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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Thanks for the explaination. I keep hoping that some day I will actually become internet savvy, but I fear that day is far far away yet. Seems like every time I turn around there is something else I can't figure out how to do.
  2. You don't have rednecks where you live? What a shame! They are a great group of people, honest, hard working, and not at all politically correct. In other words, they say what's on their mind and and they call a spade a spade, not a "hand held earth moving construction object." or what ever else weird crazy name the PC police are calling it these days. But anyway, that is what this forum is for, sharing information, so at least we accomplised that in this thread.
  3. Well, I'm not a normal person, you didn't think my site would be normal did you? I will be so glad when you get all the bugs out of this latest upgrade, move, or whatever. I just tried to update my site with new pictures and I can log in. I get this error message. "The Web server at "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" does not appear to have Windows SharePoint Services installed." I did submit a ticket too, so hopefully this will get fixed pretty quick.
  4. C41, don't apoligise for venting, in a case like this it is not wrong to express one's outrage at such a despicable crime. But no one should go through life not knowing what mountain oysters are. You never know when you might find yourself at a gathering of rednecks who might offer you a bite of this delicacy at a party some time and then laugh at you when they tell you what you are eating while you are wretching and gagging. When a boar hog is casterated (or butchered) the "male parts" that are removed are peeled, and sliced and battered and fried. Some folks actually like them, they are somewhat simular to the flavor of liver, only milder and a little less chewy. So now you know!
  5. What exactly is Tumblr? What do they do? I've never heard of them. I have noticed the internet getting more and more like the real world, getting more comercialized, more big companies buying little companies, and WAY less free stuff like there used to be when I first started a decade or there abouts ago. Remember all the free programs and sites there used to be? You could get web hosting, free music, free discusion groups, and all kinds of stuff. Sure don't see very much of that now.
  6. Well, they did say ALL resources, so yes, if they were all gone we would definetly die. And I don't know about everybody else but I would not be very happy if I had to run around hungry, dirty and gasping for breath if there were no food, water and oxygen.
  7. Unless you live under a rock, I'm sure by now you have heard about the latest scandell involving the IRS and how they have been targeting specific groups for what ever you want to call it, I'd call it harrassment. They have singled out any groups applying for tax exempt statis that have Teaparty or patriot in the name of the group. They are trying to force these groups to give up information about their members and contributors that they do not require of other groups. In many cases the applications for non profit statis are held up for an extraordinaryly long time, one group has already waited over 2 1/2 years! We should all be outraged that a branch of the government could be allowed to get away with such a travesty! Such an abuse of power simply not something that we can allow to continue. I hope they get to the bottom of this and make sure the heads of those responsibe roll. Unfortunatly, the Teaparty is not the only group that is getting "special" treatment by the IRS. What annoys me the most about this whole deal is how for several years now numerous people, including a considerable number of our elected officials have been contacting the IRS about how the Humane Society of the United States has been committing illegal acts by not following the rules placed on non profit organizations. Hundreds of pages of documentation has been submitted to the IRS proving the allegations against HSUS, but to date, not one single thing has been done to stop their illegal activites! Then of course, this story comes to light. http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/16/irs-lois-lerner-humane-society/ Lois Learner, one of the IRS heads that should be rolling as one of the people responsible for the harrasment of the Teaparty is found to be a member of HSUS! Well, gee whiz, is it any wonder then that this whole story about HSUS corruption and illegal activites has been kept quiet and basicly swept under the rug, despite all the inquiries made by our congressmen and others? What I want to know is when is this rampant corruption and abuse of pwoer going to come to an end? We cannot allow government beuarcracies with the power that the IRS has that cold literall destroy the lives of American citizens to continue. And now, as if things weren't bad enough, they are going to let the IRS be in charge of the Obama Care program, so they will have even more power to abuse the citizens of this country. Disgusting!!!
  8. What the heck is a Hopi Hand - life, creative, healing? I like the one for the Road Runner, speed, agility, cleverness, that is all true of them. And Skunk is on the money too, with "intense" if you've ever been downwind or gotten close to the business end of one you know just how intense that can be. Armadillo's though don't have much meaning around here except as road kill.
