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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. No , Never . The fact is that there is no religion in todays world, God did not create religion , it is man who created that ,and to be in particular Christianity too is not a religion it is a realtionship between God and the individual, it is that realtionship what makes a person Christian or not and it is not the Religious Title , many often people ( including me) in that relationship but it is because of his Unchanging Love an mercy that we are able to restore that Relationship,When we fall down his mercies are there to pick us up,So please NO ATHESIM
  2. hey in todays world building a website is not a big deal , i guess there are so many ways to do that . Moreovernowdays there are other softwares that ennable you to buld a website. Those were the days when a website can bebuilt only by peole who can do some codings , that is one must be knowing some mark up languages like HTML etc,inorder to create a website , Gone are those good old days , now even a person who does not even know what is HTML too can createa website of his/her own , the revolution in website creation is that the Macromedia which is now Adobes Dreamweaverthis ennables you to create website in so many diffrent markup languages that are there inorder to create websites.Now lets look ahead , in the field of website creation without knowing the actual language technology has provided roomto create websited , will this be the same in the case of writing a software too? in todays world inorder to create anapplication one must leatn the programming languages like C ,C++,Java ,C# etc. on order to have a good grip and inorder tocreate a softwate or an application.As in the case of website creation will a day come where one can create software and other application without knowing the COding languages????
  3. According to what i will say is that Our God is a miracle worker. The Bible records so many wondrous deeds which our Lord has performed in the past. He still works in supernatural ways either directly or through His servants in the lives of His children. Nothing is impossible with Him. The great man of God, Smith Wigglesworth once went to pray for a seventeen year old girl who had lost both her lungs due to a chronic infection. When Smith Wigglesworth met her, she was at the threshold of death. When he laid his hands and prayed for her, the girl breathed her last. Smith Wigglesworth was greatly perturbed to see the girl die after his prayer. But the next moment he thought about the great power of the Almighty and prayed . As his eyes were focused on the Lord, the Lord honored his faith and something extraordinary happened. The resurrection power of the Lord descended upon the lifeless body of the girl who had just died. Her spirit entered back into her mortal remains. Her two diseased and atrophied lungs were healed completely!God is a Miracle maker and the miracle maker is still making miracles again ,there is nothing he cant do if you only ask him for the miracle maker is making miracles.
  4. here what i woud suggest is be optimestic thats the solution for all !?Positive thinking really works researchers say. It is a known fact that optimism pays more dividends than pessimism. People who think positively fare better in many ways ? they are healthier, they are happier, they live longer and they are more successful in their jobs than pessimists. Though no one can be optimistic all the time, we can try our level best to see the things around us in a positive way. Worry and fear trigger negative reactions, whereas hope and faith promote positive ones. Though the worldly person adopts hundreds of ways to develop positive attitudes and thoughts, we, the children of God, have a much more valuable resource in our hands! It is not anything else but the Bible which is full of hundreds of promises which our Lord has given us to claim as our own. So dont get Confused that whether there is life after death , there is one for sure , so believe be optimestic !! Go Ahead..
  5. hey guys i have a doubt in this , at present i am using a domain and the domain extention is .cc and if and only if ( iknow for sure it is some what difficult) i am able to reach the requried credict , is it permitted for me to renew the existing .cc domain i have ,Moreover guys if possible can u reduce the requirement for this offer , ?
  6. hey all the above reasons are fine , but the thing is that ther are some other critical reasons that though you recieve sufficient bandwidth too some times the connection seems to be slow if your temprory files are over loaded. I have experienced this once, just follow this a and give a try , go to start ----->run--->in that type %temp% , now a window opens having all your temprory files related to the internet , just select all and give shift delete , now restart the computera nd try connecting to the internet , then you may feel a diffrence,,
  7. i would suggest that the best and the easy way to run a home server is that go for windows , windows has desined an exciting application , the IIS , just by installing and configuring IIS in your system you can have a server running in your computer , all you must do is that you will have a WWW folder , just drag and drop you pages into that folder and that is done you can host a webserver from home
  8. hey , look it is possible to do this and even this is possible in the case of a firewall by just using a Linux installed computer you can make it as a fire wall, but in all these cases in using a computer as an end device there are some problem , the thing is that if you use a computer as a router ,you will have just ethernet ports , but in a router there are many ports such as an serial ports etc which is highly difficult to configure manually in a computer ,More over i dont know how did you configure the console port ? a console port is one which gives remote access to the computer and can you share the how your did that , i mean how you configured the console port mannually in the computer which acted like a router. ?
