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Everything posted by A200

  1. An obviously fake email I recieved in my hotmail account. Check out the headers: The message itself: They make me laugh. It is so obvious how fake it is. Should I reply, for a bit of fun? $19.5mil would be nice. Just depends on the currency. Hehe
  2. THIS IS GREAT NEWS. Since 2003, South East Queensland (Australia) has been in drought- where it has limited rain. We have been under water restrictions since 2005, and on November 23, 2007, we went to Level 6 restrictions (before it was Level 5). I believe the worst of the drought was late 2007. Each day was cloudless, it hadn't rained for weeks over the catchments, there were talks of Level 7 in February 2008, and the new water projects weren't due to be completed for YEARS. (This is one thing I don't get. If we have been in drought since 2003, why didn't they start something then to get it completed about now?). I remember seeing the ovals of our school go brown and dry, it was seriously brown. Some of the trees died and collapsed because their roots couldn't get enough water, and some paths around the place cracked from being dry for so long. Our back garden looked horrible then, some plants were on their last legs, all the soil was dry. So things were pretty horrible. Then in December 2007, we had a bit of rain- just a little burst that made people smile. Although it didn't add much water to the dams at all, it did make some things a bit greener (except it washed away some of the good soil from our backyard ). Then on January 2nd, it got all dark as big black clouds rolled over Brisbane and SEQ. And it rained. For 4 days nonstop. People were absolutely flabbagasted, it added 5% to our regional supply, and most lawns went green very quickly. Our school ovals went green, all the trees looked lively too. And now, this last week, it rained again. I looked at a radar of the whole region, and it was ALL GREEN (which indicates moderate rain). Somerset Dam (our 2nd biggest) is at 80%. The last time it had that much was 2001! It now has more water in it than Wivenhoe does (which is our biggest) at 22%. So they are releasing water from Somerset to Wivenhoe, so Wivenhoe should increase sometime too. North Pine dam increased a bit I think, although it isn't important as it isn't used at the moment (they had to shut it off from the system because it was almost bone dry and diseases started brewing). In December 2007, our total percentage was at 19%. Now, it is at 39%, almost 40%. If it reaches 40%, we are going to have a wet weekend (aka the state government will temporarily disable water restrictions and you can hose your cars etc.). While this is all good, we must remember that is isn't all over. There still is a chance that we might not have rain for months, so wasting a lot isnt a good idea. And now there is talk of the Power Plants taking DRINKING WATER from Wivenhoe to cool their towers. This is one thing I don't get. Surely being in drought for years will make them reconsider doing this? If they can use recycled water, why not continue to use it? What a waste. But wivenhoe isn't at a high capacity, it is only at 22%. It still can't afford to loose large amounts of water. I hope it rains more, so that Wivenhoe can fill up as much as Somerset did. And I almost forgot- Hinze Dam, which supplies water to the southern GC (not the whole system) is now overflowing (aka more than 100%) To solve this in the future, we need to be more water wise. Much more waterwise. When the dams are at their proper levels, then we should have permanent water restrictions, but ones that prohibit stupid acts- hosing at midday, leaving the tap running, wasting water etc. The proper time to hose and use sprinklers should be in the early morning, so that it doesn't get immediately absorbed by the sun. Rainwater tanks should be highly recommended for all existing homes, and compulsory for new homes. If we all used our tanks (when they are full) for hosing and garden use, or perhaps even in the toilet and washing machine, we could save a vast amount of water.
  3. I am a boy, so I voted for the Males :oWhy is it that in polls like this, there are usually more men than women? (trying not to be sexist)But I like technology a lot! I don't know where id be without it
  4. Well suppose there were like 11GB of temporary files, so it isn't so bad I deleted them all and it works fast now.But I do feel so bad for not researching further to get something really good, in the future I will do that. But at least this is a Dell and it works (their support is wonderful!).
  5. You can make that folder via FTP or cPanel File Manager. And to move the files, you just click it and select the folder you want to move it to :oMake sure the folder name is ABSOLUTELY THE SAME as where it should be.I hope that helps
  6. hmm3^6x4^5hehe very simple to begin with... 3 times 3, 6 times. 4 times 4, 5 times. both timesed by each other to form the product :oso it would equal:3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 :DIf my calculator is correct, that equals 2,239,488!
  7. Deja Vu scares me a bit...I had a dream the other day where I got hit by a car after getting off the bus just around the corner of my house. (the dream occured on Thursday night)Yesterday (Friday) I got off the bus and was walking on the pedestrian crossing when a car didn't stop and sped through right where I was about to step. Same car from the dream, same bus, same place.
