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Everything posted by A200

  1. Why doesn't the world just become a government where we have no guns and no military or anything... have it so no country has arms then the world will be happy
  2. What I think of the ones you just posted: -I just *BLEEP* my pants, can I get in yours? EWW SEEDY!!! Seriously, this one is just sick.. -Excuse me, I lost my number do you wanna have sex? Random..... totally random! -Daaaa, Derrrr, Daaa, Deeee... I'm sorry I'm not really retarted, but I could tell that you are one special lady! Lame. -I just *BLEEP* my pants, can I have your phone number? Lame. -I'm dislexic,so when I look at the alphabet, I see "I" and "U" together. Lame. -So other than giving me a boner, what else are you doing tonight? Sick and seedy. Still lame. -So, should we discuss your payment afterwards? WTF? -Hi, didn't I see you in the womens restroom? Lame. -Are you ok? Because you look like you just fell outta the sexy tree and hit every branch on the way down! Lame. -You mine as well com home with me, because I'm gonna have sexy with you anyway. Lame. -Hey, did you see that fight? Her response: No, what fight? That fight between my eyes deciding on which part of you to stare at. Seedy and lame. -Do you mind if I stand next to you? I forgot a jacket and need something hot to warm me up laugh.gif Lame. Still the first was a tad funny, but still sick and seedy. A200
  3. Thanks for letting us know, I hope the downtime isn't as long as it was last time. Thanks for the warning too it is much appreciated.GMT -8, 8PM May 31 would probably = 4am GMT time, June 1 which = 2pm, June 1 GMT +10 time (my localtime zone). Seeing as that is the middle of the day on a sunday, I don't think I'll be on (ill be out )ThanksA200
  4. The ones in this thread are funny.You make me feel like dancing...!
  5. I don't like vista for many reasons: 1. You need a fast computer for it... I know a couple of people got it and it slowed down their computer.2. A large variety of programs don't work on it3. I find it difficult to use, not really that user friendly.I like XP better
  6. omg question 3 is so funny... i kept retrying to figure out which it was when the answer was in the question... DUH *smacks head*
  7. I use phpBB3... never ever had any security issues at all with it. And if I do, you can be sure that I would let the phpBB3 team know.I also asked one of my friends to read through its code and there was nothing there he considered dangerous.I do have MODs installed, but only simple ones that won't compromise the security of my site.
  8. Ugh I hate pedo's, he made a BIG MISTAKE showing himself on webcam... send that to the indian police or something and BINGO he's screwed. I see the screenshot includes his MSN, hmm I'm gonna add him on my other (spare) MSN account that I don't use and give him a piece of my mind about preying on 14 year old girls! I remember I once had someone with like 'msnlive@hotmail.co.uk' or something and they said they were Bill Gates and I didn't believe them then they started asking is I like anal and all this horrid stuff. I blocked them, but still, pedos are freaky. EDIT: I talked to this indo guy and got a screenshot of him Then blocked and deleted him from my contacts. A200.
  9. I contacted Xisto - Support.com on their live support yesterday (at about 6:30PM GMT +10) and they said a senior admin is working on upgrading the cpanel version or something and that phpmyadmin should be working in 4 or 5 hours. That was about 21 hours ago now.I contacted them about 20mins ago on the same live chat and got a different operator and I explained that I had contacted them yesterday and asked about phpmyadmin and I got no response, instead the operator immediately quit the chat. Hmmm...So IF phpmyadmin will ever be ready is a big question for me, as its been down for about 10 days now (the whole Xisto network went down 10 days ago).
  10. In a way I agree with you BuffaloHELP, I understand it is hard for the Xisto staff when things like this happen, but I am more interested in having phpmyadmin back up as well as my domain- (adminhelpline.com is an addon domain to a200.trap17.com. my Xisto subdomain works and the site can be accessed by going a200.trap17.com/adminhelpline but its a waste to tell people that URL as it will confuse and a domain is easier to work out. plus the site isn't up as I need to do some database changes which I cannot do.) If the current cPanel skin is the one that is staying (not going back to the old look) then I would be happy anyway, I probably made up those credits from posting about the downtime anyway (and such discussions don't push the Xisto content base any further.).Thanks for your response BuffaloHELP :)RegardsA200
