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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. Thank you for your explanation, BufalloHELP. I have scanned around a bit for further info on Addon domains. While i know it is possible to have more than one domain on one hosting packet (we have 5 parked and 5 addon domains available), it looks a bit complicated to set up the right folders to point to your different websites. And, more importantly, if what I read is correct, you don't seem to get separate email for your second domain. Just to clarify: my 1st domain, hosted on trap 17 is vlaanderen-flandersDOTorgDOTuk, and for that I now have my email through Googlemail as whateverATvlaanderen-flandersDOTorgDOTuk. My other domain is alanandfrankieDOTcoDOTcc, and I would also like to have email such as sometingATalanandfrankieDOTcoDOTcc. From the posts I read that does not seem to be possible when you have both domains on one hosting package. Is that correct? Also, is there a topic or tutorial (a search did not lead to anything) where I can learn how to put more than one website in different folders, and then being able to find both websites by just typing http://www.mydomain.com/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in the address bar of the browser, without having to do eg. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or something like that. Please forgive my ignorance, but the matter looks somewhat complicated.
  2. What I would like to know is:now that the Credit system has changed into MyCents, is it now possible to buy more hosting, eg. an Xisto account or even a second Trap 17 account?The reason I am asking is:I have my website hosted with Trap 17, and I have another one hosted with Qupis.I was told by Xisto - Support that on the MU server, which is used by Qupis, email is disabled to prevent spam.Because of that reason I could never get my email to work properly.That being the case, I would then ask Qupis to delete my account and buy web hosting from Xisto or Trap 17 (if that is possible), so that I can have my site hosted and have reliable email (probably provided by Google) at the same time.(Email is something I definitely need with my websites).Does that possibility exist?I find it far too much hassle to park 2 domains, and host 2 websites on the same hosting package.Please let me know what my options are.Thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks for that, but the problem is: in Cpanel I can't change what I would want to change. I can change anything I want regarding my subdomain vlaanderen-flanders.trap17.com, but the MX will not let me change anything regarding my domain, which is vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk. Also see my other post, which can be found here. There you will see the problem described in more detail. Thanks for the reply.
  4. I have been having problems lately with my Gmail, which uses my domain vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk, which is parked on Trap 17.For some reason or other, my MX records got messed up, which means I am now stuck with email I can send from, but I cannot receive any emails.I think the best thing to do would be to start all over again, but I don't know how to do that.What I mean is, I would like to try to go through the whole proccess again, ie. let Google verify my domain ownership by uploading a HTML file, but how do I do that?Do I disable my Gmail email account, or do I remove all my Google apps?More importantly, after I have done any of the above, how do I get Google to check my domain ownership again?Do I just try to sign up for a new account, or what?Please, experts out there, help me out ASAP, as this situation is driving me nuts.
  5. To be quite honest, I have been having a similar issue lately.In the mean time I am still stuck without properly working email for both my accounts (I have one site hosted with Trap 17 and one with Qupis).Also, the staff memeber (velma) thought I was spamming the support site because I had submitted two tickets, one for my Trap 17 problem, and one regarding my Qupis issue.They are both separate issues, a similar, but slightly different problem (Trap 17 switches your email through to Google, while Qupis still hosts your email themselves).But, with him assuming that, my Qupis ticket was submitted on 10/12/2008 (4 days ago at the time I post this), and has not received a single reply, let alone any attention has been paid to my problem.In other words, I have 2 places now where I can send email from, but not receive.In the mean time, I have probably lost 100s of emails already.
  6. Well, the short answer is: ANY martial art will really do.Don't be afraid about any issues you might have with your physical structure, as they will only make you stronger.However, if you are looking for the soft approach, then Tai Chi might be something for you.Depending on what you want, some classes teach it just as a way of health improvement and teach you the moves and forms (which are always at a very slow pace) with regards to the effects they have on the body and mind, however, although it does not look like that, Tai Chi is also a fierce martial art, which is often described as 'A needle hidden in a ball of cotton wool'.If a martial art is what you want, then look for a Tai Chi class which also teaches the martial art aspect of Tai Chi.Quite often, classes that teach the Yang style do focus more on the mental and physical aspect of Tai Chi, but if you go for eg. Wudang tai Chi Chuan, you can be sure the fighting aspect will be taught as well. (Don't forget, there are a lot of different Tai Chi styles).It is up to you now to have a look around and see what classes are available, what sports, what styles etc. and maybe attend a few classes just to observe.I know, the main problem is often when trying to choose a martial art (or rather the main problemS ARE): 1. I sthere a school for that martial art in my neighbourhood? and 2. If there is, is it affordable, as some schools will charge you an arm and a leg for joining, while others charge reasonable fees.So, have a look around, and let me know how you get on.
