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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Well, I've never used anything but Xisto for web hosting, except the first few years I had a web site that was hosted by a friend so I'm not sure about the ones you are talking about. How do they work? Do you pay for your hosting by letting them put ads on your web site, something like what Google does with ad sense ads? I asume by cpanel you mean control panels? (as you all know, I'm not real computer savy) So much of this jargon and abreviations go right over my head. Isn't the control panel for Xisto the spot we go to check the amount of our mycents and also to submit a ticket if something is wroung? or is there something else I'm not aware of? Afraid I might be missing something.
  2. Hope you get a chance to read this one. There are so many eye opening facts in it, and also, as far fetched as it may seem, many of ideas in this book are small but helpfull solutions to many of the problems we face in the world today. Polution, bad economy etc.
  3. I think you are right, there are some people who cannot deal with grief and when a major loss like that of a son or daughter or partner in marriage hits them they just can't go on. I can actually understand this as it happens often in cases of husbands and wives that have pretty much spent thier entire lives together, sometime 50 years or even more. That would be a very painful thing to have to deal with. I hope you are getting better and all these hospital trips do you some good. We have too few good posters here now a days as it is, we'd really be lost with out ya, so hang in there ok?
  4. Sorry about spreading my nightmare Velma! But it sure has been one. And sadly, no way to wake up from it. When I get up in the morning I still won't have any teeth. I actually got some prescription mouth wash several years ago. I probably would not of kept my real teeth as long as I did if I hadn't had it. Bexident I believe it's called, though that is the Spanish version of the product. Not sure what the English version is called. I suppose there are a few down sides to getting medications in a foriegn country, like not being able to read the directions for the proper dosage or frequency to take it or what the actual name of it is either. Oh well, at least the price is right. I used to have a Mexican girl that worked for me that could translate for me, she's not with me anymore, sadly. Gads you must be tough to get stitches with anesthesia!!!! I am a whimp in that department. Real low pain threshold. No way I could get stitches with out anesthesia. I had a tooth last year that was just about ready to fall out and I couldn't bring myself to finish pulling it. Sadly, rpgsearcherz you are very correct. In some cases no matter how well you take care of your teeth some people are going to loose them anyway. Not only disease but just plain faulty genetics all play a part in how long we get to keep our own choppers. I managed to keep mine longer than a lot of people do, that's for sure. Just wish I could of hung on to them a lot longer. Like till I died. Man, eating has become a real nightmare too. And that is what is really killing me, as eating is one of my favorite pastimes. Turned out that steak was tougher than a pine knot, and a few nights later we even tried some pork shoulder steak, which is nearly always very tender, and even that package turned out to be so tough I could hardly eat it.
  5. I agree completely. A person should be able to keep their own phone number. I could see where it would get confusing though when people moved out of an area into another one, and they still had the same telephone number that showed them by the number to live in a different area. If you were trying to call someone you would have no way of knowing what part of the country, or world for that matter where you were calling. If it happened to be out of the country, you might get stuck with one heck of a phone bill threw no fautl of your own. I unknowingly called Alaska one time, holy molly, I had a $9 call cost for just a couple minutes that would of been about 50 cents at that time if I'd called anywhere else in the USA.
  6. I'm not sure if it really matters if it is real or fake. The fact that it is written, and aparently followed by some, and that the events are accuring leads one to wonder if it is happening then it has to be real? Sort of puts me in mind of the Nostradamus predictions. Anyway, the protocols sound like they are basicly as set of plans, so what is in questions about them being real or fake other than the time they were written or about who wrote them? The world and especially human nature has not change since the begining of time, so they could of been written a thousand years ago, or last week.
  7. sheepdog

    Anybody Home?

