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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. I prefer the internet because I can get it whenever I want then. Plus I can just watch the TV on the internet so its 2 in 1. There is also a lot more options on the internet with different views (yes, news stations are biased) and different depths they go into the subject. Plus you can get a lot more targeted news from different sites, versus a general news outlet. And you can do them simultaneously. Doing that on a TV just doesn't work out.
  2. I really want to read it. I have read all the other books in the series and love them. I was going to buy it, but I didn't have the money with me at the time. So we will see how that goes. I also haven't heard much about it.
  3. I prefer my MobileMe iDisk. I get a lot of storage and an overall great service. I know there is still a lot of problems with MobileMe, even Apple acknowledges it, but it doesn't halt it from being great. The syncing between it and my iPhone is great. Plus there is no file size limit for the iDisk, so I can just fill it up. It is a great idea, I'd say. I would like to try this, but with such limitations, I am not really feeling it right now.
  4. For free I like SMF and AEF for paid I like IPB.I used to be on the design team for AEF, but I got too busy with my life to continue. It really depends on what you want out of it.
  5. Hey Bob! I think you will like it here. The hosting is first class. And there are tons of nice people. And a lot to talk about. I could go on an on and on. Plus with myCENT you may never have to pay for hosting thanks to the activity on this forum.
  6. Right, they use CDMA. The information is within the phone. The only way to get it back is to get it working, try our suggestions on drying it out for that. Or they might be able to recover it at a Verizon store.If neither works, take my other suggestion and create a Facebook group to get your info back haha.
  7. Something I think that might also help you, in conjunction with the other suggestions, is try just being in one of those relationships. Even if you know they aren't the one, live it out a little to get used to it. It seems to me that that would be a great way of going about things right now. And maybe you will decide you actually do like them. There is an old saying that goes "Don't judge a book by its cover" and that applies to this. A first date is like reading the cover. Finding them online was only like hearing about it from a friend. There are many people I have known for years and didn't really like them until I actually talked to them (and partied with them) for a while.Also, if you don't feel comfortable with anybody, and also have self confidence issues, dating somebody would help that. Not feeling comfortable with anybody directly relates to self confidence. I believe that if you just start a relationship, then let it go until a) you can't take it, it works out, or c) you just find somebody better, you will be able to boost your self confidence enough to feel comfortable with more people.As for finding a best friend, sometimes they come in weird places. I found my best friend on a game server that I made. That was about 4 years back. We don't got a day without talking now. The oddest part is I have never met him in person because we live quite far away. But we do have video chats occassionally.Which actually reminds me that if you try video chatting with people before you meet them, you might feel more comfortable when you talk with them face to face.
  8. Sorry for the confusing wording, I meant I could read the emails when I was logged in the client area. Because I can't login now, I can't read them. And yes, I have checked spam folders and every folder imaginable. I even tried different email addresses. It just doesn't want to email me I guess :/
  9. I used Opera for a while. I am not sure why I switched though. I just wanted change I guess. I did like Opera. It was very minimal and very fast.
  10. I am leaning more towards the US, but I am not sure. I think the US definitely has a superior military. And the fact that China really restricts its people, which might cause a lot of them to favor the US. China does supply a lot of technology though, so that would be a downside to the war. If we could use satellites in the war, which are currently forbidden for warfare use (as weaponry) then the US would win for sure. We have all that planned out. Also if we could use nuclear weapons, we could pwn noobs. I guess it just depends on the reason for the war.
