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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Well, making this post got me to thinking about something else totally unrelated. Have you ever noticed how old people like to repeat the same old stories over and over when you are having conversations with them? Seriously, if you've ever spent a lot of time around one particular old person, you probably know all of their stories by heart. But of course, you listen again anyway, because if you are a kind and patient person, you wouldn't want to hurt the old fool's feelings by interupting them and telling them to shut up because they had already told you that story. So....now that I am getting up there, and the fact that I have been here over 6 years now, I'm starting to worry about repeating myself and sounding stupid. Really, I've made so many posts here by now, nearly 2,000, I'm afraid I'm going to start doing the repeat thing. I suppose I thought about this because I do try to remind everyone just before the fourth of July to be careful with their pets, and I do try to make each yearly warning a little different, like this time I added the new information about the Thundershirts, but it is starting to concern me that I may start repeating other posts. I sure don't want to get in trouble for repeating myself, anymore than I want to look like a dummy but I can't possibly remember all the things I have babbled on about in the past 6 years.
  2. Ok, I have a question for debate. As I'm sure if you watch any news at all you are aware that there are numerous states and countries that are attempting to change their laws to allow same sex marriage. My question for debate is not about that though. What I am curious about is if and when same sex marriage is allowed, will that also open the gate for those who also want to have more than one husband/wife? If 2 men can marry each other, why would it be illegal for a man to have 2 or more wives, like it is illegal now? Should these laws also be struck down? If you have an opinion one way or the other please chime and and tell us what you think and why you feel that way.
  3. Yes, I know exactly what you mean, I hate it too when people just dissapear off the face of the earth so to speak. Especially after being so active for awhile and you get a chance to sort of get aquainted with them and than boom, they are gone. Hey, totally unrelated question for you. Do they have a lot of Irish Terriers in your neck of the woods? They are pretty rare in this country, I have several and really like the breed. I think it would be a lot more popular if people where ever exposed to them and found out what cool dogs they are. I've been on the lookout for a new unrelated male, and not having much luck finding one.
  4. sheepdog


    Thanks, it's updated now. Ya know, you ought to hang around here more, it's a pretty nice place to pass the time of day!
  5. Congrats on the new job oppertunity!Honestly, every single job out there has it's good and bad points. It is of course, in your best interest to look at the big picture, which I'm sure is what you are trying to do by inquiring here to see if anyone else works or has worked for them. You need to look at not only the salary, but take a good look at the benefit package too. Free cable and internet is great, but if you can't make your house payment or rent on the money you make, homeless people don't have much need for free cable. Do take a close look at the insurance that is offered. But besides the money, check into what oppertunities the company offers for advancment. Check out those other benefits too, like paid vacation time and sick days and the ammount of time you have to work to gain these benefits. Good luck with your new job if you do decide to accept it.
  6. Well, we can hope he comes back, I hate seeing people leave that are active posters and start topics I can reply to. I do hope he is ok, there seems to be an awful lot of unrest in his country right now. I am sure glad your here too, it seems like sometimes it's just you and I chatting here, things are just SO slow.
  7. sheepdog


    Well, once again the mycents have not been updating in awhile now, I'd say a week or maybe 2. My web hosting bill just came due and had they been updated, I should of had enough to cover it but I'm not exactly sure if I did or not, and at any rate, since they didn't update, I am now in the hole! Can't have that! I do like to keep my bills paid. And I sure don't want my web site to go down. It actually was down for a little while yesterday, but it's back now.
  8. My husband's best friend's wife passed away this week. After almost 5 weeks in the hospital, the first month of which she was not even completely concious, then the last week she was showing great signs of improvement. She was up and talking and they were getting ready to move her out of the hospital to a rehab place. We were just there to visit her this past sunday, and it was the first time since she was in the hospital that she could visit with us. So it was quite a shock to hear just a few days later that she had passed. We all thought she was finally out of the woods. My big concern now is for her husband. They have been married over 50 years! He is going to be so lost without her. I can't even imagine the devistation and heart break he is going threw now. How horrible it must be to spend practicly your entire life with one person and them have them gone from your life. I feel so bad for him. Want to be able to show him all the moral support we can. We are heading off to the funeral in a few minutes. Say a prayer for him in what most for him be the worst moment of his life.
