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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. I like your ideas and think it is important to know and understand your history. So many thing, traditions especially are getting lost in our hurried up culture. It is important to understand our roots, because we all learn from history, and how do you know where you are going if you don't know where you have been?
  2. Eeek, that sounds like a complete disaster. Heck I wouldn't want to be in a room full of second graders if we all spoke the same language as far as that goes. There are a few jobs on this planet that I wouldn't want, no matter what the pay, and being a school teacher is one of them. Worse yet, being a school bus driver. I can't imagine the amount of concentration you would need to keep the bus on the road and out of the ditches and not running traffic lights and stop sign with all the comotion going on in the back with all the brats back there, especially the night trip home when they are full of energy from sitting still in school all day and are looking forward to getting home and goofing off with friends and stuff after school.
  3. Well, finally home from vacation. I had planed to keep up more while I was out there, but honestly, my sister in laws computer is just awful, not only does it act strange, it's hard for me to even type on it, the keyboard sits flat, and mine at home is sitting in a desk drawer that is just pulled out a little bit so the keyboard sits in it at a slight angle and it way easier for me to type on it. I didn't realize we still could trade or give away hosting credits. I thought that was done away with a long time ago in one of the forum updates, or when it changed from Trap 17 to Xisto????It did finally warm up out there before we left, and boy did we come home to the deep freeze, it's like 10 here today. Makes me feel dumb about whining cause it was only 50 out there. Anyway, I did get rested up, though I'm sure going to pay for it now. Had over 300 emails to wade threw, all the pups need shots, and January just got away from me before I had a chance to even start my tree prunning, so that has got put off till this month. At least the goats won't start kidding until the end of March or the first of April, so I don't have that looming over my head at least right away.
  4. With all the uproar in the media since the most recent school shooting I am very surprised this topic thread has not recieved more attention. It is almost scary what is going on with the push to take away our second amendment rights. They are trying to apeal to the middle of the road folks, those that think some more restrictions might be a good thing, but so many of these folks don't know much of anything about guns to start with. For example, there is talk of limiting the number of bullets in a "clip." This may sound reasonable to some, but in fact, this could have a major impact on gun owners. If a limit of 9 or 10 bullets in a clip gets put into law, what about commonly own guns like a 22 rifle. Most of those hold 19 to 17 bullets, depending one wheather you use long rifle shells or short shells. The 22 is a basic gun, nearly every one has or had one, it's frequently the first gun a young kid gets for their first hunting rifle. And without a doubt, 17 shots to a person would probably not do near as much damage as if I unloaded my 6 shot 357 magnum in them. To my way of thinking the only "gun control" we need today is to teach people how to shoot.
  5. I am REALLY REALLY glad things worked out in your favor. I just got in to Xisto today and first heard of your troubles. Sounds like they really put you threw the wringer! What a shame too. You've really had a rough go of it for quite some time now. I hope your burdens are light enough now that you can carry on and have some peace and enjoyment out of your life.
  6. I suspect it has something to do with Red Tape and your basic BS. Whoever is in charge of writing regulations for that sort of thing may have decideded that the average human isn't smart enough to know when they see the letter C with a circle around it that it means the material is copywritten. Sort of like making the company that makes Bars Leak print the words, "Do Not Lick Lid" on the inner seal of the cap on their product. Or all the fast food restuarants being forced to put ingrediant labels and calorie totals on their menues. Just some fat lazy beauracrate making up stuff to justify their big government job and paycheck.
  7. Wow, this is a surprising thread. I have never used anything but Internet Explorer. I didn't realize it was any sort of a problem. I've never even seen any other type of browser. I've been pretty lucky about not getting viruses, at least not as bad as some people I know, and it seem to work fast for me.
  8. "In the constellation of Ophiuchus lying 400 light years away"Interesting articule, but I'm curious, how did they determin the presense of sugar molecules somewhere that far away? How could they get any kind of information from something that distant?
  9. Time travel certainly makes for great science fiction, lots of movies, and even a whole television series (Quantom Leap) but I can't see how it could even be possible. And since it has never been done, how does anybody know that if you went back and changed the past, the whole entire future would change? Now, if it could be done, which I still don't think it can, it might be fun to go WAY back, to answer a lot of questions science has been unable to answer. Like what really did happen to the dinosaurs, did Atlantis really exist, how much continental drift has actually occured in the past million years or so, and of course, is climate change for real, or has the planet been undergoing constant changes, both hot and cold since the begining of time. And while we are at it, I suppose we could actually find out just when the beginning of time actually was.
  10. "Partition not active? When we get drunk." LOLOLOL, now that's a good one! Bad sector is good too. I think I have that problem sometimes. What drives me crazy is when I have what I call for lack of a better term, brain farts. When I try to remember some silly little something it's like my brain just goes completely blank. It might be something I was right in the middle of working on or doing, and zip, the brain just seems to kick into neutral.
  11. sheepdog