  7. There must be some other eason then.Although I am not a Microsoft fan myself, I must say that SP2 is probably not to blame for that.128 Mb RAM is a bit low these days.And I see you have a 1Ghz processor as well, not one of the fastest around.It obviously always helps to put more RAM into your PC, but do make sure you check for viruses and spyware, they are often the main culprit for symptoms of that kind.It would also help to delete all the .tmp files that are present on your system, cause they sometimes make your PC go down to the speed of a pushbike.
  8. The only problem is: In the MX part of Cpanel, both your domain and subdomain appear. I assume it is your domain you want to set up to work with Google, not your subdomain (would not make sense, really, would it?). The problem is, Cpanel will allow me to make any changes I want to my subdomain, however, any alteration I make to my domain is greeted with "There was a problem changing the MX Entry, and the details will reveal: My domain invariably stays as vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk, pointing at vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk, with a priority of 0. Nothing I can change about that, no matter how I try. Any changes I make to vlaanderen-flanders.trap17.com are always accepted. I cannot even delete the domain record. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
  9. I was wondering whether it is best to park my domain or use it as an addon, now that the email facilities have moved to google.At the moment my domain vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk is a parked domain on vlaanderen-flanders.trap17.com, but I am having incredible trouble setting MX records and that.So, what is my best bet?Leaving it parked or set it as an addon?Thanks in advance.
  10. mrdee


    Great,Thank you for the advice.It might be a good idea to do the 7min/mile pace for a while.I would probably not keep it going for long, but it is worth trying.As for the 30 mins running: I do not think that is really possible for me at this time, even the 5 minute suggestion.So far, I have achieved doing 3 times 5 minutes at 5 mph, with 2 mins walking at 4 mph in between, but after the 2nd or 3rd run, I really got so much out of breath that I thought I was going to drop.I had intende to pull it up to 4 minutes as soon as possible, but that depends on wht my body tells me.However, I will keep trying.Thanks again for all the advice, and any further tips are more than welcome.
  11. This message only applies to the UK, but this is the place to post about feeling cheated, so here I go:I have an Oyster Card to use on my journeys on the London Underground.As they say: an Oyster Card is cheaper than buying a ticket, and everything goes automatic, so this is the thing to have.However, lately it has seemed to me that the Oyster people think they can do as they please:Last month, when I arrived in my usual Underground station, the gates were open and a big sign said: "Please do not touch out with your Oyster Card, your card balance will be automatically adjusted.At that time I had ?4.72 worth of credit, and ?1.80 should have gone offto cover my journey.I was obviously surprised to see on my next journey that I had only 1 penny left.I then got in touch with Oyster and they refunded me ?2.20. (which did not cover my loss).A few weeks ago, I had ?6.52 on my card again, and while going out of the station, someone touched out at the same time as me.The machine gave an error message, so I touched out again.While it vlearly says in the Oyster FAQ: 'When you accidentaly touch in or out twice, the second touch will be ignored', when I went to work the next day, I tried to touch in, and the machine gave an error message.An assistant came and said 'You have no credit on your card', to which I replied 'I DO have credit', and he said 'obviously not enough'.I then went to the top up machine and noticed I had 72 p credit left, so $4 had magically disappeared.The same night i got in touch with Oyster and got a message back (an auto response), telling me I was going to get a reply within 7 days.Seven days came and went, nothing!!!I then got in touch with them again, this time I did not get a single reply.So, not only have they unnecessarily taken my money, they have also totally ignored my request for assistance.I know I am not talking about a fortune here, but it is a matter of principle, and if that same thing happens to 100 people, that means ?400 in their pockets for not delivering a service.I am now thinking about reporting the matter to Trading Standards, as I feel this is definitely not on.In the mean time, 'be careful and think what you are doing before getting an Oyster Card'.
  12. Qupis looks good to me, signed up and have my account. However, my email refuses to work, or sometimes works intermittently. I have all my settings correct, and my client (Mozilla Thunderbird) is set up correctly, but either mail does not turn up, and both SMTP servers refuse to work. I also pointed the site to my domain correctly (alanandfrankie.co.cc), and added email addresses, but it REFUSES to work. I posted the following to Xisto, but have had no joy so far: And then a follow-up (update): Is there anyone here who might be able to help me out? Thanks in advance.