  9. Ah, that's ok, actually I'm glad to see just about any activity here these days! Things are always slow here in the summertime. I suppose more people are outside doing fun summer time things and not spending so many hours on the computer, which is probably a good thing for a lot of people.
  10. For years the hubby and I have had this little thing going on about his putting gravel back in the dog pens for me. The daily poop scooping gradually over time takes out the gravel along with the poo and so they need to be refilled sometimes to keep the dogs clean. We bought a back hoe years ago, an old one, and fixed it all up so it would be easy to put gravel in, but it seems every time I need gravel moved he comes up with some excuse as to why he can't do it. Sometimes it's because the back hoe is broken down, which it is a lot since it is a very old one, it was down for over a year once needing the engine rebuilt, but even before that when it was running there was always some reason he couldn't put gravel in for me. Sometimes the hoe just had a flat tire, or a hydralic line leaking, other times it would of just been raining and the pen I needed gravel in was on a hillside and it was too slick to put in gravel. Other times he just wasn't feeling good or some other excuse. It is kind of a drag, and a lot of times I just get the hired hands to use a wheelbarrow to put gravel in, which as I'm sure you can guess, is a rather tiresome and unpopular job. A couple of times he did even get his buddy to come out and bring his little bobcat and do a bunch of them. (we actually bought one of those years ago, it's supposed to be mine, but he never has finished fixing it up) Well anyway, he just finished up the rebuild on the back hoe this spring. I thought I was in the clear so last night I asked him to put gravel in the pen I had just cleaned and was getting ready for my Standard Poodle who is pregnaunt so she would have a nice fresh pen to go in. Of all the excuses he has used over the years, last night was the best one yet! He informed me that he was just about to go into Walmart and buy a 10lb bag of chicken leg quarters so he could bar B Que last night, and if he had to put gravel in he wouldn't have time to BBQ! He knows what a sucker I am for his fantastic bbq! Needless to say, no gravel got put in last night. This is one time I didn't mind his excuse to much. But at least he did finally get it in this morning. I"m happy, Poodle is happy, so I guess it all works out in the end.
  11. Yes, I was making a joke, glad you caught it. Oddly, the only dog we have that is afraid of loud noises is our house dog, a mini Schnauzer. And thunder doesn't bother her, the only thing that does in gun shots. I have no idea why. She has certainly never been shot at, we raised her here. But if a gun goes off within a quarter mile of here she heads off for the bedroom and hides under the bed. Poor dog, our neighbor across the road gets in more target practise than we do, so Sissy, (aptly named) gets in a lot of under the bed time. At least fireworks off in the distance aren't bothering her, she's napping on the floor behind me as I type this, and I can hear some fireworks aways off. Bringing your dogs inside is probably the best idea, and if you are going to be home with them that would be fine. However, if you are planing on going out, the dog could also panic while home alone and hurt themselves, or do considerable damage to the inside of the home. I have even heard of an Irish Wolfhound who dove threw a plate glass window. Although that was not because of loud noises. There was a young toddler in the household who had been playing out in the yard and had fallen into a swimming poold and was drowning. The dog saved her life. The best option would be a dog that is crate trained and having it spend some time during the firworks safe and secure in it's crate. The good news is that dogs can be trained or conditioned to overcome these fears. Gun dogs for example, know it is their job to retrieve birds that have been shot down, so they actually enjoy loud noises, since it means it's time for them to do the job they were born and bred and trained to do.
  12. Ah shucks, you beat me to it, I was going to come in and make a Happy Fourth post! I spend the holiday doing what I usually do on holidays. Gave 3 doggie hair cuts, one bath to a pregnaunt momma dog, and pretty soon I have to go back out and shut off one soaker hose and then water the other parts of my garden. YOu don't actually get holidays when you have dogs. We did have BBq last night though, and went to the Squires picnic last weekend and watched their great fireworks display, so we do celebrate the holiday in bits and pieces anyway.