    Lost Post

    Well, finally home now, and I guess it was just as well I didn't have any more stuff to put on my sister in laws computer at any rate, man, does she ever need a new computer! Funny, I was cussing mine and seriously considering getting a new one before we went on vacation, but now mine seems great after using hers. Her computer does the STRANGEST things, for no apparent rhyme or reason. I could click on my hotmail page, and when it would load I would see my folders on the left side of the page, but my inbox wouldn't be there. I'd have to log out and then log in, and the second time I would finally see my entire page. And she has AOL, so even the interface was strange, and nothing seemed to work right. To make matters worse, she even has Vista. I didn't miss much about being away from home, and it almost pains me to admit this, but I sure did miss my own computer!
  12. sheepdog

    Atos Health Care

    I'm just getting back from vacation, and I'm really sorry I wasn't around to offer you at least some moral support with all the troubles you are currently going threw. I am really sorry for you. Sounds like one hell of a mess of garbage and red tape to make you suffer threw. And you of all people, I'm sure really need the help. Like you, I know of so many dead beats on public assistance, that always seem to skate right threw every thing and never get caught when we all know they are running one huge scam on the government, and making it tough for everybody else. I hope you get it all straightened out. I'm rooting for you!
  13. Well it saddens me to hear you are still having health problems. It sounds like you have a lot of the same health problems my old man has, I hope your back is in better shape than his though! It gives him a great deal of pain. And of course, when you are in pain your blood preasure goes up and causes lots of other problems. He has diabetes too, and a pretty fair amount of blockage in his heart arteries. It is without a doubt, hell to get old. I hope they don't give you too much static when they review your case for keeping you off of work. IT sure doesnt sound to me like you need to be out there doing any major physical work in your shape.
  14. That is partially the fault of human greed, and has has a lot to do with each individual's personality. Some people think they need the newest latest gizmos the very second they become available. Then others, like me, want to spend the least amount of money possible, and then use the product for as long as it will possibly work before you have to go spend more money replacing it with something new. Seriously, what difference does it make if your camera has a 1 1/2 inch view screen and next week they come out with a 2 inch screen? Why discard a perfectly well working camera for such a slight trivial thing as that? But you better believe there are a lot of people that will do just exactly that, waste more money on the new model. I guess it's sort of that old keeping up with the Jones' mentality. People think they have to have the very best of everything to be better than other people around them. All silly greed and ego.
  15. I can't explain it, but every single time we get to take a vacation and head to the otherwise normal sunny and warm state, it turns colder than a witches *BLEEP* in a brass bra. Never fails. It's colder here today than it is back home. So so much for getting a chance to wear the shorts and tank tops I brought along hoping to catch a little sunshine on my pale white winter hide. Other than that I'm having a pretty good time. Laying around doing as little as I can get by with, reading books, yesterday we went to one of the swap meets we like so well. I was hoping to be a complete lazy bones, but I checked in here at Xisto and discovered I had less than $2 in hosting credits. I was hoping to be able to ignore this computer but that isn't going to happen now. I need to get them back up while I"m out here, because once I get home I will be so busy catching things up that I won't have time to be here either. I will have all the regular routine stuff to do, catching up puppy shots and wormings and deliveries to make that I can't do right now. And January is the month I need to do our tree prunning. We have quite a few fruit trees and nut trees that need to be worked over while they are dorment. So, how's the world treating everybody else?
  16. I actually purchased one of the e-cigs, and I think that it is probably a good tool that would be helpful, at least in my personal situation. The problem I ran into with it was that I could not get one with menthol flavor, so the one I have doesn't taste all that great, though it's not too bad. I think it would be more likeable if I can ever find the menthol refils for it to try at least. The e-cigs have several good things going for them. They deal with several parts of the ciggerette addiction, not just the addiction to nicotine. Although they are much heavier than a real smoke, it gives you some thing to have in your hand to "fiddle" with. A good part of the time we smoke because we need somthing to do. Waiting on a computer page to load is my biggest problem, I can pick up a smoke before I even realize I've done it. You puff on it like a real smoke, and the end of it even lights up like the fire in a real ciggerette gets when you smoke on it and get the fire going by inhaling. Another nice thing is you can take a couple puffs and just set it back down, it's not like you would do with real smoke, you ususally finish one if you light it, though not always of course. And sometimes when you are trying really hard to cut down, but you just have this uncontrolable urge for a smoke, a few simple puffs on an e cig can satisfy that god awful craving.
  17. sheepdog