  8. I did a search to find out why on earth so much space had been used up, and it turned out that there was 11GB worth of temporary hidden files that were taking up a lot of space!!!I'll transfer those files to the other computer to see if this one works correctly without them :oAt least I am not alone in making bad decisions :DThanksA200
  9. Hello allOK OK I know I rant here often, but this time I am seriously PISSED OFF.How it all began:In March 2007, my school started a school laptop program, where students could purchase laptops from DELL through school, to use during classes and at home.So we decided to get one, and they cost AU$2,000.I got the laptop, was quite happy, and didn't bother to actually check what came with it (like the specs or anything) because at the time, I had no idea what any of the computer jargon meant. So today I downloaded Adobe Photoshop Trial (to test it out) and it takes up 700MB. That was OK with me, as I thought it had heaps of space on it.WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!I instead got an error during installation that I had no diskspace, so I thought "WTF!!!!!" as it was supposed to have heaps of space... so I looked in My Computer and nearly died of shock when I saw how little space it has.My laptop has 2 hard drives- one is C, which has all the programs installed (and was the one I was going to install photoshop on) and the other is D, which is used for Program Files.The space?C: 29.3GB (0 bytes left)D: 16.8GB (4.54GB left) :( :D :( :( :angry: :angry: :angry: Now that I think about it, we got a *BLEEP* deal.March 2007 isnt that long ago, and technology in computers DEFINITELY hasn't changed a whole deal... so 29GB is *BLEEP*.. real *BLEEP*, when you see that the base amount on a computer is 100GB MINIMUM.It has XP, MX2004 and this program called AVG (which FYI is freeware). So I can only assume that the whole thing was a money making con- get unsuspecting people to buy a *BLEEP* product for a lot of money. In todays terms, this laptop is probably only worth $500AU, I am very sure nothing like this is ever sold ANYWHERE.At the time I assume it was probably worth $1,200, no? So thats a nice $800 profit for school, per person who did it. And probably to cover it up, they no longer do the program. I wonder why... So what am I left to do? I have no space, and I can't download any programs or anything.The only thing I can probably do is buy a proper PC, and only use this laptop for classes... This was supposed to last a long time, and I really shouldn't have to pay more just so I can use it.What do you think?
  10. It should be back now, as all systems are go
  11. A ha! The servers are back up, except for gamma's MYSQL! That must be why I get the following error: When will MYSQL be back up? Glad its all sorted out, thanks!
  12. Hehe for a laugh I voted for "don't care" as well Yes I have read the rules, all 4 pages worth and I accept them. EDIT: 100TH POST
  13. Could it be anything to do with Addon Domains?My main site, auonline.info, is working well. However, http://www.adminhelpline.com/ is an addon domain of that, and it doesn't work at all!
  14. This is also happening to me.1) Cannot connect to FTP2) Cannot connect to cpanel3) Forums do not work- originally it came up with a blank page, now I get the following error:MySQL error: 1040Too many connectionsQuery:Has anyone got any idea what is wrong?My site has been down up down up a while too; in the times FTP connects, it decides to disconnect after a few mins. Sometimes, when I click a php file link to do something on my site, it comes up with a box asking whether I want to download that file..And for some reason, it said I had used 490MB of diskspace, yet just yesterday it said I had 200MB spare...
  15. I live in Australia. Spiders can get BIG BIG BIG!Although I am terrified of spiders, I blocked images before viewing this thread and read the comments.Huntsman Spiders can get massive, once I went into the bathroom, was happily pooping away, and I looked around and noticed 5 hunstman spiders around... in the corners.Oh and I have to mention some of the real fat hairy spiders my mum has found in our garden- Trapdoors, Funnel Webs are everywhere in the garden. And I don't even live in Sydney, which is where the massive (**MASSIVE**) wolf spiders are.I am in Brisbane, where spiders are everywhere in gardens and at rainy days (today is a rainy day).Enjoy
  16. Hello all,I feel like having a rant about this, it is bugging me Why do people constantly get scarred away from Australia by 1) the heat and 2) spiders ? It makes no sense at all.To be honest, I would have thought that South America is worse than here- they actually have Tarantulas and other large horrible spiders over there. It just bugs me. I was chatting to a person on MSN today, and they were obviously completely uneducated about our country. As soon as I mentioned I live in Brisbane, Australia, he started going on all sorts of tangents, saying "How can you live there? Large tarantulas crawl all over you and eat you during the night!!!" "the spiders follow you on the street" "crocodiles roam around the suburbs, eating anyone who goes outside". This is all completely false!It's like saying that if you went on a street in Canada, a bear will eat you. The second thing that annoys me is when we are assumed to call everyone "g'day mate" and assume we eat meat pies all day. I assure you that I haven't eaten pie all year long, as I don't like it. To be honest, I also deteste the word "g'day" and "mate". They make me cringe as well, because misinformed journalists and book writers make it out that we are full of bogans in Holden Commodores, wearing farmer clothes, herding cattle. It is all these stupid sterotypes that annoy me. And most of the time, it is coming from misinformed people. And I notice nothing like this ever happens to Americans and the English. Hmmm? No I am not blaming all, but its just uneducated people who have never been here, or have had a horrible experience with a hunstman spider, that make all these insane accusations up! Well let me tell some of these people some things:> I have never seen a crocodile our in nature. The only ones I have seen are at Dreamworld or Australia Zoo.> Tarantulas are not found here. Nor are Camel Spiders.> Most of the population are not bogans> Not everyone drives a Holden Commodore> It is only hot in summer, during extremely humid days.> Kangaroos do not run around the streets. If you go outside the cities, yes, you will see them in their natural habitat.> When I go to sleep, I do not have a constant fear that a spider will be in there. Never has a spider ever hid in my bed. > Those large trapdoor and funnel web spiders you see on nature shows are only generally found in Northern Sydney! And even then, a sighting of one would probably be rare.> We do not eat bush tucker.OK OK I should stop my rant, thankyou for reading it.
