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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. Hello friends,Greetings! This i am posting in order to find out the can a network be Completely taken into control by using some security tools like firewall etc. I am at present under a network of a college and the network administrator here has installed a watchguard x5000 series fire wall long back. During this time many of the proxy softwares worked. Eg.UltraSurf etc. but now the administrator has installed an extra device at the network gateway, thats a content filter . The name of the content filter is Webcat which is a product of IronPort which is now owned be Cisco , After this IronPort webcat has been installed none of the proxy softwares are working , even ultrasurf which uses port 9666 is blocked.Now does this mean that the network is complety under control and no proxy softwares will work ? If not can some one tell me a spoftware which can tunnel this Webcat.
  2. In this Bible verse, Paul lists a cluster of nine qualities which together he calls as the fruit of the Spirit, but of all these, love takes the first place. If we ask people, what is the chief distinguishing mark of a Christian, we get different answers. Some say truth, some say correct doctrines, some say faith and others say integrity and still others emphasize service. Yes, all these are indispensable characters a Christian should have, but nothing can take the place of love. For The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are united to each other in selfgiving love. Love is the principal, the paramount, the preeminent, the distinguishing characteristic of the people of God. Nothing can dislodge or replace it, Love is supreme. Dear friends, we live in a world where love is becoming a rare commodity. Even within the family, love between parents and children, love between husband and wife, and love between the siblings is diminishing and as a result unity is lost and relationship is strained. As children of a loving Father, let us love one another. If we put on love the prime fruit of the Spirit then joy and peace will automatically follow. When we are filled with Gods love, we would be more patient even with irritating people. We would be kind to others even if they treat us badly. We would serve others and be good to them. We would be faithful in all our dealings, and our promises. We would show our gentleness to all. Above all, we would master our self and be controlled by the Holy Spirit. So let us crucify our self with Christ. Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit who pours out Gods love into our hearts. Let us strive to become like Jesus, who possessed all these nine qualities in Him.
  3. Hello Friends, I Need an Urgent help.I had installed a phpbb2 forum onto my website and i was having it perfectly alright.But Unfortunately i found that many of the users who have joined are because of spam , those spammed users post all pornographic content and so on.The thing which puts me down is that inspite of the code verification in the signup page of the forum how come these spam enter into my forums ? Moreover now i have ennabled admin approval during registration but still even though i dont approve them i see their names in the board and their profiles are avalilable until i manually remove them. Is there any way to stop this ?? so that i can maintain a clean forum . Please help me ! Moreover instead of Phpbb2 is there any other forum like IPB which Trap uses for free of cost ?Thanks in advance for your kind help.
  4. hello! as all of us know that Orkut is Google's Social Networking webservice , and moreover orkut is one of the most biggest social networking site in today's world. Unfortunately while using orkut i had to come across a Bug in it.You can experience and see it for yourself, just all you need to do is that open multiple profile's in diffrent tabs or in diffrent windows simultaneously and just Click scrap on all the tabs, so now that you are in the scrap page of many users, now in this situation if you try to scrap it asks for a Security Code ( Code verification) because you have opened multiple scrapbooks are you are trying to scrap,The security question is asked to make sure that you are not a spam or BOT, but the saddest thing here is that if you enter the security code correctly too in the first attempt it says that the code which you have entered is wrong and in the second attempt it works fine, here in this issue the user is blamed falsely that he/she has entered the Verification code wrongly in the first attempt ( though the user has entered it correctly) . Hence hope Google reviews this and Fix this bug and so that the user is not made a fool of himself.