  9. There are way too many things that could go wrong to ever think mankind will last forever. Unless the end for this planet comes far in the future, when we have seeded the rest of the galaxy with humans. Then I would say it would be nearly impossible. But if we are all stuck on one planet, it could happen. Although it would be difficult to come up with a scenario that would completely wipe out all life on the planet. In most instances some humans would survive, like if disease spread threw the population, there are always those that for some reason have a resistance to disease and would survive. Even a major neucular holocost would leave some survivors, prevailing winds would spare at least parts of the planet. While the enviornmentalists scream and cry about how we are killing ourselves, it would be a simple thing for earth to be wiped out by something we could have no control over whatsoever. Nuking a giant astaroid might make for a good movie, but in reality, it would be most likely beyond our abilities to change the trajectory or break up a really big one good enough to save us. Massive global volcanic erruptions could end us too, though there is some chance of a few survivors that way too, just not if the erruptions are global, leaving no sunlight anywhere on the planet. We could only survive underground as long as the food and water held out, because once it is gone, with no sunlight, there would be no more growing anything and if the ozone was damaged the water will also all evaporate. Or freeze. Maybe. I'm not a scientist, so not sure on that one. Either way it sure wouldn't be pretty.
  10. ROTFLMAO.....That's great, what a good way to convince children not to eat junk food. Thanks for the laugh! On a less humerous note, one of the few things hubby and I do together is eat out. Since I have had my teeth pulled, I have not had the nerve to go out and eat in public. Basicly because something like what happened to your uncle would probably happen to me, and partly because chewing is so difficult and I can't close my mouth all the way, nor can I reach around with my tongue to get all the food away from the inner part of my lips, making me a real slob at the dinner table. I'm considering finally breaking my restaurant boycott and go tonight. Friday night used to be crab leg night at our local Chinese restuarant, and I sure do miss those! If I get the never up I'll come back and let you all know how that went.
  11. I'm glad most of you didn't have any down time, sadly, my site was down for a week nearly, but it's back and all is well for now. I hope no more changes are scheduled at least for awhile. And gosh, if you do have to make overhauls, I sure wish you would do it in the dead of winter when I have nothing better to do than stay in the house where it is warm and fuss with my computer. Not in the middle of spring when I am so busy trying to keep up with everything outside!
  12. There are really some sick individuals out there running around. I hope they find them and hang them. Oh wait, we can't do that anymore, shucks.
  13. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" I could not agree with you more. I do truely believe in a hand up, but not a hand out. If you want to better yourself fine, you deserve help. But if you want to sit on your back side and let others take care of you, I have no use for your lazy *bottom*. Starve, see if I care. If you don't care enough to feed yourself, why should I care about you? Am I cold hearted? Yes. I am. I personally wold like to see the old commodities program brought back. Give them dryed eggs, flour, powdered milk, baking soda and salt, corn meal, and shorting. Cans of cooked chicken too, for protien. If they are truely hungry, it will keep them from starvign to death. I know that no matter what is done, some people will still try to cheat, and sell their groceries, but if they are given commidities, and the kind of things that aren't easy to fix, or more desirable, there will be less chance of them selling them to anyone else. Seriously, have you ever eaten powered eggs? They are pretty gross. But they will ward off starvation. And yes, the Lifeline program has been seriously abused. These phones, if given out at all, ( I'm not sure they even should give them out) should be limited to emergency calls. I think I read where they get 250 free minutes per month. That's way too much and too much waste.
  14. Ah, your a Southerner! Alabama is nice, it usually has mild weather year round, at least compared to Missouri. But we have no shortage of pollen here either! For the past week or two everything here has been coated with a dull yellowish green haze. And all those fuzzy curly cues that fall off the oak and other trees that get into everything. Our yard furnature is covered with them. They are kind of gross looking, like worms or something. And the tent catapillars are out in forse this year. I don't know how many nests I've raked off my fruit trees. These worms are extremely damaging, they can strip a tree in no time at all. I just hate them. I need to go take the time to find a bucket and go around and tear them all down and put them in a buket to save for my chickens. I'm sure that would make them very happy!
  15. c4I you have the question just right. And you are right, i agree, a parent should be happy if the child is happy with their lot in life. But what often happens is that the parents are steadfast in their determination that a child will grow up to preform a certain task or job and that is how they will make their living, no matter what the child thinks about the situation. I'm sure the parents think they have the childs best interest at heart, but if a persons heart is not into what ever they are doing, they will never be truely happy. Or productive or satisfied.
  16. I don't know, it seems pretty strange to me to feel something that is not even there! I do have a new favorite food now though. Always really liked it anyway, but now my favorite food is ice cream! Chocolate of course. It's about the only food left that I actually enjoy eating. Sadly, I made the mistake last night of looking at the calorie content. Oh well, I'm still going to eat it.
  17. sheepdog

    Now What?