    Really! There isn't even a fraction of the amount of posts now as there was when I first started posting here. I just don't get it. Nothing has really changed here, we still have good people, good topics and if they ever get started, some great discusions get going, and the economy sure isn't that much better that nobody cares about free web hosting anymore! Makes no sense to me at all. And right now I'm in the same boat that I was in last month, only 2-3 days away from when my web hosting is due to be paid and I don't have a clue as if I have made enough posts to pay it this month. Once again it has not updated for quite some time and right now I only show $3 in my account.
  8. Hey Velma, sorry, I didn't realize or even thought about the T word not being allowed. Hopefully no one will have to explain to someone else here what mountain oysters are. It's actually a word that comes up fairly often when you are a dog breeder and discusing what is considered a major fault in a dog. (an undecended one or two) Actually had a part time job where it was my duty to check and make sure both were present and accounted for in each dog that went threw the auction. I suppose there are not many people who would (or would want to) put that on a job resume! I was a BB inspector! (bites and b....well, you get it.) Really good discusion started now. I actually agree with most of it. I do believe the media goes way overboard in the coverage of these kinds of events. When something like this happens they ignore any other event to cover the big event, and then I suppose because they are afraid they are going to miss some tiny beaking news bit they just hang on the story like a bulldog worrying a bone and either armchair quarter back every little detail, or sometimes make up details just to keep yapping about the same old story, even when they don't have new information to share. I feel like saying the old quote, "Just the facts mam." and then shut up. Get on to something else at least until you have more real information on the big story. I get tired of seeing all these so called experts blathering on about some agenda or cause or something that they have no idea wether it is related to the story or not. And personally, I think misinformation is far worse than no information, so if you have nothing new to tell us shut up until you do. As far as not blaming these sorts of tragedies on religion, That sadly is not accurate. I do believe that every war that has been fought since the begining of time has been started in the name of one religion or another. From the Crusades right dow to modern day Iraq, Afganistan etc. Now, as for the United States being a super power and trying to run the whole world. I actually agree with that however, I would like to see that one take a few steps further in being stopped. You see, when any other country gets it'self into some kind of trouble, who do they come to with their hand out? Who feeds their starving population, who rebuilds their country after a war or flood or earthquake? When political unrest tears a country apart, who steps in and trys to help? It seems every other country on the planet wants our money, but want to continue on in their own self destructive ways. So many countries out there murdering their own people, allowing dictatorships to flourish and cause further suffering for the populations. So when we as Americans try to help we are branded as trying to take over the world. As a taxpayer in this country, I would be perfectly happy with letting the rest of the world go to hell in a handbasket. Don't come to use asking for handouts when you comit genocide and allow no freedom for you own people. Ya'll just fight it out amoungst yourself, we don't want to rule the world. I agree completely, I would far rather see my tax dollars spend on space exploration than furnishing arms for some pettty dictator so he can carve out his place in the world, and then stab us in the back once he is in power.
  9. Well, this has been about the most miserable month I've had in a long time. My mouth never feels "right" always feeling constant uncomfortable feeling, with or without teeth. I almost completely gave up wearing the teeth. There was one spot up high at the top of my gum line that just would not heal and was extremely painful. Finally, a few days ago when I ran my tongue over it I felt something scratch my tongue. Bad as it hurt, I raked a fingernail over the spot, and actually drug out a thin sliver of bone, nearly a quarter of an inch long! Amazingly enough, the relief was instant! No more severe pain, just a slight bit of tenderness, which has since completely gone. I felt like an old grizzly bear that someone got braze enough to pull a thorn out of it's paw! So now it's back to wearing, or at least trying to wear them again. Have to use the adhesive now, since my gums are no longer swollen. I tried it for the first time last night, eating went well, but OMG when I took them back out what a mess! Yuck! That pesky glue was all over the roof of my mouth and I couldn't get it off. Tried toothpaste, even rubbing alchol, only succeded in making the roof of my mouth raw. At least I thinned it down enough to where I could stand it. I'll try again tonight, steaks are on the grill, but this time I'm going to just ut the glue on my gums and skip the line in the roof of my mouth like the instructions say to do. Hopefully they will hold good enough that I can eat. As if I wasn't miserable enough, I couldn't sleep last night, was tired but the brain was kicking into overdriveand I was just achy and miserable. I had a slight cough so got up about 1 am and thought I'd take some cough medicine. When that stuff hit the back of my throat, it felt like fire! I started coughing and coughing and could not stop. I coughed until I threw up, still kept coughing. Tried drinking water, aloe vera, then some honey and cinnamon. Nothing would stop that annoying tickle in the back of my throat that would start me coughing. My throat is still sore today, I can hardly talk without stoping to cough. I sure hope I can sleep tonight!
  10. Wow sirspdif that was a really good explaination. I'd believe you worked for the phone company with that good of an explaination and great details. Really a person should be able to keep their phone number no matter what telephone service they use. Especially in the case of business, like mine which has been in operation with the same phone number for probably close to 30 years. You never know when a past customer might like to get in contact with you. They thre is all the money you spend on advertising and having your phone number put on business cards and other forms of advertising. It would be a disaster for me if I had to change my number.
  11. sheepdog

    Anybody Home?