  5. Everyone works hard for earning money. But as far as a Christian is concerned, the money that he earns is not intended only for his use. Rather it is to be of use to the poor, and the needy. It is to be used for Gods service and the extension of His Kingdom. It was Andrew Murray who said: Yes, your money can really work hard to bring happiness in the Church and community. Andrew Murray further says in his book, MONEY God has allowed the difference of rich and poor for this very purpose that just as in the interchange of buying and selling mutual dependence upon each other is maintained among men so in the giving and receiving of charity there should be abundant scope for the blessedness of doing and receiving good. A few days back when I visited a couple who celebrated their 50 th wedding anniversary, they shared with joy that they had been giving to the Lord all the years of their wedded life, and that their giving proportionately increased with the length of their wedded life. Presently, though they are retired they are able to give more than 21% of whatever comes into their hands. Isnt that really inspiring? Remember that God gave you riches, to be of help to the poor to bring happiness into their lives. Check your attitude towards money today. Do you give generously to the Lords work and to the poor? Or do you simply hoard it? In the time of the early Apostles, everyone shared with others what they had, without holding anything as their own. Let us do likewise and please God.
  6. Tony was addressing a group of over 300 women, when the president of the organization took a letter they received from a missionary asking for help of $ 4000 to take care of an emergency operation for his daughter. She asked the speaker, ?Brother Tony will you please pray that the Lord would provide this need?? He said, ?No.? But continued, ?I believe that God has already provided the resources and that all we need to do is give. Tell you what I?m going to do. I?m going to step up to this table and give every bit of cash I have in my pocket. And if all of you will do the same thing, I think God has already provided the resources.? He pulled out all the money he had in his pocket and it was $15 and then looked at the president of the organization. She opened her purse and took all out, and the amount was about $ 40.One by one the rest followed, and at the end when they counted the collection they found that they had collected just a few dollars more than $ 4000. God truly provided. Tony said, ?Now, here?s the lesson. God wants us to give what we have, and not what we don?t have. The only problem was that we were keeping it for ourselves. Now let?s pray and thank God for His provision.?So friends, the problem with our giving is that we hold back our hand and restrict our giving. We try to reason out. The Lord always sees the heart and mind of the giver ? and not the quantum given. How different our standard is from that of our Lord! We see how much a man gives. Christ sees how much he keeps. The old lady had just two mites. She gave all that she had. And that moved the heart of the Lord to commend her. So, let us give our very best. Let us not hold back anything for selfish ends.
  7. Dr. Catherine was driving home after a physicians? meeting. Expecting to reach her home in half hour she was just praying for a safe journey. Suddenly the car spluttered. She had to pull over to the gas station nearby, wondering why God did not answer her prayer. As she sat thinking, her eyes fell on a young girl of about 25, crying uncontrollably, standing near her battered wagon, with three kids at the backseat. She had been abandoned by her husband, and was going to her parents whom she left agonizing years back. She did not have money even to buy fuel needed to drive the long distance to her mother?s place. Dr. Catherine paid for a full tank and bought snacks that would help the kids during the journey. She quickly said a prayer and advised her to cling to Jesus to get her lost hopes restored. As she left, Dr Catherine turned the key and the engine purred without any trouble. And she drove all the way back to her home with no hiccups on the way.She could not reason out why the car should splutter on the way. But, after meeting that abandoned young girl, she knew it was God who allowed that situation, to make her be of some help. How good God is! He does not mind upsetting somebody?s plan to use them as an instrument in His hands, when He wants to help somebody else. God had Lydia in mind, when He suffered Paul from entering into Asia. He had to do it, to send him to Philippi in Macedonia, to gain the first convert there! What if Paul had a clearance to enter Asia as he planned? Lydia?s soul would have never been won for Christ! So, dear friends, do not get upset, if your plans fail. Allow God to have His way. He will do greater things ,and you will glorify His name..