  11. I get it as well. Quite annoying :lol:The only thing lying between me and rereleasing my website!!!
  12. I would like to have around 4 extra credits say? I don't mind if this idea is rejected, but for me, its a waste of my time this last week posting for the credits if all I get is an account that I cannot access nor anyone else can access. As well as I was going to reopen my site on May 1 (it closed in march but we decided to relaunch it) and I had everything ready on localhost but couldn't upload, so its an inconvenience to me as the opening has now been delayed 4 days and won't open anytime soon either as my domain still isn't working (its an addon domain to my account which is a subdomain) and I cannot access phpmyadmin to upload the database. I won't winge and whine for credits, but considering I had no warning and my opening was delayed (and potential visitors thus going to our competitors and not us) but it would make people feel better about the situation if it was done.
  13. I live in Brisbane, Australia. One of the largest metropolitan cities in the world by size (as the WHOLE of greater Brisbane is governed by the one council, not like in cities like Sydney and London where the main city CBD is governed by the city council and the rest is separate cities all together by urban sprawl) and it is pretty big. That's pretty bad, we have a large city and a relatively small CBD... hmmm. Traffic is a nightmare. Public Transport is a nightmare.Yes, we have a whole series of busways under construction/completed (the SE Busway, Stages 2 and 3 of the INB (stage 1, the most important, opens later this month) and stage 1 of the boggo road busway is complete and functional with the rest of the busway opening in 2009, and the busway to the north (from the inner northern busway all the way until the end of the city) will be finished in 2014, with stage 1 just starting now. hmm... but our series of Busways can only do so much... and eventually will get overcrowded. The SE Busway has already hit its capacity in peak with many bus jams occuring (yes, bus jams). The Lord Mayor is planning on building a whole link of tunnels (he is a very tunnel obsessed man) about 5 in total, but 1 will now be a bridge. All will be tolled, and I can bet you they will do anything to make it as cheap as possible, which will mean cutting corners and reducing effectivity. Then we have the Health System issues... the state government made a big media frenzy stating they are spending $3 billion on hospitals about 2 years ago when we had a massive health crisis, and it still is pretty bad. Education system is bad as well, and pretty corrupt. The government gives 3 times as much money each year to each private school in comparison to each public government funded school. Plus the private schools get $10,000 each year from each student that attends. So the divide between the quality of Private schools and Public (State) schools is pretty big and unfair.Ok OK I go to a private school, but I think they get too much and the school just spends like there is no tomorrow. As well as getting millions of dollars in donations from rich old-boys. So unfair. And I wonder why they end up with a $15 million debt, the school just spends and spends and our school fees just rise and rise. The upper part of our school (which is grades 7 - 12, 6 year levels in total, the prep school has grades R - 6) has around 10 executives. Compare that to the Prep school which has 7 grades and about 5 executives. Some of the roles that are filled are pretty pointless... Director of Philanthropy gets $150,000 a year, then you have the headmaster who probably gets a good $200,000 as well as a school owned mansion and executive cars and free trips overseas and wherever he wants. There is also the head chaplain, head of senior school (grades 10-12) and head of middle school (grade 7 - 9) and all these managers of teaching and learning, thinking (I still wonder why they need a manager of 'thinking'). All these heads I just listed probably get a good $200,000 a year too. Plus each year the school buys new laptops for all the staff, about 100 teachers say? 100 x $3000 laptop = lots of $$$$$. So when you look at it, a lot of our money is being wasted on people on pointless positions and crap. It's unfair, and we can't afford to spend $13,000 each year for my education, but the only alternative is going to a state school, which are severely underfunded and have bad education facilities.And of course the QLD State Government knows about this, they are just as corrupt. Each night you see a minister in court for siphoning hundreds of thousands of dollars from the state budget into their own pockets, and then when the public really wants a new thing for their town, the government makes a big lie and says they cannot afford it. The Brisbane City Council is pretty good, but the State Government is sadly ruining our state, and the opposition have no plans for the future either so we have to vote for the devil we know than the devil we don't know. It's horrible.Many Queenslanders hate our government, and its even worse now that the ALP (in power in state) now have control over the whole country. The last time they were in office, interest rates hit 18% because of their horrible policies and they seem to spend a lot and end up in big debts.Some people also had an online petition to get the QLD and NSW State Governments scrapped all together and have those powers given to the local councils, as the NSW Government has done a lot of atrocious things to Sydney too and has no plans or hope at all. So to keep their position strongly, the QLD Gov. simple amalgamated half the councils into super shires without any referendum. Unfair, I know.So that ends my rant on how things are run here. Feel free to comment.
