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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. sheepdog

    Newbie Here

    Welcome to Xisto! Glad you found us, always nice to meet new folks. Tell us more about yourself, where you are from, what your interests are, and all that stuff.
  2. Wow, I can't believe I've been here a whole 6 YEARS!!! Actually 6 years and 5 days. It sure doesn't seem like it's been that long. It's been a fun and enjoyable experience. Met a lot of really cool people and learned a whole lot of stuff. And I hope I haven't bored everyone here with my never ending doggie advise and stories. But hey, I have to talk about what I know, and computer stuff just isn't really me. If it wasn't for the fact that in this day and age it's about the only way to sell dogs or actually do much of anything, I wouldn't even have one of thise silly machines. Well, that and the fact that I heard someone say years ago that in the near future, a person who didn't know about computers was going to be looked at the same way we look at people now that don't know how to read made me decide that I didn't want to be considered a complete fool, so to the wicked world of computers I jumped in feet first. It's been quite a struggle for me, not having anyone here at home to help me out, I just had to punch and click and figure out things all on my own for the first several years and let me tell you it was very hard. That's another reason I am so fond of this place, I've had lots of good advise and all kinds of help from the good people here. So....just wanted to say thank you to everyone here and here's to another 6 years!
  3. I guess I'm just the odd man out. Given the choise between Xisto and Facebook, KS wins hands down. I personally don't see any benefits to facebook. There really is no way to have an informative website on FB, they tell you what information you can put up about yourself and that is pretty much limited to things I'd rather people didn't know about me to start with, lol, like my age for example. I have signed up for a few FB groups, as you might guess, dog groups, but surprise surprise, a chicken one too, and I read them maybe once a day, and sometimes I don't even read them at all. I just don't see people's fasination with FB. What am I missing? Anyway, I'm certainly glad post to host is not completely dead and gone. I am at heart a cheap skate and would much rather put in a little work reading and writing posts than coughing up my hard earned cash for a web site.
  4. Have you ever seen the like of the scandals coming out of Washington these days!!??? I'm getting to the point where I am almost afraid of listening to the news in fear of what has happend now. First Bengazzi, then the IRS targeting of Teaparty/Patriot groups for unfairly stopping these groups from getting tax exempt statis, now the DOJ listening in to our phone calls and reading emails, which of course they claim they are not doing, but at first they claimed they weren't even stockpiling the information, but now they admit to that but say they aren't reading it, then the taps on the computer and phones of a journalist and his parents for crying out loud, and threats to charge him criminally for doing his job, and now attacks and threats to whistle blowers who are coming forward with information about wroungdoings in just about every branch of our government! This is just pure insanity! And to date, not one single person has been disiplined, even after they have been caught in flat out lies, some have even recieved promtions to other jobs, and the government is going after the whistle blowers and ignoring the crimes they are bringing to light. Lois Lerner not only refused to tell what she knew, the witch got put on leave WITH PAY! So she is getting a paid vacation for screwing over the public. How on earth can we clean up such a massive amount of corruption? They certainly have the fox guarding the hen house, those put in charge of investigating these activities are the ones who are doing some either completely illegal activities or at least unethical activities. This kind of garbage infuriates me. How can it be fixed? I think I might be for throwing the whole damn lot of the crooks out and starting over, though I fear the next bunch will be just as bad and the whole thing will just start all over again. So, with erything going on right now, this particluar forum should be really jumping. How would you fix this mess? Any bright ideas? Faintest clues?
  5. Well, the lifeline program is on the news again last night, they had an undercover person getting a free cell phone and asking what they could do with it, if they could sell it for money to buy drugs or desighner handbags, and the people giving out the phones, those in charge of the program where telling them you could do whatever you want to do with them. One guy even said," I'm not going to judge you" when he was told the person getting the phone was going to sell it to buy herroin. What a waste of billions of tax payers dollars. Then I had to listen to that Juan Williams democrate trying to justify this disgusting waste claiming it was not tax payers money used for the program. Apparently acording to him that money comes from user fees paid by the people that pay for their own telephones. Now if that isn't a tax on tax payers I sure as hell don't know what is! To demon boy, I believe the agriculture department was put in charge of the food stamp program in this country many years ago when food stamps were actually not stamps, but were called "commidities" that were food products raised in farms across the United States that the USDA had a hand in the production of, whether through farm substities, or other farm related programs designed to help farmers, and then passing them out to low income people. It was actual food, you recieved a certain amount acording to your income and number of people in the household. They gave away real food, like cheese, powdered milk, dried eggs, canned meat, numerous vegtables, flour, sugar, all that sort of stuff.
