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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. I dug threw all the things in my program list to see if something had been added, but couldn't find anything, granted, there is a lot in there I really don't have a clue as to what it is. What's even weirder, is now I'm not seeing the links I saw earlier when I made this post. I really didn't change anything. Mrdee, good tip on spy bot. I used to have it in my previous computers, but never got around to putting it in this one.
  2. LOL, I think you are absolutly right. You can't learn anything without trying it, and there just aren't that many things that you can get right the first time you try. I guess that's where the old saying comes in, "Practise makes Perfect." I wish there were ways to learn things without the inevitable mistakes, believe me. Seems I've had to learn everything the hard way, I can safely say I've been threw the school of hard knocks. Of course, those lessons learned that way do tend to stick with you a lot better. Disclaimer.One area that one must learn and do it right the first time I suppose would be sky diving???
  3. Egypt, cool! That is one of the few foreign countries I've really had a hankering to visit, thought I suspect that it will never happen. Watching the nightly news is enough to think a trip there might be a fools errand. Sure doesn't look like the safest place to be for sure. But I would dearly love to see all those very famous landmarks, the pyrimids, Spinx, and all that. I do believe that those qualify as things a person really needs to see in person. Sort of like the grand canyon. You can see a thousand pictures of it, but until you actually see it in real life, you have no idea how truely fantastic it really is. I agree, and I try not to be judgmental, but it is something that is very hard to wrap my head around what to me is a totally alien concept.
  4. "If someone signs up and pays via MyCents, how do you get your referral payment, via MyCents or cash deposits? And what if they pay using cash, how would you get it then?"Now that's a good question! Wonder if they do it sort of like Google, when you accumilate $100 they send you a check. If that's the case, I'll certainly die of old age before I get one. It would be a whole lot easier if it was just added to the mycents total. I am going to look on the affiliate thing and see about signing up on it though.
  5. LOL, you probably don't want to hear this, but I still kinda like Trap 17. At least it was easy to spell and remember!
  6. I'm glad you brought up Stella Liebeck. I'd not be surprised if the next person that stupid woman tries to sue is her own mother for giving birth to her because her IQ was smaller than her shoe size and now she is forced to go threw life being so bloody stupid. I can't believe the court awarded her that settlement. Now everyone who has to patronize McDonalds has to tolerate luke warm coffee. Which to most hard core coffee drinkers is the pits. While I understand that the consumer may need some protection, when people are that damn dumb they just deserve what they get. Warning not big enough? Just how big would would a light socket have to be to have the words "Do Not Stick Your Finger In This Light Socket" on it? Do you really want inscribed on your new wedding ring "Caution, wearing this cheap ring may cause your finger to turn green."
  7. Granted, I'm not computer savy, but I am not sure I understand what is being proposed here. It almost sounds like the forums will be split up and all over everywhere on all different sites. Hard enough as it is now to read threw and find posts to reply to or start new topics when they are all on one web site. I still kinda like Xisto, at least that's easier to spell than Xisto :-)
  8. Gosh, which situation in the middle east are you refering to? That whole area seems like a war zone to me. All kinds of fighting and bickering going on between so many different countries. Truely, I don't understand very much of it. But it does seem like they have been fighting over there since forever, so I don't think there is much anybody can do to stop or even slow it down. I'm not sure why they are fighting, and as long as it's been going on over there, I wonder if they even do anymore?
  9. I don't know how on earth I managed to miss this post, but I sure did, sorry. Probably far too late now if there was anything seriously wrong with the dog. Unfortunatly, with no listing of symptoms, even someone with vet experience couldn't help you. Certainly not the average lay person. Weather you take the dog to your vet or ask questions on an internet forum, you still have to supply all the details of why you think your dog is sick. Remember, your dog can't tell the vet what is wrong with him. It is very important that you report all of his symptoms to the vet or however you seek help from. Is he eating? Playing? Vomiting or just laying around. Did you take his temprature? 101-102 is actually normal for a dog, and you of course, have to do it rectally. Be sure to give lots of details, no matter how small they seem. How are his stools? When did he eat last and what did he eat? Had he been outside or inside, and was he left unobserved for any lenght of time in which he could of injured himself, or gotten into something that made him sick? Do you have a recent midical history on him, when where his last vaccinations and wormings? If he was just wormed, what with? Vets are expensive without a doubt, and I don't really fault anyone for checking out possiblities before consulting a vet. One just has to exercise some common sense. How familiar are you with dogs and their physical well being? Here's one example that proves the point sometimes it's better to ask than to panic. Some years back I sold a Dachshund puppy to a lady in our area. She reported back to me a few weeks later, said she ended up taking the puppy to the emergency room one night about 2 am. Cost her over $250 to discover that pups twitch in their sleep. Honestly, I thought everybody knew pups did that, supposedly they are dreaming and twitch a lot when sleeping. But apparently this woman didn't know it, and she thought the pup was having a seizure, so she rushed it to the emergeny room. On the other hand, if your dog is seriously ill, seeking vet attention immediatly is always your best bet, they longer you wait the less chance your pet has for survival if it is something serious.
