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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. Intrepid as the name is self explanatory " no fear" topic welcomes all travellers or people who want to share their travel experience across the world.We respect your travel experiences and also respect the local community, culture, traditions of the places we travel and try not to disturb the normal life with our travel, we move ahead sharing our experiences and interacting with local community seeing the destination as "real life experience" unlike other touristy experience of "sticking flag" at the destination visited.All you travel lovers and aspiring ?Globetrotters" come share the joy of travelling and exploring the off beaten destination and never seen before tourist spots.According to me one of the unforgettable travel is the day before Diwali , i had to travel from my college to my home town , litreally speaking i had no other way other than walking 200 kilometers , bussses were soo soo crowded , atlast i sat in a bus along with the Driver in the Cabin and travelled.The thrill part is that it is illegal and inbetween the checker stopped the bus, and asked the tickect from me and i didnt have one since i was not in my usual ticket, anway the Driver adjused with the Checker and thats it i reached.This is totally unforgettable for me .
  2. Hi, friends , Maths its all about some love it and some hate it , in my case too the same , but unfortunately i hated it in the beggining and loved it at the end. I wanna share the real life experiece on maths , maths is all about analytical stuffs , integral diffrential and so on this was the thing i had in my mind and in the starting stages i was flunking in maths, but my last maths paper was just Discrete mathsDiscrete maths the term was new to me . So anyway since it was my last maths i started to study that and to my surpirse i saw no integral, no diffrential and nothing so i liked it then only i came to know that in maths there is another side : The application maths , even thoug i was not so strong in the integrals and diffrential i was able to understand the application maths so easily It was all related to comuters and networks , fully it was network flow and so on, So i encourage those who are intrested in computers Learn Discrete maths.SHARE YOUR REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE WITH MATHS HERE >>>>
  3. hi i am starting this topic so that all can share their experiences in practical exams ,especially UNIX PRACTICALS EXPERIENCE.It all started in the 5the semester of my engg. course. I had the subject Unix and its practicals. I enjoyed all through the semester without studying for the practicals and i had 12 exercises . The first 6 exercises were Shell Programming and the other 6 were C programming in UNIX.So it was the time of my model practicals . i prepared well to the maximum possible for the exam and appeared for the exam, but the only defect was that i did not practice for the exam. Just i studied and went.I entered into the LAB for my models . i received the question paper and i started reading the questions. I just had 2 questions in that , one was from shell programming and the other was in C. I know for sure that writing the shell program is comparitevely easy when compared to the c programming . To my luck i had a easy shell programming. The question was to find the sum of the prime number series. I started with the program well. But in between i had a doubt whether 1 is a prime number or not. I assumed 1 to be prime number and then i did the program. Unfortunately my assumption was wrong.1 was not a prime number. So i didn't get both my output in the models.When i came out of my model exam i decided to study well for my UNIX university practical .And the univ prac . was on 03/11/2007.I decided to study the previous night . The previous Night came and i opened my book. Now i thought that i should not do the same mistake which i did in my models of not practicing for my exam ,so i decided and i started working out for my practicals ,I slept only at 4:30 in the morning . i had prepared to the maximum level possible and i went to the LAB main practicals in the following day . My batch was from 10:00 to 1:00, that day i didn't have my break fast and i went. I went into the lab. the external examiner was there and i took the question paper , To my surprise i got the paper easy. The 1st program was Shell and the question was to find the PALIANDROME of the given string. I was the first one to show the output for the shell program in my batch, Then i started with the second program. The question was C programming in UNIX and it was to create pipe and to create 5 process and 2 pipes and to make inter process communication.I started off well with that program too , inititally i had errors, but i managed to correct it and got the outputThen i realised that ,Even though NOBODY IS PERFECT , PRACTISE MAKES ONE PERFECTI realized that .
  4. Whether the weather is hot , Whether the weather is cold Whether the weather may be anything Parting is a sweet sorrw.There goes a statement In every parting there is a Image of death . According to me to meet to know to love and then to part is the saddest tale of many human heartparthing is of two kinds one a person who parts himself due to unavoidable circumstances. For example if he/she goes abroad and earns for the family he or she goes out of the love that is here in this case parting happens with love. Parting with love is a sweet sorrwOn the other hand if there is a fight between two individuals or two gangs parting takes place but here both depart not in love in this case parting is not considerd as sweet sorrwthus i can relate this with having good charecter. Fight between two individuals takes place if both of them do not posses proper charecter , In this case charecter is very important . Parting with Fight takes place if both of them do not posses proper chatecter,Raymond may make a complete man because it is since 1969 bu only good charecter will make a complete manGood night parting is such a sweet sorrow we have to say good night till it be morrow.Thus i conclude and part from you by saying i have no parting sigh to give so take my parting smile
  5. Hi people in this workd get angr for various reasons. But on the other hand only few people are there who will be able to control their anger. Evryone like to be one in that few and some rare cases are there in todays world they get angry just to show off. and some get angry to attract the one s attention who are standing in that place.Now let me move to control anger. Is i reallp possible ? Yes ofcourse Nothing in this world is impposible and according to me the best way to control anger is to have the quality of forgiving others .Just if we have this quality of forgiving others we can control any kind of anger.