  6. "The best case is when both happen!" Oh boy, you got that right! I just love it when I can lay down, get out all the kinks and knots, get that comfy relaxed feeling, and know full well that my brain is going to stop and let me get right off to sleep! It's such a great feeling!
  7. Well, this a the forum for Holidays and such so I think you post is just fine here. Hope you had a great Fathers day. We spend ours like we do almost every sunday, with a trip to the swap meet, which of course, due to the rainy weather had a pretty small turn out. Anyway, my favorite part is dinner afterwards, so it was a good day.
  8. Interesting. I didn't know car manufactors are doing that. Reminds me of what the manufactorers of one of the wormers I use a lot on my dog do. Panacur and Safeguard are the exact same medicine, made by the same company, put in the same square white plastic bottle, same dosage rate, the only difference is Panacur is a prescription drug you can only get from your vet, and Safeguard is sold over the counter at any large feed store. Go figure that one out! It seems odd for car makers to do this. Used to they all competed against each other and had pride in developing a better product than their competition did. And yes, what is a notchback?
  9. Ah no problem, we often wander off topic as the threads grow. What is MLA's? Don' t know much about Ireland, except I think it's got some really pretty country. Do you have the ability there to grow many crops on the farm land, or is the climate a big restriction as to what can be grown there?
  10. sheepdog

    Hi There

    Welcome Jarrad! Glad you found your way here. This is a pretty great place to earn free hosting credits, and make friends and learn all sorts of things. Do tell us more about yourself and interests. Do you have a pet? I of course, am a dog person.
  11. sheepdog


    Jarrad is probably right. Kids growing up today pretty much have everything handed to them. And they expect parents to pay and pay, for things that our modern society deems "needed" by young folks, like cell phones and $100 tennis shoes. You don't see kids working today and helping out their families, especially in cities. Kids in rural areas used to be expected to go out and milk the cows in the morning before going to school. If you wanted new clothes for school, you went out and got a summer job and earned the money to buy them yourself. Sad we have a whole generation of people now that have no self respect or work ethic.
  12. Free from what??? If as in the original post starting this tread says, all recourses gone, we would only be free to die. But if we are just talking about electicity I fail to see that leading to any form of freedom. Do you have any idea on how hard it is to get anything done without electric? Without electic to power pumps you would have to carry every drop of water you used into your home from the nearest creek or river or ocean. No electricity you couldn't just walk into your home and flip a switch and have lights or heat. Want to stay warm? Go cut wood. Not much to freedom if you use all your free time just struggling to stay alive.
  13. That's really sad, but seems the way it works in most countries. Those that really need it are the ones getting the shaft, while the corrupt officials get the gold mine. You would think there would be some kind of way to put a stop to that kind of BS.
  14. I sometimes wonder which is the most important to being able to get to sleep, being physically tired or mentally. I can work my rear off all day and be so tired I can't raise an eyebrow, but once in awhile I can't go to sleep. If my brain is cranking out lots of problems, there is just no way I can go to sleep. And I have noticed one other thing that drives me crazy. If I know that for some reason I have to get up early in the morning, I'm 10 times more likely to have trouble falling asleep. It's like I'm telling myself I need to get to sleep now so I won't be so tired, but then I suppose I get to worrying about whatever it is that I have to get up early about and that ends any chance of me getting to sleep. Drives me crazy.