  10. Well, they say you learn something every day, I had no idea where the term spam came from when refering to those annoying people who plague my email inbox with so many offers to make me rich or increase the size of my....well you know. Now I did figure the lunchmeat variety came named from the spice and the ham, but had no ideas about Monty Python's influence in the other one. I haven't seen one of those movies in ages. Hubby has little tolerance for those types of movies. Personally I enjoy the occasional funky movie, like Little Shop of Horrors, or Rocky Horror Picture Show, but I have to live without that type of entertainment to keep peace in the home.
  11. I notice about once a month I get a message from here saying I had so many referals, usually onIy one, I assume it is from the link I have on my web site to here, on this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But so far I haven't gotten anybody to sign up for here yet. I was just wondering if someone does sign up from my referal or link or however you want to say it, do I get credit as mycents like I do for posting or how does that work? My mycents are really low and I have as always, a hard time making posts, and I am coming up on my busy season and am finding it rather difficult to spread myself around so thin. Thought maybe getting some new members here might work to my advantage. I am on a dog breeders board and thought about making a post there about this place and see if I could get some sign ups from there. That would help me out in more ways than one, since so many here are computer people I would be really thrilled to have a few more dog breeders to chat with, therefore making it easier to make my cents too.
  12. sheepdog

    Mp3 Players

    No, my mp3 player doesn't have the cd player too.But it sounds like I can get quite a few more songs on it, if I ever get brave enough to try and get my cd's organized. I have to say, I really love that little booger. SO much better than a cd player. With a cd player, every time you hit a bump in the road it skips. I had to lay my old one on my lap to keep it from skipping all the time, and then every time I moved it would fall. And then there is battery life. I would of eaten up 4 sets of batteries on the trip out there with the cd player. ( I do use the rechargable AA bateries in the cd play) The mp3 uses one AAA. I put one battery in it when I got it, did all the programing, listened to it quite a bit here before we left on our trip, then listened to it all the way out there, some while there and we were on our way home before the first battery wore out. I thought that was pretty fantastic. So....now I'm considering looking for a speaker only that I can plug the little thing into so I can use it at the kennel without headphones. I don't even know if they actually make such a thing. I suppose they do, I've seen a few things that might be what I was wanting, but most seemed like they were battery powered, and I'd like to have something I could just plug in.
  13. Well, not exactly, but I think I may know. For some reason, when I go to work on my web page, most of the time I get a box that says I have to sign in to work on it, and for some reason, once in awhile I don't get that log in box, and if I make any changes, even though it looks like everything is working the changes don't take effect. I actually had to contact tech support to get my log in box to come back on. I have hated Front Page since day one of useing it, it sems to work one way for a long time and then all of a sudden, the way you were doing things doesn't work anymore and you have to figure out a new way to get the same thing done. I truely hate it, and if I was more compute savy, I'd find some other way to build web pages. Only thing is now, I have so much effort into learning FP I hate the idea of starting over with some other program that I don't know the first thing about to start with and then have to learn everything else again from scratch.
  14. "In my country astrologers are more clever so we have less divorce"LOL, That's a good one! But seriously, this arranged marriage stuff bogles my mind. I can't see how you could get stuck with some one for your entire life that for one thing you may have absolutly nothing in common with, or someone you just flat didn't like for whatever reason. There is a lot to be said for human instinct and our reactions to other people various body chemistries, not to mention personal habits and all the other things that go toward making 2 people get along with each other. How can a third party, close family member that knows the subject well or not decide something like that? I suppose the lack of rights for women in other countries plays a part in that women are conditioned from birth that they have to accept whatever they get stuck with, and they would be more subservial than women who grow up making their own choises. I am grateful I didn't end up being born in a place that that. I am far too independant and hard headed to ever tolerate anything that archaic. Pitty the poor fool if he dot stuck with me and I didn't happen to like him!Mamer, where are you from? I've seen several of your posts, you've been very busy since starting here at Xisto, I don't think you've been here all that long and already over 200 posts, that's really busy! Wish I had that much to talk about!