  11. I think you guys are expecting too much out of it. Please tell what other phones offer the same functionality as an iPhone. I can think of one and it isn't that great (T-Mobile G1). It has BY FAR the greatest touch screen of ANY touch screen phone. It is way more responsive than another touchscreen phone as well. The speaker isn't great, but what are you expecting? 5.1 surround sound? Get real, it's mono channel audio from a phone. You can't expect much more. It was designed for speakerphone, but is usable for music. Why would you even play music through it anyways? As for the earbuds, they suck. Period. Get different ones, that is what smart people do. The applications do not fail. You can't expect to get amazing apps for free. I don't know if you realize this, but people put their time and money into developing them. Be happy with the free ones. I have quite a few free applications that I love. I also have some paid apps that I love. You can't expect a lot from something free. That is common sense. I do agree with your comments on bluetooth, however. The support absolutely sucks. It is definitely a huge draw back. As for ringtones, please tell me if you find a service and/or phone that you can get free ones with. You pay for that stuff. Period. That is common sense as well. If you have music not purchased from the iTunes store, you can make your own pretty easily. It takes about 30 seconds. If you purchased a song, you can make a ringtone for $.99 more. That still is cheaper than most ring tones are. When you have tons of applications that use common system memory, that happens. It's the same with a computer. There is only so much memory to share. Eventually you have to restart it. Depending on how many apps you have and how often you use them will determine how often you restart your phone. I try to restart it at least once a week just to keep it running good. As with any phone you should do that. It really just boils down to you wanting to use it as a portable computer, not a phone. If you expected out of it what it was designed for, you would be happy. It is still the best touch screen phone on the market. If you haven't noticed in reviews they always pit touch screen phones against the iPhone and in the title put "(Phone Name Here) - The Next iPhone Killer?" They do these things for a reason.
  12. I had the same problem, but my phone didn't use a SIM card. But I can still provide a bit of insight.Usually, inside the battery cover, there is a sticker. It will most likely have a wave pattern on it with a white background. If the waves are purple, it means your phone got pretty wet. In this case, you need to do what rvalkass said and just take it apart without damaging it and let it dry. That normally works unless the components were very damaged.The screen saying no service also leads me to believe your SIM card was messed up. You can probably go into the store and just get a new one. If your contacts and everything are stored on the SIM card, try drying it out first to see if you can still use it. If they are on the phone, there is a good chance you lost them if it boots up and says there are no contacts or any other data.I think it is time to make one of those Facebook groups requesting numbers....
  13. I understand your question, but it more depends on if you actually need the phone. If you don't, go with the iPod Touch. If you do, choose the iPhone. I have had both and completely moved to the iPhone because I liked it and carrying 2 was kind of pointless. Anyways. There are quite a few apps that won't run on the iPod because you need features the iPod can't support. In the new generation of the Touch, you can use an external microphone, which covers some apps, but there are many that are just pointless with no constant internet connection or GPS.Also, while one may argue there is no service fee for the iPod touch and there is for the iPhone, think of it like this; you need internet for the iPod to go on the internet, some places offer it for free but most do not. The iPhone has the data plan, so you always have internet. It is somewhat expensive, but it is VERY convenient. The only crappy part is AT&T charges so much. I personally use T-Mobile, which is a lot cheaper. In the end, it really depends on what you need it for.
  14. I, too, am surprised you gave it a 5/10. You have to keep in mind it is still in beta and hasn't even been around that long. Firefox is on its third version and has been around for ages.But here is what I think:FireFox:9/10I love the browser. It is very fast and is by far the most customizable. But the interface is not as great as others stock. I also notice that in times of extreme CPU usage, it freezes up while other programs do not. Definitely my main browser for Windows though.Chrome:9/10Beautiful, clean, minimal interface. That is a huge plus for me. Another thing is it looks great with and without Vista Aero. This browser has A LOT of potential. It is still in beta and it beats IE be far (though that is not hard). I have noticed a few problems with it, but nothing that you can't expect with a browser not even in the first full version.Safari:Windows - 8/10Mac - 10/10For Windows, the Safari interface is kind of ugly. I don't really like how Apple forces its design on you, especially when it's a completely different operating system. But Safari scores 100% in Acid 3 tests, so I have to give it credit there. It beats out FF by almost 10%. Safari is definitely a model browser.For Macs, however, Safari is unbeatable. With the 100% compliance and the interface actually fitting in, you simply can't beat it. I have yet to find a browser other than Safari that I want to use in OS X.IE7/10Not quite an epic fail, but it's slowly going there with each new version, oddly enough.That's what I think.