    No, your not confused at all. When I started this thread I posted for 5 consecutive days with out a my sense update. It was really worrying me because I had no idea if I was close to having enough for that months hosting. And now here we are again, a week away from my date that they money has to be in the account to pay the hosting bill and the credits are not updating in any matter with any rhym or reason. I got an email the other day that I had been credited $1 but when I got the email I hadn't posted for quite a few days. I have no idea what is going on. It sure makes things hard to manage.
  12. I'm really surprised that no one has started a discussion on this topic. Especially since it has been about the only thing on the news for the past week. Information, misinformation, arm chair quarterbacking have all run rampant on this subject. I'm just curious as to why the subject hasn't been broached here? Granted, this is a world wide forum and I'm sure we have a fair share of Muslims here. Are we becoming too politically correct to have a discussion on this subject since it pertains to the religious beliefs of one particular religion? Well, I have a few opinions on the subject. The act of setting off a bomb to kill innocent victims is the most cowardly, despicable, disgusting thing a person could do. I find it a shame that our great country does not allow "cruel and unusual punishment" because there really isn't a legal punishment that is good enough for the perpetrators of this kind of crime. Something more along the lines of tacking their **Male parts** to the barn wall, setting the barn on fire and then throwing them a dull knife might be close to sufficient punishment. Maybe. The fact that these people lived off of our own kindness and generosity in this country with welfare and food stamps and college tutition absolutely burns my butt. We show them every kindness and they turn around and murder us? What kind of a warped sick mind does that? It is beyone wicked, two faced and hypocritical to enjoy our system of beliefs and government and then do something like this. Anyone else care to chime in?
  13. I sure hope the father gave the kid some basic drivers education before turning him loose. In some ways I can see the fathers side of this story. If it was a closed street and little or no chance of accidents, it is sort of a different situation. And so many children have a huge fasination with cars. Maybe the boy had been bugging and bugging his dad to try to drive. Let's face it, it's a macho kind of thing, I'm sure the dad was probably pretty proud of his kid on top of with the kid wanting to drive so bad maybe it was just one of those things parents cave on when they want to make their kids happy. Some parents can be real suckers for a whinny kid.
  14. If you were already a customer I don't see how they can charge you another instaltion fee. Nor should they charge you to cancel your account if you have fulfilled your original contract with the first 2 years you spent as a customer. Considering Dish is now running an ad that say they have a better grade with the Better Business B. than Direct Tv have, acording to their ad they are A- and Direct is a D+ maybe if you keep calling them and talk to someone different you can get this fixed. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  15. There are a lot of places where at times rain is not rare! Here in Missouri at times anyway. Been trying to get my flower bed tilled and it rains just about every time it almost gets dry enough to till. Wish they would save some of this rain for August!
  16. I had to giggle about your comment about stupid doctors and some of the really dumb questions they ask. Reminded me of an embarassing story my hubby likes to tell about his boy when he was just a little shaver, they took him to the doctor because he was sick, and the doctor asked him what was wrong and the little boy said, "Well, if I knew what the hell was wrong with me I wouldn't be in here asking you now would I?" He certainly embarrased his father, but the doctor certainly didn't ask him any more dumb questions!
  17. So sorry to hear this, you've really been having a rough spell. You are past due for some better times for sure. Sorry you weren't able to attend the services. But you have to take care of yourself you know.My Dad's name was Roland too. It's not a very common name, but I always liked it.
  18. sheepdog

    Anybody Home?

