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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Yesterday my husband's brother passed away. It was very sudden and we are all pretty much still in shock. He went so fast! Thursday afternoon he thought he just had indegestion so tried to ignore it, but by that evening he felt really bad and was in a lot of pain so asked his wife to take him to the hospital. At first they though it was his heart, but it ended up being his pancreas was severly inflamed. Soon his kidneys stopped working and while they tried dialisis it didn't help, and he started to retain so much fluid his lungs filled and it filled up around his heart. They said he gained 20lbs in one day and they just couldn't get the fluid off. Really sad to go that fast, maybe not for the person, since they don't suffer very long, but it sure is hard on the family without any time to prepare emotionally for the end. Sure reminds a person that they better enjoy the time they have with their loved ones, you never know what's around the bend. My hubby is taking it pretty good, which in some ways worries me. Know he's got to be keeping all that emotion bottled up inside. Which isn't healthy either. And it is his older brother, but only by a few years, so now I'm sure he's thinking about his own mortality too. He now only has one older sibling in his family, all the others are younger than him.
  2. " Is this so that when a shark comes after you, you can outrun your friend and allow the shark to eat them instead?" ROTFLMAO!! Ok, that was really funny! Now, there are people who climb dangerous mountains, people who wrestle alligators, and people who swim with sharks. Not me. I'll take my chances at getting dog bit, but everything else is for people who are a lot crazier than I am.
  3. Welcome back!Yes, a lot has changed recently here, I suppose for the good, but I'm an old stick in the mud and hate change. I do agree that the traffic here has slowed to an almost painful crawl. It's tough to get a good conversation going here these days. But I'm glad your back and maybe things will start to pick up more as the weather cools off and people spend more time indoors instead of being outside playing in the pretty summer weather. I know here a lot of my projects cease when cold weather hits and I spend more time on this infernal computer than I do in the summer months. You can't plant flowers or vegtables in the winter, or shave dogs down, or even paint dog houses.
  4. sheepdog


    Well, amazingly enough I finally got the book for my friend. And the annoying thing is that I just went to the site the next day, did my address exactly like I had done the day before, and this time it took it. Good grief! I sure can't figure out what went wrong. And as if I hadn't had enough aggrivation ordering this stupid book, a day or 2 after I ordered it my credit card company declined the payment! Ok, I should appreciate the credit card company protecting me by not accepting unusual orders on my credit card, since a book is a far cry from the usual dog vaccine I normally order, but it meant another 30 minutes on hold with the credit card company to straighten it out. For a lousy $4 book. I often wonder why simple things can turn into such a huge ordeal.
  5. Thanks, I'll give that a try. I have IE. Forget which version by now. It sure would save me a ton of time if I didn't have to keep typing everything over and over.
  6. LOL, now here I was having a tough time deciding between 2 different choises, and you go and give me a third!!!Gosh, so many ways to do things, so hard to decided what looks best and is the best way to advertise. Maybe I need to take some advertising classes. I know there are a ton of tricks to the advertising trade. Be nice to know a few of them.
  7. sheepdog

    Air Car!

    From what I have been hearing lately, the electric or hybred car sales here in the United States has pretty much been falling on it's face. I'm sure there are a lot of contributing factors, like the general bad economy, but one fact that jumps out at me is that these hybred cars don't really gain you much in the way of fuel efficiency. Some of the ones I've seen advertised are only 25-30 miles per gallon. So why bother getting all those other things that can go wrong with the new technoligy when you can get a normal, tried and true gasoline engine, that gets 40 miles per gallon, like our little Ford?
  8. Yea, cats pretty much live in their own world, and maybe they tolerate you enough to share it with you. They of course expect you to feed and water them and supply their ever other need, when they want it. If they aren't in the mood they won't give you the time of day. They just don't interact with humans like a dog does. Dogs seem to live to please their humans. And while dogs may not talk back, they do have a pretty fair vocablulary of different sounds that they can quite efficiently communicate with humans. With my dogs I can tell the somebody's here bark from the come and feed me bark, and the wide range of different things that cause them to bark.
  9. Hey, what a great post! You've done a really good job of explaining exactly what a person needs to do, and did it in such a way that even a computer dummy like me could make sense of it. One part of it I am not at all familiar with are article directories or open ezines. How would a person go about finding those? Do you need to find ones that are specific to the articule you are writing, as in my case, an ezine that caters to dog information or are ezines just general information sites? Promoting a web site is really hard to do. I do appreciate all the ideas like yours that I find.
  10. The long flight isn't the energy comsumption part, the hard part is getting it off the ground and out of our atmosphere. Once it's out of the atmosphere there is very little resistance if any in space itself. If they ever reach the point where the international space station can launch rockets, we could reach other planets a lot farther away than Mars. Of course, you would still have the problem of getting any fuel and rocket building supplies to the station threw our atmosphere.
  11. Well, a dollars sounds like a lot, but with inflation that's probably about right. Good to know they still exist. My feeble memory isn't that great, but I was thinking they were 10 cents apiece, or 3 for a quarter. They were a lot of fun, if you'd catch the wind just right they could make some pretty cool loops and swoops. And you did have to run to retrieve them, so at least you got some exercise.
  12. My guess would be that the survial rate of the crew is due to the fact that they are probably more familiar with the physics of ship travel and safty protocols and know what to do to help insure their survival. In other words, they know where the life jackets are! They may also be more confident and experienced. Lifeboats have never really sounded like a great idea to me in the first place. If the sea is rough enough to sink a great big ship, what chance does a little bitty life boat have?
  13. Well, we are happy to have you here! Lots of fun to be had, friends to make, and just an enjoyable place to hang out. Be sure to tell us a little more about you, your likes and dislikes, what you are working at or interested in, hobbies, all that kind of stuff. Makes it easier to earn hosting credits by making converstation.
  14. sheepdog