  15. You can check out the website at http://www.microsoft.com/surface/de-de It is a great idea, I think. I really want one too. It is also spill resistant and you can use it like a normal table, no worries there. If it was like $2,000 I would buy it, but $10,00 is a bit much. I was doing some research on it and the apps are limited too. They need to be specially designed because of the touch screen and a whole different operating system platform. I am sure you could install Vista or, more likely, Windows 7 on it but you would need to configure the screen somehow. The idea of putting anything on it and it can sync with it is awesome too. I hate cables so that would really make my day. I really want to see this thing go mainstream because I have seen it in a lot of movies and it makes me want one even more. But I suppose a 30" touch screen, spill resistant, AIO computer/monitor is going to be somewhat expensive. Just a normal 30" monitor doesn't go for under $900. When I first heard of the surface I kind of laughed at it, but it seems Microsoft is holding on and it is impressive. If only there were more apps...
  16. xpress is correct. You will need to find the resolution of the player's screen, then convert them using whichever converting software you choose. Unlike computers, MP4 players cannot play any file size they want, they are limited by processing power. If you need a suggestion on good converting software, IMToo is an amazing company for almost anything. It isn't free, but it is definitely worth the money. Otherwise you could check out Videora. There is a good chance it is a 640x480 screen, which is widely support in converting.
  17. Even if they do, I won't be able to read it. Like I said, I can't login to the client area and the emails don't go to my email address.
  18. 2 days ago, I purchased the Ideal plan and paid for it right away. From past experience I expected a nice, fast, easy setup. Boy was I wrong. Apparently my payment didn't go through 2Checkout, even though I didn't use 2Checkout. So I contacted them about it and they said that is was flagged and they called some number and blah blah blah. They also mentioned it was paid by credit card...Hmm...I used PayPal. Another thing that made me curious was the amount that was charged...Just over $33. That isn't right either. My payment was for $38, I paid $8 in myCENT and the rest through PayPal. I requested more information from 2Checkout but they won't tell me anything.I also talked to Velma on MSN. She said that it should be setup within 3 hours. It has been over 16 hours and I have yet to have it setup. In fact, I can't even login to the client area...I didn't change my email or password. And of course for whatever reason emails don't actually go to my email account, I can only see them in the My Emails tab in the client area.But after that first purchase, I tried again. Same problem. So I have paid over $70 in total, and have yet to receive my hosting. I disputed one transaction in PayPal and was told it would take an hour for the credit to be added to my account and the hosting to be setup. It, again, has been a lot longer than that. I am aware that the servers were DDoSED. But that shouldn't take this long to fix, especially if you are using all your man power to do so. After 3 support tickets and over a day of waiting, still no reply as to what is going on. I guess I am stuck until Velma or another person who actually knows something is online.I hate having to deal with this. I love Xisto, and was excited to come back because I really miss the company. But I really haven't received much of a warm welcome...I am not sure what will come of this post, but maybe somebody can read it and contact me.
  19. The problem isn't with my site. My site is on a different host right now. I was signing up for a hosting plan, and now 2 days later it still isn't setup. I paid for it already, and it cleared. But it seems as if they are have huge problems with billing. Velma told me 3 hours is all it would take to setup when I talked to her, but nothing then. She wasn't online after that so I submitted a support ticket. Now I can't even login to the client area. Once Velma gets back on I will talk to her because obviously support tickets are worthless because I had THREE open and none were responded to. NONE! I love Xisto, but this is killing me.
  20. Looks nice, but it seems as if in the planet that has a giant.. crack? in it.. it makes the planet look flat, try to like.. curve it with the planets sphere shape.
  21. Finished theme that I did the graphics for, and my friend did the coding for.You can check it out at PassTheBoll.comWithin the banner, there is a cartoon, I also drew that
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