  15. That sounds like a pretty good guess if you ask me. And from what I understand, if you don't have no trespassing signs posted on your property you can't really charge people for trespass. So nothing like a friendly reminder to keep honest people honest. (not much you can do about criminals, they will do whatever they want to anyway, no matter how many laws you pass to make something illegal.
  16. In this particular forum, I would never critisize anyone for bad or improper english. Xisto is a world wide community, and when you consider that as Mamer said, English is not his or many other peoples first language, I think it's pretty great that the majority of folks here get their English as good as they do. Heck, it is my native, and only language, and my gramer and especially spelling leaves a lot to be desired. LOL, when i think what it would be like if this forum was typed in Spanish, I'd really be lost.
  17. Has anyone been following the story on the news about the little 5 year old boy that was taken off a school bus and held in an underground bunker for nearly a week in Alabama? There are a lot of questions in my mind about this story, and a great deal of what they are saying on the news doesn't make a lot of sense to me. For starters, not one word, not even a guess has been offered as to why the man did it. I'm sorry, but you don't grab a kid off a bus and kill the bus driver in the process for no reason. They talked all week about how they were giving them supplys down a vent in the bunker, and I kept wondering why they didn't just gas them but the last day of the stand off the media mentioned the vent was rigged with an explosive device that would of gone off if something was droped down it. But if it was how did they get the medicine down it that they claimed they sent to the boy. And near the end of the stand off, after people had been all over the place, they cleared everyone away and said they were looking for explosive devices around the rest of the property, but they had already been there nearly a week, shouldn't that have already been done with all those people htat had been running around there all week? But here's the thing that really puzzels me. They claim to have had some sort of camera in the bunker, and they could see the man climbing the ladder to get supplies, so they tossed in a grenade of some sort, concussion I think, while the man was climbing the ladder, but then they said as they broke in that he immediatly started shooting at them, so they shot and killed him. Now, answer me this. How can you climb a ladder to get supplys and still hold a gun? Especially right after being hit with a concusion grenage? Wouldn't you lay the gun down so you could not only climb the ladder but have a hand free to get whatever he was going after? Anyway, the little boy was save, they got him out I think just the day before his 6th birthday, so thank God for that. But all and all, this is a very strange story and I am really curious about all these inconsistant details that the media seems to be ignoring.
  18. Well hello there yourself. Why don't you tell us a little more about yourself? What are your hobbies, interests, work, etc. Guesing from your posts title your from New Zealand? Anyway that's my guess for NZ. I can't remember, is it New Zeland or Australia that has more sheep than people?
  19. But hey, at least you can see the light! Even if it is a little weak. I can really sympathise with you, we've gone threw a lot of the same thing, with my better half. He got hurt at work, has a bad back, still fighting over that even though it's been over 10 years, and now has heart trouble, diabetes, intestinal problems, multiple hearnia's, he's just a wreck. And while I may occasionally think about trading him in on a newer model, when I think about how hard it would be to train and house break another one, I decide I'll just keep him.
  20. True enough, so many member here from places far removed from the USA. And the headaches of shipping overseas is really more than I care to bit off anyway, but we do have a lot of folks from the states here. But I probably air ship nearly half of all the pups I sell, it runs $250 to just about anywhere in the USA. Unless you are in Alaska. I almost feel sorry for those folks in Alaska, all that cold weather and everything they need has to be shipped in. Velma, just come on down anytime, you can play with all the pups you want to!