  6. Hi This is the most unforgottebble moment in my life which i am going to describe to you now. The college opened for me in the 22 October 2005.We had a common session on that day and the whole of my batch were together in one auditorium and we started off well. To my surprise on the first day in that auditorium they distributed question papers and i was stunned.They said this is a test kept to check your english standards and i was amazed to write a test on the first day in the college,i had taken the test well and the results were not published till now, Thank God.And the after the test is over we had a orientation programme and in that all the heads of various depts. were intorduced and all the rules and regulation of the college were explained to us.Then we had a general interaction and the morning session came to an end and then an announcement came telling that the classes in the noon is suspended.Hurray! all were in happy mood. This was the first day and it was the unofficial working day because we did not go to the classesThen the dawn broke out for the next day . The common session was over in 30 mins and the class teacher were selected and informed to us .For me it was a mam and she took us to the class. She was teaching us Chemistry.As i entered in to the class i was wondering whether to sit with whom and i found a guy who was searching for the same and in we sat together .We both shared many thoughts and then we were thinking why not we had joined some other college.Then Hours passed by . and then the evening came and i went to my room . we were 4 in a room and i didnt know what all to speak to which room mate and we all had a talk that night. and we went to bed on time.This is the first day in my college and it is most unforgettable in my life.
  7. hey strange experience with a bear is fun! but i want to know onething will bear be our friends if we tame themI too love to see bears . particularly in that coco cola proma adv. but i am afraid.
  8. hey is it really possible . ? i havent seen a volcano in naked eyes. but i have seen it clearly in that movie . i have heared that people cannot even stay near a active volcanoBut this story seems intresing , but i have one request to ask to the brace mountainnerrs , please can u try sharing some of your pics taken in that great tripjust because we all can see that and have a clear picture of your amazing trip. Anyway Congrats to those Brave mountaineers
  9. It was a fine morning and i got ready to my college and when i tried to be on time to college i missed that . So i decided not to be too early for the 2nd hour so i decided to go to the second hour directly.So i dressed up and i started to my college. on the way i saw a four legged animal. Still i dont know whether it was a bull or a cow or a buffollow .A old man was holding the rope of that four leged animal so i was thinking that i was safe because the animal is in the hands of the master.So i went with my walk. Suddenly the master loosed the ropes of the animal and the animal began to chase all , i was also one of the person who got chased.I ran the way i came and turned back another guy was caught by that animal and it banged him onto the bushes i saw that scary animal heading to that guy This is the scary scene i ever saw with my eyes and i thank God for saving all of us.
  10. It all started when i was doing my 1st year in my college. It was 31st march 10:00 pm and all of us were in our hostels , we all were asleep by 11:00 but,there were some guys who were aiming for the midnight clock strike and suddenly when the clock striked 12:00 2 guys came to all the rooms and knocked the door and they said that the wardern of our hostel is dancing in the lawn of the quadrangle All who were sleep got up and we all changed our mindset from a sleepy mood and we ran to the lawn. the Sodium lamp was on and there was no one dancing and that time a guy came from the bushes and shouted APIRAL FOOL and all of us were in a mind of suprise and angerThe anger was that he fooled us so all of us joined together and kicked that guy who fooled us.That was a memorable day
  11. Yahoo! beta is good but the fact is that i feel that yahoo! latest version is a copied version of Gmail , i have been using yahoo! mail for more than 5 years and ,when gmail came i switched over to Gmail and that time i felt gmail was far better than yahoo! mail . so occasionally i used yahoo!Suddenly i wittnessed that yahoo! has changed to beta and once i used it . it is compatritively slow and so whenever i go to yahoo! now i give NO THANKS and i proceed to the normal version.I can surely say that yahoo! has copied some styles of google . Moreover Gmail gives the chat window along with the mail . so i can assure you that gmail is the best that yahoo!
  12. More over since solar energy is pollution free and it is renewable it can be considered as the energy of the future . Notice from rvalkass: Copied from a PDF this time: /search?q=cache:NHSJ8%3Bcd%3D1&gl=uk&gbv=1&sei=17HtV_igIoLReJeYnrgE Anything you copy must be put in QUOTE tags.