    Lost Post

    Thanks, that was a very good explaination. Too late of course, but when I get home on my own computer I'm going to give that a try so I know how to do it next time. Thanks a lot. Appreciate the time you took to study this out.
  18. It's heartening to see a discussion about this sort of what might be considered a "lost art." In this day and age computers can be programed to embroidery with the touch of a few buttons. (and of course a good computer programer) There are so many old fashion things that are falling by the wayside as technoligy advances. While it is intended to make our lives easier, the lose of these hands on type activities I believe actually lessn our quality of life. The feeling of satisfaction that we as humans get when we create something beautiful with our own 2 hands. Lots of things coming onto this list these days, from making quilts and rugs even rugs and other home furnishing to more complex works, like working wrought iron, and lets not forget a really rare occupation these days, horse shoeing. How many horse shoers do you all know these days? There used to be one or more in ever single town. Putting a pair of iron circles with nails to the feet of an not nessarily agreeable 1/2 ton of horse flesh is not something a person with no training can do. As one of the other posters mentioned, it would be great to see some pictures for examples of the different types of embroidery you have been telling us about.
  19. Yes, I absolutely with out a doubt believe with all my heart that civilians should be allowed to own firarms. They should have access to what ever type of firearm they can handle and feel comfortable with. Every person is different and would have various physical conditions that would limit the type of gun they would be safe in handleing. While some would like to limit the owning of fully automatic weapons, if the government or any lunitic fringe group is armed with this type of weapons the average citizens need to be able to have the same oppertunites to possess these types of weapons. And I don't want to hijack this thread, but we already have the government restricting what we can and cannot have access to. Right now, we can't purchase cold medicine and other types of drugs that would save our lives unless we have the money to pay a doctor to give us permission to use them. And on a smaller scale have you all noticed that you can no longer buy bleach that actually bleaches, or Lime Away that actually cuts threw lime scale? Just because some moron used these products in a dangerous and or stupid way and got themselves hurt, our government stepped in and forced the manufactors to cut the strength of these products to the point that they are virtually worthless now for people to use. Honestly, I think that if I have a big stump in my back yard that needs to be removed, I should be able to go and buy a stick of dynomite to blow it to smithereens if I so desire. In the process, if I'm dumb enough to accidentally blow my own silly self up in the process that should be my responsibility and the rest of the public should not be punished along with me for my stupidity by restriction their right to purchase the products they need.
  20. Weired. Very weird. I am now on my sisterinlaws computer and the links have dissapeared. I haven't deliberatly downloaded any new tool bars, but almost accidentally loaded one with a game I was playing on Face Book. I wonder if it managed to get something on my computer before I exed it out? It's going to be hard for me to find out what it is on there, I can look at my program lists and never really know what junk I need to remove and what a needed programs. But I do think this is very likely now the root of the problem.
  21. It is the defining of this criteria that is now the problem we are facing. Everyone has a different opinion of what that criteria should be. And the opinions run the full gamet from those who would allow no one to have a gun under any circumstance, and those that think perhaps some guns should be allowed but not other types. It's very unlikely that either side will give in to the other, and there are pashionate people on both ends of the spectrum. I don't completely understand your reasoning about introducing guns to any society and having it cause anarchy. We have all had the ability to own firearms in the USA and there is no anarchy here. Maybe you are refering to other societies that have not had the oppertunity to own firearms in the past?
  22. Yes, I'm late to this party too! Like a week, lol. I am sorry to hear you've had such a bad year this past year. Mine was a bit rough too, though probably not as bad as yours. I did certainly have the health problems, and now with the hospital bill the financial problems that go along with that. But I['m ok now I suppose. Wish I could join you in the non smoking catagory. How the heck did you manage that? That is one super hard habit to break.Wishing everyone here the very best in 2013!
  23. Part of the enviornmental problems that technoligy has cause is the developement of so many throw away products. Camera's, telephones, and numerous other products are being developed for single use and then to be tossed into the trash. Even products that are not originally designed to be throw away are being made very cheaply and do not last very long, requiring quick replacement and then the disposal of the product and replaceing it with new. Things just aren't made to last anymore. I'm on my 4th computer since I started messing with these silly things not that many years ago.
  24. sheepdog

    Lost Post

    Sorry to have to repeat myself, but time is rapidly running out and I need to figure out how to save my favorites list to a flash drive. I posted this questions once before, and got several replys, but they were for browsers other than what I use so it didn't help. I have IE. I forget the version number. And now I can't find my original post anywhere.
  25. Interesting. So it could actually be my computer and not the world in general? Tell me, do any of you others see in my original post any underlined words? Because when I look at it the words "my own page" are highlighted in blue and I get a box that advertises a web site builder and a free domain name ad.
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