  15. Yes, I finally got brave enough to try it. We went early and got a table in the back corner so I wasn't facing anyone in case things got ugly. I did ok. It still drives me crazy because they are so big in my mouth I can't reach around with my tongue to get the food on the outside of my teeth. I can't seem to get the hang of the adhesive either, not enough and they don't stay in place, and usually slip in mid chomp causing considerable pain in my gums and sores, or I get too much and that nasty stuff gags me. First time I used it I nearly got the inside of my mouth raw trying to wash/scrape/disolve that disgusting gunk. Nothing I found would disolve that stuff. It is seriously gross. On a lighter note. I fixed some corn on the cob last night. Hubby said almost nobody could eat that with dentures, but while it wasn't pretty, I did manage to chew it off the cob!
  16. I'm not really sure how things transpired, perhaps the term redneck is the new term for hillbilly? Anyway, they are a great deal alike, and you never hear anybody say hillbilly anymore, so maybe the term redneck has taken it's place. That would be my guess anyway.
  17. Sorry, I suck at titles. I just thought we were lucky that we realized the roadrunners were eating the worms before we sprayed them with poison which might of killed the roadrunners. Anyway, it seemed like a good title at the time. I could use the same title for a post today. I found a goat with her head stuck in the fence. We have had a ton of rain, and she had been stuck awhile, she had stomped the ground where she was hung up into absolute soupy mud, when I saw the mess I just knew I was screwed, and I had already had to shower and change once today after dog dipping, but somehow I managed to get her out of the fence and only got my feet muddy. I figured with my luck she'd knock me down and wallow me around in the mud for awhile.
  18. Yes, right you are, a person would definatly recognise a Lamborghini coming down the road if they were to happen to see one. Thought their certainly aren't a lot of them tooling up and down the highways. Funny though, after having just made this post, we went to the big city over the Memorial Day holiday, and I actually enjoyed the drive! For at least that weekend, I could recognise lots of the cars on the road. All those car shows that weekend, everybody had their old clasics out on the road. Saw some really fantastic looking cars and pickups. Those rebuilders sure can do a beautiful job restoring those old cars.
  19. Yea, the problem with that is there ae way too many people who are too spoiled by modern conviences, and don't have the first clue about farming. Thousands can build web sites and program computers, but when there is no electric, those folks are going to be as worthless as teats on a boar hog. Not many of us old foggies left around that know when and what to plant and how to take care of it and can it up when you get it grown. Heck, I don't suppose there are that many that know how to butcher a hog, raise chickens, make candles or soap, or anything else of any real use in an age without power. Remember, when Google is gone you can't even jump online and learn how to do anything! How many here even know how to saddle a horse? Anybody? What about harness? Do you know the difference between single tree or double tree? Funny, I was just telling the old man the other night, I'd like to learn to shoot a crossbow. I figure if you ever came under attack, you could pick off a few of your attackers silently with the crossbow before the rest of them ever realized what was going on, and then bring out the rifles and you could really get the drop on them.
  20. No, your comment doesn't sound stupid at all. Every country has it's own ways of dealing with assisting its poor people, if your countries system is so much different than ours how could you be expected to know the difference? I just wish there was a way to make it less ripe for abuse. And the big thing, make it more desirable to actually work for a living and be a contributing member of society and not a welfare bum. The way things are set up in this country now, it's far more profitable to be on welfare than it is to have a job and work for a living. This is what needs to be changed. That's one reason I mentioned commidities. Yes, they could sell some of them, but the way people are lazy goof offs today, they could sell any read to eat foods they got with food stamps, but if they had flour and shortening to have to actually cook something, they would have a harder time selling it. And we would be serving the purpost welfare was created to solve, poor people would not go hungry. They would just have to cook something up instead of popping a frozen dinner into their micro wave which is run by electricity that is also furnished them.