  13. I was wondering what has happened to Trap 17 hosting. Now that I have my site back, and after re-parking my domain, the page URL keeps pointing at my subdomain, but, more importantly, any pages with dynamic content (PHP, SHTML etc.) can no longer be reached and invariably move to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, which obviously gives an error as the page does not exist. Then I noticed in my cpanel under "Redirect" that all dynamic content has been redirected to that (non existing) place. I have, time and again, deleted that redirect, and every time I get the message it has been deleted, only to keep seeing upon returning to the page that it is back in all its (ugly) glory. Now, what is this? Are we no longer allowed to use interactive pages, or what? Why is that kind of content all of a sudden blocked (or at least, it looks that way)? Ever since buying the Logic plan, I have had nothing but problems. I submitted a ticket, but am awaiting a reply. If anyone here knows more about this, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  14. Yes, I can see my subdomain site too, however, when accessing my site (the .org.uk one) through megaproxy, I get an 'Unknown Host Error'.My IP is indeed dynamic.Could it be that the DNS servers need adjusting?They are set to ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com.
  15. I simply do not believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things are going from bad to worse now!! Yesterday, after lots of misery, I managed to get everything up and running again, today I get a reply from Xisto to a ticket I submitted: However, when trying to access the page at the aforementioned address, the page won't even load, and when going to http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/ (my site), I also get an error, a Page load Error saying 'The Address cannot be found'. All this means I am now left with nothing, while yesterday, albeit with lots of trouble, I got everything working. I submitted a ticket on this. Come on, Xisto, get your finger out and get it working!!! Or has anyone got any advice? Thanks.
  16. mrdee


    Any experienced runners among you who could give me some advice?At the gym, I have got a bet on with one of the gym assistants that I have to be able to run 1 mile (on the treadmil) in under seven minutes.That is expected of me in two months time (February 2nd, 2009).For five days now, i have been bullying myself,just doing my weight training faster than usual and then get on the treadmill.I must say i am nowhere near winning the bet yet, as it still takes me over thirteen minutes to do a mile.At the moment I do interval training, ie. I start off with 2 minutes walking at 4 mph, I then run for 2 minutes at 5 mph, etc.I have only switched to 5 mph two days ago, but i must say i feel like I am going to drop at times.I have calculated that, when you run constantly at 10 mph, then you would do the mile in 6 minutes.I am obviously far from that at the moment.I have tried to run for 3 minutes at 5 mph, but I can only do that once in a session so far.Is there anyone who has some advice on how to build up my stamina, and how to tackle this problem?Thanks in advance for any advice.
  17. Anyway, my site and email have now been restored (email after lots of sweat, however).The thing is, I can now upload things via Cpanel, but when I Ose Filezilla (using the settings I was given by Cpanel), it cannot find my /public_html/ directory, the only thing it can find is when I enter / as remote directory, but that seems to be empty.I submitted a ticket for that but got no reply.I don't even know when i am looking at the right server here. i asked for my Cpanel URL but got no reply.They said Trap 17 only works on GAMMA< yet my Cpanel is on ZETA and my site is up and running.I cannot access my MySQL DB remotely anymore, neither.Questions about how to reach it via Xisto also stayed unanswered.Is there anyone here who has some amswers for me, please?Thanks.
  18. Of course I didn't think that , but it looked a bit strange, that difference between what my profile says and what Xisto says.So, what about adding the MyCents i accumulate, is that only done every time you get to $1?
  19. Thank you for this reply, velma. However, I do not really know what I am doing at the moment, but I have replied to the ticket with the following answer: I hope I will get a satisfactory solution soon, as i was in an extreme state of panic. One more thing I noticed, by the way, In my profile it says I earned $13.00 in Mycents, and I have accumulated some $0.84 so far, yet in my Xisto CP it says I have $11.05. Do the credits you accumulate not get added at Xisto, or does that only happen when you have earned a full dollar? Also, in the reply, 'Megaproxy.com' is mentioned to surf my site, I have surfed to megaproxy.com, but it all looks Chinese to me What menu item do I select to surf to my site? Thanks.
  20. Yes, that is all good and well, but I have made a mistake in signing up.I cannot get to anything anymore.My subdomain vlaanderen-flanders.trap17 is gone, everything is now set up in my real domain, which is vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk.My Cpanel works (it only worked after I changed my password), all my files are there, but i can't get to my site anymore, my email has gone dead, I don't know where to point the DNS servers at, in other words, everything I had built up seems to be gone.I am not sure how to submit a Support Ticket, as I don't know if I can still class it as 'Xisto - Support', I don't know whether i can just fill in my current username and password to submit a ticket, as the form is pre-filled with a kind of weird username, can I just replace that by my own?I was supposed to send out a newsletter round this time, but I can't get to anything.When I test whether that google file has worked, I get a 'Page Load error'.So, would someone please try to help me to get all my stuff up and running again, and maybe to reset it to a Trap 17 subdomain again?I am sorry if i don't make any sense in some of my posting or whether i am overlooking very obvious solutions, but at the moment I am in a state of panic, and I don't seem to know what I am doing.Will someone please help me out so that I can sort this problem ASAP?Thank you ever so much for any help I might receive.
