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Everything posted by A200

  1. Some of my friends are extremely ignorant of common sense, and have no sense of reality at all. They refuse to drink tap water as they believe they are "upper class" and dont drink what the "commoners" drink. Completely rubbish. Instead, they have this big water thing from "Brita Water" and only drink that as water. I think bottled water is the biggest waste- its the same as tap water, but just but in a bottle and given a fancy name. Plus it always tastes terrible, tap water has a nice taste about it.Oh and I have to mention another friend who believes souly in MySpace and Facebook for communication- like, how dumb can you be? If you want to contact someone, do it via MSN, email, snail mail, phone call or just visit them. I dont trust MS or FB one iota, as I don't know what they do with our personal info, and who can see it.
  2. Ok well in 1998, we got 12 small cute chickies, and they were cute. We also had 3 cats, 2 of them died about a week after each other, so we got new ones, all of whom are really fat and lasy. We had a german shepherd dog for ages until she died in June 2005, then in August we got Widget, a cute little designer dog that is badly behaved (and cute).Well back to the chickens, they all died of different things from 2000-2004 (IIRC about 3 died in 2001 alone) and that was sad. So in August 2004 we only had 3 chickens left, and then I got home one day and Queenie, my favourite who I had had since 1998, had died. I swear that was the most saddest day of my life, it took me ages to get happy again.So in October we got another 6- all cute silverlayed wyandotes (all the previous lot were bantams ) except one brown one which is a pekanese (??). One was a big white chick 2 weeks older than the rest, one was a little brown pekanese which was 2 weeks younger than all the rest, another white one and 3 black ones.Well 2 of the 6 ended up being roosters >> One of the black ones (who we named Monty) and the normal sized white one (Godzilla)(not the bigger white one).In February 2005, we decided that Monty was too vicious to keep (he constantly fought with Godzilla, whom we tried to keep separate from him, and Monty started attacking us) so he went to a produce agency somewhere...So we managed to break the Brisbane City Council regulations on rooster owner ship for a while! In March 2005, Big Chick (the bigger white hen, which by that time was now the same size as everyone else) got broody and had 6 of her eggs hatch (she sat on the for 3 weeks, mustve been boring for her) and they were all pretty cute too, except we realised later that 4 of them were roosters.Then later in March 2005, Softy, a chook we had had since 1998, who was by now blind and had a foot disease so she couldnt walk that well, she was getting worse and worse until we decided it was time to put her down, so my dad, who is a vet, gave her an injection containing this green fluid "the green dream" that puts chooks to to... well you know.So we had just Quilla remaining of the old flock by then, and the 12 new ones.In April, Spotty got broody also and had only 1 egg hatch- and in this one egg was a little bundle we call "Chinimick".In August we had to get rid of 2 of the newer roosters, Cleopatrick (it was originally called Cleopatra but when we found out it was a boy we named it Cleopatrick, I dont know why...) and Zorro, so they went to our local vet who sent them to a produce agency somewhere to be sold for chook breeding.In September, another of those 6 newer ones, Fuzzball, who was a rooster but couldnt crow at all, got sicker and sicker, and one night he was starting to go blue, because in his throat was some sort of cancer he had had since birth.. so it was best to give him the "green dream".So by then we had 10 chooks- Chinimick, Little Chick (the brown pekanese),Big Chick, Big Chick Junior, Spotty, Downy, Azza, Godzilla, Quilla, ChookletIn October, one night we were locking the chooks up when we realised that there were only 9 there- Chooklet was missing (dun dun DUN!)So we searched frantically for her, as we live on the edge of a gully and there are snakes which really do get the chooks if they are out After hours of looking, we went to bed because we knew she must be too far to find, and all hope had gone.So I fell asleep... until around 11pm my parents woke me up with chooklet in a cage, and told me that they were preparing to go to bed when they heard frantic squealing from outside, and they found chooklet down in the gully on the fence, with a snake wrapped around her, so they grabbed her and took the snake off, and she was still alive!In December 2005, i think it was the 6th, we came home from shopping and found something was wrong with one of little chick's eyes, so a few days later we took her to a bird vet, who basically said there wasnt much to do except give her this eye ointment stuff, it made her a bit better but her eye was unusable, because of a scab that grew in the eye surface.A few weeks later, she got really sick and we found it was Maricks disease, which has a high death rate in chooks, and kills them a long and painful death, so we just kept her in the house for weeks, giving her heaps of food and keeping her not too hot or cold... she survived it and no longer had that disease.In October 2006, Quilla passed away on natural causes...Then in January 2007, one morning we had a knock on the front door, and a council work person said they had received a complaint about the roosters... this baffled us as all our neighbours liked the roosters and their crowing, but they had to go, so a year and a day ago exactly we took them to one of my mums friends farm out of the city, where rooster ownership is allowed.Noone has died from then until now, thank god, except a few weeks ago BCJ got sick and we found the whole flock had severe case of samonella, so we had to give them this powder in their water which made them better :)Thankyou for reading!
