text will wrap around the picture, eg. when you want text to the left to wrap around a picture on the right, you just add 'align="right"' to the picture and vice cersa for text and pictures on the opposite side.However, it becomes totally different when you want 2 pictures, one underneath the other, or when you want a caption text underneath the picture(s), in which case the wrapping and formatting completely disappears.it is of course possible to put text and pictures in a separate cell in a table, but then the text does not wrap anymore.Has anyone got a solution to my problem, either in HTML (preferably) or in CSS?Thank you ever so much in advance.
  23. Exactly my thought, both styles have their own particular strengths and weaknesses.They also have their own technical demand.The question about weapons was raised, TKD sometimes uses sticks, in my particular karate style (Shotokan), we use Sai daggers and a Bo staff.However, when it comes to street fighting, it is obvious those weapons might not be at hand (although, when you are trained in the use of a Bo, a stick you pick up, or an umbrella or walking stck, even a rolled up newspaper, might have their uses).As for the Sai daggers, it would most probably be a criminal offence to carry them in most places, and, on the other hand, do not sink to the level of street thugs by carrying knives.
  24. Could you let us know which style of Kung Fu, please (there are so many)?It would also be interesting if you could let us know the order of the belts in your particular style, from low to high.
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