  17. I am in one of those really edgy moods at the moment. It is 8PM here, and I just got home. I was going along a road, and I swear I saw a person crossing the road, but when I passed where they crossed, there was noone there. And it also got very cold... :oWhy do all the bad ghosts always have to be so mean to people? We never did anything to them. While I am writing this, I also thought I felt someone blowing on my neck.Uggh I hate this LEAVE ME ALONE! My house does have spirts, but I believe they are positive ones of my grandparents possibly, our next door neighbour who died last year and was kind, etc. I just hate being woken up at 2am.Well before I get anymore frightened im going to stop posting this and watch TV...Nothing better touch me.
  18. Hello all! IMPORTANT! If someone on ur MSN logs in, posts: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Then logs out, be wary. The domain "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; is a redirect to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is a major scam site, it asks you to login, so you can see who has blocked you. DO NOT ENTER IN YOUR MSN INFO. If you do, they will be able to login to your account and take it over! So tell everyone you know NOT to click it and NOT to enter in your info. Thankyou
  19. Hello everyoneI was watching a 5 part youtube video/s the other day, and it got me thinking about haunted places like the London Tube! I have never been to London, and probably won't for a few years, but I find it interesting about all the little ghosties down there, and some of the cases of people seeing them. One that comes to mind was this family snapshot of them all sitting on the backseat of a train (is that what their called, the ones in the Tube?) with the back window behind them. Because it was taken at the time when they had film cameras, they didn't get them developed until months later, and when they saw the finished picture, it was really scary and weird.As in the window, instead of being black, was a man in an electric chair being electrocuted (with the sparks flying off the chair). It is turns out that it is exact to a model in a museum of a man being electrocuted, I cannot remember his name, but I think he was innocent? And they initially thought it was an advertising on the back, but when they contacted the people that run the tube, it turns out there was no advertising like that on any of the trains when the photo was taken.Spooky, eh? But I find it interesting that this can happen to pictures >> ghosts appearing when humans cannot see them. Because you can feel their presence at times, but you then think it is just your imagination, until you feel a tap on your shoulder, and noone is behind you! This sorta stuff spooks me out, and I hate it when they specifically target me why me???? I have never done anything to upset the ghost, I don't even know who it is! I believe my house is also haunted, but my parents have always dismissed the theory. I would like to see how they explain the sound of footsteps on the backstairs on some nights, when noone is there, or how I always feel something watching me when in the kitchen at night, alone. Or about my bedroom, which at night I am sure I see things moving about, big and black. My eyes don't deceive me, I still see them when I have my glasses on.Of course it doesn't effect anyone else; no their bedrooms aren't haunted at all, and they don't know what it's like to wake up at 2am on some nights to feel that same presence, but whenever I turn the light it goes away... go figure. And I know that it is possible that there are spirits in my house, as quite a few things- both human and non human, have died here.That ends my discussion on ghosts- I have to go now everyone is locking up
  20. My school is pretty good, it is one of Brisbane's best. We have no gun, knife, or bomb issues at all, if someone came in with a knife the school would probably plunge into lockdown mode and the police would come and arrest that individual, but it has never happened.Alcohol is banned as well, noone takes it in. And fights do occur, but they don't ever get that bad...But last year we did have a major issue with people going into Queen St Mall, and smoking and doing other underage or illegal stuff. I remember the friday before, I was on the council bus, and a heap of them were at the back smoking, plain as day. I was surprised they weren't kicked off the bus.But I know some other schools do have crime problems, at some, kids take knifes to school not to fight, but for protection from all the really bad bad kiddies running around.