  3. Ich leibe es! >> GermanIn chickenese: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkk!
  4. I waited a while, then pressed crtl+c, but the box just disappeared :/I have refreshed the cache and it seems to be ok at the moment... Thanks for your helpBTW, could this also be to do with the fact FTP in Filezilla and Dreamweaver constantly disconnects?Thankyou
  5. I dont know if this has happened to any other sites, but today, my addon-domain (adminhelpline.com) has been timing out randomly, taking ages to load, etc. ive only been able to access it half the day!I havent used anywhere near my limit of bandwidth, or file diskspace. I notice the Xisto.com website loads fine, so I am a bit confused about this Any ideas why this keeps happening? Thanks
  6. I really don't see anything at all wrong with homosexuality, OK you can't have babies the normal natural way, but does that even matter? I think two guys or two girls should be able to do whatever they like. Tell me: what is the difference between a gay and straight relationship? Its still two human beings in love and sharing their lives with each other, and that should be respected. If theres one thing I dont like, its people who say that gays are "wierdos" or "second class", as they have no position to make such claims, as its what they prefer.I am a member of a certain forum, where in the Australian section, around 45% of the members are gay. And they make it publicly known, and it doesnt effect anyone, its just the factual truth, and being gay isnt some "disease" that you might "catch" from being "around" gay people. Its just a gender preference, which someone has made a decision on. Anyway, it sorta spices things up having such a high gay population, as in that forum we get some pretty interesting discussions going
  7. I dont see why people start screaming at the new year, like, huh, whats your problem? I went down to SouthBank to record the fireworks, and watch them, and as soon as the third beep came (we had a system where a voice came up "On the third beep, it will be 11:59pm >>> all the way every 10 seconds until >> After the third beep, it will be 2008. Beep beep BEEP"), all these girls started screaming and carrying on!! Like, its just another 'year', it doesnt mean anything at all.And as for getting drunk, well thats just plain pointless, your only going to hurt someone or cause grief. Being drunk IS NOT COOL!
  8. I just went to the toilet, and I was happily pooping away when I realised I was not alone.Alas, the hunstman spider struck again, this time it was right next to me. My reaction: AHHHHHHHHHH *screams*Now of course that hurt really bad as I had a big long stick of poop, part of which went back in...Me: 0Hunstman Spider: 1I will kill one of their kind someday... and it better be soon.We also have heaps of mosquitos around, its summer here. But lately it hasnt been that hot so they haven't ventured inside.
  9. Cats are cute as pets, and they comfort me when I am sad, and try to make me happy.What I really dont understand is how people can have pet Tarantulas. Like EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I would never visit or live in the house of someone with a pet Tarantula. How can it make you happy, it scares the living daylights out of you. Plus, if it escapes, it might crawl into your mouth in your sleep and therefore you would choke.Bur their just ugly, horrible things that should be thrown away and forgotten. I am reasonably sure that they dont naturally live on the Australian continent, so why must people import such a vile menace and make it lay eggs so they can spread Tarantulas around the country? Now that is just plain criminal.
  10. 1. Who cares. 2. What a waste of money. 3. How will it help the earth evolve? I want to do a study on the amount of money pointless studies like this waste. Then they can release that study and people would be shocked on how much money is wasted on pointless studies.
  11. I deteste the new version too, I was so used to the old one when I found they had suddenly changed it.Plus that blue colour is horrible, to me the black is the only colour vaguely likeable. Also the fact we can only have 20 messages on a page bugs me too, as now all my messages come out in more pages than before.The last thing I hate about it is that its so Vista orientated...