  8. I have installed PhpBB2 forum in my webpage and when i try to access the Permission in the forum control panel i get the following error and i am unable to fix it , so please help me the error which i recieve is
  9. Once there was a couple, Mickey and Herb, they both starts their day with prayer and continue praying for every thing through the day. This they have been doing for many decades. Mickey started to pray for her husband long before she got married. She said, ?I didn?t want to make a mistake. I wanted a long, happy marriage to one man a man who is near to God through his prayer life.? She also prayed early-on for two children, a boy and a girl. When that prayer was answered she got so excited that she said, ?God tickled my heart real good when He answered that prayer.?Since then, prayer was and is a way of life for her. Even today, she prays for everything, just as she did as a youngster. The couple are a good example for the necessity of prayer in a Christian?s home and life. Never was prayer a more integral part of their lives than when they passed through their most difficult times of loss and bereavement. Today they say, ?We?re still dependant upon God and prayer. He?s taken us through some tough times, and He?s never let us down." we must have our prayer life throbbing. When Jesus prayed, His disciples, whom He considered as His family, were with Him. We not only need to pray personal prayers, but also need to pray along with our family members. If our prayer life is strong, then Satan will not hinder our peaceful living.
  10. yeah thank you, it has been found that the IP address was under the BAN list in the Xisto firewall and it has been removed and now i am able to access my website.Still i find that this is not fair, if there is few Wrong attempts they can send a mail while banning the IP address so that i can get to know what is happening instead of getting confused , any way thanks to the support team for reviewing my request immediately.
  11. I am a hosted member in Xisto and my domain is http://karunya.cc/leaks/ . I have been not able to access my website for few days and i had PM'd the admin and he provided me great support,but still i have some confusion , so please anyone help me . My domain was now accessible using my true IP . On the other hand if i use a Proxy i am able to access my website , so i had given my true IP's, to Xisto to check whether they are in the IP ban List in Xisto firewall , the internet im using is provided by my college and im sure here there is not malicious codes are sent from this IP because my College to uses a good Firewall . If my ip is in Xisto Ban List why is it so ?? else, i had also contacted the network admin of my college , he said that the site may have some malicious Code sent from the server side If so too then the College firewall will Block the site. and im sure that Xisto server is not gonna send any malicious things , so that its gonna be blocked by my college firewall. Now i dont know whether it is blocked here from the College firewall or the Xisto Firewall , i am waiting for my Ticket to be resolved. Anyway can anyone please tell me that why this thing is happening , from both sides firewall is used and not malacious things are gonna be transferred. Then still why my site is not accessible.
  12. Thanks i got my new password , but till i cant access the site as well as the cpanel , Please some one provide me some support
  13. I Personally belive that Jesus is the Divine healer. Let me Start with an incident which truly took place .Barbara, a resident of Texas, got affected with multiple sclerosis when she was 15 years. She could not walk without the help of a cane. Seven years later, she had breathing problems, and her lungs and the intestines were failing. She had the worst type of MS. But in June 1981, the believers in that district came to know about her plight and they started sending her promise prayer cards. Two people from the local Church came and prayed over her. At that time, Barbara heard an assuring voice telling her, ?My child, get up and walk.? Her faith soared. Others did not hear the voice but she did get up and walked down the hall to the amazement of everyone in her family and in the hospital. Halleluiah! GOD HEALS! HE HEALS EVEN TODAY! In Acts chapter 3, we read about greater miracle. A man crippled from his birth stood up, walked, jumped and praised God, when Peter and John ministered to him. There was no chance for his healing. Yet, the Lord, the divine Healer, did heal him ? and made him whole in a moment. Miracles are not extraordinary to our Lord but only very natural and ordinary to Him. We see two criteria here regarding the healing received. Firstly, the healing was by the name of JESUS! Secondly, it was received through faith in His name. He is not only the Healer, He is also the Author and Perfecter of faith!
  14. Children and servants of God pass through various trials and hardships in our lives, which are sometimes too much for us to bear. In these days where prosperity gospel is preached among Christians, this makes us feel rather baffled. But, let us not be disillusioned because Paul writes, (II Timothy 3:12) In todays text, Paul lists out all the difficult situations that he underwent, after his decision to live as a witness for Christ. In Acts 14:19 we read that he was almost stoned to death by the Jews, but was not dampened in his spirit by this. He said, Next, we read that he, along with Silas, was imprisoned with feet fastened in the stalks. Even in this critical situation, they did not question God, but were singing praises to Him. And the Lord delivered them miraculously in a supernatural way. Besides these, Paul was flogged severely. He received forty lashes minus one for five times; he was shipwrecked; he was in hunger and thirst; he was cold and naked .Having endured such mindboggling situations he said just before his death, (II Timothy 4:7,8) What a good testimony!!!