    Yes, I as a complete computer dummy I definatly really miss the quick and efficient help I could get here when I ran into a computer problem, like I do really often. Always got really good advice here and quick too. I don't know if Facebook played a part or not. FB doesn't give you free web hosting, and what free stuff it has, like the games, try their dead level best to get you to pay something to play them, short game times and then asking you to buy energy and that sort of stuff. I personally don't see everbody's fasination with FB.
  19. OMG! Little kids around here are lucky if they get to drive a tractor or a riding lawn mower at that age! Do you think this kid may grow up to be a spoiled rotten brat???But he did seem to be handling the car pretty well. (I admit I only watched about half of the clip, he may of crashed in the end) Anyway the engine sounded like he was at least shifting properly, though I'm not sure how a kid that little could reach the clutch and gas peddle.
  20. In case anyone has noticed my absense, I am right in the middle of Kidding season this month. With that an all the dogs that need grooming and garden and planting that needs done, I have been busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. Lucky for me, goats never kid in the middle of the night. As long as I check them every few hours during the daylight we are ok. So if I'm not just completly dead on my feet I do have evenings to catch up emails and of course, post here. I was going to post pictures of my first set of kids, but I keep getting an error message when I try to upload. I also wanted to post a picture of Mabaline, one of my goats I was starting to feel really sorry for, she was getting so huge she could barely waddle around, her belly was HUGE! My old man said she was going to have triplets, but I didn't believe him. I haven't had a set of triplest in years, but sure enough, she did have 3 adorable little kids, 2 bucks and one pretty little white doe kid. All that careful survailance did pay off, I had one goat that had a kid that got stuck coming out. It got one front leg out and then the head blocked the birth canal and the shoulders got stuck. I tried and tried but could not even find the other front leg. Kids need to come with both front feet first, one slightly ahead of the other so the shoulders are cocked to be as narrow as possible. When one leg is back the shoulders are too wide to pass threw the birth canal. I finally managed to get the head out of the way and then the shoulder would slide threw with a little twisting and pulling on my part. It was a big buck kid, a single birth, and she was my smallest doe so it was pretty rough but I did get him out alive, and she jumped right up and started licking him. He was still with her the next morning and I thought he was going to be ok, but today I can't find him anywhere. I'm afraid I probably lost him. That monsoon rain we had yesterday may of washed him away. So, now I am just about a little over half way threw kidding season. Wish I was half way threw the dog grooming! Haven't even started much of any planting. The big flower bed is ready to till, if it stops raining long enough for the ground to get dry enough to till. I have got manure out of the goat barn shoveled out and under most of my trees now, just have the row of cherry bushes along the driveway yet to manure. I have bought some more tree yesteday, 9 more, and we already planted 9, and have a few flower bulbs and some grape vines I picked up last week I need to get out. So, I'll drop in when I can, hopefully enough to keep up my mycents!
  21. Welcome back! Aways good to see people come back. I miss a lot of the regular posters that have been here off and on for the past few years that I have been here. I always wonder what happens to them so it's good to hear from those who wander back here after an extended absense.
  22. sheepdog

    Photo Editing

    Do you have a web site address for that one? Or I guess I should ask if it is free to use or if you have to sign up and pay a fee, if it was free I might like to go play with it sometime.
  23. Well, since I won't go to a medical doctor if I'm sick, unless I am sure my death is eminent, I'd hardly go to one for weight loss. I just get annoyed when I do drop a few pounds and then the old hunger pains kick in. I'm on a weight loosing spell again, droped about 8-10lbs since I had the trouble with my teeth. But that's only because I can't chew anything. I thought for awhile I was going to starve to death because I had so much trouble eating I'd get tired and give up eating long before I could get full. And OMG, the cravings I'm having! I could just about die for a nice big rare juicy steak right about now! Sadly, all I can chew is vienna sausages. Uck.
  24. If my eyes get to burning or itching, I use aloe vera in them. The pure juice stuff, with no additives. Burns a bit at first, like some here have said the honey does, but stops burning quickly and really soothes the eye irritation. But my sister in law just told me of another honey cure that also seems to work really well. For bad cronic coughs, mix a tablespoon full of honey with one fourth of a teaspoon of cinnimon and eat it. Not only is it delicious, it works really well for coughs. Her son has emphasema and cronic lung problems, and it has helped him immensly. Personally, I like to make a little bit more, and eat it by dipping bits of buttered chocolate flavored graham crackers in it and eating it that way. I got an email a few months ago about all kinds of things honey and cinnamon are supposed to be good for. Wish I could remember some of them, the list was quite long.
  25. Well, at least you can have one! Many apartments don't allow any at all. Dogs can be a great joy and a sourse for so much entertainment. We are always laughing over the antics of the 2 we have in the house, a mini Schnauzer and a Standard Schnauzer. What kind do you have?
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