  21. Please help me. I got an unexpected email from GoogleApps regarding my site and domain name which was always hosted at trap 17. I signed up for a Logic plan yesterday. All of a sudden, tonight, my site and email disappeared. Google now wants me to verify my domain name. It says: However, it does not tell me where to upload it to.I have made a .html file, but now I don't know what to do with it. I cannot log into my Trap 17 Cpanel anymore, where has it all gone? Does that mean all of a sudden my site hosting has been moved to Google? I posted a question about the switch over yesterday in the "Alerts and notices" topic here, I got no replies at all to it, and I suspect I have done something wrong. Here is a copy of my post: I am extremely worried now that i might have lost all my data which were on Trap 17, including my MySQL databases and all their contents. What about my email? It looks like Google has all of a sudden set up a Google gmail address for me. I am very confused and extremely worried. Could someone please, please help me out ASAP? Thanks. In the mean time I have submitted a ticket, the ticket is quoted underneath: However, the fact still remains, I do not know what I am doing at the moment, all my email cannot be reached, Google is still veryfying my domain, I fear that all the email i might have received in the mean time will be lost.Is there no way I can get to my email in the old place?
  22. Thank you all for all the good advice I have received so far.Here is a little update too:at the gym, one of the staff members challenged me that I had to be able to run (on the treadmill) 1 mile in under 7 minutes in 2 months time (February 2nd to be exact).Now, i have started training like mad, at the moment with interval training, ie. start with 2 minutes walking at 4.0 mph, 3 minutes running at 5 mph, another 2 walking, etc. until I reach the one mile.At the moment I have achieved 13.12 minutes doing interval (I cannot run continuously yet).first of all, if anyone has any training tips, they will be more than welcome.What i do at the moment is tarin every day, and bit by bit i increase the speed, and I shall also be increasing the running time while decreasing the walking time.Is that the right way to go about it?To be quite honest, yesterday, i thought I was going to drop, which brings me into the next question:the training must also be an excellent fat burner, as I had a heart rate of 150 at times. Is that correct, or shouldn't I be doing that?So, please, if anyone can offer further assistance, it will be more than welcome.I forgot to tell you what the bet is about: if I win, the gym assistant is going to give me 3 Personal trainer sessions free. However, if I lose, I will have to row 10,000 meters.Oh dear, oh dear.So, any advice, let me have it please.Thanks.
  23. I have a site hosted on another free hosting company's server.They also offer loads of features such as MySQL, PHP, Email and so on.I also have received a free co.cc domain.However, the email is not very reliable for receiving email.According to the hosting company they do allow you to use a socket for SMTP, and they accept a GMail server for this.The question is now: can I set the SMTP details in my .htaccess file so that PHP recognises and uses it?If so, can anyone tell me how this has to be done?All help will be greatly appreciated.
  24. I followed all the above steps and it has worked (obviously).However, I think I might have made a mistake while signing up.My subdomain is vlaanderen-flanders.trap17.com, while I also own a domain name which is vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk.I did choose the bottom option (I will update the name servers or get a domain), but instead of my subdomain, I entered my domain name.Now I am a bit concerned.Will that affect anything? Will my subdomain still exist?Does the system know by my domain name what my subdomain was?Do I have to let my domain point at the nameservers again?At this time it looks like my website is still accessible through both my domain and subdomain URL, but won't that change?Also, I did not buy any extra features at this time, can I still change that later?I ask because I noticed that there was one feature to do with email, costing $14.95, since I did not buy this, will I still keep my existing email?And then finally, can i now also buy another hosting plan with a different (sub)domain so that I can use a different web site too?Sorry to be asking so many questions, but i read the explanations a bit hastily, and it is srill all a bit diffivult and obscure to me with this new system.Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  25. I see that tghe forum has had a sort of facelift.However, I wonder where the message has gone which shows you your credit.That always used to appear on the top, and now it is gone.Or does that have anything to do with that Mycent system?If it does, what do i have to do?I am nor sure I understand that system.I would not like to go to a zero or negative credit without realising it.Someone, please help.
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