  15. Please send me my new password , I too cannot Log into my Cpanel Moreover my domain redirection is also not working and i had installed Phpbb2 in my page and that to shows the following error , but it was worlking properly before Phpbb22 Error: Notice from BuffaloHELP: Sent new password. Don't forget to follow how to connect to your database by creating old username and password.
  16. When I think about God , the thing come to my mind is his Love.A father took his toddler to the beach. As she was playing in a sandbox, an icecream salesman approached them. The father purchased her a treat and when he turned to give her, he saw her mouth full of sand. Where the father intended to put a delicacy, the child had put dirt! Would the love of the father towards his child decrease because of her behaviour? Of course not! He loved her inspite of what she had done, but he did not leave her there. He carried her to a tap nearby and washed her mouth because he loved her. Then he put the delicacy in her mouth. God does the same for us. When we sin, He urges us, Spit out the dirt my child! He cleanses our filth with His fountain of blood. He removes from us our immorality, dishonesty, prejudice, bitterness and greed. Sometimes we even opt for the dirt instead of the icecream. We say stubbornly, I can eat dirt, if I want to! But if we do, then we only stand to lose. God wants to change us because He loves us.God's Love is Wonderful and no one can deny it .
  17. One important attitude that is diminishing in people even among children of God is humility. I was shocked to see a person who has recently accepted Jesus as his Savior, posing himself as if he knew in and out of the Bible. In fact, I was even more shocked to know that he did not even know the names of all the sixty six books of the Bible. He was even confronting with mature believers with regard to certain Biblical truths. What a sad thing it is to know that he not only deceived others but he also deceived himself. Do not be a know it all kind of a person. Resist being that type of a person who thinks that you are always right and that no one else can teach you anything. We should have the humility to say, I think im right, but I may be wrong ,even when we are sure we are right.So pride is very dangerous. It caused Satan to fall from the original position that he had with God. Now as a fallen angel, he goes around trying to fill people’s heart with prideful thoughts. Let us not allow pride to enter into our hearts. When we converse with others, especially with saints of God, let us listen to what they teach from the Bible and if there are any disagreements or doubts, let us discuss with them politely, as the Bereans did.
  18. Look we believe in God because he give us everything , he gives, and we Just Serve .Have you ever wondered who cooked your favorite dish, when the waiter brings your order in a restaurant? For sure, it is not the waiter himself. He only brings the dish ?cooked by someone else?. He only brings ?something special? made to order ?to someone special ? you!? The cook, though obscure, is really the man behind the scene, who executes your order to meet your requirement. He is the one responsible for satisfying you with His expertise. So also is our God. He prepares everything for us, though we do not we see Him working before our physical eyes. See what happened in the miracle that happened when Jesus fed the five thousand. They had just five loaves of bread and two fish. The mouths to be fed were a great multitude. By reasoning that was impossible. Yet, when Jesus commanded the disciples to serve the multitude, they immediately obeyed. They did not know what was happening behind the scene. But, they believed and acted on the word of Jesus. And the miracle happened!being doers of the word involves two aspects. One is to ?learn the principles? taught by the Word. Other is to ?carry out? what God wants us to do in all areas of our life. When the disciples heard Jesus telling them to distribute the food, they did what he told them immediately. We can?t say that the disciples did the miracle by themselves. They were only instrumental to God?s purpose. So also when God wants to use us and performs miracles through us we must remember that God alone does the miracle. We are just like that waiter who brings food in a restaurant. Let us submit to Him and do as He says and be a blessing to others. Let us give all glory to God and take nothing to our own self, So Just keep believing in God.