  13. Say, anybody have any idea what has become of Mamer? He posted here hot and heavy for about a month, and then has dissapeared. He started some great topics and seemed to be very well educated and pretty dog gone smart. I miss him being around. If memory serves me correctly, he was from Eygpt. I guess that's what got me to thinking about him, seeing all the news about the current state of affairs and the big mess over there in Eygpt with the ousting of the president and the military take over and everything that is going on in that part of the world. Sure hope he is ok.
  14. I can understand you having mixed feelings over this one for sure. Even if you got your degree without going into debt for years, I'm sure you still have a sizeable investment in your degree. In some ways though, I am glad to hear that a person can get an education these days without going to college. With the job market as it is, it would really suck to come out of school with a great education and a huge debt of student loans, and then not be able to find a job in the field you have your degree in. In years past, not that many people went to college. Thre used to be a lot more options available for young people that did not involve them going into hock before they ever got their lives started. It's bad enough if you are a young person starting out in a new job, you end up getting married, buying a car, and maybe a home and that is enough debt with just that without adding many thousands of dollars of student loans on top of your debt burden. It's a shame there are less and less oppertunities availble. Apprentiships, on the job training, and other ways are not so common anymore. Shame our youger generation is gotten into such a bind.
  15. Welcome haris12 to Xisto! I hope you enjoy our forums and I will look forward to hopefully starting some good and interesting subjects to discuse with you. Tell us more about your interests and likes and dislikes, where you are from, what you do for a living, and all that good stuff.Don't forget, the more discusions you get involved in the faster you earn hosting credits and the quicker you can have your own web site up and running for no out of pocket costs for you. To my way of thinking, Xisto is the best place on earth to get web hosting.
  16. No, I don't think your comment was paranoid or rude. Common sense tells most of us we should be very careful about what information we give about ourselves online. There are a lot of really crazy people out there that can and do use information about us to do us harm if we give them a chance to do so. Like I said, I've been here 6 years and haven't ever told anyone here my real name! Even if I chatted back and forth with someone and got to know an individual person here well enough to tell them, I would do so in private conversation (if there is such a thing these days) but certainly would not post it on an open forum that anyone can read.
  17. Another part of our problems with waste is not just human greed, but lazyness of modern man. We want conviences. No work, just use something and throw it away. No way people today will rinse out and wash and then reuse dirty cloth baby diapers. Slap a pampers on the little guys bottom and away you go. When it's "full" toss it in the trash. Let's not waste our time or energy washing dishes, let's just use paper or plastic plates and toss them too when we are done. Don't carry a reusable plastic insulated coffee mug in your car, just get the cups in the gas station. Heat a TV dinner in the plastic container it came in them too that too, no muss no fuss. People are just way too lazy anymore. We don't even recycle pop bottles anymore. Now it all comes in plastic containers we toss away. I remember when I was a kid, one day a week my mom would let me walk from school to the local library and she would come to town later and pick me up there. I used to walk up the street looking for pop bottles to sell for spending money, but now a days thats a thing in the past.
  18. Yes, unless you are able to get a long distance from the sinking ship the down draft (I'm sure there is a proper term for this, but I mean as the suction K_nitin_r is talking about) If it happend to be dark and stormy, it might even be difficult to tell where the ship was and what direction to paddle the lifeboat in. I"m not sure a person has very much better odds of surviving a shipwreck than they do an airplane crash. I'm sure they are a little better but not much. However, in todays technoligy the odds of surving are probably a lot better. Homing becons on life rafts will aid in the search and rescue of those in the lifeboats. And we have a lot more ocean traffic than in years past, not to mention satalites that could probably aid in the search. So in this day and age, if you could make it to the raft and get far enough away from the sinking ship, at least you have pretty good odds of being found before you die of exposure.