  21. OK umm yer take a breather will you? Obviously you need a bit of loosening up to do, go for a walk. kick the wall, write a hate letter and burn it... hey while you at it why not delete all your computer files, so it runs a tiny bit faster so you can rant even quicker :DOk ok take a chill... breathe! What's wrong? Tell us and we can fix it
  22. OK I know most of you don't live in Brisbane, or have even been here before, but our council (the largest single council in Australia- Syd and Melb are made of separate councils) but the BCC has gone totally out of whack. My first annoyance? All issues are fixed TEMPORARILY and never PERMANENT. Actually, now that I think about it, there haven't been any proper permanent fixes to anything at all recently, all the expensive projects they do are there for the short term, until they finally get round to doing something, by which it would be more expensive to do. First I will rant about Brisbane Square, the councils new administration building. I cannot understand why, when they had the best opportunity for something truly special (as the site of it is prime position) they had to build something square and boring: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brisbane_Square . I know the building behind it, "Hitachi", is also square and boring, but it doesn't look bad as, when it was built, that was what buildings were like. As for Bris Square... the first thing I hate is that blue box at the bottom with the slanted windows. Why didn't they make all window, like in the rest of the tower? Then people could look outside properly as they look for a book etc! If the sun got annoying, then the blinds could get pulled down. It's not rocket science. Second of all, why is it square? There are heaps of other buildings under construction in Brisbane CBD, and they are actually nicely shaped and beautiful. BS isn't. The next part of my rant is the stupid busways they are building, and what they will be used for in the future. I know they enable the buses to skip traffic, but it isn't good when they propose that bus transit is the way forward. IT ISN'T. Look at cities like London, Paris, New York! Yes, they have buses, but they also have proper metro systems to get the bulk of people around. The BCC has not at all considered a metro system or something similar yet; they think after the busways are complete, they should be converted to Light Rail (which actually has less capacity), or else they should have been designed to be convertable to Heavy Rail (trains) which are in place in large cities around the world and can be very effective. Of course, the BCC are planning ANOTHER rapid transit system, but not a metro, it will be probably something cheap and *BLEEP* as always, and when its complete the city will be totally unorganised with 5 different types of PT modes. Why don't they scrap plans for light rail, and build future busways to be convertable to heavy rail? If all the mass transit system was the same mode, then things would run a lot smoother. Another upsetting thing about our city- the lack of heritage buildings. I find it so sad that the council at the time was allowed to bulldoze all the nice buildings in the '70s and '80s, it really is a shame. The only ones left are City Hall, the casino and South Brisbane Station! Of course, they got rid of them to make it more "modern" without considering the effects of people in the future (1990's, 2000's, 2010's) who won't get the chance to live in a history rich city. I know heaps of train stations got demolished, as did Cloudland and countless buildings in the city. The final thing I want to rant about- the GoMA and SLQ (SLQ in particular). In the past week I have visited it twice to see what it was like inside, and I was quite disappointed. I have seen the buildings before, but going inside really confirmed my personal belief that the SLQ doesn't look finished. It is green, like the type of green they use for temporary coats of paint, and it is also smaller than it appears, because of the massive hole in the middle, and the fact half of the building is closed to the public. THEN you have to take away all the space occupied by computers. What is left? Very little. Thankyou for reading my rant!
  23. ^^ Yes I think about those things too. One thing I found interesting is that it made the front page in all the english speaking countries, yet in France, it isn't a big deal. I was at the Brisbane Square Library yesterday, and was reading some current french newspapers. Heath Ledger doesn't make the first page, second page, third page, fourth page, in fact there is nothing about his death until the 20th page in the corner was a small paragragh with a picture of him, and the paragraph was a simple sumup of what is believed to have happened; nothing more.I hope that when someone like Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton dies, I hope it isn't made to be a big deal, because they really haven't contributed anything to society, and have just used their fame to get richer, and don't care about anyone else. Its this mentality that we must all be upset that someone famous (ie someone who is known by more people than you or me) died, yet we mean nothing to them, they have never heard of us, and we know nothing much about them either- just that they've been in a few movies. I remember when Steve Irwin died, it was quite sad, but it just went over the top, and it seemed like people were happy to keep talking and talking about him, and it was even worse when some people used it as the opportunity to be seen to be doing what he did- Naomi Robson flew to Brisbane from Melb/Syd (not sure which city) at a moments notice, and reported outside for hours, WEARING A KHAKI COSTUME and with a lizard on her shoulder! It just seems like people don't get respect when they die, and everyone makes it into a big thing just so that they feel its right that 100% of the worlds population knows of a persons death... when frankly it doesn't matter.
  24. Wow this is unexpected: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I just woke up to the news that he had died... that is so sad, he was a good actor... RIP Heath Ledger
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