  9. Hey here everything is fine and this did not hold Good for me , i am using a korean mobile phone the phone model is Desay L608 , here in this mobile phone it is Gprs enabled , i subscribed GPRS with my service provider and i tried connecting it with on my mobile , and it worked succesfully ,next i connected it with the computer, when i plugged into my computer the mobile phone it said that MT6227 Driver required and i downloaded it and the i installed my phone as modem , now i went to the dial up network and i established a connection and then i gave the required dial number and i tried to Dial.It came like Verifying user name and password then Registring computer to Network and then i had an Error.Error 734 PPP link error then i tried following the instruction given in more info then still i had that error , can anyone help me. ?
  10. Recently i watched the movie TROY and i really liked it very much , but after seeing the movie i have some questions to be raised, if you can consider giving your suggestion you are most welcomed, This movie is associated with the ancient history so i browsed the internet for answers but couldnt get it , Now in the movie Hector was killed by Akiilies , this is because Hector had killed the cousin of Akkiles , now knowing that Akkilies will kill him Hector decides to tell his wife the secret ways to escape out of the kings palace at the time of any war and shows a narrow passage and his wife notes it and uses it when Troy was burnt.Now do any one know where does this narrow passage lead , ofcourse it leads them out of troy but where ?? Can anyone clear this ?The next thing is that the movie shows that Akillies was killed by Hectors Brother , but is it true ? The history records Akkilies was killed in a garden but movie records that he was killed in a war,In this case what is the fact ??so friends do share your views and opinions on this and on the Trojan war of the ancient which is recorded as one of the Biggest War.
  11. poor guy , but now a days all the service providers has a limit for them , so that if the bill exceeds the limit the connection is automatically cut , here in this case that would not have been implemented so only the bill is so high. It is always Good and advisible for all to have a credict limit fixed for their phones inorder to avoid these stuffs..
  12. ah , for this question we have to make a very big discussion i guess , but as of today the age dosent matter because even a 5 year old kid knows to medal with a mobile more than an adult , so all that matters is not the age at which you give a mobile to a kid but the depends upon the maturity level of the Kid .If the kid is matured at the age of 5 , then well and good go on, let the kid have a mobile at that age.
  13. Hi friends , recently i have purchased a mobile phone and the brand name of that phone is DESAY . It looks similar to Nokia N series and it has a emblem behind stating Microsoft windows mobile and this has a touch screen , bluetooth etc. Now the problem is that this has a Code known as Phone Lock code and i dont know the default code , can anyone help me in finding the default Phone Lock code for DESAY mobiles , moreover i want to know what are all the type of software i mean the extentiions will this mobile supports.Now the problem for me is that the user manual is written in Chinese and i am unable to read the language and i searched in the net for DESAY mobile phone unlock code and i am unable to find it .Can any one help me please ?
  14. hey more over there are quite a hand full of cheaters who will direct you to a rapidshare file and the name of the file will be something like rapidshare premium account.txt or something similar to that , so what happens is that people get cheated and download that file What happens is that the person who hosted that file will make the rest of the world download that file so that he can have a premium account for him, but when you open the file you will find that there is nothing in that file and your cheated.Please Note: There are thousands of file like that so BEWARE !
  15. hi , i think i can help you regarding this , i bought a sony Cyber shot recently for 10,000 Rupees and now i am using it ,but now as im using it i see a Big drawback in it , it is not shake proof or else in other words it does not have an anti shake.But the cam is 7 mega pixel and the clarity of the image and the quality is superb , provided you dont shake while taking a snap.On the other hand if you shake what happens is the the image becomes blur and people are not going to say that the pic is from a digi cam. it looks like one mobile cam pic.So my advice is that when you buy a Digi cam Look for anti Shake option and then go for one.
  16. We all know that YouTube is one of the Largest video sharing portal where we can almost watch any video which we think . But on the other hand YouTube do now allow us to save video officially. ie) one can view but cannot store the videos to his/her computer.But the situation is that there are so many Sites today that allows you and me to save those you tube videos . We can get the Link from the Official Youtube site and we can give to these third party sites and they save their videos to our computers in Flash format.Now The Question is ... Why YouTube by itself allow its viewers to save the videos?? It is obvious that they know people are using third party sites to do that.
