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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Well I think that this so called CLONING is just another step to distruction of our civilization...this is not so interesting, because each and every civilization till now found a way to destroy itself and ours certainly wont be an exception..At first we must know, that cloning is a simulated effect of sex..so what do we do?????WE CREATE LIFE!! ANd when we do that, it is the same as a new person was born, it is a totally different ego eventhough he might look the same as someone else...WE SHOULDN'T TREAT him AS it!!! IT is a person for christ sake & scientists would just kill him for someone elses body parts - oh come on...Well I think this is not a question of moral as it is a question of COMMON SENSE! And the same thing goes for killing children or should i say abortions...A baby shouldnt be removed (killed) when it is 3 weeks old or something like that - what happens at that moment??? YOu know what? Some doctor said that if a baby is 2 weeks 23 hours and 59 seconds old than he can be killed, but after a few seconds this is not O.K. !??!?! CAN YOU SEE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT??? SOmeone decided what is a murder and what is abortion - life starts at the beginning, because without life in it, there is NO thing that would grow by its self...Well it is hopeless, but maybe someone will think about it...greetz
  2. Well I think that it is by far not the best option, because today we have sooo many better sites that offer more space and many more options! IF we only take a look at Gdrive which is simple to use and with it you can easily store up to 2,5 GB of files...The only thing is that you have to simply cut files in 10mb pieces with a program like winRAR or similat. Than there is Megaupload and other similar services which are totally into this fluid-storage providing business so of course these are better options..Well the most important thing here is that YAhoo is a big company that offers MANY MANY services but none of them is as good as a single specified service of some other company (usually it is so), but we cannot say that this is only bad, it is also good because you can get many interesting useful stuff in the same place (yahoo.com for example)...As with every other stuff...it has good and bad sides of it;)greetz
  3. Well both my mum and dad are teachers and so i kinda see them every day doin nothing at home:) They really have a loooooot of spare time but this job is quite nerve-demanding, because you have 30 students who are unwilling to listen and you have to tell them what you have to...so this is the bad aspect of this job, as looots of free time is a good one...I think it is nice to have a lot of free time and you just dont need to think ybout the job when you finish...you come home you eat and you are freee to go hiking or doing whatever you want...As any other job..it has its pluses and minuses...but all in all i think it is a decent job!greetz
  4. Well I think, that it is a good sql for everbody to realize that life is a lot more pecious than we think it is...just the sole fact that we are able to write here on this forum, have food to eat and water to drink gives us no right to be unhappy and especially about such things as a computer game or love-life,...We always make decisions and in every moment we can decide to be happy or unhappy...it is up to us how we intercept problems from outside...We are those who judge whether we'll be happy or unhappy at this present moment...greetz
  5. Yeah this is a hard and tough question which i discuseed millions of times...Well my opinion is that they can live the same as any other "straight" human being, but this is not NATURAL! If everybody was gay, the civilization would end in a single generation! So this is the only thing that i sort of don't like about the whole homosexuality stuff...then there is another aspect of it...difference between lesbians and 2 guys - in our society it looks more natural that two women are together than two men and this is i think also because women have loots of emotional needs which men "at leas in majority" have less & two women understand each other in this emotional way...Well I also heard of a theory and i think it is quite interesting - that nature found the way to stop the population from growing and is therefore "giving" us more gay-children because they will not reproduce succesfully! This is very interesting IMO and this can also explain bird flue in a way, because birds and other animals are tortured each and every day by us, so they somehow invent or make viruses like that so they defend themselves against ppl by tryin to lower their numbers...I know that these are just theories, but i believe in them just as much as believe in scientist who invent something new each and every day and quite often even say something they claimed to be different the previous day...I dunno...gay ppl can exist as long as they do not harass "normal" ppl who do not want to see them having sex in public lets say...if they act normal and are gay in private life that doesn't bother me at all, but if they are some sort of gay-playas that bothers me and this is not ok IMO...greetz