  21. Well, all us tax paying American citizens should be totally inflamed by now. Ms Lerner has been given leave, WITH PAY!!!! Our government can afford to give children tours of the white house, keep open our national parks and even closed down some IRS offices for a day due to the sequester, but that Witch gets a paid vacation for abusing her power and punishing everyone who is against Obama, or the Human Society???? Now that is one great big corck of doo doo if there ever was one! I'm ticked off what about the rest of you? Oh, and then there is that poor guy that donated 1 million dollars to Romneys campaign and now he has been audited 3 times by the IRS, and also by 3 other government offices, not one thing wroung was found with any thing he did, as a matter of fact, the IRS owes him money, (which of course, they have not yet paid him) but yet he spent $80,000 in legal fees to prove his innocence. He was trashed on the OBama web site, lies were told about him, and he lost many customers to his business on top of all the legal fee's. I don't believe there has ever been an administration in office that has been as corrupt as the Obama administration.
  22. Someone emailed me today asking if a certain size dog crate would fit in the back seat of his car if I had one shipped to his local airport for him. He told me what he drove, and I for the life of me couldn't remember what that kind of car looked like. I was thinking it was a little car, but he told me in another email it was a full size sedan. Got me to thinking about how the way things used to be. There was a time when driving down the road I could recognise every car we would meet on the road, in many cases right down to not only make and model, but the year it was made. I could even spot minor year differences in some models, like a 70 or 71 chevy pickup. I could dang sure at least tell a Ford from a Chevy or Buick, and Datson's from Toyota's. Now we don't even have Datsons' those are Nisson's now. But now a days every single car on the road looks just like every other car. You can' t even tell the Fords from the chevys! Our car manufactories have no imagination left al all any more. There simple aren't any "cool" cars anymore. One just looks exactly like every other car. It's so boring. I miss the days of the 57 Chevy, Pontiac GTO, and the 54 T Bird, heck even the 1960 Ford Falcon! A Volkswagon was a bug and that was that. If you were poor you drove a Vega or a Pinto. But at least you knew what kind of car everyone had. I hope in the future car makers wake up and look around at the boring world of car styles. Forget about making cars that only certified computer tecs can work on and nobody knows what is. Get come class going down the road again!
  23. Well, if I can still breath I should be ok. Zombies are pretty slow, maybe even an old fat lady like me can outrun them. And hubbies latest project/hobby should come in real handy for zombie attacks, he's taken up reloading ammunition. So we should be just fine.
  24. Boy, we almost messed up big time! Hubby bought a new power sprayer that would mount to the back of the 4 wheeler, had it mounted, tested it out with some water before he mixed up the poison spray, and was just about to start spraying our fruit trees. We have a bad case of web worms this year, nasty little worms that will completely defoliate a tree and kill it. I hand tear down all the nests I can reach, they do make great snacks for the chickens, but the webs are too strong for most small wild birds to tear into. Just before we got around to spraying the two apple trees in front of the house, we started seeing the road runners in the trees. They were really working over the web worms. I may of mentioned they have stout, heavy beaks, for which the web worms "homes" don't stand a chance against. I am so happy we caught them scarfing up the worms before we poisoned their food supply! I do enjoy our roadrunners. They did good this year, their first clutch resulted in 3 chicks, which we have been seeing now in the front yard for just the last two days, they are just coming off the nest. I just hope these baby road runners are smarter than last years hatch. We lost about all of them because of my overly smart dogs. Most people don't think dogs can contemplate, but mine can. My Welsh Terriers actually figured out that if they could catch a mouse running across their pen, kill it and leave it in the middle of the pen, it would act as bait and the road runners would jump into the pen to get the mouse and the dog would have something else fun to kill. I know most of you probably think I'm pulling your legs, but seriously, I am convinced that the dogs knew what they were doing and deliberatly left the mouse out there to lure in the roadrunners. They got at least 2 of the baby roadrunners last year with this little trick I'm sure they dreamed up.
  25. The saga continues, as Lois Lerner was called to testify today in front of Congress, and after giving an opening statement and verifying some doucments when it came time to ask her questions she pleded the Fifth amendment and refused to answer. One really upset congressman told her she could not plead the Fifth Amendment after makeing her statements, he got pretty hot under the collar over it. They ended up recessing the meeting for the day and sending her out, but did keep the option of calling her back, which now I hear they are going to do tommorow. They have had to go out and seek legal council to see if she actually gave up her rights by making the opening statements she did.
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