  17. May be if the earth is destroyed then the internet is destroyed , else there is no way of destroying the internet . This is simply because internet is not centralized or in other words no one is the owner of the internet. Internet is a distributed system.You and i are a part of this distributed system, and so others.If you see the evolution of the internet , internet did not evolve over night , it started in the US army where there was a need for 2 systems to talk with each other so they decided to find a way and they accomplished it.It slowly grew up and today it is the INTERNET. As the term says internet is a collection of networks, so if all these collection destroy themselves then only the internet is destroyed
  18. Yeah like this once i have recived a fake orkut LINK , and i really could not find the diffrence between the original one and the fake one.But the best way is whenever you have doubt on some Login pages like this you just type some user name and a junk password and give sign in.Then meanwhile see the status bar of the web browser , it will indicate the path , if you find any annonimus redirection such as freeform mailer etc. to which your page is getting directed you can be sure that it is a fake one.There are many Phishing websites like this and we must be careful about these Phishing sites because you dont know where your details are getting transferred.
  19. For this if we try to answer keeping in mind the worldly things we may say that we were born to win, ie ) we were born to study , we were born to play , we were born to get a job. etc. But Looking the same from a Divine aspect God has created each one of us for a specific purpose.We are here to expand the territory of God. In other words. our Aim must be telling the world about God and Christ so that the whole world will realize that there is a life after this, and we are in this world to get prepared for that Life. Our hearts Cry must be to see the nations worship the living God.So we must work for it and that is why we are born
  20. The whole world is under bondage to Satan. Many are racing towards eternal hell every minute. Repentance and salvation alone can deliver them from peril. Jesus Christ alone can bring this deliverance and He did this by giving Himself up. Jesus underwent bitter pains for us. He poured, for you and me, the lifeblood from His sacred veins. He paid a costly prize to save you and me from eternal hell. Indeed there is no other Saviour who loves us better. Today let us meditate more on the suffering that our Lord Jesus underwent to earn this salvation for us. Salvation is free to all for the Bible says, But salvation also has a cost. Lets see how much our Lord Jesus suffered to earn this salvation. He lost his beauty and majesty. His face was disfigured beyond recognition due to physical torture and mental agony. He was despised by everyone, even by the guards and servants. He was oppressed. He was crushed in spirit. He was afflicted in His body. He was rejected by His own people for whom He came down from heaven. In the gospels we read that He was flogged severely many times. He was humiliated. When He was overwhelmed with fatigue and suffering, He was made to bear a heavy rugged cross on His bruised shoulders and He was made to walk upon mount Golgotha. Finally, He was pierced by three strong nails and was hung on the cross in between two thieves. He was numbered among the transgressors! He was ridiculed by the passersby! What shame! What a disgrace! Dear friends, have you ever pondered over the suffering of Christ? Have you ever meditated on the passion of Christ? Take time and bring to your mind the scene of Calvary.
  21. Bob was eight years old when he went to the summer camp for the first time. He seemed excited when he left. Then came his first letter to his parents. Dear mummy and daddy, I hate this place. I got stung by 4 bees. The food stinks. Get me out of here. Please HURRY, Love, Bob. When Bob?s mother read his appeal in a big bold print, she felt her heart tear a little inside her. She wanted to rush to this ?wretched? place and rescue Bob. But she didn?t. She wrote a letter back to him. Dear Bob, I?m sorry about the bee stings. And I?m sure that the food will taste better soon. I can?t get you out from there. But my heart is there with you. I believe in your ability to face the situation bravely. I love you ? Mummy. Dear friends, sometimes when we are in difficult situations, we call to God to get us out. But God does not always rescue us immediately. He leaves us there and lets us grow and learn from our circumstances. Now we read that Jesus loved the little family in Bethany ? Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Yet when He heard that Lazarus was very sick He did not rush to the spot immediately and heal him. We read that Jesus delayed for two more days. We learn only later the purpose for His delay. By the time He reached Bethany, Lazarus was dead and when Jesus raised him to life, His name was glorified among the Jews and many put their faith in Him. So let us not lose heart. When we, the earthly parents know how hard it is to refuse our children?s immediate and urgent needs for their betterment, will not our Father know things better than us? He will come to our aid exactly at the right time!