  14. My site is still down and the Gamma server isn't online yet...
  15. This types of threads make me laugh. I don't know whats worse, the fact they are criticizing Xisto, or the fact their spelling is horrible...I love Xisto. I will never leave! Long live Xisto!
  16. Wow its been nearly 2 years since I went there... haha! I remember I had 585K at most and got ripped off by some *BLEEP* into buying these rare items that were for sale at 2million np each (I bought 2 for 150K each) but then it turned out the person who sold it owned nearly all of them, so he forced the price down to 50K and I tried to sell them both for 150K to get my funds back and almost had a buyer until he stole the business... 300K down the drain. And the next week I found myself Frozen for 'cheating'.I tried so hard to get it back and also to get them to restore the np's, I guess they didn't care and emptied out the account.How typical of their appalling customer service. I am so glad I never sent them $$ to upgrade to Premium.. I was considering it at the time
  17. If you have dreamweaver or any other WYSIWYG, then use it. Tables are good for some things, but don't rely on it 100% for your site- there are such things as divs and other ways to make a page index nice. CSS is good to use too...
  18. I am not a US Citizen and as such don't vote in US Elections (lol, I live in Australia. I'm not old enough to vote here either I wish voting was optional for people 15 to 18 years old so I could have a say too.But I think Barack Obama is a lot like Kevin Rudd. A whole HEAP of propoganda and people don't fully look at what they are voting for. Its like a novelty vote. Hillary Clinton is plain annoying and I would hate to have her as the leader of a powerful country of 300 million people only too happy to be nosy in other countries affairs. Bush is bad enough, but Clinton...? And I know nothing about John McCain has to say.
  19. I am making my site this way and uploading it to your webspace is pretty easy, just upload the pages and backup your databases then restore them in PHPMYADMIN
  20. Haha that is awesome! Love it.But wouldn't people think its weird that a car can out run some missiles? And that the missiles follow the car at the same distance all the time and slow down when the car does?It would be interesting to know if its illegal to do that... and if so how much you could be fined.
  21. Smoking aggravates asthma in both you and the people around you, causes lung cancer and other cancers, heart conditions and diseases, lung diseases, cause stroke, some smokers can get gangrene and need their toes, legs, arms, fingers etc. removed, heart disease. Some facts: Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year. Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking. More: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ > DON'T SMOKE!
  22. Thanks for that, it will be really useful!I find my biggest issues are with IE6, because so many people seem to use it without knowing that IE7 exists, and my site just doesn't work in it (something about the stylesheet it seems to have problems with )A200
  23. I use WAMP and it works like a charm installation was quick and easy.I haven't used LAMP or XAMP, but installing all the different parts yourself must be tiring and complicated
  24. Not all those mods you need, remember. Having quick reply can also increase spam on your forums as people only need to do 1 click to reply instead of 2. #3, #5 and #6 are probably not needed by everyone, as they can clutter up a page (especially having a chatbox on the index page). If you want some nice styles, they are also posted on startrekguide.com and phpbb3styles.comOne MOD I always use is the Forum Statistics one, which not many people know about. I think it can be found in the phpbb.com mod database, and I find the stats it produces to be quite useful, except I haven't figured out how to install it on subsilver2 based themes yet.
  25. I believe that when we die, we go to where we were before we were born.Of course, noone can remember where they were before they were born. Some may think that they were once a great person revived.. who knows!It is even possible that as soon as we die, our memory is deleted and we are reborn as someone/something else being born at the same time. However this cannot be possible as our population is increasing, not staying the same so these new people must come from somewhere, unless the human population growth comes as other species die and they become human and act human. For all you know, you might've been a dinosaur once before. If my little theory is true, then someday we will use up all possible life and human will be the only ones here, noone can be born until someone dies, and no other species are here to be able to become humans.Complicated, I know
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