  13. I guess i know in detail about the Green House Effect, In an nutshell it may lead to the heating up of the earth surface which may even result in the Polar ICE melting. Notice from rvalkass: Copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Anything you copy must be put in QUOTE tags.
  14. Home server ? i guess we can install the IIS server in our home PC and make the computer a server then we have the INETPUB directory in it in which we can upload what we want . In that moreover we have the WWW root folder.
  15. Ok i do agree AJAX is a system. But i heared that recently Google , yahoo and other popular servers use AJAX in their sign up pages ? is it true ? and moreover does anyone have any idea about is there any other system similar to AJAX because AJAX is simply amazing.So if you know the full Crust of AJAX i guess one can can design forms which can save a lot of time while entering data into them.
  16. Yeah . i have an idea about wire less internet . If u have a Lap top and if you are connected to the internet in your laptop by some means then it is all the simple you can easily have wireless connection established. Connect the LAP top to the internet . In your Laptop you will have an option to enable the wireless Device . Now once it is ennables your Laptop becomes the Server for the wireless Internet.Note:You may Connect to the internet for your Lap top By any means.Now that you have a Laptop server. If it is not a Lap top .Connect a wireless USB device to the computer an transmit. Now the Desktop becomes the server . Any computer now which is closely located within the wireless range can access Internet .Now thats all a Wireless Internet has been established.
  17. Yes i want to gain weight but i cant. Even though i eat well and i do proper exercise yet i am not able to put on weight. i am just 53 kgs. please tell me how to put on weight
  18. Hi friends i m male aged 19, my present weight is 53 Kg. and height is 5'11.For this height the weight is not propotinol and i have been the same for the past 3 years. i had taken many enery drinks like protienx etc. But still my weight remains the same .I eat non veg thrice a week and my diet is not that bad for me not to put on weight.So friends please suggest me how to put on weight
  19. Hi , i am 19 male and i have a real problem regarding my sleep timings, I wanna know actually how many hours in a day can a teenager sleep ?Moreover i wanna know the timings for the best sleep.I go to bed at 1:30 late night and get up at 7:30 . this is my routine ,But the problem now is that during the day time almost all the time i feel sleepy, that too especially when i travell outside in bus or some means i feel very sleepy, Please tell me how to sleep Less ,so that i may work more.Suggestion are welcomed !!!
  20. Happy birth day GOOGLE !!!Google was founded on September 7, 1998 but in the other habd there are a lot of rumors around the official launch date.The most interesting is that nobody knows exactly when the giant search engine celebrates its birthday,but the Mountain View company publishes a new doodle every September 27. So today, Google celebrates its 9th birthday through a new doodle published on its page especially created for this occasion.Hats Offf to Google !
  21. People in all areas are in need of proxy site . this is because let it be in a school or in a college the network administrator blocks all the entartainment sites and all the social networking sites like orkut etc. even more youtube is too blocked in many cases. But the superior solution for these problem is to use a proxy website.The same case lies even among the working people .In work place too many such websites are blocked so they are pissed off during their free times . To help this Community You are requested to suggest as many Good and Fast Proxy Websites here .
  22. I too like age of empires . It is one of the game which i have ever played the most next to road rash . since it is a strategic game it takes a lot of time to play compared with other games.Time consumption playing the game is the only disadvantage i have ever noticed in playing that.Even though it is time consuming we can learn a lot of things by playing this age of empires, especially we are given a chance of showing our leadership quality in the game.
  23. Ajax was there before ??? can i know when ? and you say that several years before can i please know when ??
  24. You need to be careful with any moneymaking ventures on line.. Most are phony and only making money for those who posted it. There is no fast cash fix on line and if you get mixed up in them you will lose money rather than gain money.
  25. VOIP is cheaper,and you usually get additional features at no extra cost. I have VOIP and the only con that I can think of is that once in a blue moon , the incoming phone quality is not stellar. I use Sunrocket. It is &199 for a year with unlimited calling is the U.S. and Canada. You also get great features such as free unlimited space voice mail box, like you cell phone, it is accessible from anywhere in the would, by phone or by the internet, if your away form home. Also it comes with free caller ID. There are also other calling options. Moreover,VoIP all the more great!If you have a router with QoS, it will automatically put the priority oh H.323 (voip) packets ensuring that even tho other people are using the internet connection, the voice quality is crystal clear!My friends company has this implemented currently, with 2 phones in Florida, one in California, and one in North Carolina. The call quality in general (for us) is better than a land line. The only bummer is that if the power goes out, the phone goes out too! Unless you have battery backup for your phone and internet connection devices (router, modem, etc.).I would definitely recommend getting VoIP, since at some point, we'll all have it anyway. Everything is going to eventually go the route of Fiber to the premises...no more copper telephone lines!
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