  12. ^^ Ugh, that sounds horrible :)The worst moments im my life might've been in August 19, 2004 when I came home and found my favourite pet (which I got in 1998 when I was 6) had died, and we buried her that day. I just felt so sad for a few weeks because we were like amigo's... Oh and another bad moment was January 2000, when I was at the beach on a hot summer day, I was out in the water when a wave knocked me over and pulled me in, and I then felt a soaring pain on my leg and I just almost passed out, my sister, who was nearby, took me back in and it turned out my leg had been stung by a jellyfish! Owww that so hurt...
  13. 1) Spiders in the bathroom, especially when their big and hairy and especially when they crawl out right when im in there...2) The Rudd Labor Government3) Traffic
  14. Our house is infested with termites- one wall has already fallen in in the bathroom.We also have a lot of spiders around- hunstmen, trapdoor and funnel webs
  15. Do some people have no shame? http://www.perthnow.com.au/nocookies On Christmas night, a family were innocently playing beach cricket when a mob of 25 people started provoking them. First, they started stealing beer from their esky, so the man's soon to be son in law told them off, but they got violent and slashed at his face with a broken bottle, smashing his jaw, collarbone and required something like 30 stitches. So the family went to the car to take the man to hospital when the group started chucking beer bottles, pebbles, sticks and that at the group. The grandfather went up to them to get their bat back, which the group had taken, and they just smacked him over the head with the bat, infront of little kids, who would have been having a wonderful christmas. Now I hate to say this, but some aboriginies are less than human, I know the majority of them are decent people, but theres a minority who just attack people in mobs and get drunk on beer and rape small kids etc. It really is a disgrace. I hope the people who did this get caught and smacked straight, as its bloody awful what they did, especially when you consider the circumstances. Sadly the actions of a few, ruin the public image of them all.
  16. I would not be surprised if the governments of the world try to shut it down, after all, it was originally only for military use and NOT for civilian use.No website is safe.
  17. Google is much better, ive been using it for years, even when everyone was into Yahoo and were like "Google? Whats that?"Google is just better than Yahoo, I use GMAIL for my websites mail, as it is very quick, easy and efficient.I also like the way that google's front page is clutter free, whilst Yahoo's is clogged up with crap.
  18. I cannot do spiders or crabs, but strangely, I am at home with snakes, I quite like them.But I would NOT let one sleep next to my bed, or even in my room! If, in the offchance I decide to have a pet snake, it would be in a secure cage away from our pet chooks (and no we dont eat the chooks, their our pets), us, the cats and the dogs and it would be in another room.But I highly doubt the snake would be able to eat her unless it was an anaconda, and to let one of those near you is plain suicidal.Its like having a pet Tarantula loose in your room!
  19. If we did get the nuke to the sun, and made it big enough to actually DESTROY the sun, then we would be dead before we know it.Earth would freeze like a snowball and it would go dark... except for the artificial light. But by the time technology is good enough to destroy the sun, we would all rely on solar power, so it would go dark quickly anyway.Plus the solar system would loose its gravitational pull around the sun and all hell would break loose...Or, alternatively, if the sun blew up, it would take the entire solar system with it, and therefore earth would be gone quickly before we freeze.
  20. I think such an idea would be plain irresponsible, I highly doubt the servers have 632GB of space to spare, and if they did attempt this, they would be overselling, thus breaking one of their main priorities.Plus, who knows who has accounts here? I am sure most of us dont want spam bots getting access to webspace, the owner of those bots could post all sorts of stuff, and because there would be 38,000 accounts, it would be ages till someone found out...
  21. If dinosaurs never existed... then theres a lot of sad little kiddies out there, and a few wasted hollywood blockbusters, and a LOT, i repeat, a LOT of paeleontologists who obviously are frauds and should be locked up...Basically your idea is impossible.
  22. I figured out that if every account had 17mb, it would take up 632GB of space.
  23. Hahahahahaha this thread is funny!Nuking the sun! Ha! It would never make it... firstly imagine the amount of energy required just to get it out of the earth without burning up, then somehow sending it through the air to the Sun without getting stopped by no gravity.... and plus considering the sun is a nuclear bomb anyway, it wouldnt do anything.Now if we want to talk serious, what would happen if we nuked the moon?
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