    I actually got no notification from here until early this morning, a full day after my site went down. I contacted Net Work Solutions, and told them about the change, but they said it may take one to two days before my site was back up. Ho Hum. Very discouraging. Like I have nothing else to worry about right now, sheesh.
  18. sheepdog

    Now What?

    Oh man, this place is getting really weird. The post above I thought was lost because I got some kind of error message when I hit post, so I tried posting a test message, and it showed like it posted, but I don't see it here, but this one is now. I sure hope you are right and my site is up soon, I do make my living with it. Hurts like the devil when it is down. Thanks for the explaination Velma.
  19. sheepdog

    Now What?

    Last night my web site was down. At first all I got was the file not found page, then when I tried later I got a page that says this site is hosted by Trap 17, and there were links to log into my cpanel. It worries me if the public is seeing these links, I hope my site doesn't get hacked. I tried to log into Xisto, and got a file not found link again, I thought maybe the whole system was down, but later I was able to get into it. I followed a link on the page that said hosted by Trap 17 and got to the page where I can submit a ticket and did that. Can somebody please tell me what is going on? Is it related to the recent changes made here? Also, because of the fact the my cents weren't updating like they were suposed to I had a bill for just under $3 for hosting this month, the update of mycents came after I got hte bill which said it wasn't due for another week or 2 so I am wondering if that had anything to do with this mess? Since the mycents were updated I have enough in the account to pay it, but I'm not sure if I have to actually do something to pay it now, since it is normally done automaticly. What a mess!
  20. You had me feeling bad for you until I read where you said "what is wrong with her?" Chances are there is nothing wrong with her. She just isn't into you. Who knows what the reason is, it could be physical, emotional, or maybe your scaring the daylights out of her by trying so hard. She may think you are some weird annoying stalker. She told you she just wanted to be friends, but you kept after her and when she saw that even after she told you she just wanted to be friends and you persisted, when you didn't take the hint she decided she wanted nothing at all to do with you instead of at least trying to be friends. You pushed too far. You can't make somebody like you no matter how bad you want to. It's time for you to give this one up and find someone who will return your affection.
  21. Yes, it is the worst part. Without a doubt. Hubby has been warning me for several years now, about how I wouldn't be doing that after I lost my teeth. His favorite time to remind me of that was over cheese curls, I always liked the hard crunchy ones, and he likes the soft ones that sort of melt in your mouth. And yes, now I am eating the soft ones. Last night I fried up some bacon with our potatoes and much as I love it I couldn't chew the little bacon pieces. Another interesting thing has presented it'self during this ordeal. Anyone familiar with the condition called phantom limb pain? It's a condition where you actually feel pains in a body part like an arm or leg that you don't even have. Your brain tells you the limb is still there and you feel pain in that missing limb just like you still had it. I'd never heard of it until I meet a new friend that had lost a leg in a motorcycle accident. He had a terrible time with this condition. He even tried a study course on pain management and quite a few other things to alleviate his problem, but nothing really worked. Anyway, as strange as it may sound, I have had at least some experience in this condition. I keep having this strange feeling that I have something stuck in my top teeth. It's a feeling I know very well, as I always had plenty big enough gaps between my teeth so that every time I took a bite of anything at all I would get stuff stuck between my teeth, and it always bugged me. Not painful of course, like actual phantom limb pain, just annoying. I never went anywhere with out toothpicks. Even had a little toothpick holder I kept in my purse. Well, now it seems like every time I try to eat something, right afterwards I feel like there is something stuck in my top teeth, which of course, are no longer there. I can't count the number of times already in the last month I have reached for a toothpick only to remember there is nothing there for anything to stick in. Honestly, I feel kinda dumb but I really do feel something there. Strange eh?
  22. Interesting post about the history of this bunch of........well, I don't know what to call them. And I am not trying to practise restraint or anything, I just can't think of any words bad enough that the bleeper won't get. I first became aware of this group when they began to picket funeral of our soldiers coming home after dying for their country. The fact that the picketed the funerals simply because of the military's policy of allowing gays, not because the returning soldier was gay blew my mind. That anyone could be so low down dirty to harras a family in moring over the loss of a loved one is just low beyond words. And here just when I thought humanity could not sink any lower aling comes Westborrow Baptist Church! I was happy to hear about the motorcycle gang that started attending the funerals to act as escorts and road blocks to the church protesters. This is probably the only instance in my life where I really considered the part of our constitution that allows us to have freedom of speach and freedom of essembly to be maybe a little over the top when it enables complete nut jobs to interfer with the lives of other people at such a delicate and difficult time in their lives. Like when loosing a son or daughter or husband in war.