  21. Might be fun to exchange stories about how we meet up with the person we have now decided to spend the rest of our lives with. I had known my current significant other for quite a few years, when we were both married to other people. I was a waitress at the local restuarant where all the city employees took their morning and afternoon coffee breaks. He worked for the city. So I saw him twice a day during the week every day. I used to give the city guys a tough time, always teased them with comments like I had heard that the coffee at the other restuarant in town was really good and wouldn't they all rather go over there? (they just drank coffe and never tipped, what can I say?) Sometimes I would make a really tall stack of full coffee cups and carry them to them balanced in one hand, nearly spilling them on them every time. I was pretty ornery. Try as I might, I could never convince them to take their breaks elsewhere. I would see him on the weekends occasion as he would bring his family in for dinner on the weekends. He had these 2 really cute little boys, they almost looked like twins, but they were a year apart. I was really surprised at how well behaved those 2 little boys were, because they were the type of boys you could look into their eyes and just see the devilment in them, I knew they had to be real corkers when they were at home and I'm sure gave there parents fits. To his credit, he was not one of the more obnoxious city workers. I knew that he raised sheep so on occasion we had some conversations about sheep raising, since I also raised goat, and the 2 are very simular so it was nice to have someone to talk to about that. Anyway, I bumped into him one day in town while we where both in the process of getting or had just gotten our divorces, and we got to talking and he asked me out. We went out a couple times. I did enjoy his company, and he seemed like a pretty good guy except for one thing. He truely undoubtedly completly dispised and hated his X wife. He was downright ugly about it. (in hindsite, later I learned that he had every reason to dispise her, she truely was a real witch) But at the time I have to say, his feeling about her nearly scared me away from him. I kept thinking to myself, what if he gets mad at me and starts feeling that way about me? He actually did scare me a little bit, he was so intense of his hatred toward her. But there always comes a tipping point. Some little something that makes you change your mind. After I first couple dates, I really kept him off at arms length. I had just gotten out of one really bad relationship and was in no way ready to jump back in the fire. However, I have this elderly lady friend, to who I mentioned I was going out with him. Much to my surprise, she was thrilled about it. She kept telling me he really was a good guy. She had known him since he was just a little boy and she thought he was wonderful. Now, normally the recomendation of one person wouldn't hold much weight with me, but this after all, was a lady I had known for quite a few years, and her liking him came as a big shock to me, because quite frankly, this woman did not like men. At all. Matter of fact she hated most men. As far as that goes, she didn't like wormen either very much, but she really did hate men. So her high opinion of him carried a lot more weight than an approval from someone else might have. As time went on I grew to realize that this guy was not like any other guy I had been with. I kept thinking about how most women make the same mistake over and over when getting into new relationships. Woman had a bad tendency to get right back with the same type of jerk that they had the time before, and the results are always the same, the guys continue to make her life a living hell. So, knowing that he was so different eventually turned the tide, and here we are, 22 years later, still going strong and completly happy with each other. We really do get along very well, hardly ever fight, and still enjoy each others company after all these years. I'm sure glad my friend kept after me and pushed me in the right direction.
  22. "It's a good thing as long as you stick to the right group"Only thing about that is as long as it's the right group for your own personality and likes and dislikes, your in the right group. And every group thinks theirs is the right group, or the best group, whatever. People just like to hang around with people that have the same interests as they do. The old "birds of a feather flock together" thing. It's not limited to schools either, adults do it as well. You'd never find me for example, hanging around at a People for the Ethical Treatiment of Animals meeting. (unless of course, I was well armed. ) And if I was there I'd probably be eating a hot dog :D
  23. LOL. I'm glad somebody else didn't know what a Moodle was so I didn't look like a dummy and have to be the one to ask. And here I got all excited when I saw the post, and thought somebody besided me was starting a conversation about dogs! I figured a Moodle was a cross between a Poodle and a Maltese!
  24. Yes, she is a good momma dog, and I trust her instincts about raising pups. And the pups will grow up to do the job they have been bred for a thousand years to do. All the boys have gone to their new homes now, but I still have the female. I am a little concerned that Pippin has not taken her to the place next door yet where we just moved the goats back to yesterday. She's kinda hanging around the yard and kennel area, where she really shouldn't be. I'm wondering if she thinks the older, adult females will not accept her puppy. We had the goats all back at the house while we were on vacation and they got along ok though, so I am wondering what's going on with her.
  25. Does anyone realize how easy it is to spoil a puppy? Just the least little simple thing you do, and you can really make a monster out of one. I now should rename T'Pel Cookie Monster. Though technically I suppose it should be Donut Monster. I made a monster out of mine accidentaly, I may of mentioned in a previous post we recently brought a new puppy to the house, I fed her a couple of stale chocolate coated donuts, and now she's hooked on them. I left the bag of old ones on the couch, and she would get on it, and poke her head in the bag, and get one donut out, then get down and eat it, then go back for another, but she was just taking one at a time. Most dogs would of snatched the hole bag and torn it to shreds and ate them all. My hubby was sitting on his chair watching her the hole time, he thought it was hilarious. He finally got up and rolled the bag close so she couldn't stick her head in it. He said if looks could kill that would of been the end of him. She was really pissed off at him for closing up her treat bag. But she still didn't take the hole bag and shread it like you would expect a dog to do. After my lunch today I grabbed another bag of the little chocolate covered donuts, a fresher one of course, and had a couple. T'Pel spent the entire time I was eating them laying at my feet staring at me, hoping for a donut. She completely ignored her will I was eating a boiled egg and cheese and crackers, but when the donuts came out, she was right there! Dogs can just be so much fun!And just in case anybody is concerned, the donuts were just coated in a thin coat of milk chocolate, it's the dark chocolate that is bad for dogs, and then they have to eat a lot of it in most cases.
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