    Yes, you would certainly think a company as large as Amazon that had been doing online sales in the length of time and the volume that I'm sure they do would have some sort of contingency plan for what ever address you might have. I am not going to have to call my local post office to see if there is a way I can fill out Amazons order form and still get the book. All in all, it's really annoying. The book isn't even for me, if it was I would of given up already on the whole idea but my friend really wants this book.
  15. Yippee!!! I did it! Posted yesterday till it wouldn't let me post any more. That makes 51 posts in one day. My fingers and backside ache. But the site still hasn't refresed my hosting credits so I don't know if all that effort was worth it or not. And now I see a new notice that says I can make 15 more posts today. Wonder why that was, I'd think it was past the time I started yesterday morning so I should have another 51 to go. Not that I would try to make that many again today, no way.
  16. sheepdog


    We didn't get a garden this year, but I just got the incubater filled up last week, and hopefully I will get a good hatch this year. I have 95 eggs in it. I ran it several times last year, but only got one round with it this year. I hate to literally count my chickens before they hatch, but I am hoping for a real good live chick percentage this year since I just got one round of eggs in it. I have tried real hard to do everything right, from turning the eggs twice a day religously, and making sure everything was good and clean to start with, I even bleached the egg cartons I used to store the eggs in while I was waiting to gather enough to fill the incubator. So, hopefully I'll have a good hatch, and if everything else gets too expensive to buy, at least we will have chicken and apples!
  17. Oh shucks, I didn't realize I'd already posted the roadrunner pictures. Oh well, nobodys perfect. Actually the road runner we have now is pretty used to us, he does his own thing and we always try not to scare him, so I can actually walk up pretty close to him now. I did use the zoom on the camera, but I was only about 15-20 feet away from him when I took this shot.
  18. I'm not really great at wildlife pictures, but I did manage to finally get a pretty decent shot of our little buddy the road runner. Yes, they are real, and not just a cartoon charector!
  19. I was just looking at the site stats at the very bottom of the forums. Really surprising to see only one member present, (which I assume is probably me) but 44 guests? That sounds like a lot of tire kickers if you ask me. And we have 81,213 members now, what a big bunch that is! So how come we have so dog gone few posts????One other thing I was happy to find at the bottom of the page, was the list of top posters for the day. It used to run on the right side of the forums page, but I guess it got moved down to the bottom, I never saw it until today, and I had kind of missed it. And yes, I think I'm top poster today!
  20. I've probably mentioned this before, and I am surprised to see you didn't even include it in your list of greatest sports, but honestly, as far as I'm concerned there is only one real sport. Rodeo. Everything else is just childs play.
  21. As they have often said, "Ford has a better idea!"Even in this day and age, it was Ford Motor Company that did NOT take any government bail out money, unlike all the other major car companies. Makes me proud to be a Ford owner!
  22. Sadly, the vast majority of people put way too much stock into how a person looks rather than what they stand for and how smart they are. You could be the smartest, most caring person in the world with an idea that would solve world hunger disease, and poverty, and if you looked like a bum you'd never get the chance to fix anything.
  23. Oh my god, I can't believe Obummer is ahead in this poll!He has kept none of his promises from the last election, the country is in debt so deep our great grand children will still be suffering from his inept management of our funds, and he hasn't got a clue how to fix anything. Tons of money spend on failed companys like Solindra, no new jobs, good grief, how can you fall for his line of crap????
  24. Ok, only 9 more posts to go after this one. I sure wish someone would join me here today and make some new comments, I'm rapidly running out of replys I can make or new ideas. And if you are wondering, I actually haven't been on here all day, though it sure seems that way. I did take some time off to work on the apple crop. I managed to fill the dehydrator trays, all 12 of them, and have a bowlful chopped up for an apple pie. Got hubby to set up our apple peeler for me to use, I'd never tried it before, he has been the only one to use it, boy that thing sure works slick.Come on people talk to me!!!
  25. I just can't figure out how they come up with the information they do in some of these crazy studies. I think they just find ways to manipulate facts to make them say whatever they want them to. Who is to say that somebody is stupid enough to brag about some crime on facebook, or did they join FB in advance to committing a crime because they think they will be beyong suspicion if they are on FB? All sound pretty crazy to me.
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