  6. Well I play it for like 2 weeks now and I love it, because they didn't change that much from aoe2 even thought there are a few things that i'll have to learn or i already did till now...I usually play franks because their cavalry is just unstoppable and i really like that feeling hehe;)greetz
  7. Right now i don't play too many games, but when i have time i play AGE OF EMPIRES 3 - i really like it, although i'll have to adapt a bit from aoe2....guess it won't be a problem..And i also ahve a problem with direct IP connecting with friend...greetz
  8. I really like Google policy - they say they are working on something and in a single month that really comes out shiny as always!! This is how you should run a company...Well this gtalk, i don't know, i really like and use msnmessnger a looot! And since all my friends are using it, it will be veeery hard for google to take it from msn....Well there is achance if they are goin to have much much better functions and good advertising...greetz
  9. well a few years ago when Xisto started i was searching and searching for a good quality free server to host my music and i had to change those servers every month! As i came to Xisto i wasn't sure that this is not another scam, but after a few months using it...well it worked and it worked BRILLIANTLY and it still is!! So there is certainly no other page on this web that would offer the same service as Xisto - THE BEST IS JUST THE BEST!greetz & thanks for the service Xisto!!
  10. Well i has the professional look as thist sort of page sholud have, but i think i saw that template you used somewhere Otherwise on the top your changed logo and "24/7 autosurfing" are of weard quality...it looks kinda weard if compared with everything else on the page that looks perfect...try using photoshop which is the best for such things...Other than that it is a cool site with good content..greetz
  11. Well this is hardly a question...Gmail is faster, more space, better functions, simpler look, more functions, better support team - well it is just better!I think that comparing gmail with others is just not necesary enymore because gmail is far ahead from all of them and all this talking is of no use...greetz
  12. Well I think there would be loots of adapting necessary if right now the whole world would be without computers - I also think that there would be many dangers such as airplanes crashing, robberies and many many things that would not be predicted...Other than that, I think people would start to communicate in real life more than right now where everything is goin' through the internet and mobile phones...It is also hard ti imagein LIFE WITHOUT A MOBILE PHONE!? That is very very bad IMO, because we are not hanging out anymore as much as people did i guess and we cannot make an appointment not even for one day ahaid - we say - I'll call you tomorrow....I dunno, I guess it is not worth giving too many thoughts to that cos' things are just as they are right now...greetz
  13. Well I am preety satisfied with the way google looks at the moment, maybe because i got used to it and know every lil' thing in it. But the thing is that it is nice because it is very fast-loaded and that is a big plus IMO. Not like hotmail who has this preety outlook but you have to wait an hour for the main page to load - i prefer speed to beauty and this doesn't mean that gmail doesn't look nice! All in all...I'd say google just stick to their perfect strategie of simpleness!greetz
  14. Well I think that it is impossible to earn a lot of money, because you must always think why a company would do such a thing to give you easy money?? Why they just dont send it around the world to ppl if they have so loooooots of it!? This is not logical and this is why i think that all this - easy money crap - is not possible andmaybe a few sucedeed because they were first or have certain connections with right people but other than that it is quite MISSION IMPOSSIBLE imo.There are a few programs like spedia that i believe really do pay money if you have their lil AD program open when you surf the net but if you do some math you'll see that this amouts are sooo low that it is not even worth conciderin' it! Thats the way it is...If you want money, you'll have to earn it a hard way the way everybody else does if they use a legal or fair ways...other than that it is possible to earn it with legal or illegal bad-karmatic actions but this is not the way to choose imo..greetz