  23. The ground hog that predicted an early spring needs to be sent to the taxidermist. Boy was he ever wrong! Every warm spell we get I keep thinking ok, this has got to be it, the end of winter, spring is hear, time for warm weather. And every time I think that we get blasted again with another cold snap! For crying out load, we had SNOW yesterday!!!! My goats are almost done kidding, I have apricots on my trees almost as big as the end of my little finger and we get snow????? This weekend has been miserable. I thought friday I was going to freeze to death. Of course we are long since out of propane at the house, and we keep thinking it's the end of the cold so are only cutting a tiny bit of wood at a time so there is never enough of it for emergency cold days. Had to hang out at the kennel which is a good thing, we still have propane there of course. I felt colder that day than I had all winter. Of course, for the 2 days before that I had been running around in shorts sweating my butt off because it was 80 degrees. Of course, friday was a busy day too, had 3 dirrerent families picking up their pups. I had to basicly to curb service, one couple never even got out of their truck, I just carried the pups to them. I really don't like having to do it that way. I normally have a little play pen set up outside I can put the pups in so the people can see them run around and play, but it was just way to cold and wet and nasty to put the pups on the ground. this is making me rethink how I want to build my future play pen, I may put a lot more roofed over area than I originally thought I would, just so I have a dry area to show pups in. Needless to say, the flower bed is not yet planted, I have tomatoe plants sitting in the frount room turning yellow from lack of sunshine, a pepper plant almost 2 foot tall that will probably die of shock by the time I get it set out, and I still have some bulbs and now, 2 more trees to plant. Managed to get 3 more planted today, at least there are only 2 left. I think we planted over 20 trees this year. I saved up all year and kept track of my number of purchases so when I had my 10 visits in to Big Lots I would get my 20% discount about the time their trees came in. It worked out but I was pretty dissapointed with their selection this year, I didn't figure I'd find any cherry trees but was hoping at least for some plum but they didn't have a single one. I did finally find some at another discount store though, along with some nectarines, so I ended up buying 9 more trees. I'm actually running out of places to put trees now, and I still want a bunch of cherries. I sure hope this cold snap is the last one! I'm almost afraid to say it has to be, since every time I do we get hit with another one.
  24. If I live to be a thousand years old and don't have a single tooth in my head I will NEVER NO WAY IN HELL become a vegetarian!!! I don't even like vegetables. To quote from my favorite commedian, "Broccille is a side dish, always has been always will be!" (that would be from my hero Dennis Leary in his comedy skit No Cure for Cancer.) I like meat. I have always liked meat. If I had to become something it would be a pure carnivor, dang sure not a vegetarian! I could eat a bushel basket full of vegetables, and still be hungry. There is no satisfaction to eating vegetables. I don't believe that eating vegetarian is healty, no matter what anyone else says. You do realize that most of the food born sickness in recent years have come from vegetables and not meat don't you? And to even mention mad cow is playing to media hype over absolutly nothing, it is virtually non existant, and to get it you would have to eat the spinal cord, so why list something like that as a health benifit to being vegan? Except of course to make going vegan sound a lot better than it really is. Puts me in mind of "global warming." All the AlGorians weeping and crying about humans causeing global warming as it gets colder and colder every year. And yes, I tried a veggie burger. They taste like CRAP. Why even waste your breath bothering to eat somehting that tastes bad? You can't argue that it is good for you, because in fact, it is NOT. Negative karma? Well, that's way too left field for me. But if you want to get into "beliefs" the Indians used to say a prayer to the animals spirte they killed to eat to thank the animal for giving it's life to help sustain the life of the indian who would be eating it. They certainly didn't worry about karma. So I suppose that's all just a matter of how you look at the world. I don't believe you get bad karma from being part of the cycle of life. Eating is part of staying alive, big fish eat little fish, lions eat gazelles, and the cycle of life goes on as one life ends to continue another life. I do appreciate you bringing up the idea though, at least it gave me something I could actually write about!
  25. Wow, with friends like that who needs enemies? I hope you are done done done with that one! The problem with turning her over to the police is that it will be her word against yours. She may claim you offered to help her out with her car insurance. She can always say you cancelled it because you had a lovers quarel. You can certainly take Mrdee's advice and try to get her punished, she most certainly does deserve it and needs to be taught a valuable lesson on how crime does not pay, but getting it done just may not happen, sad to say. Of course, you probably should at least try to nail her. If she gets away with it this time she will just try it again and again until someone puts a stop to her shinanigans. Good luck.
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