  19. hello! i wanna alert you all about the tricks which maijor telecommunication Networks Play . It happened that i saw an advertisement on 16-06-2008 on Discovery channel the advertisement meant that SMS LUFT to 57827 and win exciting gift hampers from Lufthansa , so in an excitement i too Messaged , immediately 3 from my mobile Load was detucted , i was Using an AIRTEL ( Bharathi Tellecommunication ) , Then immediately i had a reply asking a Question. The question was
  20. God Gave us Salvation through is Son Jesus Christ, Therefore No one can Go to the Father except through Jesus the Son, and for this we must be saved and we need Salvation. Salvation is Free Gift, But not a License for Sin.Salvation is the greatest of all miracles. It is really marvellous to see how a lost sinner becomes a righteous person after his encounter with Lord Jesus Christ. Charles Finny, a great evangelist of the 18th century, turned millions to Christ by his sermons. But he was an atheist when he was a youth. While he was reading the Holy Bible out of curiosity, he got convicted that he was a sinner and that he needed forgiveness. But his pride and status prevented him to humble himself before the Lord and confess his sins. One day the thought of his sins tortured him so much that he felt that he was going to die soon. He felt as if many devils dragged him to the hell and pushed into a fiery lake where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. He could hear a voice, ?The wages of sin is death?. Feeling exhausted and wearied he was walking on a street, not knowing what to do. Suddenly he had a vision of Jesus hanging on the cross with blood flowing from His head, hands and feet. His heart was broken. Tears flowed down on his face. He could not control himself. He ran to a forest nearby, confessed all his sins to the Lord, who sacrificed His life for him and wept bitterly. He felt God?s mercy and His grace enveloping him on all sides. His heart leaped with joy. What a great transformation!
  21. ha, yup i go to an University and i am doing my engineering in Information technology and i really love my branch and i am entering into my final year . College life is really cool , i am a hostler and i love the hostel Fun ! etc. and hope you guys must also be enjoying your hostel life if you are in a hostel . To be more specific ,the thing i like in my university is the internet connections provided to all the students , here we have full internet connectivity which is of very high speed for all the hostel rooms and this enables me to browse and experiance the real taste of the internet.And i like the enviornment of my college , that is it is situated between mountains , its like a horse shoe shaped mountain and in the center we are situated and the mountain is full of greenaries, falls etc. we do go the falls during weekends and we play in the river. We go the river side for birthday parties and we have fun ! To comclude i go the University and i love it ..
  22. and i am proud to say that my internet speed is 18 Mbps . ha this is my speed in my college , and my college uses a LAN speed of 100 Mbps and the internet speed is 18 , so i enjoy a high speed internet in my college although it is shared . But the only sad thing is that we are behind a firewall and anyway we tunnel it by some how.
  23. Hey this is a Quite diffrent questions , First step you need to take here is that learn the basics of programming , start with C even though C is a procedural oriented programming language in C only one learns the Fundementals such as the Looping etc. and so after getting along with the Basic move to an Application oriented language and choose a platform for developing the applications such as calculator or whatsoever you want , just i can suggest you to learn C# and choose Dot Net, i mean C# Dot net where you can create both server centric applications and web centric applications.
  24. Welcome Friends, now i would like to share with you something about C#( Pronounced as C# ) . This language was put into practice recently and now that i have started learning this language C#.And i found certain intresting stuffs in C# , Now let us see why i call this language as the language of future, as of now people used java and did you ever think why people used java? It is just becaused it was Platform Independent and so whereever this Java Virtual Machine was installed the Java program worked so the Key point here to be noted is that "Platform Independent", And in early stages people used C++ , did you stop for a while and think why C++. ? this is just because C++ had the concept of OO ( Object Oriented ) and people saw that OO was Good and they moved to C++ earlier to Java.And some where people were attracted to Visual Basic, did you think why ? this is just because it supported the " Rapid Application Devolopment , which made this very popular.Therefore as of now the three languages had three diffrent importace , they are i) Platform Independentii)OOiii)Rapid appiclication development.And what now about C#? C# is a langiuage which has combined all the above three and evolved. So i call it as the Language of the Future !!
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