  19. You would think with all the advertising Miricle Grow does to sell you potting soil for your house and garden plants, and to start vegtable seeds in the spring, they should have a really great product right? Wrong. Their potting soil is just about the worst dirt I have ever purchased. I thought last year maybe I just got a bad batch so I actually tired again this year, and if anything it was worse. Their seed starting soil has absolutly no nutrients at all for growing plants. My plants would get an inch or 2 tall and just stagnate or die off completly. I paid the extra money their name brand product in hopes of having some nice garden plants to set out, thinking I would save money since buying plants ready started has gotten quite expensive in recent years. And their regular garden soil is a pathetic excuse for garden soil. When you open the bag it looks like something that they tried to sell the year before as mulch that just got too rotten to sell as mulch so they are passing it off as garden soil. It's mostly bits of half rotten sticks and tree bark. I am seriously dissapointed in all of their products I have tried. About the only way their crummy soil is any good for anything at all is if you mix it about half and half or 2 parts crummy miricle grow to one part rabbit poop. Now that makes for some great growing medium. So the moral of this story is don't spend the extra cash for Miricle Grow. Buy some cheap off brand potting soil, and find a friend or neighbor who raises rabbits. Don't fall for their advertising hype, that's all it is, hype. It's a poor quality product that does not warrent you spending your hard earned cash on.
  20. Yes I agree with rpgsearcherz, you aren't giving us much to work with. There are many different business that work in what you are calling the property field, including real estate sales, and businesses that deal with running title checks to make sure the property has no leans or back taxes against it, to companies that give property estimates on what your place is worth, companies that do survey work to establish property lines in cases of dispute, and lots of other things too.
  21. Thanks for explaining that. I am somewhat familiar with the Lincoln Town car, though the favorite for taxi's here is the Ford Crown Victoria. Big car, lots of power. Sturdy as a tank. Pleanty of room for passengers and luggage in the turnk. Many taxi's are retired police cars. Not great gas milage as such, but for a big car it's not too bad compared to many large luxury cars. I have never understood the think with Panacur. Since it's all made and bottled by the same company it's just pretty weird. Safeguard is widely distributed by feed stores and supply stores all over the country. It isn't sold specifically by one company, say ofr example, it was offered by Walmart at it's locations all over the country, but not any other stores. It is sold in many independant stores, many locally owned and operated.
  22. You know, I actually prefer this forum to Face Book. It is more user friendly and easier to understand than FB. And I love that you can just look at the forum and are not bombarded with ads and junk and things you don't want to look at like you get shoved down your throat at FB. These forums load faster than FB and I'm not nearly as concerned about picking up viruses like on FB, or having my information hyjacked and sold to companies that want to sell me their garbage either.
  23. The fourth of July holiday is amost upon us. I just wanted to make my yearly post about the dangers of fire works and pets. So many dogs are terrified of loud noises and panic and escape this time of year. Remember to check your fences and gates and make sure your pets are secure this holiday weekend. If your dog is staked out or you take them on frequent walks, check your leash, tie out cables and make sure to look his colar over carefully, making sure there are no worn or thing places or stitches coming undone. Also, there is now a fairly new product on the market called the Thunder shirt. It is said to ease the stress dogs feel from loud noise, like thunder and fire works, and some other fear conditions. I personally haven't tried it, none of my dogs are that whimpy, but I have read many comments from people who have used it and found it to be fairly helpful in many cases. It wraps around the dogs body snugging him up securly and somehow this give the dog more confidence and makes them less nervous. It might be worth a try if your dog is paranoid about thunder storms and the like.
  24. It is great to have a safty net for those things that happen to us that are beyong our control. One never knows when one might have an accident and not be able to work, or loose their job threw no fault of their own. It's just when we have an entire class of people who now depend on these handouts, and have no ambition at all to better themselves or put any effort into taking care of themselves. As long as they get a free ride, they are not going to even try to work to support themselves. That's what makes me so angry. To make matters even more aggrivatiing, it seems that now after years of welfare these people have the mind set that they are for some reason entitled to live off the backs of the people that work for a living. They think they are so smart that they can sit on their backsides and do nothing and are actually prideful that they don't work, instead of being ashamed of they lazyness. They think it's cool to beat the system or what ever they think they are doing. They have no shame in being a deat beat at all. Our screwed up society thinks its now ok to be lazy and good for nothing. I find it downright disgusting.
  25. That's fine with me if you wander off topic. Anyway, I know a lot more about farming than I do politics. What I do know about politics I don't like much. I thought Ireland had a cooler climate/growing season than we did here but I wasn't sure. Thanks for explaining about MLA's. I guess each country has it's own name for it's governing bodies.
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