  15. Well I have to say one thing "The queen is again not impressed!" This is just another thing that is never going to change anything even if it is made possible one day...The most important problem which one should care for is not how you are going to travel on the moon, but deal with your problems that are inside you - You should think why do u acctually want to go to the moon? Do you have anything missing here on our perfect earth? Believe me that when you'll get to the moon in a second there is going to be a new wish that you'll feel the need to acomplish...it is a neverending circle and all this technologies are never going to change anything - these are just illusions within the real illusion which is our ego...Think of the world from this perspective: IF YOU WERE NOT ATTACHED TO YOURSELF, WOULD THERE BE ANY PROBLEM AT ALL? try it out..greetz
  16. Well it is hard for me to say, because Windows is the only OS i've ever used and eventough many people critisize it because it is vulnerable and that....it is SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE and the thing is that almost every program is written for it...so i am plannin to stick to it with new releases...as far as viruses are concerned i think it is logical that it is the most volnurable, because it is most widespread and so hackers try to hack it because they get in the most systems with those hacks...well WINDOWS are my choice!greetz
  17. Nice i see theres a new skin applied to Xisto forums Well i didn't know for the ALT+PRTSCR function - i like it...I usually do it so, that i print screen the screen and then i paste it to irfan view cos' it can make jpg files in an instant...I think it is the fastest way without using certain other programs than just the regular image viewer and windows..greetz
  18. Hehe...this is so funny..this religion wars and everybody is unhappy!What about NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO A RELIGION BUT TO ITS TEACHINGS AND NOT BE ATTACHED TO EITHER OF THEM??keep positive thougts..
  19. I got it from a friend when it was still BETA...I liked it then because it was a lot faster than it is now - looooooots less users there were at that time....but still i think it is by far the best around especially with the new GROUP option!!Greetz
  20. I think that the whole evolution thing is not true or is a matter of belief...so if people are sooooo against putting religion in school than i don't see any reason why evolution and other scientific crap should be there...cos' if you ask me it is all a matter of belief! Material evidence or experience is not something that i'd completely trust, because all these things are percieved with our 5 senses and those can be vary tricky sometimes...if you melt wax it changes completely and everything that you can sense with 5 senses is changed but you still know that this is that same wax!How is that? science is goin to talk about molecules and other *BLEEP* we cannot see unless we use certain metods which were also invented in human mind that could be wrong! So..i don't see why should i turst science and why should i learn of it in schools...greetz
  21. Hello, well i like your page because it is simple! But there are a few things I'd change or improve..- the logo is clearly a bit muddled so you should work on that to make it clear if it is possible (never lower your jpg or gif quality to such a visible rate)- i think there are too many colors (that blue you have on the top is nice...but than you have yellow, green, pink, white, grey,..just too many..i think that a website looks best if you use 3 colors @ most..)- the last thing i'd point out is positioning of these cells (modules)...it is a bit disorganized so maybe you could make a 3 collumn table and put news in the middle and those extra stuff on the left and right of it..i think it would look better..all in all it is a nice page and if you are goin to change it, keep in mind that it has to stay simple as it is now!hope it helps..greetz & good luck with your site!
  22. Another new NFS...well i think, that NFS 4 was the best because of incredible playability...after that all went down and i am sure that this new one is not going to be as good as no. 4Maybe it is because i was a young boy back then but i don't know...i think quality game - era is over now...greetz
  23. I don't know i think that vent is made for that purpose...to put out everything you can because you don't feel so good...But it would be better if people put arguments to what they claim, because sometimes ppl just say things about stuff and don't say why...but you know how it is when you are angry...you are not that rational..
  24. Huh..This is why I love computer - IT CAN BE USED FOR ANYTHING! Mostly I use it to browse the net, I produce music so this is one of the major time consumers in my life I listen to music all the time when i am not producing it so I think I can put MUSIC on the first place...Other than that I use it to chat with MSN with my friends, make websites, store my digital photos, do work for sql...I think the list would be much shorter if i told you the things yoiu cannot do with this machine :(greetz
  25. I havent heard of it yet...but now i am certainly going to try and get it....it should be awsome;) I really like the 7.5 version and live is going to be ql i guess..greetz
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