  22. It is still a common sight in villages, of an entertainer who goes around in the streets with a little monkey to collect money. One such entertainer had an especially clever monkey. On one occasion, a dog broke away from one of the children with whom it had been playing and rushed towards the monkey. But the monkey did not seem to be least afraid. He stood perfectly still in evident curiosity, waiting for the dog to come up to him. The dog seemed to be confused for he must have thought that the monkey would run frantically in fear. He did not expect the monkey to stand bravely. As soon as the dog reached the monkey, the funny little creature wearing multicolored coat, courteously removed his cap from his head and scorned at the dog. Instantly there was a roar of laughter from the audience. The dog was so scared that his head drooped and his tail was drawn between his legs. He looked so timid and was not at all like the fine dog it really was. It turned and ran back home as fast as he could amidst the laughing audience.So now friends, we all know that it takes two to make a quarrel and only when both the hands clap together a sound is made. We can avoid strife by being the one who refuses to fight with a person who intentionally comes against us. As for the monkey in this story, he wanted no disagreement with the dog and played a trick to escape. But we as children of God should wholeheartedly seek to be peaceful with our opposers. In today?s text James tells us that if we have received wisdom that comes from above we would be peace loving, considerate, and submissive. So let us ask our Lord to give us this wisdom today and forever to deal with hot-tempered and impatient people who try to pick up quarrel with us even for very trivial matters.
  23. A Christian is under an obligation to love God, and also to love others. Why should he love God? Because God first loved him, even when he was still a sinner! Yes, Gods love came unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. However, this is the most important reason why we should love God always. Loving God is also closely linked to loving others. The Bible says, (1 John 4:21) Loving others can be in two different ways. First is to love our neighbor not just the one who is living next door, but anyone who is in need. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:3037) explains how this love operates. The second is to love our enemy. According to Jesus, (Matthew 5:4348) loving an enemy is what is required of a good and believing Christian, to be called the son of the Father in heaven. He also confirmed that the reward for such persons would be much greater. Now we know what happened to Jim Elliot and his team that went with the greatest mission of reaching the Auca Indians and how they got killed. However, the wives of two of the team members reached out to them again in love. Now, Auca Indians worship the true living God because somebody repaid their hate with love. As Martin Luther King Jr said,
  24. An incident is related in Greek history of a wrestler who was so envious of Theagenes, the prince of wrestlers, that he could not be consoled in any way. After Theagenes died, a statue was erected in the public place to honor him. The envious wrestler was provoked further at the sight of the statue. Every night he went to the public place and wrestled with the statue, until one night he threw it over. But, what a pity! The statue fell on him and crushed him to death.We read in the Bible about the first incident of envy in Cain?s life. Cain was envious of his brother Abel because the Lord accepted Abel?s offering, and rejected his own. As a result, envy swelled in his heart and he killed his own brother shedding his innocent blood. Next we read about Saul?s envy towards David. When Saul heard the women singing, dancing and praising David on his victorious return after defeating the Philistines he was angry, for they were singing ?Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands?. This provoked Saul. From that time on he kept a jealous eye on David and tried to kill him. Even in the life of Jesus Christ, the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the Pharisees wanted to kill Him because they were envious of the miraculous deeds that He did and of His powerful teachings with which He attracted great crowds.Dear friends, envy is a terrible sin which has a two fold effect. It kills the one who possesses it. It also drives the envious one to inflict harm on his opponent. It is one of the sinful things that Paul lists in Galatians 5:19, which prevents us from inheriting the Kingdom of God. So let us be careful not to allow envy to enter into our soul.
  25. Lord Jesus mentions about four categories of people. The first group of people hears the Word of God very casually. In today?s context, people hear various preachers through the TV or radio. They do not pay attention to it many times. Satan takes away from their mind what they listened casually.The second group of people listens to the Word of God joyfully. They appreciate the speaker and show interest in the style and language. But they do not meditate upon them and fix them in their hearts. So when problems come, they get disturbed, criticize the preacher or the Word or even blame God and drift away from their faith. The third group of people listens to the Word of God and even grows in their spiritual lives. But they remain fruitless and exhibit stunted growth because they allow the pressures and pleasures of life to dominate them. The fourth group of people is those who listen to the Word, anchor them in their minds and so stand steadfast in their faith in all situations. They produce a bountiful harvest of souls. Friends, to which of the above mentioned categories do we belong? Let us not merely listen to the Word but let us be practical. Let us take two major decisions today. First, let us increase our Bible reading time. Let us memorize a new verse each day. I?ll give you a small hint to help you in this regard. Write the verse in a piece of paper and carry it in your pockets and purses. Read it and be reminded of it amidst your busy schedule. Second, let us do what the Word says. Let us be practicing Christians. If the Word of God gets deeply rooted in our minds, then we will not be shaken by any storm in our lives. Instead, our lives will be steady and firm ? making us definitely fruitful.
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